add hash directory stuff, not used yet

This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2011-03-15 17:47:00 -04:00
parent 83a9bb624b
commit 0e0f85e09d

View file

@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ module Locations (
import System.FilePath
import Data.String.Utils
import Data.List
import Bits
import Word
import Data.Hash.MD5
import Types
import qualified GitRepo as Git
@ -128,3 +131,29 @@ fileKey file = read $
prop_idempotent_fileKey :: String -> Bool
prop_idempotent_fileKey s = k == fileKey (keyFile k)
where k = read $ "test:" ++ s
{- Given a filename, generates a short directory name to put it in,
- to do hashing to protect against filesystems that dislike having
- many items in a single directory. -}
hashDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
hashDir s = take 2 $ abcd_to_dir $ md5 (Str s)
abcd_to_dir :: ABCD -> String
abcd_to_dir (ABCD (a,b,c,d)) = concat $ map display_32bits_as_dir [a,b,c,d]
{- modified version of display_32bits_as_hex from Data.Hash.MD5
- Copyright (C) 2001 Ian Lynagh
- License: Either BSD or GPL
display_32bits_as_dir :: Word32 -> String
display_32bits_as_dir w = trim $ swap_pairs cs
-- Need 32 characters to use. To avoid inaverdently making
-- a real word, use the alphabet without vowels.
chars = ['0'..'9'] ++ "bcdfghjklnmpqrstvwxyzZ"
cs = map (\x -> getc $ (shiftR w (6*x)) .&. 31) [0..7]
getc n = chars !! (fromIntegral n)
swap_pairs (x1:x2:xs) = x2:x1:swap_pairs xs
swap_pairs _ = []
-- Last 2 will always be 00, so omit.
trim s = take 6 s