2015-07-02 23:03:34 -04:00
From 4694f3a7ee4eb15d33ecda9d62712ea236304c1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
2014-07-04 00:47:49 +01:00
From: dummy <dummy@example.com>
2015-07-02 23:03:34 -04:00
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2015 22:17:29 +0000
2014-10-16 00:31:59 -04:00
Subject: [PATCH] hack TH
2014-05-20 22:12:29 +00:00
2015-07-02 23:03:34 -04:00
Text/Cassius.hs | 30 +---
Text/Coffee.hs | 56 +-------
Text/Css.hs | 151 ---------------------
Text/CssCommon.hs | 22 ---
Text/Hamlet.hs | 346 +++--------------------------------------------
Text/Julius.hs | 59 +-------
Text/Lucius.hs | 47 +------
Text/Roy.hs | 52 +------
Text/Shakespeare.hs | 70 ++--------
Text/Shakespeare/Base.hs | 28 ----
Text/Shakespeare/Text.hs | 117 ++--------------
Text/TypeScript.hs | 48 +------
shakespeare.cabal | 6 +-
13 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 963 deletions(-)
2014-05-20 22:12:29 +00:00
2015-07-02 23:03:34 -04:00
diff --git a/Text/Cassius.hs b/Text/Cassius.hs
index ba73bdd..ffe7c51 100644
--- a/Text/Cassius.hs
+++ b/Text/Cassius.hs
@@ -14,12 +14,7 @@ module Text.Cassius
, renderCss
, renderCssUrl
-- * Parsing
- , cassius
- , cassiusFile
- , cassiusFileDebug
- , cassiusFileReload
-- ** Mixims
- , cassiusMixin
, Mixin
-- * ToCss instances
-- ** Color
@@ -27,15 +22,12 @@ module Text.Cassius
, colorRed
, colorBlack
-- ** Size
- , mkSize
+ --, mkSize
, AbsoluteUnit (..)
, AbsoluteSize (..)
, absoluteSize
- , EmSize (..)
- , ExSize (..)
, PercentageSize (..)
, percentageSize
- , PixelSize (..)
-- * Internal
, cassiusUsedIdentifiers
) where
@@ -47,25 +39,9 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter (..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Text.CssCommon
-import Text.Lucius (lucius)
import qualified Text.Lucius
import Text.IndentToBrace (i2b)
-cassius :: QuasiQuoter
-cassius = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = quoteExp lucius . i2b }
-cassiusFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-cassiusFile fp = do
-#ifdef GHC_7_4
- qAddDependentFile fp
- contents <- fmap TL.unpack $ qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp
- quoteExp cassius contents
-cassiusFileDebug, cassiusFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-cassiusFileDebug = cssFileDebug True [|Text.Lucius.parseTopLevels|] Text.Lucius.parseTopLevels
-cassiusFileReload = cassiusFileDebug
-- | Determine which identifiers are used by the given template, useful for
-- creating systems like yesod devel.
cassiusUsedIdentifiers :: String -> [(Deref, VarType)]
@@ -74,10 +50,6 @@ cassiusUsedIdentifiers = cssUsedIdentifiers True Text.Lucius.parseTopLevels
-- | Create a mixin with Cassius syntax.
-- Since 2.0.3
-cassiusMixin :: QuasiQuoter
-cassiusMixin = QuasiQuoter
- { quoteExp = quoteExp Text.Lucius.luciusMixin . i2bMixin
- }
i2bMixin :: String -> String
i2bMixin s' =
diff --git a/Text/Coffee.hs b/Text/Coffee.hs
index 488c81b..4e28c94 100644
--- a/Text/Coffee.hs
+++ b/Text/Coffee.hs
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ module Text.Coffee
-- ** Template-Reading Functions
-- | These QuasiQuoter and Template Haskell methods return values of
-- type @'JavascriptUrl' url@. See the Yesod book for details.
- coffee
- , coffeeFile
- , coffeeFileReload
- , coffeeFileDebug
+ -- coffee
+ --, coffeeFile
+ --, coffeeFileReload
+ --, coffeeFileDebug
- , coffeeSettings
+ -- , coffeeSettings
) where
@@ -65,49 +65,3 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter (..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Text.Shakespeare
import Text.Julius
-coffeeSettings :: Q ShakespeareSettings
-coffeeSettings = do
- jsettings <- javascriptSettings
- return $ jsettings { varChar = '%'
- , preConversion = Just PreConvert {
- preConvert = ReadProcess "coffee" ["-spb"]
- , preEscapeIgnoreBalanced = "'\"`" -- don't insert backtacks for variable already inside strings or backticks.
- , preEscapeIgnoreLine = "#" -- ignore commented lines
- , wrapInsertion = Just WrapInsertion {
- wrapInsertionIndent = Just " "
- , wrapInsertionStartBegin = "("
- , wrapInsertionSeparator = ", "
- , wrapInsertionStartClose = ") =>"
- , wrapInsertionEnd = ""
- , wrapInsertionAddParens = False
- }
- }
- }
--- | Read inline, quasiquoted CoffeeScript.
-coffee :: QuasiQuoter
-coffee = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- coffeeSettings
- quoteExp (shakespeare rs) s
- }
--- | Read in a CoffeeScript template file. This function reads the file once, at
--- compile time.
-coffeeFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-coffeeFile fp = do
- rs <- coffeeSettings
- shakespeareFile rs fp
--- | Read in a CoffeeScript template file. This impure function uses
--- unsafePerformIO to re-read the file on every call, allowing for rapid
--- iteration.
-coffeeFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-coffeeFileReload fp = do
- rs <- coffeeSettings
- shakespeareFileReload rs fp
--- | Deprecated synonym for 'coffeeFileReload'
-coffeeFileDebug :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-coffeeFileDebug = coffeeFileReload
-{-# DEPRECATED coffeeFileDebug "Please use coffeeFileReload instead." #-}
diff --git a/Text/Css.hs b/Text/Css.hs
index 75dc549..20c206c 100644
--- a/Text/Css.hs
+++ b/Text/Css.hs
@@ -166,22 +166,6 @@ cssUsedIdentifiers toi2b parseBlocks s' =
(scope, rest') = go rest
go' (Attr k v) = k ++ v
-cssFileDebug :: Bool -- ^ perform the indent-to-brace conversion
- -> Q Exp
- -> Parser [TopLevel Unresolved]
- -> FilePath
- -> Q Exp
-cssFileDebug toi2b parseBlocks' parseBlocks fp = do
- s <- fmap TL.unpack $ qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp
-#ifdef GHC_7_4
- qAddDependentFile fp
- let vs = cssUsedIdentifiers toi2b parseBlocks s
- c <- mapM vtToExp vs
- cr <- [|cssRuntime toi2b|]
- parseBlocks'' <- parseBlocks'
- return $ cr `AppE` parseBlocks'' `AppE` (LitE $ StringL fp) `AppE` ListE c
combineSelectors :: HasLeadingSpace
-> [Contents]
-> [Contents]
@@ -287,18 +271,6 @@ cssRuntime toi2b parseBlocks fp cd render' = unsafePerformIO $ do
addScope scope = map (DerefIdent . Ident *** CDPlain . fromString) scope ++ cd
-vtToExp :: (Deref, VarType) -> Q Exp
-vtToExp (d, vt) = do
- d' <- lift d
- c' <- c vt
- return $ TupE [d', c' `AppE` derefToExp [] d]
- where
- c :: VarType -> Q Exp
- c VTPlain = [|CDPlain . toCss|]
- c VTUrl = [|CDUrl|]
- c VTUrlParam = [|CDUrlParam|]
- c VTMixin = [|CDMixin|]
getVars :: Monad m => [(String, String)] -> Content -> m [(Deref, VarType)]
getVars _ ContentRaw{} = return []
getVars scope (ContentVar d) =
@@ -342,111 +314,8 @@ compressBlock (Block x y blocks mixins) =
cc (ContentRaw a:ContentRaw b:c) = cc $ ContentRaw (a ++ b) : c
cc (a:b) = a : cc b
-blockToMixin :: Name
- -> Scope
- -> Block Unresolved
- -> Q Exp
-blockToMixin r scope (Block _sel props subblocks mixins) =
- [|Mixin
- { mixinAttrs = concat
- $ $(listE $ map go props)
- : map mixinAttrs $mixinsE
- -- FIXME too many complications to implement sublocks for now...
- , mixinBlocks = [] -- foldr (.) id $(listE $ map subGo subblocks) []
- }|]
- {-
- . foldr (.) id $(listE $ map subGo subblocks)
- . (concatMap mixinBlocks $mixinsE ++)
- |]
- -}
- where
- mixinsE = return $ ListE $ map (derefToExp []) mixins
- go (Attr x y) = conE 'Attr
- `appE` (contentsToBuilder r scope x)
- `appE` (contentsToBuilder r scope y)
- subGo (Block sel' b c d) = blockToCss r scope $ Block sel' b c d
-blockToCss :: Name
- -> Scope
- -> Block Unresolved
- -> Q Exp
-blockToCss r scope (Block sel props subblocks mixins) =
- [|((Block
- { blockSelector = $(selectorToBuilder r scope sel)
- , blockAttrs = concat
- $ $(listE $ map go props)
- : map mixinAttrs $mixinsE
- , blockBlocks = ()
- , blockMixins = ()
- } :: Block Resolved):)
- . foldr (.) id $(listE $ map subGo subblocks)
- . (concatMap mixinBlocks $mixinsE ++)
- |]
- where
- mixinsE = return $ ListE $ map (derefToExp []) mixins
- go (Attr x y) = conE 'Attr
- `appE` (contentsToBuilder r scope x)
- `appE` (contentsToBuilder r scope y)
- subGo (hls, Block sel' b c d) =
- blockToCss r scope $ Block sel'' b c d
- where
- sel'' = combineSelectors hls sel sel'
-selectorToBuilder :: Name -> Scope -> [Contents] -> Q Exp
-selectorToBuilder r scope sels =
- contentsToBuilder r scope $ intercalate [ContentRaw ","] sels
-contentsToBuilder :: Name -> Scope -> [Content] -> Q Exp
-contentsToBuilder r scope contents =
- appE [|mconcat|] $ listE $ map (contentToBuilder r scope) contents
-contentToBuilder :: Name -> Scope -> Content -> Q Exp
-contentToBuilder _ _ (ContentRaw x) =
- [|fromText . pack|] `appE` litE (StringL x)
-contentToBuilder _ scope (ContentVar d) =
- case d of
- DerefIdent (Ident s)
- | Just val <- lookup s scope -> [|fromText . pack|] `appE` litE (StringL val)
- _ -> [|toCss|] `appE` return (derefToExp [] d)
-contentToBuilder r _ (ContentUrl u) =
- [|fromText|] `appE`
- (varE r `appE` return (derefToExp [] u) `appE` listE [])
-contentToBuilder r _ (ContentUrlParam u) =
- [|fromText|] `appE`
- ([|uncurry|] `appE` varE r `appE` return (derefToExp [] u))
-contentToBuilder _ _ ContentMixin{} = error "contentToBuilder on ContentMixin"
type Scope = [(String, String)]
-topLevelsToCassius :: [TopLevel Unresolved]
- -> Q Exp
-topLevelsToCassius a = do
- r <- newName "_render"
- lamE [varP r] $ appE [|CssNoWhitespace . foldr ($) []|] $ fmap ListE $ go r [] a
- where
- go _ _ [] = return []
- go r scope (TopBlock b:rest) = do
- e <- [|(++) $ map TopBlock ($(blockToCss r scope b) [])|]
- es <- go r scope rest
- return $ e : es
- go r scope (TopAtBlock name s b:rest) = do
- let s' = contentsToBuilder r scope s
- e <- [|(:) $ TopAtBlock $(lift name) $(s') $(blocksToCassius r scope b)|]
- es <- go r scope rest
- return $ e : es
- go r scope (TopAtDecl dec cs:rest) = do
- e <- [|(:) $ TopAtDecl $(lift dec) $(contentsToBuilder r scope cs)|]
- es <- go r scope rest
- return $ e : es
- go r scope (TopVar k v:rest) = go r ((k, v) : scope) rest
-blocksToCassius :: Name
- -> Scope
- -> [Block Unresolved]
- -> Q Exp
-blocksToCassius r scope a = do
- appE [|foldr ($) []|] $ listE $ map (blockToCss r scope) a
renderCss :: Css -> TL.Text
renderCss css =
toLazyText $ mconcat $ map go tops
@@ -515,23 +384,3 @@ renderBlock haveWhiteSpace indent (Block sel attrs () ())
| haveWhiteSpace = fromString ";\n"
| otherwise = singleton ';'
-instance Lift Mixin where
- lift (Mixin a b) = [|Mixin a b|]
-instance Lift (Attr Unresolved) where
- lift (Attr k v) = [|Attr k v :: Attr Unresolved |]
-instance Lift (Attr Resolved) where
- lift (Attr k v) = [|Attr $(liftBuilder k) $(liftBuilder v) :: Attr Resolved |]
-liftBuilder :: Builder -> Q Exp
-liftBuilder b = [|fromText $ pack $(lift $ TL.unpack $ toLazyText b)|]
-instance Lift Content where
- lift (ContentRaw s) = [|ContentRaw s|]
- lift (ContentVar d) = [|ContentVar d|]
- lift (ContentUrl d) = [|ContentUrl d|]
- lift (ContentUrlParam d) = [|ContentUrlParam d|]
- lift (ContentMixin m) = [|ContentMixin m|]
-instance Lift (Block Unresolved) where
- lift (Block a b c d) = [|Block a b c d|]
-instance Lift (Block Resolved) where
- lift (Block a b () ()) = [|Block $(liftBuilder a) b () ()|]
diff --git a/Text/CssCommon.hs b/Text/CssCommon.hs
index 719e0a8..0635cf4 100644
--- a/Text/CssCommon.hs
+++ b/Text/CssCommon.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
@@ -47,24 +46,6 @@ colorBlack = Color 0 0 0
-- CSS size wrappers
--- | Create a CSS size, e.g. $(mkSize "100px").
