importfeed: Support -J (and work toward supporting --json)

Both -J and --json needed importfeed to be refactored to use commandAction.

That was difficult, because of the interrelated nature of downloading feeds
and then downloading files from feeds, both of which needed to use
commandAction. And then checking for problems in feeds has to come after
these actions, which may be run as background jobs.

As for --json support, it's most of the way there, but still has some
warts, so I didn't enable jsonOptions yet. The warts include:

- An initial empty json record is displayed by getCache.
- Input is not populated, should be feed url
- feedProblem at end will not be captured by --json-error-messages
  (see FIXME)

Sponsored-By: the NIH-funded NICEMAN (ReproNim TR&D3) project
This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2023-05-09 15:49:05 -04:00
parent a71c831949
commit 04ee6c4c6b
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38
5 changed files with 247 additions and 146 deletions

View file

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ git-annex (10.20230408) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* addunused: Displays the names of the files that it adds.
* reinject: Fix support for operating on multiple pairs of files and keys.
* importfeed: Support -J
-- Joey Hess <> Sat, 08 Apr 2023 13:57:18 -0400

View file

@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ performWeb addunlockedmatcher o url file urlinfo = lookupKey file >>= \case
addurl = addUrlChecked o url file webUUID $ \k ->
ifM (pure (not (rawOption (downloadOptions o))) <&&> youtubeDlSupported url)
( return (Just (True, True, setDownloader url YoutubeDownloader))
, checkRaw Nothing (downloadOptions o) Nothing $
, checkRaw Nothing (downloadOptions o) (pure Nothing) $
return (Just (Url.urlExists urlinfo, Url.urlSize urlinfo == fromKey keySize k, url))
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ downloadWeb addunlockedmatcher o url urlinfo file =
in lookupKey f >>= \case
Just k -> alreadyannexed f k
Nothing -> dl f
Left err -> checkRaw (Just err) o Nothing (normalfinish tmp backend)
Left err -> checkRaw (Just err) o (pure Nothing) (normalfinish tmp backend)
dl dest = withTmpWorkDir mediakey $ \workdir -> do
let cleanuptmp = pruneTmpWorkDirBefore tmp (liftIO . removeWhenExistsWith R.removeLink)
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ downloadWeb addunlockedmatcher o url urlinfo file =
showDestinationFile dest
addWorkTree canadd addunlockedmatcher webUUID mediaurl dest mediakey (Just (toRawFilePath mediafile))
return $ Just mediakey
Right Nothing -> checkRaw Nothing o Nothing (normalfinish tmp backend)
Right Nothing -> checkRaw Nothing o (pure Nothing) (normalfinish tmp backend)
Left msg -> do
warning (UnquotedString msg)
@ -379,14 +379,14 @@ downloadWeb addunlockedmatcher o url urlinfo file =
warning $ QuotedPath dest <> " already exists; not overwriting"
return Nothing
checkRaw :: (Maybe String) -> DownloadOptions -> a -> Annex a -> Annex a
checkRaw :: (Maybe String) -> DownloadOptions -> Annex a -> Annex a -> Annex a
checkRaw failreason o f a
| noRawOption o = do
warning $ UnquotedString $ "Unable to use youtube-dl or a special remote and --no-raw was specified" ++
case failreason of
Just msg -> ": " ++ msg
Nothing -> ""
return f
| otherwise = a
{- The destination file is not known at start time unless the user provided
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ nodownloadWeb addunlockedmatcher o url urlinfo file
then nomedia
else youtubeDlFileName url >>= \case
Right mediafile -> usemedia (toRawFilePath mediafile)
Left err -> checkRaw (Just err) o Nothing nomedia
Left err -> checkRaw (Just err) o (pure Nothing) nomedia
| otherwise = do
warning $ UnquotedString $ "unable to access url: " ++ url
return Nothing

