Merge branch 'master' into sqlite

This commit is contained in:
Joey Hess 2019-12-19 16:26:23 -04:00
commit 02e00fd7ab
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: DB12DB0FF05F8F38
37 changed files with 314 additions and 128 deletions

View file

@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ import Annex.Concurrent
import Types.WorkerPool
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
{- Checks if a given key's content is currently present. -}
inAnnex :: Key -> Annex Bool
inAnnex key = inAnnexCheck key $ liftIO . R.doesPathExist
@ -742,7 +744,7 @@ listKeys keyloc = do
if depth < 2
then do
contents' <- filterM (present s) contents
let keys = mapMaybe (fileKey . takeFileName) contents'
let keys = mapMaybe (fileKey . P.takeFileName . toRawFilePath) contents'
continue keys []
else do
let deeper = walk s (depth - 1)
@ -816,7 +818,7 @@ dirKeys dirspec = do
contents <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents dir
files <- liftIO $ filterM doesFileExist $
map (dir </>) contents
return $ mapMaybe (fileKey . takeFileName) files
return $ mapMaybe (fileKey . P.takeFileName . toRawFilePath) files
, return []
@ -835,7 +837,8 @@ staleKeysPrune dirspec nottransferred = do
dir <- fromRepo dirspec
forM_ dups $ \k ->
pruneTmpWorkDirBefore (dir </> keyFile k) (liftIO . removeFile)
pruneTmpWorkDirBefore (dir </> fromRawFilePath (keyFile k))
(liftIO . removeFile)
if nottransferred
then do

View file

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ checkDiskSpace' need destdir key alreadythere samefilesystem = ifM (Annex.getSta
_ -> return True
dir = maybe (fromRepo gitAnnexDir) return destdir
dir = maybe (fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo gitAnnexDir) return destdir
needMoreDiskSpace :: Integer -> String
needMoreDiskSpace n = "not enough free space, need " ++

View file

@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ parseLinkTargetOrPointerLazy b =
{- Parses a symlink target to a Key. -}
parseLinkTarget :: S.ByteString -> Maybe Key
parseLinkTarget l
| isLinkToAnnex l = fileKey' $ snd $ S8.breakEnd pathsep l
| isLinkToAnnex l = fileKey $ snd $ S8.breakEnd pathsep l
| otherwise = Nothing
pathsep '/' = True
@ -263,9 +263,9 @@ parseLinkTarget l
pathsep _ = False
formatPointer :: Key -> S.ByteString
formatPointer k = prefix <> keyFile' k <> nl
formatPointer k = prefix <> keyFile k <> nl
prefix = toInternalGitPath $ toRawFilePath (pathSeparator:objectDir)
prefix = toInternalGitPath $ P.pathSeparator `S.cons` objectDir'
nl = S8.singleton '\n'
{- Maximum size of a file that could be a pointer to a key.