-mkSize :: String -> ExpQ
-mkSize s = appE nameE valueE
- where [(value, unit)] = reads s :: [(Double, String)]
- absoluteSizeE = varE $ mkName "absoluteSize"
- nameE = case unit of
- "cm" -> appE absoluteSizeE (conE $ mkName "Centimeter")
- "em" -> conE $ mkName "EmSize"
- "ex" -> conE $ mkName "ExSize"
- "in" -> appE absoluteSizeE (conE $ mkName "Inch")
- "mm" -> appE absoluteSizeE (conE $ mkName "Millimeter")
- "pc" -> appE absoluteSizeE (conE $ mkName "Pica")
- "pt" -> appE absoluteSizeE (conE $ mkName "Point")
- "px" -> conE $ mkName "PixelSize"
- "%" -> varE $ mkName "percentageSize"
- _ -> error $ "In mkSize, invalid unit: " ++ unit
- valueE = litE $ rationalL (toRational value)
-- | Absolute size units.
data AbsoluteUnit = Centimeter
| Inch
@@ -156,6 +137,3 @@ showSize :: Rational -> String -> String
showSize value' unit = printf "%f" value ++ unit
where value = fromRational value' :: Double
-mkSizeType "EmSize" "em"
-mkSizeType "ExSize" "ex"
-mkSizeType "PixelSize" "px"
diff --git a/Text/Hamlet.hs b/Text/Hamlet.hs
index 4618be3..4ad3633 100644
--- a/Text/Hamlet.hs
+++ b/Text/Hamlet.hs
@@ -11,36 +11,36 @@
module Text.Hamlet
( -- * Plain HTML
- , shamlet
- , shamletFile
- , xshamlet
- , xshamletFile
+ --, shamlet
+ --, shamletFile
+ --, xshamlet
+ --, xshamletFile
-- * Hamlet
, HtmlUrl
- , hamlet
- , hamletFile
- , hamletFileReload
- , ihamletFileReload
- , xhamlet
- , xhamletFile
+ --, hamlet
+ -- , hamletFile
+ -- , hamletFileReload
+ -- , ihamletFileReload
+ -- , xhamlet
+ -- , xhamletFile
-- * I18N Hamlet
, HtmlUrlI18n
- , ihamlet
- , ihamletFile
+ -- , ihamlet
+ -- , ihamletFile
-- * Type classes
, ToAttributes (..)
-- * Internal, for making more
, HamletSettings (..)
, NewlineStyle (..)
- , hamletWithSettings
- , hamletFileWithSettings
+ -- , hamletWithSettings
+ -- , hamletFileWithSettings
, defaultHamletSettings
, xhtmlHamletSettings
- , Env (..)
- , HamletRules (..)
- , hamletRules
- , ihamletRules
- , htmlRules
+ --, Env (..)
+ --, HamletRules (..)
+ --, hamletRules
+ --, ihamletRules
+ --, htmlRules
, CloseStyle (..)
-- * Used by generated code
, condH
@@ -109,48 +109,9 @@ type HtmlUrl url = Render url -> Html
-- | A function generating an 'Html' given a message translator and a URL rendering function.
type HtmlUrlI18n msg url = Translate msg -> Render url -> Html
-docsToExp :: Env -> HamletRules -> Scope -> [Doc] -> Q Exp
-docsToExp env hr scope docs = do
- exps <- mapM (docToExp env hr scope) docs
- case exps of
- [] -> [|return ()|]
- [x] -> return x
- _ -> return $ DoE $ map NoBindS exps
unIdent :: Ident -> String
unIdent (Ident s) = s
-bindingPattern :: Binding -> Q (Pat, [(Ident, Exp)])
-bindingPattern (BindAs i@(Ident s) b) = do
- name <- newName s
- (pattern, scope) <- bindingPattern b
- return (AsP name pattern, (i, VarE name):scope)
-bindingPattern (BindVar i@(Ident s))
- | s == "_" = return (WildP, [])
- | all isDigit s = do
- return (LitP $ IntegerL $ read s, [])
- | otherwise = do
- name <- newName s
- return (VarP name, [(i, VarE name)])
-bindingPattern (BindTuple is) = do
- (patterns, scopes) <- fmap unzip $ mapM bindingPattern is
- return (TupP patterns, concat scopes)
-bindingPattern (BindList is) = do
- (patterns, scopes) <- fmap unzip $ mapM bindingPattern is
- return (ListP patterns, concat scopes)
-bindingPattern (BindConstr con is) = do
- (patterns, scopes) <- fmap unzip $ mapM bindingPattern is
- return (ConP (mkConName con) patterns, concat scopes)
-bindingPattern (BindRecord con fields wild) = do
- let f (Ident field,b) =
- do (p,s) <- bindingPattern b
- return ((mkName field,p),s)
- (patterns, scopes) <- fmap unzip $ mapM f fields
- (patterns1, scopes1) <- if wild
- then bindWildFields con $ map fst fields
- else return ([],[])
- return (RecP (mkConName con) (patterns++patterns1), concat scopes ++ scopes1)
mkConName :: DataConstr -> Name
mkConName = mkName . conToStr
@@ -158,257 +119,15 @@ conToStr :: DataConstr -> String
conToStr (DCUnqualified (Ident x)) = x
conToStr (DCQualified (Module xs) (Ident x)) = intercalate "." $ xs ++ [x]
--- Wildcards bind all of the unbound fields to variables whose name
--- matches the field name.
--- For example: data R = C { f1, f2 :: Int }
--- C {..} is equivalent to C {f1=f1, f2=f2}
--- C {f1 = a, ..} is equivalent to C {f1=a, f2=f2}
--- C {f2 = a, ..} is equivalent to C {f1=f1, f2=a}
-bindWildFields :: DataConstr -> [Ident] -> Q ([(Name, Pat)], [(Ident, Exp)])
-bindWildFields conName fields = do
- fieldNames <- recordToFieldNames conName
- let available n = nameBase n `notElem` map unIdent fields
- let remainingFields = filter available fieldNames
- let mkPat n = do
- e <- newName (nameBase n)
- return ((n,VarP e), (Ident (nameBase n), VarE e))
- fmap unzip $ mapM mkPat remainingFields
--- Important note! reify will fail if the record type is defined in the
--- same module as the reify is used. This means quasi-quoted Hamlet
--- literals will not be able to use wildcards to match record types
--- defined in the same module.