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2013-2021 Joey Hess <>
- Copyright 2013-2023 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ import Logs
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
cmd :: Command
cmd = notBareRepo $ withAnnexOptions [backendOption] $
cmd = notBareRepo $ withAnnexOptions [jobsOption, backendOption] $
command "importfeed" SectionCommon "import files from podcast feeds"
(paramRepeating paramUrl) (seek <$$> optParser)
@ -73,25 +74,96 @@ optParser desc = ImportFeedOptions
<*> parseDownloadOptions False
seek :: ImportFeedOptions -> CommandSeek
seek o = do
seek o = startConcurrency commandStages $ do
addunlockedmatcher <- addUnlockedMatcher
cache <- getCache (templateOption o)
forM_ (feedUrls o) (getFeed addunlockedmatcher o cache)
dlst <- liftIO $ newTMVarIO M.empty
checkst <- liftIO $ newTVarIO M.empty
getFeed :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> ImportFeedOptions -> Cache -> URLString -> CommandSeek
getFeed addunlockedmatcher opts cache url = do
showStartMessage (StartMessage "importfeed" (ActionItemOther (Just (UnquotedString url))) (SeekInput []))
withTmpFile "feed" $ \tmpf h -> do
forM_ (feedUrls o) $ \url -> do
liftIO $ atomically $ do
m <- takeTMVar dlst
putTMVar dlst (M.insert url Nothing m)
commandAction $ getFeed url dlst
startpendingdownloads addunlockedmatcher cache dlst checkst False
startpendingdownloads addunlockedmatcher cache dlst checkst True
checkfeedproblems checkst
getpendingdownloads dlst blocking
| blocking = do
m <- takeTMVar dlst
if M.null m
then do
putTMVar dlst m
return m
let (pending, rest) = M.partition ispending m
in if M.null pending
then retry
else do
putTMVar dlst rest
return pending
| otherwise = do
m <- takeTMVar dlst
let (pending, rest) = M.partition ispending m
putTMVar dlst rest
return pending
ispending Nothing = False
ispending (Just _) = True
startpendingdownloads addunlockedmatcher cache dlst checkst blocking = do
m <- liftIO $ atomically $ getpendingdownloads dlst blocking
forM_ (M.toList m) $ \(url, v) -> case v of
Nothing -> noop
Just Nothing -> noop
Just (Just is) ->
forM_ is $ \i -> do
cv <- liftIO newEmptyTMVarIO
liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar checkst $
M.insertWith (++) url [cv]
commandAction $
startDownload addunlockedmatcher o cache cv i
checkfeedproblems checkst = do
m <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTVar checkst
forM_ (M.toList m) $ \(url, cvl) ->
ifM (and <$> mapM (liftIO . atomically . takeTMVar) cvl)
( clearFeedProblem url
-- FIXME: This will not be captured in json
, void $ feedProblem url
"problem downloading some item(s) from feed"
:: URLString
-> TMVar (M.Map URLString (Maybe (Maybe [ToDownload])))
-> CommandStart
getFeed url st =
starting "importfeed" (ActionItemOther (Just (UnquotedString url))) (SeekInput []) $
get `onException` recordfail
record v = liftIO $ atomically $ do
m <- takeTMVar st
putTMVar st (M.insert url v m)
recordfail = record (Just Nothing)
get = withTmpFile "feed" $ \tmpf h -> do
liftIO $ hClose h
ifM (downloadFeed url tmpf)
( go tmpf
, showEndResult =<< feedProblem url
( parse tmpf
, do
next $ feedProblem url
"downloading the feed failed"
-- Use parseFeedFromFile rather than reading the file
-- ourselves because it goes out of its way to handle encodings.
go tmpf = liftIO (parseFeedFromFile' tmpf) >>= \case
parse tmpf = liftIO (parseFeedFromFile' tmpf) >>= \case
Nothing -> debugfeedcontent tmpf "parsing the feed failed"
Just f -> do
case decodeBS $ fromFeedText $ getFeedTitle f of
@ -100,12 +172,9 @@ getFeed addunlockedmatcher opts cache url = do
