fix stall detection to actually work when fully stalled
When fully stalled, the progress bar doesn't update, so waiting on a MVar would block forever. There's no need to wait anyway, just wake up after sleeping the configured period and check the current value. Luckily Viasat makes it really easy for me to notice this kind of mistake, by stalling long TCP connections frequently.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 14 additions and 15 deletions
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ performTransfer stalldetection level runannex r t info transferrer = do
liftIO $ sendRequest level t r
(associatedFile info)
(transferrerWrite transferrer)
metervar <- liftIO $ newEmptyTMVarIO
metervar <- liftIO $ newTVarIO Nothing
stalledvar <- liftIO $ newTVarIO False
tid <- liftIO $ async $
detectStalls stalldetection metervar $ do
@ -166,32 +166,31 @@ performTransfer stalldetection level runannex r t info transferrer = do
updatemeter bpv metervar (Just n) = liftIO $ do
atomically $ do
void $ tryTakeTMVar metervar
putTMVar metervar n
atomically $ writeTVar metervar (Just n)
atomically $ writeTVar bpv n
updatemeter _bpv metervar Nothing = liftIO $
atomically $ void $ tryTakeTMVar metervar
atomically $ writeTVar metervar Nothing
detectStalls :: Maybe StallDetection -> TMVar BytesProcessed -> IO () -> IO ()
detectStalls :: Maybe StallDetection -> TVar (Maybe BytesProcessed) -> IO () -> IO ()
detectStalls Nothing _ _ = noop
detectStalls (Just (StallDetection minsz duration)) metervar onstall = go Nothing
go st = do
starttm <- getPOSIXTime
threadDelaySeconds (Seconds (fromIntegral (durationSeconds duration)))
-- Get whatever progress value was reported most recently, or
-- if none were reported since last time, wait until one is
-- reported.
sofar <- atomically $ fromBytesProcessed <$> takeTMVar metervar
case st of
Nothing -> go (Just sofar)
Just prev
-- Get whatever progress value was reported last, if any.
v <- atomically $ fmap fromBytesProcessed
<$> readTVar metervar
let cont = go v
case (st, v) of
(Nothing, _) -> cont
(_, Nothing) -> cont
(Just prev, Just sofar)
-- Just in case a progress meter somehow runs
-- backwards, or a second progress meter was
-- started and is at a smaller value than
-- the previous one.
| prev > sofar -> go (Just sofar)
| prev > sofar -> cont
| otherwise -> do
endtm <- getPOSIXTime
let actualduration = endtm - starttm
@ -200,7 +199,7 @@ detectStalls (Just (StallDetection minsz duration)) metervar onstall = go Nothin
`div` max 1 (ceiling actualduration)
if sz < expectedsz
then onstall
else go (Just sofar)
else cont
{- Starts a new git-annex transfer process, setting up handles
- that will be used to communicate with it. -}
Add table
Reference in a new issue