-recordToFieldNames :: DataConstr -> Q [Name]
-recordToFieldNames conStr = do
- -- use 'lookupValueName' instead of just using 'mkName' so we reify the
- -- data constructor and not the type constructor if their names match.
- Just conName <- lookupValueName $ conToStr conStr
- DataConI _ _ typeName _ <- reify conName
- TyConI (DataD _ _ _ cons _) <- reify typeName
- [fields] <- return [fields | RecC name fields <- cons, name == conName]
- return [fieldName | (fieldName, _, _) <- fields]
-docToExp :: Env -> HamletRules -> Scope -> Doc -> Q Exp
-docToExp env hr scope (DocForall list idents inside) = do
- let list' = derefToExp scope list
- (pat, extraScope) <- bindingPattern idents
- let scope' = extraScope ++ scope
- mh <- [|F.mapM_|]
- inside' <- docsToExp env hr scope' inside
- let lam = LamE [pat] inside'
- return $ mh `AppE` lam `AppE` list'
-docToExp env hr scope (DocWith [] inside) = do
- inside' <- docsToExp env hr scope inside
- return $ inside'
-docToExp env hr scope (DocWith ((deref, idents):dis) inside) = do
- let deref' = derefToExp scope deref
- (pat, extraScope) <- bindingPattern idents
- let scope' = extraScope ++ scope
- inside' <- docToExp env hr scope' (DocWith dis inside)
- let lam = LamE [pat] inside'
- return $ lam `AppE` deref'
-docToExp env hr scope (DocMaybe val idents inside mno) = do
- let val' = derefToExp scope val
- (pat, extraScope) <- bindingPattern idents
- let scope' = extraScope ++ scope
- inside' <- docsToExp env hr scope' inside
- let inside'' = LamE [pat] inside'
- ninside' <- case mno of
- Nothing -> [|Nothing|]
- Just no -> do
- no' <- docsToExp env hr scope no
- j <- [|Just|]
- return $ j `AppE` no'
- mh <- [|maybeH|]
- return $ mh `AppE` val' `AppE` inside'' `AppE` ninside'
-docToExp env hr scope (DocCond conds final) = do
- conds' <- mapM go conds
- final' <- case final of
- Nothing -> [|Nothing|]
- Just f -> do
- f' <- docsToExp env hr scope f
- j <- [|Just|]
- return $ j `AppE` f'
- ch <- [|condH|]
- return $ ch `AppE` ListE conds' `AppE` final'
- where
- go :: (Deref, [Doc]) -> Q Exp
- go (d, docs) = do
- let d' = derefToExp ((specialOrIdent, VarE 'or):scope) d
- docs' <- docsToExp env hr scope docs
- return $ TupE [d', docs']
-docToExp env hr scope (DocCase deref cases) = do
- let exp_ = derefToExp scope deref
- matches <- mapM toMatch cases
- return $ CaseE exp_ matches
- where
- toMatch :: (Binding, [Doc]) -> Q Match
- toMatch (idents, inside) = do
- (pat, extraScope) <- bindingPattern idents
- let scope' = extraScope ++ scope
- insideExp <- docsToExp env hr scope' inside
- return $ Match pat (NormalB insideExp) []
-docToExp env hr v (DocContent c) = contentToExp env hr v c
-contentToExp :: Env -> HamletRules -> Scope -> Content -> Q Exp
-contentToExp _ hr _ (ContentRaw s) = do
- os <- [|preEscapedText . pack|]
- let s' = LitE $ StringL s
- return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (os `AppE` s')
-contentToExp _ hr scope (ContentVar d) = do
- str <- [|toHtml|]
- return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (str `AppE` derefToExp scope d)
-contentToExp env hr scope (ContentUrl hasParams d) =
- case urlRender env of
- Nothing -> error "URL interpolation used, but no URL renderer provided"
- Just wrender -> wrender $ \render -> do
- let render' = return render
- ou <- if hasParams
- then [|\(u, p) -> $(render') u p|]
- else [|\u -> $(render') u []|]
- let d' = derefToExp scope d
- pet <- [|toHtml|]
- return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (pet `AppE` (ou `AppE` d'))
-contentToExp env hr scope (ContentEmbed d) = hrEmbed hr env $ derefToExp scope d
-contentToExp env hr scope (ContentMsg d) =
- case msgRender env of
- Nothing -> error "Message interpolation used, but no message renderer provided"
- Just wrender -> wrender $ \render ->
- return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (render `AppE` derefToExp scope d)
-contentToExp _ hr scope (ContentAttrs d) = do
- html <- [|attrsToHtml . toAttributes|]
- return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (html `AppE` derefToExp scope d)
-shamlet :: QuasiQuoter
-shamlet = hamletWithSettings htmlRules defaultHamletSettings
-xshamlet :: QuasiQuoter
-xshamlet = hamletWithSettings htmlRules xhtmlHamletSettings
-htmlRules :: Q HamletRules
-htmlRules = do
- i <- [|id|]
- return $ HamletRules i ($ (Env Nothing Nothing)) (\_ b -> return b)
-hamlet :: QuasiQuoter
-hamlet = hamletWithSettings hamletRules defaultHamletSettings
-xhamlet :: QuasiQuoter
-xhamlet = hamletWithSettings hamletRules xhtmlHamletSettings
asHtmlUrl :: HtmlUrl url -> HtmlUrl url
asHtmlUrl = id
-hamletRules :: Q HamletRules
-hamletRules = do
- i <- [|id|]
- let ur f = do
- r <- newName "_render"
- let env = Env
- { urlRender = Just ($ (VarE r))
- , msgRender = Nothing
- }
- h <- f env
- return $ LamE [VarP r] h
- return $ HamletRules i ur em
- where
- em (Env (Just urender) Nothing) e = do
- asHtmlUrl' <- [|asHtmlUrl|]
- urender $ \ur' -> return ((asHtmlUrl' `AppE` e) `AppE` ur')
- em _ _ = error "bad Env"
-ihamlet :: QuasiQuoter
-ihamlet = hamletWithSettings ihamletRules defaultHamletSettings
-ihamletRules :: Q HamletRules
-ihamletRules = do
- i <- [|id|]
- let ur f = do
- u <- newName "_urender"
- m <- newName "_mrender"
- let env = Env
- { urlRender = Just ($ (VarE u))
- , msgRender = Just ($ (VarE m))
- }
- h <- f env
- return $ LamE [VarP m, VarP u] h
- return $ HamletRules i ur em
- where
- em (Env (Just urender) (Just mrender)) e =
- urender $ \ur' -> mrender $ \mr -> return (e `AppE` mr `AppE` ur')
- em _ _ = error "bad Env"
-hamletWithSettings :: Q HamletRules -> HamletSettings -> QuasiQuoter
-hamletWithSettings hr set =
- QuasiQuoter
- { quoteExp = hamletFromString hr set
- }
-data HamletRules = HamletRules
- { hrFromHtml :: Exp
- , hrWithEnv :: (Env -> Q Exp) -> Q Exp