View file

@ -9,9 +9,7 @@
module Annex.Locations (
@ -126,19 +124,16 @@ import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
{- The directory git annex uses for local state, relative to the .git
- directory -}
annexDir :: FilePath
annexDir = addTrailingPathSeparator "annex"
annexDir' :: RawFilePath
annexDir' = P.addTrailingPathSeparator "annex"
annexDir :: RawFilePath
annexDir = P.addTrailingPathSeparator "annex"
{- The directory git annex uses for locally available object content,
- relative to the .git directory -}
objectDir :: FilePath
objectDir = addTrailingPathSeparator $ annexDir </> "objects"
objectDir = fromRawFilePath objectDir'
objectDir' :: RawFilePath
objectDir' = P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ annexDir' P.</> "objects"
objectDir' = P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ annexDir P.</> "objects"
{- Annexed file's possible locations relative to the .git directory.
- There are two different possibilities, using different hashes.
@ -262,46 +257,51 @@ gitAnnexInodeCache key r config = do
return $ fromRawFilePath loc ++ ".cache"
gitAnnexInodeSentinal :: Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexInodeSentinal r = gitAnnexDir' r P.</> "sentinal"
gitAnnexInodeSentinal r = gitAnnexDir r P.</> "sentinal"
gitAnnexInodeSentinalCache :: Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexInodeSentinalCache r = gitAnnexInodeSentinal r <> ".cache"
{- The annex directory of a repository. -}
gitAnnexDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ fromRawFilePath (Git.localGitDir r) </> annexDir
gitAnnexDir' :: Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexDir' r = P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ Git.localGitDir r P.</> annexDir'
gitAnnexDir :: Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexDir r = P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ Git.localGitDir r P.</> annexDir
{- The part of the annex directory where file contents are stored. -}
gitAnnexObjectDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexObjectDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ fromRawFilePath (Git.localGitDir r) </> objectDir
gitAnnexObjectDir r = fromRawFilePath $
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ Git.localGitDir r P.</> objectDir'
{- .git/annex/tmp/ is used for temp files for key's contents -}
gitAnnexTmpObjectDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexTmpObjectDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r </> "tmp"
gitAnnexTmpObjectDir = fromRawFilePath . gitAnnexTmpObjectDir'
gitAnnexTmpObjectDir' :: Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexTmpObjectDir' r = P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "tmp"
{- .git/annex/othertmp/ is used for other temp files -}
gitAnnexTmpOtherDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexTmpOtherDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r </> "othertmp"
gitAnnexTmpOtherDir r = fromRawFilePath $
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "othertmp"
{- Lock file for gitAnnexTmpOtherDir. -}
gitAnnexTmpOtherLock :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexTmpOtherLock r = gitAnnexDir r </> "othertmp.lck"
gitAnnexTmpOtherLock r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "othertmp.lck"
{- .git/annex/misctmp/ was used by old versions of git-annex and is still
- used during initialization -}
gitAnnexTmpOtherDirOld :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexTmpOtherDirOld r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r </> "misctmp"
gitAnnexTmpOtherDirOld r = fromRawFilePath $
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "misctmp"
{- .git/annex/watchtmp/ is used by the watcher and assistant -}
gitAnnexTmpWatcherDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexTmpWatcherDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r </> "watchtmp"
gitAnnexTmpWatcherDir r = fromRawFilePath $
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "watchtmp"
{- The temp file to use for a given key's content. -}
gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation :: Key -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation key r = gitAnnexTmpObjectDir r </> keyFile key
gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation key r = fromRawFilePath $
gitAnnexTmpObjectDir' r P.</> keyFile key
{- Given a temp file such as gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation, makes a name for a
- subdirectory in the same location, that can be used as a work area
@ -318,19 +318,21 @@ gitAnnexTmpWorkDir p =
{- .git/annex/bad/ is used for bad files found during fsck -}
gitAnnexBadDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexBadDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r </> "bad"
gitAnnexBadDir r = fromRawFilePath $
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "bad"
{- The bad file to use for a given key. -}
gitAnnexBadLocation :: Key -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexBadLocation key r = gitAnnexBadDir r </> keyFile key
gitAnnexBadLocation key r = gitAnnexBadDir r </> fromRawFilePath (keyFile key)
{- .git/annex/foounused is used to number possibly unused keys -}
gitAnnexUnusedLog :: FilePath -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexUnusedLog prefix r = gitAnnexDir r </> (prefix ++ "unused")
gitAnnexUnusedLog prefix r =
fromRawFilePath (gitAnnexDir r) </> (prefix ++ "unused")
{- .git/annex/keysdb/ contains a database of information about keys. -}
gitAnnexKeysDb :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexKeysDb r = gitAnnexDir r </> "keysdb"
gitAnnexKeysDb r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "keysdb"
{- Lock file for the keys database. -}
gitAnnexKeysDbLock :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
@ -344,7 +346,8 @@ gitAnnexKeysDbIndexCache r = gitAnnexKeysDb r ++ ".cache"
{- .git/annex/fsck/uuid/ is used to store information about incremental
- fscks. -}
gitAnnexFsckDir :: UUID -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexFsckDir u r = gitAnnexDir r </> "fsck" </> fromUUID u
gitAnnexFsckDir u r = fromRawFilePath $
gitAnnexDir r P.</> "fsck" P.</> fromUUID u
{- used to store information about incremental fscks. -}
gitAnnexFsckState :: UUID -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
@ -364,20 +367,21 @@ gitAnnexFsckDbLock u r = gitAnnexFsckDir u r </> "fsck.lck"
{- .git/annex/fsckresults/uuid is used to store results of git fscks -}
gitAnnexFsckResultsLog :: UUID -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexFsckResultsLog u r = gitAnnexDir r </> "fsckresults" </> fromUUID u
gitAnnexFsckResultsLog u r = fromRawFilePath $
gitAnnexDir r P.</> "fsckresults" P.</> fromUUID u
{- .git/annex/smudge.log is used to log smudges worktree files that need to
- be updated. -}
gitAnnexSmudgeLog :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexSmudgeLog r = gitAnnexDir r </> "smudge.log"
gitAnnexSmudgeLog r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "smudge.log"
gitAnnexSmudgeLock :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexSmudgeLock r = gitAnnexDir r </> "smudge.lck"
gitAnnexSmudgeLock r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "smudge.lck"
{- .git/annex/export/ is used to store information about
- exports to special remotes. -}
gitAnnexExportDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexExportDir r = gitAnnexDir r </> "export"
gitAnnexExportDir r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "export"
{- Directory containing database used to record export info. -}
gitAnnexExportDbDir :: UUID -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
@ -394,7 +398,8 @@ gitAnnexExportUpdateLock u r = gitAnnexExportDbDir u r ++ ".upl"
{- Log file used to keep track of files that were in the tree exported to a
- remote, but were excluded by its preferred content settings. -}
gitAnnexExportExcludeLog :: UUID -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexExportExcludeLog u r = gitAnnexDir r </> "export.ex" </> fromUUID u
gitAnnexExportExcludeLog u r = fromRawFilePath $
gitAnnexDir r P.</> "export.ex" P.</> fromUUID u
{- Directory containing database used to record remote content ids.
@ -402,7 +407,7 @@ gitAnnexExportExcludeLog u r = gitAnnexDir r </> "export.ex" </> fromUUID u
- need to be rebuilt with a new name.)
gitAnnexContentIdentifierDbDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexContentIdentifierDbDir r = gitAnnexDir r </> "cidsdb"
gitAnnexContentIdentifierDbDir r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "cidsdb"
{- Lock file for writing to the content id database. -}
gitAnnexContentIdentifierLock :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
@ -411,128 +416,137 @@ gitAnnexContentIdentifierLock r = gitAnnexContentIdentifierDbDir r ++ ".lck"
{- .git/annex/schedulestate is used to store information about when
- scheduled jobs were last run. -}
gitAnnexScheduleState :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexScheduleState r = gitAnnexDir r </> "schedulestate"
gitAnnexScheduleState r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "schedulestate"
{- .git/annex/creds/ is used to store credentials to access some special
- remotes. -}
gitAnnexCredsDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexCredsDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r </> "creds"
gitAnnexCredsDir r = fromRawFilePath $
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "creds"
{- .git/annex/certificate.pem and .git/annex/key.pem are used by the webapp
- when HTTPS is enabled -}
gitAnnexWebCertificate :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexWebCertificate r = gitAnnexDir r </> "certificate.pem"
gitAnnexWebCertificate r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "certificate.pem"
gitAnnexWebPrivKey :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexWebPrivKey r = gitAnnexDir r </> "privkey.pem"
gitAnnexWebPrivKey r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "privkey.pem"
{- .git/annex/feeds/ is used to record per-key (url) state by importfeeds -}
gitAnnexFeedStateDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexFeedStateDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r </> "feedstate"
gitAnnexFeedStateDir r = fromRawFilePath $
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "feedstate"
gitAnnexFeedState :: Key -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexFeedState k r = gitAnnexFeedStateDir r </> keyFile k
gitAnnexFeedState k r = gitAnnexFeedStateDir r </> fromRawFilePath (keyFile k)
{- .git/annex/merge/ is used as a empty work tree for direct mode merges and
- merges in adjusted branches. -}
gitAnnexMergeDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexMergeDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r </> "merge"
gitAnnexMergeDir r = fromRawFilePath $
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "merge"
{- .git/annex/transfer/ is used to record keys currently
- being transferred, and other transfer bookkeeping info. -}
gitAnnexTransferDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexTransferDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r </> "transfer"
gitAnnexTransferDir r = fromRawFilePath $
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "transfer"
{- .git/annex/journal/ is used to journal changes made to the git-annex
- branch -}
gitAnnexJournalDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexJournalDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r </> "journal"
gitAnnexJournalDir r = fromRawFilePath $
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "journal"
gitAnnexJournalDir' :: Git.Repo -> RawFilePath
gitAnnexJournalDir' r = P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir' r P.</> "journal"
gitAnnexJournalDir' r = P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "journal"
{- Lock file for the journal. -}
gitAnnexJournalLock :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexJournalLock r = gitAnnexDir r </> "journal.lck"
gitAnnexJournalLock r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "journal.lck"
{- Lock file for flushing a git queue that writes to the git index or
- other git state that should only have one writer at a time. -}
gitAnnexGitQueueLock :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexGitQueueLock r = gitAnnexDir r </> "gitqueue.lck"
gitAnnexGitQueueLock r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "gitqueue.lck"
{- Lock file for the pre-commit hook. -}
gitAnnexPreCommitLock :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexPreCommitLock r = gitAnnexDir r </> "precommit.lck"
gitAnnexPreCommitLock r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "precommit.lck"
{- Lock file for direct mode merge. -}
gitAnnexMergeLock :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexMergeLock r = gitAnnexDir r </> "merge.lck"
gitAnnexMergeLock r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "merge.lck"
{- .git/annex/index is used to stage changes to the git-annex branch -}
gitAnnexIndex :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexIndex r = gitAnnexDir r </> "index"
gitAnnexIndex r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "index"
{- Holds the ref of the git-annex branch that the index was last updated to.
- The .lck in the name is a historical accident; this is not used as a
- lock. -}
gitAnnexIndexStatus :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexIndexStatus r = gitAnnexDir r </> "index.lck"
gitAnnexIndexStatus r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "index.lck"
{- The index file used to generate a filtered branch view._-}
gitAnnexViewIndex :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexViewIndex r = gitAnnexDir r </> "viewindex"
gitAnnexViewIndex r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "viewindex"
{- File containing a log of recently accessed views. -}
gitAnnexViewLog :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexViewLog r = gitAnnexDir r </> "viewlog"
gitAnnexViewLog r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "viewlog"
{- List of refs that have already been merged into the git-annex branch. -}
gitAnnexMergedRefs :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexMergedRefs r = gitAnnexDir r </> "mergedrefs"
gitAnnexMergedRefs r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "mergedrefs"
{- List of refs that should not be merged into the git-annex branch. -}
gitAnnexIgnoredRefs :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexIgnoredRefs r = gitAnnexDir r </> "ignoredrefs"
gitAnnexIgnoredRefs r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "ignoredrefs"
{- Pid file for daemon mode. -}
gitAnnexPidFile :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexPidFile r = gitAnnexDir r </> ""
gitAnnexPidFile r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> ""
{- Pid lock file for pidlock mode -}
gitAnnexPidLockFile :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexPidLockFile r = gitAnnexDir r </> "pidlock"
gitAnnexPidLockFile r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "pidlock"
{- Status file for daemon mode. -}
gitAnnexDaemonStatusFile :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexDaemonStatusFile r = gitAnnexDir r </> "daemon.status"
gitAnnexDaemonStatusFile r = fromRawFilePath $
gitAnnexDir r P.</> "daemon.status"
{- Log file for daemon mode. -}
gitAnnexLogFile :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexLogFile r = gitAnnexDir r </> "daemon.log"
gitAnnexLogFile r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "daemon.log"
{- Log file for fuzz test. -}
gitAnnexFuzzTestLogFile :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexFuzzTestLogFile r = gitAnnexDir r </> "fuzztest.log"
gitAnnexFuzzTestLogFile r = fromRawFilePath $
gitAnnexDir r P.</> "fuzztest.log"
{- Html shim file used to launch the webapp. -}
gitAnnexHtmlShim :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexHtmlShim r = gitAnnexDir r </> "webapp.html"
gitAnnexHtmlShim r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "webapp.html"
{- File containing the url to the webapp. -}
gitAnnexUrlFile :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexUrlFile r = gitAnnexDir r </> "url"
gitAnnexUrlFile r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "url"
{- Temporary file used to edit configuriation from the git-annex branch. -}
gitAnnexTmpCfgFile :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexTmpCfgFile r = gitAnnexDir r </> "config.tmp"
gitAnnexTmpCfgFile r = fromRawFilePath $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "config.tmp"
{- .git/annex/ssh/ is used for ssh connection caching -}
gitAnnexSshDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexSshDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r </> "ssh"
gitAnnexSshDir r = fromRawFilePath $
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "ssh"
{- .git/annex/remotes/ is used for remote-specific state. -}
gitAnnexRemotesDir :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexRemotesDir r = addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r </> "remotes"
gitAnnexRemotesDir r = fromRawFilePath $
P.addTrailingPathSeparator $ gitAnnexDir r P.</> "remotes"
{- This is the base directory name used by the assistant when making
- repositories, by default. -}
@ -589,11 +603,8 @@ reSanitizeKeyName = preSanitizeKeyName' True
- Changing what this function escapes and how is not a good idea, as it
- can cause existing objects to get lost.
keyFile :: Key -> FilePath
keyFile = fromRawFilePath . keyFile'
keyFile' :: Key -> RawFilePath
keyFile' k =
keyFile :: Key -> RawFilePath
keyFile k =
let b = serializeKey' k
in if S8.any (`elem` ['&', '%', ':', '/']) b
then S8.concatMap esc b
@ -608,11 +619,8 @@ keyFile' k =
{- Reverses keyFile, converting a filename fragment (ie, the basename of
- the symlink target) into a key. -}
fileKey :: FilePath -> Maybe Key
fileKey = fileKey' . toRawFilePath
fileKey' :: RawFilePath -> Maybe Key
fileKey' = deserializeKey' . S8.intercalate "/" . map go . S8.split '%'
fileKey :: RawFilePath -> Maybe Key
fileKey = deserializeKey' . S8.intercalate "/" . map go . S8.split '%'
go = S8.concat . unescafterfirst . S8.split '&'
unescafterfirst [] = []
@ -634,7 +642,7 @@ fileKey' = deserializeKey' . S8.intercalate "/" . map go . S8.split '%'
keyPath :: Key -> Hasher -> RawFilePath
keyPath key hasher = hasher key P.</> f P.</> f
f = keyFile' key
f = keyFile key
{- All possibile locations to store a key in a special remote
- using different directory hashes.