case findDownloads url f of
[] -> debugfeedcontent tmpf "bad feed content; no enclosures to download"
l -> do
ifM (and <$> mapM (performDownload addunlockedmatcher opts cache) l)
( clearFeedProblem url
, void $ feedProblem url
"problem downloading some item(s) from feed"
record (Just (Just l))
next $ return True
debugfeedcontent tmpf msg = do
feedcontent <- liftIO $ readFile tmpf
fastDebug "Command.ImportFeed" $ unlines
@ -113,7 +182,8 @@ getFeed addunlockedmatcher opts cache url = do
, feedcontent
, "end of feed content"
showEndResult =<< feedProblem url
next $ feedProblem url
(msg ++ " (use --debug --debugfilter=ImportFeed to see the feed content that was downloaded)")
parseFeedFromFile' :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Feed)
@ -199,18 +269,92 @@ downloadFeed url f
| otherwise = Url.withUrlOptions $ nullMeterUpdate Nothing url f
performDownload :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> ImportFeedOptions -> Cache -> ToDownload -> Annex Bool
performDownload = performDownload' False
startDownload :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> ImportFeedOptions -> Cache -> TMVar Bool -> ToDownload -> CommandStart
startDownload addunlockedmatcher opts cache cv todownload = case location todownload of
Enclosure url -> startdownloadenclosure url
MediaLink linkurl -> do
let mediaurl = setDownloader linkurl YoutubeDownloader
let mediakey = Backend.URL.fromUrl mediaurl Nothing
-- Old versions of git-annex that used quvi might have
-- used the quviurl for this, so check if it's known
-- to avoid adding it a second time.
let quviurl = setDownloader linkurl QuviDownloader
checkknown mediaurl $ checkknown quviurl $
ifM (Annex.getRead <||> pure (relaxedOption (downloadOptions opts)))
( addmediafast linkurl mediaurl mediakey
, downloadmedia linkurl mediaurl mediakey
forced = Annex.getRead Annex.force
performDownload' :: Bool -> AddUnlockedMatcher -> ImportFeedOptions -> Cache -> ToDownload -> Annex Bool
performDownload' started addunlockedmatcher opts cache todownload = case location todownload of
Enclosure url -> checkknown url $ do
starturl url
rundownload url (takeWhile (/= '?') $ takeExtension url) $ \f -> do
{- Avoids downloading any items that are already known to be
- associated with a file in the annex, unless forced. -}
checkknown url a
| knownitemid || S.member url (knownurls cache)
= ifM forced (a, nothingtodo)
| otherwise = a
nothingtodo = recordsuccess >> stop
recordsuccess = liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar cv True
startdownloadenclosure :: URLString -> CommandStart
startdownloadenclosure url = checkknown url $ startUrlDownload cv url $
downloadEnclosure addunlockedmatcher opts cache cv todownload url
knownitemid = case getItemId (item todownload) of
Just (_, itemid) ->
S.member (decodeBS $ fromFeedText itemid) (knownitems cache)
_ -> False
downloadmedia linkurl mediaurl mediakey
| rawOption (downloadOptions opts) = startdownloadlink
| otherwise = ifM (youtubeDlSupported linkurl)
( startUrlDownload cv linkurl $
withTmpWorkDir mediakey $ \workdir -> do
dl <- youtubeDl linkurl (fromRawFilePath workdir) nullMeterUpdate
case dl of
Right (Just mediafile) -> do
let ext = case takeExtension mediafile of
[] -> ".m"
s -> s
runDownload todownload linkurl ext cache cv $ \f ->
checkCanAdd (downloadOptions opts) f $ \canadd -> do
addWorkTree canadd addunlockedmatcher webUUID mediaurl f mediakey (Just (toRawFilePath mediafile))
return (Just [mediakey])
-- youtube-dl didn't support it, so
-- download it as if the link were
-- an enclosure.
Right Nothing -> contdownloadlink
Left msg -> do