- , hrEmbed :: Env -> Exp -> Q Exp
- }
-data Env = Env
- { urlRender :: Maybe ((Exp -> Q Exp) -> Q Exp)
- , msgRender :: Maybe ((Exp -> Q Exp) -> Q Exp)
- }
-hamletFromString :: Q HamletRules -> HamletSettings -> String -> Q Exp
-hamletFromString qhr set s = do
- hr <- qhr
- hrWithEnv hr $ \env -> docsToExp env hr [] $ docFromString set s
docFromString :: HamletSettings -> String -> [Doc]
docFromString set s =
case parseDoc set s of
Error s' -> error s'
Ok (_, d) -> d
-hamletFileWithSettings :: Q HamletRules -> HamletSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp
-hamletFileWithSettings qhr set fp = do
-#ifdef GHC_7_4
- qAddDependentFile fp
- contents <- fmap TL.unpack $ qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp
- hamletFromString qhr set contents
-hamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-hamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings hamletRules defaultHamletSettings
-hamletFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-hamletFileReload = hamletFileReloadWithSettings runtimeRules defaultHamletSettings
- where runtimeRules = HamletRuntimeRules { hrrI18n = False }
-ihamletFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-ihamletFileReload = hamletFileReloadWithSettings runtimeRules defaultHamletSettings
- where runtimeRules = HamletRuntimeRules { hrrI18n = True }
-xhamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-xhamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings hamletRules xhtmlHamletSettings
-shamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-shamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings htmlRules defaultHamletSettings
-xshamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-xshamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings htmlRules xhtmlHamletSettings
-ihamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-ihamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings ihamletRules defaultHamletSettings
-varName :: Scope -> String -> Exp
-varName _ "" = error "Illegal empty varName"
-varName scope v@(_:_) = fromMaybe (strToExp v) $ lookup (Ident v) scope
-strToExp :: String -> Exp
-strToExp s@(c:_)
- | all isDigit s = LitE $ IntegerL $ read s
- | isUpper c = ConE $ mkName s
- | otherwise = VarE $ mkName s
-strToExp "" = error "strToExp on empty string"
-- | Checks for truth in the left value in each pair in the first argument. If
-- a true exists, then the corresponding right action is performed. Only the
-- first is performed. In there are no true values, then the second argument is
@@ -461,33 +180,6 @@ data HamletRuntimeRules = HamletRuntimeRules {
hrrI18n :: Bool
-hamletFileReloadWithSettings :: HamletRuntimeRules
- -> HamletSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp
-hamletFileReloadWithSettings hrr settings fp = do
- s <- readFileQ fp
- let b = hamletUsedIdentifiers settings s
- c <- mapM vtToExp b
- rt <- if hrrI18n hrr
- then [|hamletRuntimeMsg settings fp|]
- else [|hamletRuntime settings fp|]
- return $ rt `AppE` ListE c
- where
- vtToExp :: (Deref, VarType) -> Q Exp
- vtToExp (d, vt) = do
- d' <- lift d
- c' <- toExp vt
- return $ TupE [d', c' `AppE` derefToExp [] d]
- where
- toExp = c
- where
- c :: VarType -> Q Exp
- c VTAttrs = [|EPlain . attrsToHtml . toAttributes|]
- c VTPlain = [|EPlain . toHtml|]
- c VTUrl = [|EUrl|]
- c VTUrlParam = [|EUrlParam|]
- c VTMixin = [|\r -> EMixin $ \c -> r c|]
- c VTMsg = [|EMsg|]
-- move to Shakespeare.Base?
readFileUtf8 :: FilePath -> IO String
readFileUtf8 fp = fmap TL.unpack $ readUtf8File fp
diff --git a/Text/Julius.hs b/Text/Julius.hs
index 8c15a99..47b42fd 100644
--- a/Text/Julius.hs
+++ b/Text/Julius.hs
@@ -14,17 +14,9 @@ module Text.Julius
-- ** Template-Reading Functions
-- | These QuasiQuoter and Template Haskell methods return values of
-- type @'JavascriptUrl' url@. See the Yesod book for details.
- js
- , julius
- , juliusFile
- , jsFile
- , juliusFileDebug
- , jsFileDebug
- , juliusFileReload
- , jsFileReload
-- * Datatypes
- , JavascriptUrl
+ JavascriptUrl
, Javascript (..)
, RawJavascript (..)
@@ -37,9 +29,9 @@ module Text.Julius
, renderJavascriptUrl
-- ** internal, used by 'Text.Coffee'
- , javascriptSettings
+ --, javascriptSettings
-- ** internal
- , juliusUsedIdentifiers
+ --, juliusUsedIdentifiers
, asJavascriptUrl
) where
@@ -102,48 +94,3 @@ instance RawJS TL.Text where rawJS = RawJavascript . fromLazyText
instance RawJS Builder where rawJS = RawJavascript
instance RawJS Bool where rawJS = RawJavascript . unJavascript . toJavascript
-javascriptSettings :: Q ShakespeareSettings
-javascriptSettings = do
- toJExp <- [|toJavascript|]
- wrapExp <- [|Javascript|]
- unWrapExp <- [|unJavascript|]
- asJavascriptUrl' <- [|asJavascriptUrl|]
- return $ defaultShakespeareSettings { toBuilder = toJExp
- , wrap = wrapExp
- , unwrap = unWrapExp
- , modifyFinalValue = Just asJavascriptUrl'
- }
-js, julius :: QuasiQuoter
-js = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- javascriptSettings
- quoteExp (shakespeare rs) s
- }
-julius = js
-jsFile, juliusFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-jsFile fp = do
- rs <- javascriptSettings
- shakespeareFile rs fp
-juliusFile = jsFile
-jsFileReload, juliusFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-jsFileReload fp = do
- rs <- javascriptSettings
- shakespeareFileReload rs fp
-juliusFileReload = jsFileReload
-jsFileDebug, juliusFileDebug :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-juliusFileDebug = jsFileReload
-{-# DEPRECATED juliusFileDebug "Please use juliusFileReload instead." #-}
-jsFileDebug = jsFileReload
-{-# DEPRECATED jsFileDebug "Please use jsFileReload instead." #-}
--- | Determine which identifiers are used by the given template, useful for
--- creating systems like yesod devel.