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ annexFileMode = withShared $ return . go
createAnnexDirectory :: FilePath -> Annex ()
createAnnexDirectory dir = walk dir [] =<< top
top = parentDir <$> fromRepo gitAnnexDir
top = parentDir . fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo gitAnnexDir
walk d below stop
| d `equalFilePath` stop = done
| otherwise = ifM (liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist d)

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ mkVariant file variant = takeDirectory file
variantFile :: FilePath -> Key -> FilePath
variantFile file key
| doubleconflict = mkVariant file (keyFile key)
| doubleconflict = mkVariant file (fromRawFilePath (keyFile key))
| otherwise = mkVariant file (shortHash $ serializeKey' key)
doubleconflict = variantMarker `isInfixOf` file

View file

@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ repairStaleGitLocks r = do
repairStaleLocks lockfiles
return $ not $ null lockfiles
findgitfiles = dirContentsRecursiveSkipping (== dropTrailingPathSeparator annexDir) True . fromRawFilePath . Git.localGitDir
findgitfiles = dirContentsRecursiveSkipping (== dropTrailingPathSeparator (fromRawFilePath annexDir)) True . fromRawFilePath . Git.localGitDir
islock f
| "" `isInfixOf` f = False
| ".lock" `isSuffixOf` f = True

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ perform key = next $ do
addLink file key Nothing
return True
file = "unused." ++ keyFile key
file = "unused." ++ fromRawFilePath (keyFile key)
{- The content is not in the annex, but in another directory, and
- it seems better to error out, rather than moving bad/tmp content into

View file

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ performRemote key afile backend numcopies remote =
pid <- liftIO getPID
t <- fromRepo gitAnnexTmpObjectDir
createAnnexDirectory t
let tmp = t </> "fsck" ++ show pid ++ "." ++ keyFile key
let tmp = t </> "fsck" ++ show pid ++ "." ++ fromRawFilePath (keyFile key)
let cleanup = liftIO $ catchIO (removeFile tmp) (const noop)
cleanup `after` a tmp
@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ badContent key = do
badContentRemote :: Remote -> FilePath -> Key -> Annex String
badContentRemote remote localcopy key = do
bad <- fromRepo gitAnnexBadDir
let destbad = bad </> keyFile key
let destbad = bad </> fromRawFilePath (keyFile key)
movedbad <- ifM (inAnnex key <||> liftIO (doesFileExist destbad))
( return False
, do

View file

@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ disk_size :: Stat
disk_size = simpleStat "available local disk space" $
<$> (lift $ annexDiskReserve <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
<*> (lift $ inRepo $ getDiskFree . gitAnnexDir)
<*> (lift $ inRepo $ getDiskFree . fromRawFilePath . gitAnnexDir)
<*> mkSizer
calcfree reserve (Just have) sizer = unwords
@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ staleSize label dirspec = go =<< lift (dirKeys dirspec)
keysizes keys = do
dir <- lift $ fromRepo dirspec
liftIO $ forM keys $ \k -> catchDefaultIO 0 $
getFileSize (dir </> keyFile k)
getFileSize (dir </> fromRawFilePath (keyFile k))
aside :: String -> String
aside s = " (" ++ s ++ ")"

View file

@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ start = startingNoMessage (ActionItemOther Nothing) $ do
umap <- uuidDescMap
trustmap <- trustMapLoad
file <- (</>) <$> fromRepo gitAnnexDir <*> pure ""
file <- (</>)
<$> fromRepo (fromRawFilePath . gitAnnexDir)
<*> pure ""
liftIO $ writeFile file (drawMap rs trustmap umap)
next $