warning $ UnquotedString $ linkurl ++ ": " ++ msg
liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar cv False
next $ return False
, startdownloadlink
startdownloadlink = checkRaw (Just linkurl) (downloadOptions opts) nothingtodo $
startdownloadenclosure linkurl
contdownloadlink = downloadEnclosure addunlockedmatcher opts cache cv todownload linkurl
addmediafast linkurl mediaurl mediakey =
ifM (pure (not (rawOption (downloadOptions opts)))
<&&> youtubeDlSupported linkurl)
( startUrlDownload cv linkurl $ do
runDownload todownload linkurl ".m" cache cv $ \f ->
checkCanAdd (downloadOptions opts) f $ \canadd -> do
addWorkTree canadd addunlockedmatcher webUUID mediaurl f mediakey Nothing
return (Just [mediakey])
, startdownloadenclosure linkurl
downloadEnclosure :: AddUnlockedMatcher -> ImportFeedOptions -> Cache -> TMVar Bool -> ToDownload -> URLString -> CommandPerform
downloadEnclosure addunlockedmatcher opts cache cv todownload url =
runDownload todownload url (takeWhile (/= '?') $ takeExtension url) cache cv $ \f -> do
let f' = fromRawFilePath f
r <- Remote.claimingUrl url
if Remote.uuid r == webUUID || rawOption (downloadOptions opts)
then checkRaw (Just url) (downloadOptions opts) Nothing $ do
then checkRaw (Just url) (downloadOptions opts) (pure Nothing) $ do
let dlopts = (downloadOptions opts)
-- force using the filename
-- chosen here
@ -244,64 +388,52 @@ performDownload' started addunlockedmatcher opts cache todownload = case locatio
then catMaybes kl
else []
MediaLink linkurl -> do
let mediaurl = setDownloader linkurl YoutubeDownloader
let mediakey = Backend.URL.fromUrl mediaurl Nothing
-- Old versions of git-annex that used quvi might have
-- used the quviurl for this, so check if it's known
-- to avoid adding it a second time.
let quviurl = setDownloader linkurl QuviDownloader
checkknown mediaurl $ checkknown quviurl $
ifM (Annex.getRead <||> pure (relaxedOption (downloadOptions opts)))
( addmediafast linkurl mediaurl mediakey
, downloadmedia linkurl mediaurl mediakey
forced = Annex.getRead Annex.force
{- Avoids downloading any items that are already known to be
- associated with a file in the annex, unless forced. -}
checkknown url a
| knownitemid || S.member url (knownurls cache)
= ifM forced (a, return True)
| otherwise = a
knownitemid = case getItemId (item todownload) of
Just (_, itemid) ->
S.member (decodeBS $ fromFeedText itemid) (knownitems cache)
_ -> False
rundownload url extension getter = do
dest <- makeunique url (1 :: Integer) $
:: ToDownload
-> URLString
-> String
-> Cache
-> TMVar Bool
-> (RawFilePath -> Annex (Maybe [Key]))
-> CommandPerform
runDownload todownload url extension cache cv getter = do
dest <- makeunique (1 :: Integer) $
feedFile (template cache) todownload extension
case dest of
Nothing -> return True
Nothing -> do
Just f -> getter (toRawFilePath f) >>= \case
Just ks
-- Download problem.
| null ks -> do
checkFeedBroken (feedurl todownload)
liftIO . atomically . putTMVar cv
=<< checkFeedBroken (feedurl todownload)
next $ return False
| otherwise -> do
forM_ ks $ \key ->
ifM (annexGenMetaData <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
( addMetaData key $ extractMetaData todownload
, addMetaData key $ minimalMetaData todownload
return True
next $ return True
-- Was not able to add anything, but not
-- because of a download problem.
Nothing -> do
return False
next $ return False
recordsuccess = liftIO $ atomically $ putTMVar cv True
forced = Annex.getRead Annex.force
{- Find a unique filename to save the url to.
- If the file exists, prefixes it with a number.
- When forced, the file may already exist and have the same