-juliusUsedIdentifiers :: String -> [(Deref, VarType)]
-juliusUsedIdentifiers = shakespeareUsedIdentifiers defaultShakespeareSettings
diff --git a/Text/Lucius.hs b/Text/Lucius.hs
index 3226b79..fd0b7be 100644
--- a/Text/Lucius.hs
+++ b/Text/Lucius.hs
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-}
module Text.Lucius
( -- * Parsing
- lucius
- , luciusFile
- , luciusFileDebug
- , luciusFileReload
+ -- lucius
+ --, luciusFile
+ --, luciusFileDebug
+ --, luciusFileReload
-- ** Mixins
- , luciusMixin
- , Mixin
+ --, luciusMixin
+ Mixin
-- ** Runtime
, luciusRT
, luciusRT'
@@ -37,15 +37,12 @@ module Text.Lucius
, colorRed
, colorBlack
-- ** Size
- , mkSize
+ --, mkSize
, AbsoluteUnit (..)
, AbsoluteSize (..)
, absoluteSize
- , EmSize (..)
- , ExSize (..)
, PercentageSize (..)
, percentageSize
- , PixelSize (..)
-- * Internal
, parseTopLevels
, luciusUsedIdentifiers
@@ -72,13 +69,6 @@ import Text.Shakespeare (VarType)
-- >>> renderCss ([lucius|foo{bar:baz}|] undefined)
-- "foo{bar:baz}"
-lucius :: QuasiQuoter
-lucius = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = luciusFromString }
-luciusFromString :: String -> Q Exp
-luciusFromString s =
- topLevelsToCassius
- $ either (error . show) id $ parse parseTopLevels s s
whiteSpace :: Parser ()
whiteSpace = many whiteSpace1 >> return ()
@@ -219,18 +209,6 @@ parseComment = do
_ <- manyTill anyChar $ try $ string "*/"
return $ ContentRaw ""
-luciusFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-luciusFile fp = do
-#ifdef GHC_7_4
- qAddDependentFile fp
- contents <- fmap TL.unpack $ qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp
- luciusFromString contents
-luciusFileDebug, luciusFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-luciusFileDebug = cssFileDebug False [|parseTopLevels|] parseTopLevels
-luciusFileReload = luciusFileDebug
parseTopLevels :: Parser [TopLevel Unresolved]
parseTopLevels =
go id
@@ -379,14 +357,3 @@ luciusRTMinified tl scope = either Left (Right . renderCss . CssNoWhitespace) $
luciusUsedIdentifiers :: String -> [(Deref, VarType)]
luciusUsedIdentifiers = cssUsedIdentifiers False parseTopLevels
-luciusMixin :: QuasiQuoter
-luciusMixin = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = luciusMixinFromString }
-luciusMixinFromString :: String -> Q Exp
-luciusMixinFromString s' = do
- r <- newName "_render"
- case fmap compressBlock $ parse parseBlock s s of
- Left e -> error $ show e
- Right block -> blockToMixin r [] block
- where
- s = concat ["mixin{", s', "}"]
diff --git a/Text/Roy.hs b/Text/Roy.hs
index 6e5e246..a08b019 100644
--- a/Text/Roy.hs
+++ b/Text/Roy.hs
@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ module Text.Roy
-- ** Template-Reading Functions
-- | These QuasiQuoter and Template Haskell methods return values of
-- type @'JavascriptUrl' url@. See the Yesod book for details.
- roy
- , royFile
- , royFileReload
+ -- roy
+ --, royFile
+ --, royFileReload
- , roySettings
+ --, roySettings
) where
@@ -52,47 +52,3 @@ import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter (..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Text.Shakespeare
import Text.Julius
--- | The Roy language compiles down to Javascript.
--- We do this compilation once at compile time to avoid needing to do it during the request.
--- We call this a preConversion because other shakespeare modules like Lucius use Haskell to compile during the request instead rather than a system call.
-roySettings :: Q ShakespeareSettings
-roySettings = do
- jsettings <- javascriptSettings
- return $ jsettings { varChar = '#'
- , preConversion = Just PreConvert {
- preConvert = ReadProcess "roy" ["--stdio", "--browser"]
- , preEscapeIgnoreBalanced = "'\""
- , preEscapeIgnoreLine = "//"
- , wrapInsertion = Just WrapInsertion {
- wrapInsertionIndent = Just " "
- , wrapInsertionStartBegin = "(\\"
- , wrapInsertionSeparator = " "
- , wrapInsertionStartClose = " ->\n"
- , wrapInsertionEnd = ")"
- , wrapInsertionAddParens = True
- }
- }
- }
--- | Read inline, quasiquoted Roy.
-roy :: QuasiQuoter
-roy = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- roySettings
- quoteExp (shakespeare rs) s
- }
--- | Read in a Roy template file. This function reads the file once, at
--- compile time.
-royFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-royFile fp = do
- rs <- roySettings
- shakespeareFile rs fp
--- | Read in a Roy template file. This impure function uses
--- unsafePerformIO to re-read the file on every call, allowing for rapid
--- iteration.
-royFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-royFileReload fp = do
- rs <- roySettings
- shakespeareFileReload rs fp
2014-05-20 22:12:29 +00:00
diff --git a/Text/Shakespeare.hs b/Text/Shakespeare.hs
2015-07-02 23:03:34 -04:00
index 98c0c2d..2f6431b 100644
2014-05-20 22:12:29 +00:00
--- a/Text/Shakespeare.hs
+++ b/Text/Shakespeare.hs
2015-07-02 23:03:34 -04:00
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ module Text.Shakespeare
2014-05-20 22:12:29 +00:00
, WrapInsertion (..)
, PreConversion (..)
, defaultShakespeareSettings
- , shakespeare
- , shakespeareFile
- , shakespeareFileReload
+ -- , shakespeare
+ -- , shakespeareFile
+ -- , shakespeareFileReload
-- * low-level
- , shakespeareFromString
- , shakespeareUsedIdentifiers
+ -- , shakespeareFromString
+ -- , shakespeareUsedIdentifiers
, RenderUrl
, VarType (..)
, Deref
2015-07-02 23:03:34 -04:00
@@ -153,38 +153,6 @@ defaultShakespeareSettings = ShakespeareSettings {
2014-05-20 22:12:29 +00:00
, modifyFinalValue = Nothing
-instance Lift PreConvert where
- lift (PreConvert convert ignore comment wrapInsertion) =
- [|PreConvert $(lift convert) $(lift ignore) $(lift comment) $(lift wrapInsertion)|]
-instance Lift WrapInsertion where
- lift (WrapInsertion indent sb sep sc e wp) =
- [|WrapInsertion $(lift indent) $(lift sb) $(lift sep) $(lift sc) $(lift e) $(lift wp)|]
-instance Lift PreConversion where
- lift (ReadProcess command args) =
- [|ReadProcess $(lift command) $(lift args)|]
- lift Id = [|Id|]
-instance Lift ShakespeareSettings where
- lift (ShakespeareSettings x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9) =
- [|ShakespeareSettings
- $(lift x1) $(lift x2) $(lift x3)
- $(liftExp x4) $(liftExp x5) $(liftExp x6) $(lift x7) $(lift x8) $(liftMExp x9)|]
- where
- liftExp (VarE n) = [|VarE $(liftName n)|]
- liftExp (ConE n) = [|ConE $(liftName n)|]
- liftExp _ = error "liftExp only supports VarE and ConE"
- liftMExp Nothing = [|Nothing|]
- liftMExp (Just e) = [|Just|] `appE` liftExp e
- liftName (Name (OccName a) b) = [|Name (OccName $(lift a)) $(liftFlavour b)|]
- liftFlavour NameS = [|NameS|]
- liftFlavour (NameQ (ModName a)) = [|NameQ (ModName $(lift a))|]
- liftFlavour (NameU _) = error "liftFlavour NameU" -- [|NameU $(lift $ fromIntegral a)|]
- liftFlavour (NameL _) = error "liftFlavour NameL" -- [|NameU $(lift $ fromIntegral a)|]
- liftFlavour (NameG ns (PkgName p) (ModName m)) = [|NameG $(liftNS ns) (PkgName $(lift p)) (ModName $(lift m))|]
- liftNS VarName = [|VarName|]
- liftNS DataName = [|DataName|]
type QueryParameters = [(TS.Text, TS.Text)]
type RenderUrl url = (url -> QueryParameters -> TS.Text)
2015-07-02 23:03:34 -04:00
@@ -348,6 +316,7 @@ pack' = TS.pack
2014-05-20 22:12:29 +00:00
{-# NOINLINE pack' #-}
contentsToShakespeare :: ShakespeareSettings -> [Content] -> Q Exp
contentsToShakespeare rs a = do
r <- newName "_render"
2015-07-02 23:03:34 -04:00
@@ -399,16 +368,19 @@ shakespeareFile r fp =
2014-05-20 22:12:29 +00:00
qAddDependentFile fp >>
readFileQ fp >>= shakespeareFromString r
data VarType = VTPlain | VTUrl | VTUrlParam | VTMixin
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Typeable, Data, Generic)
getVars :: Content -> [(Deref, VarType)]
getVars ContentRaw{} = []
getVars (ContentVar d) = [(d, VTPlain)]
getVars (ContentUrl d) = [(d, VTUrl)]
getVars (ContentUrlParam d) = [(d, VTUrlParam)]
getVars (ContentMix d) = [(d, VTMixin)]
data VarExp url = EPlain Builder
| EUrl url
2015-07-02 23:03:34 -04:00
@@ -417,8 +389,10 @@ data VarExp url = EPlain Builder
2014-05-20 22:12:29 +00:00
-- | Determine which identifiers are used by the given template, useful for
-- creating systems like yesod devel.
shakespeareUsedIdentifiers :: ShakespeareSettings -> String -> [(Deref, VarType)]
shakespeareUsedIdentifiers settings = concatMap getVars . contentFromString settings
type MTime = UTCTime
2015-07-02 23:03:34 -04:00
@@ -435,28 +409,6 @@ insertReloadMap :: FilePath -> (MTime, [Content]) -> IO [Content]
2014-05-20 22:12:29 +00:00
insertReloadMap fp (mt, content) = atomicModifyIORef reloadMapRef
(\reloadMap -> (M.insert fp (mt, content) reloadMap, content))
-shakespeareFileReload :: ShakespeareSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp
-shakespeareFileReload settings fp = do
- str <- readFileQ fp
- s <- qRunIO $ preFilter (Just fp) settings str
- let b = shakespeareUsedIdentifiers settings s
- c <- mapM vtToExp b
- rt <- [|shakespeareRuntime settings fp|]
- wrap' <- [|\x -> $(return $ wrap settings) . x|]
- return $ wrap' `AppE` (rt `AppE` ListE c)
- where
- vtToExp :: (Deref, VarType) -> Q Exp
- vtToExp (d, vt) = do
- d' <- lift d
- c' <- c vt
- return $ TupE [d', c' `AppE` derefToExp [] d]
- where
- c :: VarType -> Q Exp
- c VTPlain = [|EPlain . $(return $
- InfixE (Just $ unwrap settings) (VarE '(.)) (Just $ toBuilder settings))|]
- c VTUrl = [|EUrl|]
- c VTUrlParam = [|EUrlParam|]
- c VTMixin = [|\x -> EMixin $ \r -> $(return $ unwrap settings) $ x r|]
diff --git a/Text/Shakespeare/Base.hs b/Text/Shakespeare/Base.hs
index a0e983c..23b4692 100644
--- a/Text/Shakespeare/Base.hs
+++ b/Text/Shakespeare/Base.hs
@@ -52,34 +52,6 @@ data Deref = DerefModulesIdent [String] Ident
| DerefTuple [Deref]
deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Data, Typeable, Ord)
-instance Lift Ident where
- lift (Ident s) = [|Ident|] `appE` lift s
-instance Lift Deref where
- lift (DerefModulesIdent v s) = do
- dl <- [|DerefModulesIdent|]
- v' <- lift v
- s' <- lift s
- return $ dl `AppE` v' `AppE` s'
- lift (DerefIdent s) = do
- dl <- [|DerefIdent|]
- s' <- lift s
- return $ dl `AppE` s'
- lift (DerefBranch x y) = do
- x' <- lift x
- y' <- lift y
- db <- [|DerefBranch|]
- return $ db `AppE` x' `AppE` y'
- lift (DerefIntegral i) = [|DerefIntegral|] `appE` lift i
- lift (DerefRational r) = do
- n <- lift $ numerator r
- d <- lift $ denominator r
- per <- [|(%) :: Int -> Int -> Ratio Int|]
- dr <- [|DerefRational|]
- return $ dr `AppE` InfixE (Just n) per (Just d)
- lift (DerefString s) = [|DerefString|] `appE` lift s
- lift (DerefList x) = [|DerefList $(lift x)|]
- lift (DerefTuple x) = [|DerefTuple $(lift x)|]
derefParens, derefCurlyBrackets :: UserParser a Deref
derefParens = between (char '(') (char ')') parseDeref
derefCurlyBrackets = between (char '{') (char '}') parseDeref
2015-07-02 23:03:34 -04:00
diff --git a/Text/Shakespeare/Text.hs b/Text/Shakespeare/Text.hs
index f490d7f..5154618 100644
--- a/Text/Shakespeare/Text.hs
+++ b/Text/Shakespeare/Text.hs
@@ -7,20 +7,20 @@ module Text.Shakespeare.Text
( TextUrl
, ToText (..)