View file

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ startCheckIncomplete file _ = giveup $ unlines
finish :: Annex ()
finish = do
annexdir <- fromRepo gitAnnexDir
annexdir <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo gitAnnexDir
annexobjectdir <- fromRepo gitAnnexObjectDir
leftovers <- removeUnannexed =<< listKeys InAnnex
prepareRemoveAnnexDir annexdir

View file

@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ import Git.Command
import Git.Types
import Git.Index
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
{- Runs an action that reads from the database.
- If the database doesn't already exist, it's not created; mempty is
@ -263,7 +266,7 @@ reconcileStaged qh = do
-- pointer file. And a pointer file that is replaced with
-- a non-pointer file will match this.
, Param $ "-G^" ++ fromRawFilePath (toInternalGitPath $
toRawFilePath (pathSeparator:objectDir))
P.pathSeparator `S.cons` objectDir')
-- Don't include files that were deleted, because this only
-- wants to update information for files that are present
-- in the index.

View file

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import Database.Types
import Database.Handle
import qualified Database.Queue as H
import Utility.InodeCache
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
import Git.FilePath
import Database.Persist.Sql hiding (Key)

View file

@ -70,18 +70,18 @@ diffOpts = ["--raw", "-z", "-r", "--no-renames", "-l0"]
doMerge :: HashObjectHandle -> CatFileHandle -> [String] -> Repo -> Streamer
doMerge hashhandle ch differ repo streamer = do
(diff, cleanup) <- pipeNullSplit (map Param differ) repo
go (map decodeBL' diff)
go diff
void $ cleanup
go [] = noop
go (info:file:rest) = mergeFile info file hashhandle ch >>=
go (info:file:rest) = mergeFile (decodeBL' info) (L.toStrict file) hashhandle ch >>=
maybe (go rest) (\l -> streamer l >> go rest)
go (_:[]) = error $ "parse error " ++ show differ
{- Given an info line from a git raw diff, and the filename, generates
- a line suitable for update-index that union merges the two sides of the
- diff. -}
mergeFile :: String -> FilePath -> HashObjectHandle -> CatFileHandle -> IO (Maybe L.ByteString)
mergeFile :: String -> RawFilePath -> HashObjectHandle -> CatFileHandle -> IO (Maybe L.ByteString)
mergeFile info file hashhandle h = case filter (/= nullSha) [Ref asha, Ref bsha] of
[] -> return Nothing
(sha:[]) -> use sha
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ mergeFile info file hashhandle h = case filter (/= nullSha) [Ref asha, Ref bsha]
[_colonmode, _bmode, asha, bsha, _status] = words info
use sha = return $ Just $
updateIndexLine sha TreeFile $ asTopFilePath $ toRawFilePath file
updateIndexLine sha TreeFile $ asTopFilePath file
-- Get file and split into lines to union merge.
-- The encoding of the file is assumed to be either ASCII or utf-8;
-- in either case it's safe to split on \n

View file

@ -119,18 +119,18 @@ exportLog = "export.log"
{- The pathname of the location log file for a given key. -}
locationLogFile :: GitConfig -> Key -> RawFilePath
locationLogFile config key =
branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile' key <> ".log"
branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile key <> ".log"
{- The filename of the url log for a given key. -}
urlLogFile :: GitConfig -> Key -> RawFilePath
urlLogFile config key =
branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile' key <> urlLogExt
branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile key <> urlLogExt
{- Old versions stored the urls elsewhere. -}
oldurlLogs :: GitConfig -> Key -> [RawFilePath]
oldurlLogs config key =
[ "remote/web" P.</> hdir P.</> serializeKey' key <> ".log"
, "remote/web" P.</> hdir P.</> keyFile' key <> ".log"
, "remote/web" P.</> hdir P.</> keyFile key <> ".log"
hdir = branchHashDir config key
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ isUrlLog file = urlLogExt `S.isSuffixOf` file
{- The filename of the remote state log for a given key. -}
remoteStateLogFile :: GitConfig -> Key -> RawFilePath
remoteStateLogFile config key =
(branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile' key)
(branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile key)
<> remoteStateLogExt
remoteStateLogExt :: S.ByteString
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ isRemoteStateLog path = remoteStateLogExt `S.isSuffixOf` path
{- The filename of the chunk log for a given key. -}
chunkLogFile :: GitConfig -> Key -> RawFilePath
chunkLogFile config key =
(branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile' key)
(branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile key)
<> chunkLogExt
chunkLogExt :: S.ByteString
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ isChunkLog path = chunkLogExt `S.isSuffixOf` path
{- The filename of the metadata log for a given key. -}
metaDataLogFile :: GitConfig -> Key -> RawFilePath
metaDataLogFile config key =
(branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile' key)
(branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile key)
<> metaDataLogExt
metaDataLogExt :: S.ByteString
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ isMetaDataLog path = metaDataLogExt `S.isSuffixOf` path
{- The filename of the remote metadata log for a given key. -}
remoteMetaDataLogFile :: GitConfig -> Key -> RawFilePath
remoteMetaDataLogFile config key =
(branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile' key)
(branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile key)
<> remoteMetaDataLogExt
remoteMetaDataLogExt :: S.ByteString
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ isRemoteMetaDataLog path = remoteMetaDataLogExt `S.isSuffixOf` path
{- The filename of the remote content identifier log for a given key. -}
remoteContentIdentifierLogFile :: GitConfig -> Key -> RawFilePath
remoteContentIdentifierLogFile config key =
(branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile' key)
(branchHashDir config key P.</> keyFile key)
<> remoteContentIdentifierExt
remoteContentIdentifierExt :: S.ByteString
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ isRemoteContentIdentifierLog path = remoteContentIdentifierExt `S.isSuffixOf` pa
{- From an extension and a log filename, get the key that it's a log for. -}
extLogFileKey :: S.ByteString -> RawFilePath -> Maybe Key
extLogFileKey expectedext path
| encodeBS' ext == expectedext = fileKey base
| encodeBS' ext == expectedext = fileKey (toRawFilePath base)
| otherwise = Nothing
file = takeFileName (fromRawFilePath path)

