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2010-10-27 16:53:54 -04:00
{- git-annex monad
2011-11-09 01:15:51 -04:00
- Copyright 2010-2011 Joey Hess <>
2010-10-27 16:53:54 -04:00
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
2010-10-10 15:04:07 -04:00
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
2010-10-11 17:52:46 -04:00
module Annex (
2010-10-14 03:18:11 -04:00
2010-10-14 03:18:11 -04:00
2010-10-31 23:24:16 -04:00
2012-04-30 13:59:05 -04:00
2010-10-11 17:52:46 -04:00
) where
2010-10-10 15:04:07 -04:00
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (StM, MonadBaseControl, liftBaseWith, restoreM)
import Control.Monad.Base (liftBase, MonadBase)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd)
2010-10-16 16:20:49 -04:00
import Common
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Config
import Git.CatFile
import Git.CheckAttr
2012-04-21 19:42:49 -04:00
import Git.SharedRepository
2011-12-20 14:37:53 -04:00
import qualified Git.Queue
import Types.Backend
import qualified Types.Remote
import Types.Crypto
import Types.BranchState
import Types.TrustLevel
import Types.Messages
import Utility.State
import qualified Utility.Matcher
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- git-annex's monad
newtype Annex a = Annex { runAnnex :: StateT AnnexState IO a }
deriving (
MonadState AnnexState,
instance MonadBase IO Annex where
liftBase = Annex . liftBase
instance MonadBaseControl IO Annex where
newtype StM Annex a = StAnnex (StM (StateT AnnexState IO) a)
liftBaseWith f = Annex $ liftBaseWith $ \runInIO ->
f $ liftM StAnnex . runInIO . runAnnex
restoreM = Annex . restoreM . unStAnnex
unStAnnex (StAnnex st) = st
2011-12-31 04:19:10 -04:00
type Matcher a = Either [Utility.Matcher.Token a] (Utility.Matcher.Matcher a)
-- internal state storage
data AnnexState = AnnexState
{ repo :: Git.Repo
2011-12-31 04:11:39 -04:00
, backends :: [BackendA Annex]
, remotes :: [Types.Remote.RemoteA Annex]
, output :: MessageState
, force :: Bool
, fast :: Bool
, auto :: Bool
, branchstate :: BranchState
, repoqueue :: Maybe Git.Queue.Queue
, catfilehandle :: Maybe CatFileHandle
, checkattrhandle :: Maybe CheckAttrHandle
, forcebackend :: Maybe String
2011-06-01 16:49:17 -04:00
, forcenumcopies :: Maybe Int
2011-12-31 04:19:10 -04:00
, limit :: Matcher (FilePath -> Annex Bool)
2012-04-21 19:42:49 -04:00
, shared :: Maybe SharedRepository
, forcetrust :: TrustMap
, trustmap :: Maybe TrustMap
, ciphers :: M.Map StorableCipher Cipher
, lockpool :: M.Map FilePath Fd
, flags :: M.Map String Bool
, fields :: M.Map String String
, cleanup :: M.Map String (Annex ())
2011-04-16 16:41:46 -04:00
newState :: Git.Repo -> AnnexState
newState gitrepo = AnnexState
{ repo = gitrepo
, backends = []
, remotes = []
, output = defaultMessageState
, force = False
, fast = False
, auto = False
, branchstate = startBranchState
, repoqueue = Nothing
, catfilehandle = Nothing
, checkattrhandle = Nothing
, forcebackend = Nothing
2011-06-01 16:49:17 -04:00
, forcenumcopies = Nothing
, limit = Left []
2012-04-21 19:42:49 -04:00
, shared = Nothing
, forcetrust = M.empty
, trustmap = Nothing
, ciphers = M.empty
, lockpool = M.empty
, flags = M.empty
, fields = M.empty
, cleanup = M.empty
2010-10-14 03:18:11 -04:00
{- Create and returns an Annex state object for the specified git repo. -}
new :: Git.Repo -> IO AnnexState
new gitrepo = newState <$> gitrepo
2010-10-14 03:18:11 -04:00
{- performs an action in the Annex monad -}
2011-01-11 18:13:26 -04:00
run :: AnnexState -> Annex a -> IO (a, AnnexState)
run s a = runStateT (runAnnex a) s
2011-01-11 18:13:26 -04:00
eval :: AnnexState -> Annex a -> IO a
eval s a = evalStateT (runAnnex a) s
2010-10-14 03:18:11 -04:00
{- Sets a flag to True -}
setFlag :: String -> Annex ()
setFlag flag = changeState $ \s ->
s { flags = M.insertWith' const flag True $ flags s }
{- Sets a field to a value -}
setField :: String -> String -> Annex ()
setField field value = changeState $ \s ->
s { fields = M.insertWith' const field value $ fields s }
{- Adds a cleanup action to perform. -}
addCleanup :: String -> Annex () -> Annex ()
addCleanup uid a = changeState $ \s ->
s { cleanup = M.insertWith' const uid a $ cleanup s }
2012-04-30 13:59:05 -04:00
{- Sets the type of output to emit. -}
setOutput :: OutputType -> Annex ()
setOutput o = changeState $ \s ->
s { output = (output s) { outputType = o } }
{- Checks if a flag was set. -}
getFlag :: String -> Annex Bool
getFlag flag = fromMaybe False . M.lookup flag <$> getState flags
{- Gets the value of a field. -}
getField :: String -> Annex (Maybe String)
getField field = M.lookup field <$> getState fields
{- Returns the annex's git repository. -}
2010-10-14 03:18:11 -04:00
gitRepo :: Annex Git.Repo
gitRepo = getState repo
{- Runs an IO action in the annex's git repository. -}
inRepo :: (Git.Repo -> IO a) -> Annex a
2011-11-12 14:24:07 -04:00
inRepo a = liftIO . a =<< gitRepo
{- Extracts a value from the annex's git repisitory. -}
fromRepo :: (Git.Repo -> a) -> Annex a
fromRepo a = a <$> gitRepo