, renderTextUrl
- , stext
- , text
- , textFile
- , textFileDebug
- , textFileReload
- , st -- | strict text
- , lt -- | lazy text, same as stext :)
- , sbt -- | strict text whose left edge is aligned with bar ('|')
- , lbt -- | lazy text, whose left edge is aligned with bar ('|')
+ --, stext
+ --, text
+ --, textFile
+ --, textFileDebug
+ --, textFileReload
+ --, st -- | strict text
+ --, lt -- | lazy text, same as stext :)
+ --, sbt -- | strict text whose left edge is aligned with bar ('|')
+ --, lbt -- | lazy text, whose left edge is aligned with bar ('|')
-- * Yesod code generation
- , codegen
- , codegenSt
- , codegenFile
- , codegenFileReload
+ --, codegen
+ --, codegenSt
+ --, codegenFile
+ --, codegenFileReload
) where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter (..))
@@ -59,66 +59,12 @@ settings = do
-stext, lt, st, text, lbt, sbt :: QuasiQuoter
-stext =
- QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- settings
- render <- [|toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFromString rs { justVarInterpolation = True } s
- return (render `AppE` rendered)
- }
-lt = stext
-st =
- QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- settings
- render <- [|TL.toStrict . toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFromString rs { justVarInterpolation = True } s
- return (render `AppE` rendered)
- }
-text = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- settings
- quoteExp (shakespeare rs) $ filter (/='\r') s
- }
dropBar :: [TL.Text] -> [TL.Text]
dropBar [] = []
dropBar (c:cx) = c:dropBar' cx
dropBar' txt = reverse $ drop 1 $ map (TL.drop 1 . TL.dropWhile (/= '|')) $ reverse txt
-lbt =
- QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- settings
- render <- [|TL.unlines . dropBar . TL.lines . toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFromString rs { justVarInterpolation = True } s
- return (render `AppE` rendered)
- }
-sbt =
- QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- settings
- render <- [|TL.toStrict . TL.unlines . dropBar . TL.lines . toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFromString rs { justVarInterpolation = True } s
- return (render `AppE` rendered)
- }
-textFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-textFile fp = do
- rs <- settings
- shakespeareFile rs fp
-textFileDebug :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-textFileDebug = textFileReload
-{-# DEPRECATED textFileDebug "Please use textFileReload instead" #-}
-textFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-textFileReload fp = do
- rs <- settings
- shakespeareFileReload rs fp
-- | codegen is designed for generating Yesod code, including templates
-- So it uses different interpolation characters that won't clash with templates.
codegenSettings :: Q ShakespeareSettings
@@ -135,40 +81,3 @@ codegenSettings = do
, justVarInterpolation = True -- always!
--- | codegen is designed for generating Yesod code, including templates
--- So it uses different interpolation characters that won't clash with templates.
--- You can use the normal text quasiquoters to generate code
-codegen :: QuasiQuoter
-codegen =
- QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- codegenSettings
- render <- [|toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFromString rs { justVarInterpolation = True } s
- return (render `AppE` rendered)
- }
--- | Generates strict Text
--- codegen is designed for generating Yesod code, including templates
--- So it uses different interpolation characters that won't clash with templates.
-codegenSt :: QuasiQuoter
-codegenSt =
- QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- codegenSettings
- render <- [|TL.toStrict . toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFromString rs { justVarInterpolation = True } s
- return (render `AppE` rendered)
- }
-codegenFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-codegenFileReload fp = do
- rs <- codegenSettings
- render <- [|TL.toStrict . toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFileReload rs{ justVarInterpolation = True } fp
- return (render `AppE` rendered)
-codegenFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-codegenFile fp = do
- rs <- codegenSettings
- render <- [|TL.toStrict . toLazyText|]
- rendered <- shakespeareFile rs{ justVarInterpolation = True } fp
- return (render `AppE` rendered)
diff --git a/Text/TypeScript.hs b/Text/TypeScript.hs
index 85f6abd..3188272 100644
--- a/Text/TypeScript.hs
+++ b/Text/TypeScript.hs
@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ module Text.TypeScript
-- ** Template-Reading Functions
-- | These QuasiQuoter and Template Haskell methods return values of
-- type @'JavascriptUrl' url@. See the Yesod book for details.
- tsc
- , typeScriptFile
- , typeScriptFileReload
+ -- tsc
+ --, typeScriptFile
+ --, typeScriptFileReload
- , typeScriptSettings
+ --, typeScriptSettings
) where
@@ -74,43 +74,3 @@ import Text.Julius
-- | The TypeScript language compiles down to Javascript.
-- We do this compilation once at compile time to avoid needing to do it during the request.
-- We call this a preConversion because other shakespeare modules like Lucius use Haskell to compile during the request instead rather than a system call.
-typeScriptSettings :: Q ShakespeareSettings
-typeScriptSettings = do
- jsettings <- javascriptSettings
- return $ jsettings { varChar = '#'
- , preConversion = Just PreConvert {
- preConvert = ReadProcess "sh" ["-c", "TMP_IN=$(mktemp XXXXXXXXXX.ts); TMP_OUT=$(mktemp XXXXXXXXXX.js); cat /dev/stdin > ${TMP_IN} && tsc --out ${TMP_OUT} ${TMP_IN} && cat ${TMP_OUT}; rm ${TMP_IN} && rm ${TMP_OUT}"]
- , preEscapeIgnoreBalanced = "'\""
- , preEscapeIgnoreLine = "//"
- , wrapInsertion = Just WrapInsertion {
- wrapInsertionIndent = Nothing
- , wrapInsertionStartBegin = ";(function("
- , wrapInsertionSeparator = ", "
- , wrapInsertionStartClose = "){"
- , wrapInsertionEnd = "})"
- , wrapInsertionAddParens = False
- }
- }
- }
--- | Read inline, quasiquoted TypeScript
-tsc :: QuasiQuoter
-tsc = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
- rs <- typeScriptSettings
- quoteExp (shakespeare rs) s
- }
--- | Read in a TypeScript template file. This function reads the file once, at
--- compile time.
-typeScriptFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-typeScriptFile fp = do
- rs <- typeScriptSettings
- shakespeareFile rs fp
--- | Read in a TypeScript template file. This impure function uses
--- unsafePerformIO to re-read the file on every call, allowing for rapid
--- iteration.
-typeScriptFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-typeScriptFileReload fp = do
- rs <- typeScriptSettings
- shakespeareFileReload rs fp
diff --git a/shakespeare.cabal b/shakespeare.cabal
index 37029fc..2c4b557 100644
--- a/shakespeare.cabal
+++ b/shakespeare.cabal
@@ -62,18 +62,16 @@ library
- other-modules: Text.Hamlet.Parse
+ Text.CssCommon
+ other-modules: Text.Hamlet.Parse
- Text.CssCommon
ghc-options: -Wall
if flag(test_export)
cpp-options: -DTEST_EXPORT
- extensions: TemplateHaskell
if impl(ghc >= 7.4)
cpp-options: -DGHC_7_4
2014-05-20 22:12:29 +00:00
2015-07-02 23:03:34 -04:00
2014-05-20 22:12:29 +00:00