View file

@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ recordFailedTransfer t info = do
transferFile :: Transfer -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
transferFile (Transfer direction u kd) r = transferDir direction r
</> filter (/= '/') (fromUUID u)
</> keyFile (mkKey (const kd))
</> fromRawFilePath (keyFile (mkKey (const kd)))
{- The transfer information file to use to record a failed Transfer -}
failedTransferFile :: Transfer -> Git.Repo -> FilePath
failedTransferFile (Transfer direction u kd) r = failedTransferDir u direction r
</> keyFile (mkKey (const kd))
</> fromRawFilePath (keyFile (mkKey (const kd)))
{- The transfer lock file corresponding to a given transfer info file. -}
transferLockFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ parseTransferFile file
[direction, u, key] -> Transfer
<$> parseDirection direction
<*> pure (toUUID u)
<*> fmap (fromKey id) (fileKey key)
<*> fmap (fromKey id) (fileKey (toRawFilePath key))
_ -> Nothing
bits = splitDirectories file

View file

@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ downloadTorrentFile u = do
createAnnexDirectory (parentDir torrent)
if isTorrentMagnetUrl u
then withOtherTmp $ \othertmp -> do
kf <- keyFile <$> torrentUrlKey u
kf <- fromRawFilePath . keyFile <$> torrentUrlKey u
let metadir = othertmp </> "torrentmeta" </> kf
createAnnexDirectory metadir
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ downloadTorrentContent :: Key -> URLString -> FilePath -> Int -> MeterUpdate ->
downloadTorrentContent k u dest filenum p = do
torrent <- tmpTorrentFile u
withOtherTmp $ \othertmp -> do
kf <- keyFile <$> torrentUrlKey u
kf <- fromRawFilePath . keyFile <$> torrentUrlKey u
let downloaddir = othertmp </> "torrent" </> kf
createAnnexDirectory downloaddir
f <- wantedfile torrent

View file

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ getLocation d k = do
{- Directory where the file(s) for a key are stored. -}
storeDir :: FilePath -> Key -> FilePath
storeDir d k = addTrailingPathSeparator $
d </> fromRawFilePath (hashDirLower def k) </> keyFile k
d </> fromRawFilePath (hashDirLower def k) </> fromRawFilePath (keyFile k)
{- Check if there is enough free disk space in the remote's directory to
- store the key. Note that the unencrypted key size is checked. -}
@ -164,12 +164,13 @@ store d chunkconfig k b p = liftIO $ do
case chunkconfig of
LegacyChunks chunksize -> chunksize finalizeStoreGeneric k b p tmpdir destdir
_ -> do
let tmpf = tmpdir </> keyFile k
let tmpf = tmpdir </> kf
meteredWriteFile p tmpf b
finalizeStoreGeneric tmpdir destdir
return True
tmpdir = addTrailingPathSeparator $ d </> "tmp" </> keyFile k
tmpdir = addTrailingPathSeparator $ d </> "tmp" </> kf
kf = fromRawFilePath (keyFile k)
destdir = storeDir d k
{- Passed a temp directory that contains the files that should be placed

View file

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ store chunksize finalizer k b p = storeHelper finalizer k $ \dests ->
retrieve :: (FilePath -> Key -> [FilePath]) -> FilePath -> Preparer Retriever
retrieve locations d basek a = withOtherTmp $ \tmpdir -> do
showLongNote "This remote uses the deprecated chunksize setting. So this will be quite slow."
let tmp = tmpdir </> keyFile basek ++ ".directorylegacy.tmp"
let tmp = tmpdir </> fromRawFilePath (keyFile basek) ++ ".directorylegacy.tmp"
a $ Just $ byteRetriever $ \k sink -> do
liftIO $ void $ withStoredFiles d locations k $ \fs -> do
forM_ fs $

View file

@ -351,9 +351,9 @@ store' :: Git.Repo -> Remote -> Remote.Rsync.RsyncOpts -> Storer
store' repo r rsyncopts
| not $ Git.repoIsUrl repo =
byteStorer $ \k b p -> guardUsable repo (return False) $ liftIO $ do
let tmpdir = Git.repoLocation repo </> "tmp" </> keyFile k
let tmpdir = Git.repoLocation repo </> "tmp" </> fromRawFilePath (keyFile k)
void $ tryIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True tmpdir
let tmpf = tmpdir </> keyFile k
let tmpf = tmpdir </> fromRawFilePath (keyFile k)
meteredWriteFile p tmpf b
let destdir = parentDir $ gCryptLocation repo k
Remote.Directory.finalizeStoreGeneric tmpdir destdir

View file

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ storeChunks key tmp dest storer recorder finalizer = either onerr return
warningIO (show e)
return False
basef = tmp ++ keyFile key
basef = tmp ++ fromRawFilePath (keyFile key)
tmpdests = map (basef ++ ) chunkStream
{- Given a list of destinations to use, chunks the data according to the

