start implementing hidden git-annex repositories

This adds a separate journal, which does not currently get committed to
an index, but is planned to be committed to .git/annex/index-private.

Changes that are regarding a UUID that is private will get written to
this journal, and so will not be published into the git-annex branch.

All log writing should have been made to indicate the UUID it's
regarding, though I've not verified this yet.

Currently, no UUIDs are treated as private yet, a way to configure that
is needed.

The implementation is careful to not add any additional IO work when
privateUUIDsKnown is False. It will skip looking at the private journal
at all. So this should be free, or nearly so, unless the feature is
used. When it is used, all branch reads will be about twice as expensive.

It is very lucky -- or very prudent design -- that Annex.Branch.change
and maybeChange are the only ways to change a file on the branch,
and Annex.Branch.set is only internal use. That let Annex.Branch.get
always yield any private information that has been recorded, without
the risk that Annex.Branch.set might be called, with a non-private UUID,
and end up leaking the private information into the git-annex branch.

And, this relies on the way git-annex union merges the git-annex branch.
When reading a file, there can be a public and a private version, and
they are just concacenated together. That will be handled the same as if
there were two diverged git-annex branches that got union merged.
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2021-04-20 14:32:41 -04:00
parent b2222e4639
commit 05989556a2
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38
26 changed files with 189 additions and 94 deletions

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- management of the git-annex branch
- Copyright 2011-2020 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2011-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Annex.Branch (
@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ updateTo' :: [(Git.Sha, Git.Branch)] -> Annex UpdateMade
updateTo' pairs = do
-- ensure branch exists, and get its current ref
branchref <- getBranch
dirty <- journalDirty
dirty <- journalDirty gitAnnexJournalDir
ignoredrefs <- getIgnoredRefs
let unignoredrefs = excludeset ignoredrefs pairs
tomerge <- if null unignoredrefs
@ -265,9 +266,12 @@ get file = getCache file >>= \case
- (Changing the value this returns, and then merging is always the
- same as using get, and then changing its value.) -}
getLocal :: RawFilePath -> Annex L.ByteString
getLocal file = do
getLocal = getLocal' (GetPrivate True)
getLocal' :: GetPrivate -> RawFilePath -> Annex L.ByteString
getLocal' getprivate file = do
fastDebug "Annex.Branch" ("read " ++ fromRawFilePath file)
go =<< getJournalFileStale file
go =<< getJournalFileStale getprivate file
go (Just journalcontent) = return journalcontent
go Nothing = getRef fullname file
@ -297,24 +301,36 @@ getRef ref file = withIndex $ catFile ref file
- Note that this does not cause the branch to be merged, it only
- modifes the current content of the file on the branch.
change :: Journalable content => RawFilePath -> (L.ByteString -> content) -> Annex ()
change file f = lockJournal $ \jl -> f <$> getLocal file >>= set jl file
change :: Journalable content => RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> (L.ByteString -> content) -> Annex ()
change ru file f = lockJournal $ \jl -> f <$> getToChange ru file >>= set jl ru file
{- Applies a function which can modify the content of a file, or not. -}
maybeChange :: Journalable content => RawFilePath -> (L.ByteString -> Maybe content) -> Annex ()
maybeChange file f = lockJournal $ \jl -> do
v <- getLocal file
maybeChange :: Journalable content => RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> (L.ByteString -> Maybe content) -> Annex ()
maybeChange ru file f = lockJournal $ \jl -> do
v <- getToChange ru file
case f v of
Just jv ->
let b = journalableByteString jv
in when (v /= b) $ set jl file b
in when (v /= b) $ set jl ru file b
_ -> noop
{- Records new content of a file into the journal -}
set :: Journalable content => JournalLocked -> RawFilePath -> content -> Annex ()
set jl f c = do
{- Only get private information when the RegardingUUID is itself private. -}
getToChange :: RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> Annex L.ByteString
getToChange = getLocal' . GetPrivate . regardingPrivateUUID
{- Records new content of a file into the journal.
- This is not exported; all changes have to be made via change. This
- ensures that information that was written to the branch is not
- overwritten. Also, it avoids a get followed by a set without taking into
- account whether private information was gotten from the private
- git-annex index, and should not be written to the public git-annex
- branch.
set :: Journalable content => JournalLocked -> RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> content -> Annex ()
set jl ru f c = do
setJournalFile jl f c
setJournalFile jl ru f c
fastDebug "Annex.Branch" ("set " ++ fromRawFilePath f)
-- Could cache the new content, but it would involve
-- evaluating a Journalable Builder twice, which is not very
@ -329,7 +345,7 @@ commitMessage = fromMaybe "update" . annexCommitMessage <$> Annex.getGitConfig
{- Stages the journal, and commits staged changes to the branch. -}
commit :: String -> Annex ()
commit = whenM journalDirty . forceCommit
commit = whenM (journalDirty gitAnnexJournalDir) . forceCommit
{- Commits the current index to the branch even without any journalled
- changes. -}
@ -407,11 +423,14 @@ files :: Annex ([RawFilePath], IO Bool)
files = do
_ <- update
(bfs, cleanup) <- branchFiles
-- ++ forces the content of the first list to be buffered in memory,
-- so use getJournalledFilesStale which should be much smaller most
-- of the time. branchFiles will stream as the list is consumed.
l <- (++)
<$> getJournalledFilesStale
-- ++ forces the content of all but the last list to be buffered in
-- memory, so use getJournalledFilesStale which should be much smaller
-- most of the time. branchFiles will stream as the list is consumed.
l <- (\a b c -> a ++ b ++ c)
<$> (if privateUUIDsKnown
then getJournalledFilesStale gitAnnexPrivateJournalDir
else pure [])
<*> (getJournalledFilesStale gitAnnexJournalDir)
<*> pure bfs
return (l, cleanup)
@ -520,7 +539,7 @@ stageJournal jl commitindex = withIndex $ withOtherTmp $ \tmpdir -> do
let dir = gitAnnexJournalDir g
(jlogf, jlogh) <- openjlog (fromRawFilePath tmpdir)
h <- hashObjectHandle
withJournalHandle $ \jh ->
withJournalHandle gitAnnexJournalDir $ \jh ->
Git.UpdateIndex.streamUpdateIndex g
[genstream dir h jh jlogh]