- url, in which case Nothing is returned as it does not need
- to be re-downloaded. -}
makeunique url n file = ifM alreadyexists
makeunique n file = ifM alreadyexists
( ifM forced
( lookupKey (toRawFilePath f) >>= \case
Just k -> checksameurl k
@ -316,60 +448,20 @@ performDownload' started addunlockedmatcher opts cache todownload = case locatio
let (d, base) = splitFileName file
in d </> show n ++ "_" ++ base
tryanother = makeunique url (n + 1) file
tryanother = makeunique (n + 1) file
alreadyexists = liftIO $ isJust <$> catchMaybeIO (R.getSymbolicLinkStatus (toRawFilePath f))
checksameurl k = ifM (elem url <$> getUrls k)
( return Nothing
, tryanother
downloadmedia linkurl mediaurl mediakey
| rawOption (downloadOptions opts) = downloadlink False
| otherwise = ifM (youtubeDlSupported linkurl)
( do
starturl linkurl
r <- withTmpWorkDir mediakey $ \workdir -> do
dl <- youtubeDl linkurl (fromRawFilePath workdir) nullMeterUpdate
case dl of
Right (Just mediafile) -> do
let ext = case takeExtension mediafile of
[] -> ".m"
s -> s
ok <- rundownload linkurl ext $ \f ->
checkCanAdd (downloadOptions opts) f $ \canadd -> do
addWorkTree canadd addunlockedmatcher webUUID mediaurl f mediakey (Just (toRawFilePath mediafile))
return (Just [mediakey])
return (Just ok)
-- youtube-dl didn't support it, so
-- download it as if the link were
-- an enclosure.
Right Nothing -> Just <$> downloadlink True
Left msg -> do
warning $ UnquotedString $ linkurl ++ ": " ++ msg
return Nothing
return (fromMaybe False r)
, downloadlink False
startUrlDownload :: TMVar Bool -> URLString -> CommandPerform -> CommandStart
startUrlDownload cv u a = starting "addurl"
(ActionItemOther (Just (UnquotedString u)))
(SeekInput [])
(a `onException` recordfailure)
downloadlink started' = checkRaw (Just linkurl) (downloadOptions opts) False $
performDownload' started' addunlockedmatcher opts cache todownload
{ location = Enclosure linkurl }
addmediafast linkurl mediaurl mediakey =
ifM (pure (not (rawOption (downloadOptions opts)))
<&&> youtubeDlSupported linkurl)
( do
starturl linkurl
rundownload linkurl ".m" $ \f ->
checkCanAdd (downloadOptions opts) f $ \canadd -> do
addWorkTree canadd addunlockedmatcher webUUID mediaurl f mediakey Nothing
return (Just [mediakey])
, performDownload' started addunlockedmatcher opts cache todownload
{ location = Enclosure linkurl }
starturl u = unless started $
showStartMessage (StartMessage "addurl" (ActionItemOther (Just (UnquotedString u))) (SeekInput []))
recordfailure = liftIO $ atomically $ tryPutTMVar cv False
defaultTemplate :: String
defaultTemplate = "${feedtitle}/${itemtitle}${extension}"
@ -476,7 +568,7 @@ feedProblem url message = ifM (checkFeedBroken url)
warning $ UnquotedString $ message ++ " (having repeated problems with feed: " ++ url ++ ")"
return False
, do
warning $ UnquotedString $ "warning: " ++ message
warning $ UnquotedString $ "warning: " ++ message ++ " (feed: " ++ url ++ ")"
return True

View file

@ -102,6 +102,12 @@ resulting in the new url being downloaded to such a filename.
url to a file that would be ignored. This makes such files be added
despite any ignores.
* `--jobs=N` `-JN`
Runs multiple downloads parallel. For example: `-J4`
Setting this to "cpus" will run one job per CPU core.
* `--backend`
Specifies which key-value backend to use.

View file

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
Make git-annex importfeed support -J. Ideally, when run with multiple feed
utls, it would check them in parallel, and also parallelize download of new
items found in the feeds. --[[Joey]]
> [[done]] --[[Joey]]