View file

@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ remove o k = removeGeneric o includes
[ parentDir dir
, dir
-- match content directory and anything in it
, dir </> keyFile k </> "***"
, dir </> fromRawFilePath (keyFile k) </> "***"
{- An empty directory is rsynced to make it delete. Everything is excluded,

View file

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ rsyncUrls :: RsyncOpts -> Key -> [RsyncUrl]
rsyncUrls o k = map use dirHashes
use h = rsyncUrl o </> fromRawFilePath (hash h) </> rsyncEscape o (f </> f)
f = keyFile k
f = fromRawFilePath (keyFile k)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
hash h = h def k

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ inLocation d = inDAVLocation (</> d')
{- The directory where files(s) for a key are stored. -}
keyDir :: Key -> DavLocation
keyDir k = addTrailingPathSeparator $ hashdir </> keyFile k
keyDir k = addTrailingPathSeparator $ hashdir </> fromRawFilePath (keyFile k)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
hashdir = fromRawFilePath $ hashDirLower def k
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ keyDir k = addTrailingPathSeparator $ hashdir </> keyFile k
keyLocation :: Key -> DavLocation
keyLocation k = keyDir k ++ keyFile k
keyLocation k = keyDir k ++ fromRawFilePath (keyFile k)
{- Paths containing # or ? cannot be represented in an url, so fails on
- those. -}
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ exportLocation l =
{- Where we store temporary data for a key as it's being uploaded. -}
keyTmpLocation :: Key -> DavLocation
keyTmpLocation = tmpLocation . keyFile
keyTmpLocation = tmpLocation . fromRawFilePath . keyFile
tmpLocation :: FilePath -> DavLocation
tmpLocation f = "git-annex-webdav-tmp-" ++ f

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ upgrade = do
showAction "v0 to v1"
-- do the reorganisation of the key files
olddir <- fromRepo gitAnnexDir
olddir <- fromRawFilePath <$> fromRepo gitAnnexDir
keys <- getKeysPresent0 olddir
forM_ keys $ \k -> moveAnnex k $ olddir </> keyFile0 k

View file

@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ logFile2 = logFile' (hashDirLower def)
logFile' :: (Key -> RawFilePath) -> Key -> Git.Repo -> String
logFile' hasher key repo =
gitStateDir repo ++ fromRawFilePath (hasher key) ++ keyFile key ++ ".log"
gitStateDir repo ++ fromRawFilePath (hasher key) ++ fromRawFilePath (keyFile key) ++ ".log"
stateDir :: FilePath
stateDir = addTrailingPathSeparator ".git-annex"

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ upgrade automatic = do
return True
gitAnnexKeysDbOld :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexKeysDbOld r = gitAnnexDir r </> "keys"
gitAnnexKeysDbOld r = fromRawFilePath (gitAnnexDir r) </> "keys"
gitAnnexKeysDbLockOld :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexKeysDbLockOld r = gitAnnexKeysDbOld r ++ ".lck"
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ gitAnnexKeysDbIndexCacheOld :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexKeysDbIndexCacheOld r = gitAnnexKeysDbOld r ++ ".cache"
gitAnnexContentIdentifierDbDirOld :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexContentIdentifierDbDirOld r = gitAnnexDir r </> "cids"
gitAnnexContentIdentifierDbDirOld r = fromRawFilePath (gitAnnexDir r) </> "cids"
gitAnnexContentIdentifierLockOld :: Git.Repo -> FilePath
gitAnnexContentIdentifierLockOld r = gitAnnexContentIdentifierDbDirOld r ++ ".lck"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Cut the last release before the switch over to end-to-end ByteString.
(Including fixing the rpm repo's index which had not been getting updated.)
I had left the `bs` branch last week with a known bug, so got that fixed.
Also there were some encoding problems on windows with the ByteString
filepaths, which needed a new release of filepath-bytestring to clean up.
Now I think the `bs` branch is really in a mergeable state.
(It's still not tested on Windows at all though.)
Took the last little while to do some more profiling. Mostly the remaining
ByteString conversions barely seem worth doing (1% improvement at most),
but [[todo/optimise_journal_access]] seems like it could pay off well.
Also found time in there somewhere to implement `git annex inprogress

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 7"""
Updated profiling. git-annex find is now ByteString end-to-end!
Note the massive reduction in alloc, and improved runtime.
Wed Dec 11 14:41 2019 Time and Allocation Profiling Report (Final)
git-annex +RTS -p -RTS find
total time = 1.51 secs (1515 ticks @ 1000 us, 1 processor)
total alloc = 608,475,328 bytes (excludes profiling overheads)
keyFile' Annex.Locations Annex/Locations.hs:(590,1)-(600,30) 8.2 16.6
>>=.\.succ' Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types Data/Attoparsec/Internal/Types.hs:146:13-76 4.7 0.7
getAnnexLinkTarget'.probesymlink Annex.Link Annex/Link.hs:79:9-46 4.2 7.6
>>=.\ Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types Data/Attoparsec/Internal/Types.hs:(146,9)-(147,44) 3.9 2.3
parseLinkTarget Annex.Link Annex/Link.hs:(255,1)-(263,25) 3.9 11.8
doesPathExist Utility.RawFilePath Utility/RawFilePath.hs:30:1-25 3.4 0.6
keyFile'.esc Annex.Locations Annex/Locations.hs:(596,9)-(600,30) 3.2 14.7
fileKey' Annex.Locations Annex/Locations.hs:(609,1)-(619,41) 3.0 4.7
parseLinkTargetOrPointer Annex.Link Annex/Link.hs:(240,1)-(244,25) 2.8 0.2
hashUpdates.\.\.\ Crypto.Hash Crypto/Hash.hs:85:48-99 2.5 0.1
combineAlways System.FilePath.Posix.ByteString System/FilePath/Posix/../Internal.hs:(698,1)-(704,67) 2.0 3.3
getState Annex Annex.hs:(251,1)-(254,27) 2.0 1.1
withPtr.makeTrampoline Basement.Block.Base Basement/Block/Base.hs:(401,5)-(404,31) 1.9 1.7
withMutablePtrHint Basement.Block.Base Basement/Block/Base.hs:(468,1)-(482,50) 1.8 1.2
parseKeyVariety Types.Key Types/Key.hs:(323,1)-(371,42) 1.8 0.0
fileKey'.go Annex.Locations Annex/Locations.hs:611:9-55 1.7 2.2
isLinkToAnnex Annex.Link Annex/Link.hs:(299,1)-(305,47) 1.7 1.0
hashDirMixed Annex.DirHashes Annex/DirHashes.hs:(82,1)-(90,27) 1.7 1.3
primitive Basement.Monad Basement/Monad.hs:72:5-18 1.6 0.1
withPtr Basement.Block.Base Basement/Block/Base.hs:(395,1)-(404,31) 1.5 1.6
mkKeySerialization Types.Key Types/Key.hs:(115,1)-(117,22) 1.1 2.8
decimal.step Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 Data/Attoparsec/ByteString/Char8.hs:448:9-49 0.8 1.2