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- git-annex branch. Among other things, it ensures that if git-annex is
- interrupted, its recorded data is not lost.
- Copyright 2011-2019 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2011-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -39,6 +39,24 @@ instance Journalable Builder where
writeJournalHandle = hPutBuilder
journalableByteString = toLazyByteString
{- When a file in the git-annex branch is changed, this indicates what
- repository UUID (or in some cases, UUIDs) a change is regarding.
- Using this lets changes regarding private UUIDs be written to the
- private index, rather than to the main branch index, so it does
- not get exposed to other remotes.
data RegardingUUID = RegardingUUID [UUID]
regardingPrivateUUID :: RegardingUUID -> Bool
regardingPrivateUUID _ = False -- TODO
-- Are any private UUIDs known to exist? If so, extra work has to be done,
-- to check for information separately recorded for them, outside the usual
-- locations.
privateUUIDsKnown :: Bool
privateUUIDsKnown = False -- TODO
{- Records content for a file in the branch to the journal.
- Using the journal, rather than immediatly staging content to the index
@ -48,20 +66,25 @@ instance Journalable Builder where
- getJournalFileStale to always return a consistent journal file
- content, although possibly not the most current one.
setJournalFile :: Journalable content => JournalLocked -> RawFilePath -> content -> Annex ()
setJournalFile _jl file content = withOtherTmp $ \tmp -> do
createAnnexDirectory =<< fromRepo gitAnnexJournalDir
setJournalFile :: Journalable content => JournalLocked -> RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> content -> Annex ()
setJournalFile _jl ru file content = withOtherTmp $ \tmp -> do
jd <- fromRepo $ if regardingPrivateUUID ru
then gitAnnexPrivateJournalDir
else gitAnnexJournalDir
createAnnexDirectory jd
-- journal file is written atomically
jfile <- fromRepo (journalFile file)
let tmpfile = fromRawFilePath (tmp P.</> P.takeFileName jfile)
let jfile = journalFile file
let tmpfile = fromRawFilePath (tmp P.</> jfile)
liftIO $ do
withFile tmpfile WriteMode $ \h -> writeJournalHandle h content
moveFile tmpfile (fromRawFilePath jfile)
moveFile tmpfile (fromRawFilePath (jd P.</> jfile))
{- Gets any journalled content for a file in the branch. -}
getJournalFile :: JournalLocked -> RawFilePath -> Annex (Maybe L.ByteString)
getJournalFile :: JournalLocked -> GetPrivate -> RawFilePath -> Annex (Maybe L.ByteString)
getJournalFile _jl = getJournalFileStale
data GetPrivate = GetPrivate Bool
{- Without locking, this is not guaranteed to be the most recent
- version of the file in the journal, so should not be used as a basis for
- changes.
@ -73,42 +96,55 @@ getJournalFile _jl = getJournalFileStale
- concurrency or other issues with a lazy read, and the minor loss of
- laziness doesn't matter much, as the files are not very large.
getJournalFileStale :: RawFilePath -> Annex (Maybe L.ByteString)
getJournalFileStale file = inRepo $ \g -> catchMaybeIO $
L.fromStrict <$> S.readFile (fromRawFilePath $ journalFile file g)
getJournalFileStale :: GetPrivate -> RawFilePath -> Annex (Maybe L.ByteString)
getJournalFileStale (GetPrivate getprivate) file = inRepo $ \g ->
if getprivate
then do
x <- getfrom (gitAnnexJournalDir g)
y <- getfrom (gitAnnexPrivateJournalDir g)
-- This concacenation is the same as happens in a
-- merge of two git-annex branches.
return (x <> y)
else getfrom (gitAnnexJournalDir g)
jfile = journalFile file
getfrom d = catchMaybeIO $
L.fromStrict <$> S.readFile (fromRawFilePath (d P.</> jfile))
{- List of existing journal files, but without locking, may miss new ones
- just being added, or may have false positives if the journal is staged
- as it is run. -}
getJournalledFilesStale :: Annex [RawFilePath]
getJournalledFilesStale = do
{- List of existing journal files in a journal directory, but without locking,
- may miss new ones just being added, or may have false positives if the
- journal is staged as it is run. -}
getJournalledFilesStale :: (Git.Repo -> RawFilePath) -> Annex [RawFilePath]
getJournalledFilesStale getjournaldir = do
g <- gitRepo
fs <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO [] $
getDirectoryContents $ fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexJournalDir g
getDirectoryContents $ fromRawFilePath (getjournaldir g)
return $ filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) $
map (fileJournal . toRawFilePath) fs
withJournalHandle :: (DirectoryHandle -> IO a) -> Annex a
withJournalHandle a = do
d <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo gitAnnexJournalDir
{- Directory handle open on a journal directory. -}
withJournalHandle :: (Git.Repo -> RawFilePath) -> (DirectoryHandle -> IO a) -> Annex a
withJournalHandle getjournaldir a = do
d <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo getjournaldir
bracketIO (openDirectory d) closeDirectory (liftIO . a)
{- Checks if there are changes in the journal. -}
journalDirty :: Annex Bool
journalDirty = do
d <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo gitAnnexJournalDir
journalDirty :: (Git.Repo -> RawFilePath) -> Annex Bool
journalDirty getjournaldir = do
d <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo getjournaldir
liftIO $
(not <$> isDirectoryEmpty d)
`catchIO` (const $ doesDirectoryExist d)
{- Produces a filename to use in the journal for a file on the branch.
- The filename does not include the journal directory.
- The journal typically won't have a lot of files in it, so the hashing
- used in the branch is not necessary, and all the files are put directly
- in the journal directory.
journalFile :: RawFilePath -> Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
journalFile file repo = gitAnnexJournalDir repo P.</> S.concatMap mangle file
journalFile :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath
journalFile file = S.concatMap mangle file
mangle c
| P.isPathSeparator c = S.singleton underscore

View file

@ -63,9 +63,11 @@ module Annex.Locations (
@ -431,6 +433,12 @@ gitAnnexJournalDir :: Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexJournalDir r =
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "journal"
{- .git/annex/journal.private/ is used to journal changes regarding private
- repositories. -}
gitAnnexPrivateJournalDir :: Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexPrivateJournalDir r =
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "journal-private"
{- Lock file for the journal. -}
gitAnnexJournalLock :: Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexJournalLock r = gitAnnexDir r P.</> "journal.lck"
@ -444,6 +452,11 @@ gitAnnexGitQueueLock r = gitAnnexDir r P.</> "gitqueue.lck"
gitAnnexIndex :: Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexIndex r = gitAnnexDir r P.</> "index"
{- .git/annex/index-private is used to store information that is not to
- be exposed to the git-annex branch. -}
gitAnnexPrivateIndex :: Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexPrivateIndex r = gitAnnexDir r P.</> "index-private"
{- Holds the ref of the git-annex branch that the index was last updated to.
- The .lck in the name is a historical accident; this is not used as a

View file

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ start o = starting "forget" ai si $ do
perform :: Transitions -> Bool -> CommandPerform
perform ts True = do
recordTransitions Branch.change ts
recordTransitions (Branch.change (Branch.RegardingUUID [])) ts
-- get branch committed before contining with the transition
_ <- Branch.update
void $ Branch.performTransitions ts True []

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ data Activity
recordActivity :: Activity -> UUID -> Annex ()
recordActivity act uuid = do
c <- currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change activityLog $
Annex.Branch.change (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [uuid]) activityLog $
buildLogOld buildActivity
. changeLog c uuid (Right act)
. parseLogOld parseActivity

View file

@ -37,8 +37,10 @@ chunksStored :: UUID -> Key -> ChunkMethod -> ChunkCount -> Annex ()
chunksStored u k chunkmethod chunkcount = do
c <- currentVectorClock
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
Annex.Branch.change (chunkLogFile config k) $
buildLog . changeMapLog c (u, chunkmethod) chunkcount . parseLog
(Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [u])
(chunkLogFile config k)
(buildLog . changeMapLog c (u, chunkmethod) chunkcount . parseLog)
chunksRemoved :: UUID -> Key -> ChunkMethod -> Annex ()
chunksRemoved u k chunkmethod = chunksStored u k chunkmethod 0

View file

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ setGlobalConfig name new = do
setGlobalConfig' :: ConfigKey -> ConfigValue -> Annex ()
setGlobalConfig' name new = do
c <- currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change configLog $
Annex.Branch.change (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID []) configLog $
buildGlobalConfig . changeMapLog c name new . parseGlobalConfig
unsetGlobalConfig :: ConfigKey -> Annex ()

View file

@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ recordContentIdentifier :: RemoteStateHandle -> ContentIdentifier -> Key -> Anne
recordContentIdentifier (RemoteStateHandle u) cid k = do
c <- currentVectorClock
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
Annex.Branch.maybeChange (remoteContentIdentifierLogFile config k) $
addcid c . parseLog
(Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [u])
(remoteContentIdentifierLogFile config k)
(addcid c . parseLog)
addcid c v
| cid `elem` l = Nothing -- no change needed

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import Logs.Difference.Pure
recordDifferences :: Differences -> UUID -> Annex ()
recordDifferences ds@(Differences {}) uuid = do
c <- currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change differenceLog $
Annex.Branch.change (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [uuid]) differenceLog $
buildLogOld byteString
. changeLog c uuid (encodeBS $ showDifferences ds)
. parseLogOld A.takeByteString

