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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.Status where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Maybe
import System.IO
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Annex
import qualified BackendClass
import qualified RemoteClass
import qualified Remote
import qualified Command.Unused
import qualified GitRepo as Git
import Command
import Types
import DataUnits
import Content
import Key
import Locations
-- a named computation that produces a statistic
type Stat = StatState (Maybe (String, StatState String))
-- cached info that multiple Stats may need
data StatInfo = StatInfo
{ keysPresentCache :: (Maybe (SizeList Key))
, keysReferencedCache :: (Maybe (SizeList Key))
-- a state monad for running Stats in
type StatState = StateT StatInfo Annex
-- a list with a known length
-- (Integer is used for the length to avoid
-- blowing up if someone annexed billions of files..)
type SizeList a = ([a], Integer)
sizeList :: [a] -> SizeList a
sizeList l = (l, genericLength l)
command :: [Command]
command = [repoCommand "status" (paramNothing) seek
"shows status information about the annex"]
seek :: [CommandSeek]
seek = [withNothing start]
{- Order is significant. Less expensive operations, and operations
- that share data go together.
faststats :: [Stat]
faststats =
[ supported_backends
, supported_remote_types
, tmp_size
, bad_data_size
slowstats :: [Stat]
slowstats =
2011-05-16 22:19:15 -04:00
[ local_annex_keys
, local_annex_size
, total_annex_keys
, total_annex_size
, backend_usage
start :: CommandStartNothing
start = do
fast <- Annex.getState
let todo = if fast then faststats else faststats ++ slowstats
evalStateT (mapM_ showStat todo) (StatInfo Nothing Nothing)
stat :: String -> StatState String -> Stat
stat desc a = return $ Just (desc, a)
nostat :: Stat
nostat = return $ Nothing
showStat :: Stat -> StatState ()
showStat s = calc =<< s
calc (Just (desc, a)) = do
liftIO $ putStr $ desc ++ ": "
liftIO $ hFlush stdout
liftIO . putStrLn =<< a
calc Nothing = return ()
supported_backends :: Stat
supported_backends = stat "supported backends" $
lift (Annex.getState Annex.supportedBackends) >>=
return . unwords . (map
supported_remote_types :: Stat
supported_remote_types = stat "supported remote types" $
return $ unwords $ map RemoteClass.typename Remote.remoteTypes
local_annex_size :: Stat
local_annex_size = stat "local annex size" $
cachedKeysPresent >>= keySizeSum
total_annex_size :: Stat
total_annex_size = stat "total annex size" $
cachedKeysReferenced >>= keySizeSum
local_annex_keys :: Stat
local_annex_keys = stat "local annex keys" $
return . show . snd =<< cachedKeysPresent
total_annex_keys :: Stat
total_annex_keys = stat "total annex keys" $
return . show . snd =<< cachedKeysReferenced
tmp_size :: Stat
tmp_size = staleSize "temporary directory size" gitAnnexTmpDir
bad_data_size :: Stat
bad_data_size = staleSize "bad keys size" gitAnnexBadDir
backend_usage :: Stat
backend_usage = stat "backend usage" $
return . usage =<< cachedKeysReferenced
2011-05-17 01:59:44 -04:00
usage (ks, _) = pp "" $ sort $ map swap $ splits ks
splits :: [Key] -> [(String, Integer)]
splits ks = M.toList $ M.fromListWith (+) $ map tcount ks
tcount k = (keyBackendName k, 1)
swap (a, b) = (b, a)
pp c [] = c
pp c ((n, b):xs) = "\n\t" ++ b ++ ": " ++ show n ++ pp c xs
cachedKeysPresent :: StatState (SizeList Key)
cachedKeysPresent = do
s <- get
case keysPresentCache s of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> do
keys <- lift $ getKeysPresent
let v = sizeList keys
put s { keysPresentCache = Just v }
return v
cachedKeysReferenced :: StatState (SizeList Key)
cachedKeysReferenced = do
s <- get
case keysReferencedCache s of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> do
keys <- lift $ Command.Unused.getKeysReferenced
-- A given key may be referenced repeatedly.
-- nub does not seem too slow (yet)..
let v = sizeList $ nub keys
put s { keysReferencedCache = Just v }
return v
keySizeSum :: SizeList Key -> StatState String
keySizeSum (keys, len) = do
let knownsize = catMaybes $ map keySize keys
let total = roughSize storageUnits False $ foldl (+) 0 knownsize
let missing = len - genericLength knownsize
return $ total ++
if missing > 0
2011-05-16 22:49:41 -04:00
then aside $ "but " ++ show missing ++ " keys have unknown size"
else ""
staleSize :: String -> (Git.Repo -> FilePath) -> Stat
staleSize label dirspec = do
keys <- lift (Command.Unused.staleKeys dirspec)
if null keys
then nostat
else stat label $ do
s <- keySizeSum $ sizeList keys
2011-05-16 22:49:41 -04:00
return $ s ++ aside "clean up with git-annex unused"
aside :: String -> String
aside s = "\t(" ++ s ++ ")"