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{- path manipulation
2013-05-12 18:58:46 +00:00
- Copyright 2010-2013 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports, CPP #-}
module Utility.Path where
import Data.String.Utils
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import Control.Applicative
2011-10-16 04:31:25 +00:00
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
2013-05-14 17:24:15 +00:00
import Data.Char
2013-05-14 19:21:35 +00:00
import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Posix
Fix a few bugs involving filenames that are at or near the filesystem's maximum filename length limit. Started with a problem when running addurl on a really long url, because the whole url is munged into the filename. Ended up doing a fairly extensive review for places where filenames could get too large, although it's hard to say I'm not missed any.. Backend.Url had a 128 character limit, which is fine when the limit is 255, but not if it's a lot shorter on some systems. So check the pathconf() limit. Note that this could result in fromUrl creating different keys for the same url, if run on systems with different limits. I don't see this is likely to cause any problems. That can already happen when using addurl --fast, or if the content of an url changes. Both Command.AddUrl and Backend.Url assumed that urls don't contain a lot of multi-byte unicode, and would fail to truncate an url that did properly. A few places use a filename as the template to make a temp file. While that's nice in that the temp file name can be easily related back to the original filename, it could lead to `git annex add` failing to add a filename that was at or close to the maximum length. Note that in Command.Add.lockdown, the template is still derived from the filename, just with enough space left to turn it into a temp file. This is an important optimisation, because the assistant may lock down a bunch of files all at once, and using the same template for all of them would cause openTempFile to iterate through the same set of names, looking for an unused temp file. I'm not very happy with the relatedTemplate hack, but it avoids that slowdown. Backend.WORM does not limit the filename stored in the key. I have not tried to change that; so git annex add will fail on really long filenames when using the WORM backend. It seems better to preserve the invariant that a WORM key always contains the complete filename, since the filename is the only unique material in the key, other than mtime and size. Since nobody has complained about add failing (I think I saw it once?) on WORM, probably it's ok, or nobody but me uses it. There may be compatability problems if using git annex addurl --fast or the WORM backend on a system with the 255 limit and then trying to use that repo in a system with a smaller limit. I have not tried to deal with those. This commit was sponsored by Alexander Brem. Thanks!
2013-07-30 21:49:11 +00:00
import System.Posix.Files
2013-05-14 17:24:15 +00:00
import qualified "MissingH" System.Path as MissingH
2011-10-16 04:31:25 +00:00
import Utility.Monad
import Utility.UserInfo
{- Makes a path absolute if it's not already.
- The first parameter is a base directory (ie, the cwd) to use if the path
- is not already absolute.
- On Unix, collapses and normalizes ".." etc in the path. May return Nothing
- if the path cannot be normalized.
- MissingH's absNormPath does not work on Windows, so on Windows
- no normalization is done.
absNormPath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
absNormPath dir path = MissingH.absNormPath dir path
2014-02-06 21:41:46 +00:00
absNormPath dir path = Just $ combine dir path
{- On Windows, this converts the paths to unix-style, in order to run
- MissingH's absNormPath on them. Resulting path will use / separators. -}
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
absNormPathUnix dir path = MissingH.absNormPath dir path
2014-02-07 00:05:27 +00:00
absNormPathUnix dir path = todos <$> MissingH.absNormPath (fromdos dir) (fromdos path)
fromdos = replace "\\" "/"
2014-02-07 00:05:27 +00:00
todos = replace "/" "\\"
2013-05-12 18:58:46 +00:00
{- Returns the parent directory of a path.
- To allow this to be easily used in loops, which terminate upon reaching the
- top, the parent of / is "" -}
parentDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
2011-10-11 18:43:45 +00:00
parentDir dir
2013-05-12 18:58:46 +00:00
| null dirs = ""
| otherwise = joinDrive drive (join s $ init dirs)
2012-12-13 04:24:19 +00:00
2013-05-12 18:58:46 +00:00
-- on Unix, the drive will be "/" when the dir is absolute, otherwise ""
(drive, path) = splitDrive dir
dirs = filter (not . null) $ split s path
2012-12-13 04:24:19 +00:00
s = [pathSeparator]
prop_parentDir_basics :: FilePath -> Bool
prop_parentDir_basics dir
| null dir = True
| dir == "/" = parentDir dir == ""
| otherwise = p /= dir
2012-12-13 04:24:19 +00:00
p = parentDir dir
{- Checks if the first FilePath is, or could be said to contain the second.
- For example, "foo/" contains "foo/bar". Also, "foo", "./foo", "foo/" etc
- are all equivilant.
dirContains :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
2013-05-12 18:58:46 +00:00
dirContains a b = a == b || a' == b' || (a'++[pathSeparator]) `isPrefixOf` b'
2012-12-13 04:24:19 +00:00
norm p = fromMaybe "" $ absNormPath p "."
a' = norm a
b' = norm b
2012-01-23 20:57:45 +00:00
{- Converts a filename into a normalized, absolute path.
- Unlike Directory.canonicalizePath, this does not require the path
- already exists. -}
absPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
absPath file = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
return $ absPathFrom cwd file
{- Converts a filename into a normalized, absolute path
- from the specified cwd. -}
absPathFrom :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
absPathFrom cwd file = fromMaybe bad $ absNormPath cwd file
2012-12-13 04:24:19 +00:00
bad = error $ "unable to normalize " ++ file
{- Constructs a relative path from the CWD to a file.
- For example, assuming CWD is /tmp/foo/bar:
- relPathCwdToFile "/tmp/foo" == ".."
- relPathCwdToFile "/tmp/foo/bar" == ""
relPathCwdToFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
relPathCwdToFile f = relPathDirToFile <$> getCurrentDirectory <*> absPath f
{- Constructs a relative path from a directory to a file.
- Both must be absolute, and normalized (eg with absNormpath).
relPathDirToFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
2011-10-11 18:43:45 +00:00
relPathDirToFile from to = join s $ dotdots ++ uncommon
2012-12-13 04:24:19 +00:00
s = [pathSeparator]
pfrom = split s from
pto = split s to
common = map fst $ takeWhile same $ zip pfrom pto
same (c,d) = c == d
uncommon = drop numcommon pto
dotdots = replicate (length pfrom - numcommon) ".."
numcommon = length common
prop_relPathDirToFile_basics :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
prop_relPathDirToFile_basics from to
| from == to = null r
| otherwise = not (null r)
2012-12-13 04:24:19 +00:00
r = relPathDirToFile from to
2011-09-19 05:37:04 +00:00
prop_relPathDirToFile_regressionTest :: Bool
prop_relPathDirToFile_regressionTest = same_dir_shortcurcuits_at_difference
2012-12-13 04:24:19 +00:00
{- Two paths have the same directory component at the same
- location, but it's not really the same directory.
- Code used to get this wrong. -}
same_dir_shortcurcuits_at_difference =
2013-06-18 17:08:28 +00:00
relPathDirToFile (joinPath [pathSeparator : "tmp", "r", "lll", "xxx", "yyy", "18"])
(joinPath [pathSeparator : "tmp", "r", ".git", "annex", "objects", "18", "gk", "SHA256-foo", "SHA256-foo"])
== joinPath ["..", "..", "..", "..", ".git", "annex", "objects", "18", "gk", "SHA256-foo", "SHA256-foo"]
{- Given an original list of paths, and an expanded list derived from it,
- generates a list of lists, where each sublist corresponds to one of the
2013-05-12 18:58:46 +00:00
- original paths. When the original path is a directory, any items
- in the expanded list that are contained in that directory will appear in
- its segment.
2011-09-19 05:37:04 +00:00
segmentPaths :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> [[FilePath]]
segmentPaths [] new = [new]
segmentPaths [_] new = [new] -- optimisation
segmentPaths (l:ls) new = [found] ++ segmentPaths ls rest
2012-12-13 04:24:19 +00:00
(found, rest)=partition (l `dirContains`) new
2011-09-19 05:37:04 +00:00
{- This assumes that it's cheaper to call segmentPaths on the result,
- than it would be to run the action separately with each path. In
- the case of git file list commands, that assumption tends to hold.
2011-09-19 05:37:04 +00:00
runSegmentPaths :: ([FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]) -> [FilePath] -> IO [[FilePath]]
runSegmentPaths a paths = segmentPaths paths <$> a paths
2011-10-16 04:31:25 +00:00
2012-08-02 11:47:50 +00:00
{- Converts paths in the home directory to use ~/ -}
relHome :: FilePath -> IO String
relHome path = do
home <- myHomeDir
return $ if dirContains home path
then "~/" ++ relPathDirToFile home path
else path
{- Checks if a command is available in PATH.
- The command may be fully-qualified, in which case, this succeeds as
- long as it exists. -}
2011-10-16 04:31:25 +00:00
inPath :: String -> IO Bool
inPath command = isJust <$> searchPath command
{- Finds a command in PATH and returns the full path to it.
- The command may be fully qualified already, in which case it will
- be returned if it exists.
searchPath :: String -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
searchPath command
| isAbsolute command = check command
| otherwise = getSearchPath >>= getM indir
2012-12-13 04:24:19 +00:00
indir d = check $ d </> command
check f = firstM doesFileExist
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
[f, f ++ ".exe"]
{- Checks if a filename is a unix dotfile. All files inside dotdirs
- count as dotfiles. -}
dotfile :: FilePath -> Bool
dotfile file
| f == "." = False
| f == ".." = False
| f == "" = False
| otherwise = "." `isPrefixOf` f || dotfile (takeDirectory file)
2012-12-13 04:24:19 +00:00
f = takeFileName file
2013-05-14 17:24:15 +00:00
{- Converts a DOS style path to a Cygwin style path. Only on Windows.
- Any trailing '\' is preserved as a trailing '/' -}
toCygPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
2013-05-14 17:24:15 +00:00
toCygPath = id
toCygPath p
| null drive = recombine parts
| otherwise = recombine $ "/cygdrive" : driveletter drive : parts
(drive, p') = splitDrive p
parts = splitDirectories p'
driveletter = map toLower . takeWhile (/= ':')
recombine = fixtrailing . Posix.joinPath
fixtrailing s
| hasTrailingPathSeparator p = Posix.addTrailingPathSeparator s
| otherwise = s
Fix a few bugs involving filenames that are at or near the filesystem's maximum filename length limit. Started with a problem when running addurl on a really long url, because the whole url is munged into the filename. Ended up doing a fairly extensive review for places where filenames could get too large, although it's hard to say I'm not missed any.. Backend.Url had a 128 character limit, which is fine when the limit is 255, but not if it's a lot shorter on some systems. So check the pathconf() limit. Note that this could result in fromUrl creating different keys for the same url, if run on systems with different limits. I don't see this is likely to cause any problems. That can already happen when using addurl --fast, or if the content of an url changes. Both Command.AddUrl and Backend.Url assumed that urls don't contain a lot of multi-byte unicode, and would fail to truncate an url that did properly. A few places use a filename as the template to make a temp file. While that's nice in that the temp file name can be easily related back to the original filename, it could lead to `git annex add` failing to add a filename that was at or close to the maximum length. Note that in Command.Add.lockdown, the template is still derived from the filename, just with enough space left to turn it into a temp file. This is an important optimisation, because the assistant may lock down a bunch of files all at once, and using the same template for all of them would cause openTempFile to iterate through the same set of names, looking for an unused temp file. I'm not very happy with the relatedTemplate hack, but it avoids that slowdown. Backend.WORM does not limit the filename stored in the key. I have not tried to change that; so git annex add will fail on really long filenames when using the WORM backend. It seems better to preserve the invariant that a WORM key always contains the complete filename, since the filename is the only unique material in the key, other than mtime and size. Since nobody has complained about add failing (I think I saw it once?) on WORM, probably it's ok, or nobody but me uses it. There may be compatability problems if using git annex addurl --fast or the WORM backend on a system with the 255 limit and then trying to use that repo in a system with a smaller limit. I have not tried to deal with those. This commit was sponsored by Alexander Brem. Thanks!
2013-07-30 21:49:11 +00:00
{- Maximum size to use for a file in a specified directory.
- Many systems have a 255 byte limit to the name of a file,
- so that's taken as the max if the system has a larger limit, or has no
- limit.
fileNameLengthLimit :: FilePath -> IO Int
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
Fix a few bugs involving filenames that are at or near the filesystem's maximum filename length limit. Started with a problem when running addurl on a really long url, because the whole url is munged into the filename. Ended up doing a fairly extensive review for places where filenames could get too large, although it's hard to say I'm not missed any.. Backend.Url had a 128 character limit, which is fine when the limit is 255, but not if it's a lot shorter on some systems. So check the pathconf() limit. Note that this could result in fromUrl creating different keys for the same url, if run on systems with different limits. I don't see this is likely to cause any problems. That can already happen when using addurl --fast, or if the content of an url changes. Both Command.AddUrl and Backend.Url assumed that urls don't contain a lot of multi-byte unicode, and would fail to truncate an url that did properly. A few places use a filename as the template to make a temp file. While that's nice in that the temp file name can be easily related back to the original filename, it could lead to `git annex add` failing to add a filename that was at or close to the maximum length. Note that in Command.Add.lockdown, the template is still derived from the filename, just with enough space left to turn it into a temp file. This is an important optimisation, because the assistant may lock down a bunch of files all at once, and using the same template for all of them would cause openTempFile to iterate through the same set of names, looking for an unused temp file. I'm not very happy with the relatedTemplate hack, but it avoids that slowdown. Backend.WORM does not limit the filename stored in the key. I have not tried to change that; so git annex add will fail on really long filenames when using the WORM backend. It seems better to preserve the invariant that a WORM key always contains the complete filename, since the filename is the only unique material in the key, other than mtime and size. Since nobody has complained about add failing (I think I saw it once?) on WORM, probably it's ok, or nobody but me uses it. There may be compatability problems if using git annex addurl --fast or the WORM backend on a system with the 255 limit and then trying to use that repo in a system with a smaller limit. I have not tried to deal with those. This commit was sponsored by Alexander Brem. Thanks!
2013-07-30 21:49:11 +00:00
fileNameLengthLimit _ = return 255
fileNameLengthLimit dir = do
l <- fromIntegral <$> getPathVar dir FileNameLimit
if l <= 0
then return 255
else return $ minimum [l, 255]
{- Given a string that we'd like to use as the basis for FilePath, but that
- was provided by a third party and is not to be trusted, returns the closest
- sane FilePath.
- All spaces and punctuation and other wacky stuff are replaced
- with '_', except for '.' "../" will thus turn into ".._", which is safe.
sanitizeFilePath :: String -> FilePath
sanitizeFilePath = map sanitize
sanitize c
| c == '.' = c
| isSpace c || isPunctuation c || isSymbol c || isControl c || c == '/' = '_'
| otherwise = c