fix a transfers display glitch
Run code that pops off the next queued transfer and adds it to the active transfer map within an allocated transfer slot, rather than before allocating a slot. Fixes the transfers display, which had been displaying the next transfer as a running transfer, while the previous transfer was still running.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 52 additions and 50 deletions
@ -33,21 +33,23 @@ maxTransfers = 1
transfererThread :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferQueue -> TransferSlots -> IO ()
transfererThread st dstatus transferqueue slots = go =<< readProgramFile
go program = getNextTransfer transferqueue dstatus notrunning >>= handle program
handle program Nothing = go program
handle program (Just (t, info)) = do
ifM (runThreadState st $ shouldTransfer t info)
( do
debug thisThread [ "Transferring:" , show t ]
notifyTransfer dstatus
transferThread dstatus slots t info inTransferSlot program
, do
debug thisThread [ "Skipping unnecessary transfer:" , show t ]
-- getNextTransfer added t to the
-- daemonstatus's transfer map.
void $ removeTransfer dstatus t
go program
go program = forever $ inTransferSlot dstatus slots $
getNextTransfer transferqueue dstatus notrunning
>>= handle program
handle _ Nothing = return Nothing
handle program (Just (t, info)) = ifM (runThreadState st $ shouldTransfer t info)
( do
debug thisThread [ "Transferring:" , show t ]
notifyTransfer dstatus
let a = doTransfer dstatus t info program
return $ Just (t, info, a)
, do
debug thisThread [ "Skipping unnecessary transfer:" , show t ]
-- getNextTransfer added t to the
-- daemonstatus's transfer map.
void $ removeTransfer dstatus t
return Nothing
{- Skip transfers that are already running. -}
notrunning i = startedTime i == Nothing
@ -70,24 +72,11 @@ shouldTransfer t info
key = transferKey t
{- A sepeate git-annex process is forked off to run a transfer,
- running in its own process group. This allows killing it and all its
- children if the user decides to cancel the transfer.
- A thread is forked off to run the process, and the thread
- occupies one of the transfer slots. If all slots are in use, this will
- block until one becomes available. The thread's id is also recorded in
- the transfer info; the thread will also be killed when a transfer is
- stopped, to avoid it displaying any alert about the transfer having
- failed. -}
transferThread :: DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferSlots -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> TransferSlotRunner -> FilePath -> IO ()
transferThread dstatus slots t info runner program = case (transferRemote info, associatedFile info) of
doTransfer :: DaemonStatusHandle -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> FilePath -> IO ()
doTransfer dstatus t info program = case (transferRemote info, associatedFile info) of
(Nothing, _) -> noop
(_, Nothing) -> noop
(Just remote, Just file) -> do
tid <- runner slots $
transferprocess remote file
updateTransferInfo dstatus t $ info { transferTid = Just tid }
(Just remote, Just file) -> transferprocess remote file
direction = transferDirection t
isdownload = direction == Download
@ -9,13 +9,15 @@
module Assistant.TransferSlots where
import Common.Annex
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
import Assistant.DaemonStatus
import Logs.Transfer
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Typeable
import Common.Annex
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
type TransferSlots = QSemN
{- A special exception that can be thrown to pause or resume a transfer, while
@ -25,7 +27,8 @@ data TransferException = PauseTransfer | ResumeTransfer
instance E.Exception TransferException
type TransferSlotRunner = TransferSlots -> IO () -> IO ThreadId
type TransferSlotRunner = DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferSlots -> TransferGenerator -> IO ()
type TransferGenerator = IO (Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo, IO ()))
{- Number of concurrent transfers allowed to be run from the assistant.
@ -38,31 +41,40 @@ numSlots = 1
newTransferSlots :: IO TransferSlots
newTransferSlots = newQSemN numSlots
{- Waits until a transfer slot becomes available, and runs a transfer
- action in the slot, in its own thread.
{- Waits until a transfer slot becomes available, then runs a
- TransferGenerator, and then runs the transfer action in its own thread.
inTransferSlot :: TransferSlotRunner
inTransferSlot = runTransferSlot (\s -> waitQSemN s 1)
inTransferSlot dstatus s gen = do
waitQSemN s 1
runTransferThread dstatus s =<< gen
{- Runs a transfer action, without waiting for a slot to become available. -}
{- Runs a TransferGenerator, and its transfer action,
- without waiting for a slot to become available. -}
inImmediateTransferSlot :: TransferSlotRunner
inImmediateTransferSlot = runTransferSlot (\s -> signalQSemN s (-1))
inImmediateTransferSlot dstatus s gen = do
signalQSemN s (-1)
runTransferThread dstatus s =<< gen
{- Note that the action is subject to being killed when the transfer
{- Runs a transfer action, in an already allocated transfer slot.
- Once it finishes, frees the transfer slot.
- Note that the action is subject to being killed when the transfer
- is canceled or paused.
- A PauseTransfer exception is handled by letting the action be killed,
- then pausing the thread until a ResumeTransfer exception is raised,
- then rerunning the action.
runTransferSlot :: (QSemN -> IO ()) -> TransferSlotRunner
runTransferSlot allocator s transfer = do
allocator s
forkIO $ E.bracket_ noop (signalQSemN s 1) go
runTransferThread :: DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferSlots -> Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo, IO ()) -> IO ()
runTransferThread _ s Nothing = signalQSemN s 1
runTransferThread dstatus s (Just (t, info, a)) = do
tid <- forkIO $ E.bracket_ noop (signalQSemN s 1) go
updateTransferInfo dstatus t $ info { transferTid = Just tid }
go = catchPauseResume transfer
go = catchPauseResume a
pause = catchPauseResume $ runEvery (Seconds 86400) noop
catchPauseResume a = E.catch a handlePauseResume
catchPauseResume a' = E.catch a' handlePauseResume
handlePauseResume PauseTransfer = do
putStrLn "pause"
@ -210,9 +210,10 @@ startTransfer t = do
- forget that old pid, and start a new one. -}
liftIO $ updateTransferInfo dstatus t $ info
{ transferPid = Nothing }
liftIO $ Transferrer.transferThread
dstatus slots t info inImmediateTransferSlot
=<< readProgramFile
liftIO $ inImmediateTransferSlot dstatus slots $ do
program <- readProgramFile
let a = Transferrer.doTransfer dstatus t info program
return $ Just (t, info, a)
getCurrentTransfers :: Handler TransferMap
getCurrentTransfers = currentTransfers
Add table
Reference in a new issue