View file

@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ recordExportBeginning remoteuuid newtree = do
. parseExportLogMap
<$> Annex.Branch.get exportLog
let new = updateIncompleteExportedTreeish old (nub (newtree:incompleteExportedTreeishes [old]))
Annex.Branch.change exportLog $
. changeMapLog c ep new
. parseExportLog
(Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [remoteuuid, u])
(buildExportLog . changeMapLog c ep new . parseExportLog)
recordExportTreeish newtree
-- Graft a tree ref into the git-annex branch. This is done
@ -96,7 +96,9 @@ recordExportUnderway remoteuuid ec = do
hereuuid <- getUUID
let ep = ExportParticipants { exportFrom = hereuuid, exportTo = remoteuuid }
let exported = mkExported (newTreeish ec) []
Annex.Branch.change exportLog $
(Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [remoteuuid, hereuuid])
exportLog $
. changeMapLog c ep exported
. M.mapWithKey (updateForExportChange remoteuuid ec c hereuuid)

View file

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ groupChange :: UUID -> (S.Set Group -> S.Set Group) -> Annex ()
groupChange uuid@(UUID _) modifier = do
curr <- lookupGroups uuid
c <- currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change groupLog $
Annex.Branch.change (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [uuid]) groupLog $
buildLogOld buildGroup . changeLog c uuid (modifier curr) . parseLogOld parseGroup
-- The changed group invalidates the preferred content cache.

View file

@ -66,7 +66,8 @@ logChange = logChange' logNow
logChange' :: (LogStatus -> LogInfo -> Annex LogLine) -> Key -> UUID -> LogStatus -> Annex ()
logChange' mklog key u@(UUID _) s = do
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
maybeAddLog (locationLogFile config key) =<< mklog s (LogInfo (fromUUID u))
maybeAddLog (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [u]) (locationLogFile config key)
=<< mklog s (LogInfo (fromUUID u))
logChange' _ _ NoUUID _ = noop
{- Returns a list of repository UUIDs that, according to the log, have
@ -114,7 +115,9 @@ setDead key = do
ls <- compactLog <$> readLog logfile
mapM_ (go logfile) (filter (\l -> status l == InfoMissing) ls)
go logfile l = addLog logfile $ setDead' l
go logfile l =
let u = toUUID (fromLogInfo (info l))
in addLog (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [u]) logfile (setDead' l)
{- Note that the timestamp in the log is updated minimally, so that this
- can be overruled by other location log changes. -}

View file

@ -99,25 +99,25 @@ getCurrentRemoteMetaData (RemoteStateHandle u) k = extractRemoteMetaData u <$>
{- Adds in some metadata, which can override existing values, or unset
- them, but otherwise leaves any existing metadata as-is. -}
addMetaData :: Key -> MetaData -> Annex ()
addMetaData = addMetaData' metaDataLogFile
addMetaData = addMetaData' (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID []) metaDataLogFile
addMetaData' :: (GitConfig -> Key -> RawFilePath) -> Key -> MetaData -> Annex ()
addMetaData' getlogfile k metadata =
addMetaDataClocked' getlogfile k metadata =<< currentVectorClock
addMetaData' :: Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID -> (GitConfig -> Key -> RawFilePath) -> Key -> MetaData -> Annex ()
addMetaData' ru getlogfile k metadata =
addMetaDataClocked' ru getlogfile k metadata =<< currentVectorClock
{- Reusing the same VectorClock when making changes to the metadata
- of multiple keys is a nice optimisation. The same metadata lines
- will tend to be generated across the different log files, and so
- git will be able to pack the data more efficiently. -}
addMetaDataClocked :: Key -> MetaData -> VectorClock -> Annex ()
addMetaDataClocked = addMetaDataClocked' metaDataLogFile
addMetaDataClocked = addMetaDataClocked' (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID []) metaDataLogFile
addMetaDataClocked' :: (GitConfig -> Key -> RawFilePath) -> Key -> MetaData -> VectorClock -> Annex ()
addMetaDataClocked' getlogfile k d@(MetaData m) c
addMetaDataClocked' :: Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID -> (GitConfig -> Key -> RawFilePath) -> Key -> MetaData -> VectorClock -> Annex ()
addMetaDataClocked' ru getlogfile k d@(MetaData m) c
| d == emptyMetaData = noop
| otherwise = do
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
Annex.Branch.change (getlogfile config k) $
Annex.Branch.change ru (getlogfile config k) $
buildLog . simplifyLog
. S.insert (LogEntry c metadata)
. parseLog
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ addMetaDataClocked' getlogfile k d@(MetaData m) c
addRemoteMetaData :: Key -> RemoteStateHandle -> MetaData -> Annex ()
addRemoteMetaData k (RemoteStateHandle u) m =
addMetaData' remoteMetaDataLogFile k $ fromRemoteMetaData $
addMetaData' (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [u]) remoteMetaDataLogFile k $ fromRemoteMetaData $
RemoteMetaData u m
getMetaDataLog :: Key -> Annex (Log MetaData)
@ -153,8 +153,10 @@ copyMetaData oldkey newkey
then return False
else do
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
Annex.Branch.change (metaDataLogFile config newkey) $
const $ buildLog l
(Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [])
(metaDataLogFile config newkey)
(const $ buildLog l)
return True
readLog :: RawFilePath -> Annex (Log MetaData)

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ newtype Fingerprint = Fingerprint String
recordFingerprint :: Fingerprint -> UUID -> Annex ()
recordFingerprint fp uuid = do
c <- currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change multicastLog $
Annex.Branch.change (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [uuid]) multicastLog $
buildLogOld buildFindgerPrint
. changeLog c uuid fp
. parseLogOld fingerprintParser

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Logs.NumCopies (
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Types.NumCopies
import Logs
import Logs.SingleValue
@ -34,13 +35,13 @@ setGlobalNumCopies :: NumCopies -> Annex ()
setGlobalNumCopies new = do
curr <- getGlobalNumCopies
when (curr /= Just new) $
setLog numcopiesLog new
setLog (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID []) numcopiesLog new
setGlobalMinCopies :: MinCopies -> Annex ()
setGlobalMinCopies new = do
curr <- getGlobalMinCopies
when (curr /= Just new) $
setLog mincopiesLog new
setLog (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID []) mincopiesLog new
{- Value configured in the numcopies log. Cached for speed. -}
getGlobalNumCopies :: Annex (Maybe NumCopies)

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ requiredContentSet = setLog requiredContentLog
setLog :: RawFilePath -> UUID -> PreferredContentExpression -> Annex ()
setLog logfile uuid@(UUID _) val = do
c <- currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change logfile $
Annex.Branch.change (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [uuid]) logfile $
buildLogOld buildPreferredContentExpression
. changeLog c uuid val
. parseLogOld parsePreferredContentExpression
@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ setLog _ NoUUID _ = error "unknown UUID; cannot modify"
groupPreferredContentSet :: Group -> PreferredContentExpression -> Annex ()
groupPreferredContentSet g val = do
c <- currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change groupPreferredContentLog $
(Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [])
groupPreferredContentLog $
. changeMapLog c g val
. parseGroupPreferredContent

View file

@ -30,16 +30,16 @@ import Git.Types (RefDate)
{- Adds a LogLine to the log, removing any LogLines that are obsoleted by
- adding it. -}
addLog :: RawFilePath -> LogLine -> Annex ()
addLog file line = Annex.Branch.change file $ \b ->
addLog :: Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> LogLine -> Annex ()
addLog ru file line = Annex.Branch.change ru file $ \b ->
buildLog $ compactLog (line : parseLog b)
{- When a LogLine already exists with the same status and info, but an
- older timestamp, that LogLine is preserved, rather than updating the log
- with a newer timestamp.
maybeAddLog :: RawFilePath -> LogLine -> Annex ()
maybeAddLog file line = Annex.Branch.maybeChange file $ \s -> do
maybeAddLog :: Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> LogLine -> Annex ()
maybeAddLog ru file line = Annex.Branch.maybeChange ru file $ \s -> do
m <- insertNewStatus line $ logMap $ parseLog s
return $ buildLog $ mapLog m

View file

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
configSet :: UUID -> RemoteConfig -> Annex ()
configSet u cfg = do
c <- currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change remoteLog $
Annex.Branch.change (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [u]) remoteLog $
. changeLog c u (removeSameasInherited cfg)
. parseRemoteConfigLog

View file

@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ setRemoteState :: RemoteStateHandle -> Key -> RemoteState -> Annex ()
setRemoteState (RemoteStateHandle u) k s = do
c <- currentVectorClock
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
Annex.Branch.change (remoteStateLogFile config k) $
buildRemoteState . changeLog c u s . parseRemoteState
(Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [u])
(remoteStateLogFile config k)
(buildRemoteState . changeLog c u s . parseRemoteState)
buildRemoteState :: Log RemoteState -> Builder
buildRemoteState = buildLogNew (byteString . encodeBS)

View file

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Logs.File
scheduleSet :: UUID -> [ScheduledActivity] -> Annex ()
scheduleSet uuid@(UUID _) activities = do
c <- currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change scheduleLog $
Annex.Branch.change (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [uuid]) scheduleLog $
buildLogOld byteString
. changeLog c uuid (encodeBS val)
. parseLogOld A.takeByteString

View file

@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ readLog = parseLog <$$> Annex.Branch.get
getLog :: (Ord v, SingleValueSerializable v) => RawFilePath -> Annex (Maybe v)
getLog = newestValue <$$> readLog
setLog :: (SingleValueSerializable v) => RawFilePath -> v -> Annex ()
setLog f v = do
setLog :: (SingleValueSerializable v) => Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> v -> Annex ()
setLog ru f v = do
c <- currentVectorClock
let ent = LogEntry c v
Annex.Branch.change f $ \_old -> buildLog (S.singleton ent)
Annex.Branch.change ru f $ \_old -> buildLog (S.singleton ent)

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Logs.Trust.Pure as X
trustSet :: UUID -> TrustLevel -> Annex ()
trustSet uuid@(UUID _) level = do
c <- currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change trustLog $
Annex.Branch.change (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [uuid]) trustLog $
buildLogOld buildTrustLevel .
changeLog c uuid level .
parseLogOld trustLevelParser

View file

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as A
describeUUID :: UUID -> UUIDDesc -> Annex ()
describeUUID uuid desc = do
c <- currentVectorClock
Annex.Branch.change uuidLog $
Annex.Branch.change (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID [uuid]) uuidLog $
buildLogOld buildUUIDDesc . changeLog c uuid desc . parseUUIDLog
{- The map is cached for speed. -}

View file

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ setUrlPresent key url = do
us <- getUrls key
unless (url `elem` us) $ do
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
addLog (urlLogFile config key)
addLog (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID []) (urlLogFile config key)
=<< logNow InfoPresent (LogInfo (encodeBS url))
-- If the url does not have an OtherDownloader, it must be present
-- in the web.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ setUrlMissing key url = do
us <- getUrls key
when (url `elem` us) $ do
config <- Annex.getGitConfig
addLog (urlLogFile config key)
addLog (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID []) (urlLogFile config key)
=<< logNow InfoMissing (LogInfo (encodeBS url))
-- If the url was a web url and none of the remaining urls
-- for the key are web urls, the key must not be present

View file

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ inject :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Annex ()
inject source dest = do
old <- fromRepo olddir
new <- liftIO (readFile $ old </> source)
Annex.Branch.change (toRawFilePath dest) $ \prev ->
Annex.Branch.change (Annex.Branch.RegardingUUID []) (toRawFilePath dest) $ \prev ->
encodeBL $ unlines $ nub $ lines (decodeBL prev) ++ lines new
logFiles :: FilePath -> Annex [FilePath]

View file

@ -190,4 +190,15 @@ None of the above allows for a network of hidden repos, one of which is
part of a *different* network of hidden repos. Supporting that would be a
major complication.
## other uuid exposures
Things other than the git-annex branch that can expose the existence of the
* The p2p protocol has an AUTH that includes the repository that is
connecting. This should be ok, since links between repositories have to be
set up explicitly.
* git-annex-shell configlist will list the UUID. User has to know/guess
the repo exists and have an accepted ssh key.
[[!tag projects/datalad]]