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 3"""
Retargeting this todo at something useful post-git-add-kerfluffle,
annex.addunlocked could usefully be a pagespec to allow adding some files
unlocked and others locked (by git-annex add only, not git add).
"true" would be the same as "anything" and false as "nothing".
It may also then make sense to let it be configured in .gitattributes.
Although, the ugliness of setting a pagespec in .gitattributes,
as was done for annex.largefiles, coupled with the overhead of needing to
query that from git-check-attr for every file, makes me wary.
(Surprising amount of `git-annex add` time is in querying the
annex.largefiles and annex.backend attributes. Setting the former in
gitconfig avoids the attribute query and speeds up add of smaller files by
2%. Granted I've sped up add (except hashing) by probably 20% this month,
and with large files the hashing dominates.)
The query overhead could maybe be finessed: Since adding a file
already queries gitattributes for two other things, a single query could be
done for a file and the result cached.
Letting it be globally configured via `git-annex config` is an alternative
that I'm leaning toward.
(That would also need some caching, easier to implement and faster
since it is not a per-file value as the gitattribute would be.)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="named pipes as destination files"
\"getting object content from remotes involve a destination file that is written to\" -- what happens if git-annex makes a named pipe, and passes that as the destination file name to the remote?

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 1"""
Hmm, it used to be that `git add .` would smudge all dotfiles without that
line, but now annex.largefiles has to be configured for it to smudge
So, this could be dealt with in annex.largefiles. Both `anything` and
`include=*` currently match dotfiles. It's kind of weird really that `*`
matches dotfiles; it does not in the shell. If `*` did not match dotfiles
(and `anything` is just an alias for `include=*`), it would be fairly safe
to remove the `.* !filter` line by default. (If annex.largefiles has a
content-based setting, and a dotfile is large enough or the right mime type
or whatever, it's reasonable to default to smudging it.)
Then, you could set annex.largfiles to match the dotfiles you want,
eg `include=* or include=.mydotfile`. You could put the config in
.gitattributes if you want to configure it globally.
This change to annex.largefiles would also let `git-annex add`
stop skipping dotfiles by default; instead annex.largefiles would not match
dotfiles unless the user explicitly configured it to, and so the dotfiles
would be added as small files, directly to git.
I like this because it unifies the behaviors of the two ways of adding,
and it reduces the complexity, rather than adding more.
Removing the `.* !filter` line by default
would need to be done as part of the v8 upgrade, or a later upgrade.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
[[!comment format=mdwn
subject="""comment 2"""
`*` is not only used in annex.largefiles, but other pagespecs too.
Like preferred content:
So changing `*` to not match dotfiles would have wide reaching effects,
and it's really not good for different versions of git-annex to parse
preferred content expressions differently. And it seems too confusing to
have `*` match differently in annex.largefiles than in other pagespecs.
Having a single config that controls both kinds of adds still seems like a
good idea, but I don't know what that config should be.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Profiling of `git annex find --not --in web` suggests that converting Ref
to contain a ByteString, rather than a String, would eliminate a
fromRawFilePath that uses about 1% of runtime.

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Often a command will need to read a number of files from the git-annex
branch, and it uses getJournalFile for each to check for any journalled
change that has not reached the branch. But typically, the journal is empty
and in such a case, that's a lot of time spent trying to open journal files
that DNE.
Profiling eg, `git annex find --in web` shows things called by getJournalFile
use around 5% of runtime.
What if, once at startup, it checked if the journal was entirely empty.
If so, it can remember that, and avoid reading journal files.
Perhaps paired with staging the journal if it's not empty.
This could lead to behavior changes in some cases where one command is
writing changes and another command used to read them from the journal and
may no longer do so. But any such behavior change is of a behavior that
used to involve a race; the reader could just as well be ahead of the
writer and it would have already behaved as it would after the change.
But: When a process writes to the journal, it will need to update its state
to remember it's no longer empty. --[[Joey]]

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Benchmarking `git-annex find`, speedups range from 28-66%. The files fly by
much more snappily. Other commands likely also speed up, but do more work
than find so the improvement is not as large.
The `bs` branch is in a mergeable state now.
The `bs` branch is in a mergeable state now. [[done]]
Stuff not entirely finished: