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{- git ls-files interface
2012-06-27 09:27:59 -04:00
- Copyright 2010,2012 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Git.LsFiles (
2012-12-12 19:20:38 -04:00
) where
2011-12-20 14:37:53 -04:00
import Common
import Git
2011-12-14 15:56:11 -04:00
import Git.Command
2012-06-27 09:27:59 -04:00
import Git.Types
import Git.Sha
import Numeric
import System.Posix.Types
{- Scans for files that are checked into git at the specified locations. -}
inRepo :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
inRepo l = pipeNullSplit $ Params "ls-files --cached -z --" : map File l
2011-09-25 14:37:13 -04:00
{- Scans for files at the specified locations that are not checked into git. -}
notInRepo :: Bool -> [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
notInRepo include_ignored l repo = pipeNullSplit params repo
2012-12-12 13:20:58 -04:00
params = [Params "ls-files --others"] ++ exclude ++
[Params "-z --"] ++ map File l
| include_ignored = []
| otherwise = [Param "--exclude-standard"]
{- Finds all files in the specified locations, whether checked into git or
- not. -}
allFiles :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
allFiles l = pipeNullSplit $ Params "ls-files --cached --others -z --" : map File l
{- Returns a list of files in the specified locations that have been
- deleted. -}
deleted :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
deleted l repo = pipeNullSplit params repo
params = [Params "ls-files --deleted -z --"] ++ map File l
{- Returns a list of files in the specified locations that have been
- modified. -}
modified :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
modified l repo = pipeNullSplit params repo
params = [Params "ls-files --modified -z --"] ++ map File l
{- Returns a list of all files that are staged for commit. -}
staged :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
staged = staged' []
{- Returns a list of the files, staged for commit, that are being added,
- moved, or changed (but not deleted), from the specified locations. -}
stagedNotDeleted :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
stagedNotDeleted = staged' [Param "--diff-filter=ACMRT"]
staged' :: [CommandParam] -> [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
staged' ps l = pipeNullSplit $ prefix ++ ps ++ suffix
2012-12-12 13:20:58 -04:00
prefix = [Params "diff --cached --name-only -z"]
suffix = Param "--" : map File l
{- Returns details about files that are staged in the index,
- as well as files not yet in git. Skips ignored files. -}
stagedOthersDetails :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([(FilePath, Maybe Sha, Maybe FileMode)], IO Bool)
stagedOthersDetails = stagedDetails' [Params "--others --exclude-standard"]
{- Returns details about all files that are staged in the index. -}
stagedDetails :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([(FilePath, Maybe Sha, Maybe FileMode)], IO Bool)
stagedDetails = stagedDetails' []
{- Gets details about staged files, including the Sha of their staged
- contents. -}
stagedDetails' :: [CommandParam] -> [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([(FilePath, Maybe Sha, Maybe FileMode)], IO Bool)
stagedDetails' ps l repo = do
2012-12-12 19:20:38 -04:00
(ls, cleanup) <- pipeNullSplit params repo
return (map parse ls, cleanup)
2012-12-12 13:25:26 -04:00
params = Params "ls-files --stage -z" : ps ++
Param "--" : map File l
2012-12-12 19:20:38 -04:00
parse s
| null file = (s, Nothing, Nothing)
| otherwise = (file, extractSha $ take shaSize rest, readmode mode)
2012-12-12 19:20:38 -04:00
(metadata, file) = separate (== '\t') s
(mode, rest) = separate (== ' ') metadata
readmode = headMaybe . readOct >=*> fst
2012-12-12 13:25:26 -04:00
{- Returns a list of the files in the specified locations that are staged
- for commit, and whose type has changed. -}
typeChangedStaged :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
typeChangedStaged = typeChanged' [Param "--cached"]
{- Returns a list of the files in the specified locations whose type has
- changed. Files only staged for commit will not be included. -}
typeChanged :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
typeChanged = typeChanged' []
typeChanged' :: [CommandParam] -> [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([FilePath], IO Bool)
typeChanged' ps l repo = do
(fs, cleanup) <- pipeNullSplit (prefix ++ ps ++ suffix) repo
-- git diff returns filenames relative to the top of the git repo;
-- convert to filenames relative to the cwd, like git ls-files.
Clean up handling of git directory and git worktree. Baked into the code was an assumption that a repository's git directory could be determined by adding ".git" to its work tree (or nothing for bare repos). That fails when core.worktree, or GIT_DIR and GIT_WORK_TREE are used to separate the two. This was attacked at the type level, by storing the gitdir and worktree separately, so Nothing for the worktree means a bare repo. A complication arose because we don't learn where a repository is bare until its configuration is read. So another Location type handles repositories that have not had their config read yet. I am not entirely happy with this being a Location type, rather than representing them entirely separate from the Git type. The new code is not worse than the old, but better types could enforce more safety. Added support for core.worktree. Overriding it with -c isn't supported because it's not really clear what to do if a git repo's config is read, is not bare, and is then overridden to bare. What is the right git directory in this case? I will worry about this if/when someone has a use case for overriding core.worktree with -c. (See Git.Config.updateLocation) Also removed and renamed some functions like gitDir and workTree that misused git's terminology. One minor regression is known: git annex add in a bare repository does not print a nice error message, but runs git ls-files in a way that fails earlier with a less nice error message. This is because before --work-tree was always passed to git commands, even in a bare repo, while now it's not.
2012-05-18 16:38:26 -04:00
let top = repoPath repo
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
return (map (\f -> relPathDirToFile cwd $ top </> f) fs, cleanup)
2012-12-12 13:20:58 -04:00
prefix = [Params "diff --name-only --diff-filter=T -z"]
suffix = Param "--" : (if null l then [File "."] else map File l)
2012-06-27 09:27:59 -04:00
{- A item in conflict has two possible values.
- Either can be Nothing, when that side deleted the file. -}
data Conflicting v = Conflicting
{ valUs :: Maybe v
, valThem :: Maybe v
} deriving (Show)
2012-06-27 09:27:59 -04:00
data Unmerged = Unmerged
{ unmergedFile :: FilePath
, unmergedBlobType :: Conflicting BlobType
, unmergedSha :: Conflicting Sha
} deriving (Show)
2012-06-27 09:27:59 -04:00
{- Returns a list of the files in the specified locations that have
- unresolved merge conflicts.
- ls-files outputs multiple lines per conflicting file, each with its own
- stage number:
- 1 = old version, can be ignored
- 2 = us
- 3 = them
- If a line is omitted, that side removed the file.
unmerged :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([Unmerged], IO Bool)
unmerged l repo = do
(fs, cleanup) <- pipeNullSplit params repo
return (reduceUnmerged [] $ catMaybes $ map parseUnmerged fs, cleanup)
2012-12-12 13:20:58 -04:00
params = Params "ls-files --unmerged -z --" : map File l
data InternalUnmerged = InternalUnmerged
{ isus :: Bool
, ifile :: FilePath
, iblobtype :: Maybe BlobType
, isha :: Maybe Sha
} deriving (Show)
parseUnmerged :: String -> Maybe InternalUnmerged
parseUnmerged s
2012-10-18 00:45:22 -04:00
| null file = Nothing
| otherwise = case words metadata of
(rawblobtype:rawsha:rawstage:_) -> do
stage <- readish rawstage :: Maybe Int
unless (stage == 2 || stage == 3) $
fail undefined -- skip stage 1
blobtype <- readBlobType rawblobtype
sha <- extractSha rawsha
return $ InternalUnmerged (stage == 2) file
(Just blobtype) (Just sha)
_ -> Nothing
2012-12-12 13:20:58 -04:00
(metadata, file) = separate (== '\t') s
reduceUnmerged :: [Unmerged] -> [InternalUnmerged] -> [Unmerged]
reduceUnmerged c [] = c
reduceUnmerged c (i:is) = reduceUnmerged (new:c) rest
2012-12-12 13:20:58 -04:00
(rest, sibi) = findsib i is
(blobtypeA, blobtypeB, shaA, shaB)
| isus i = (iblobtype i, iblobtype sibi, isha i, isha sibi)
| otherwise = (iblobtype sibi, iblobtype i, isha sibi, isha i)
new = Unmerged
{ unmergedFile = ifile i
, unmergedBlobType = Conflicting blobtypeA blobtypeB
, unmergedSha = Conflicting shaA shaB
findsib templatei [] = ([], removed templatei)
2012-12-12 13:20:58 -04:00
findsib templatei (l:ls)
| ifile l == ifile templatei = (ls, l)
| otherwise = (l:ls, removed templatei)
removed templatei = templatei
2012-12-12 13:20:58 -04:00
{ isus = not (isus templatei)
, iblobtype = Nothing
, isha = Nothing