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2014-06-11 03:35:19 +01:00
From 2b41af230ea5675592e87a2362d9c17bcd8df1db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dummy <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 19:00:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] remove TH
2014-06-11 03:35:19 +01:00
Data/FileEmbed.hs | 100 +++---------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Data/FileEmbed.hs b/Data/FileEmbed.hs
2014-06-11 03:35:19 +01:00
index aae9d5a..efdbb7b 100644
--- a/Data/FileEmbed.hs
+++ b/Data/FileEmbed.hs
2014-06-11 03:35:19 +01:00
@@ -17,19 +17,18 @@
-- > {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Data.FileEmbed
( -- * Embed at compile time
- embedFile
- , embedOneFileOf
- , embedDir
- , getDir
+ -- embedFile
+ --, embedOneFileOf
+ --, embedDir
+ getDir
-- * Inject into an executable
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,5,0)
- , dummySpace
+ --, dummySpace
, inject
, injectFile
2014-06-11 03:35:19 +01:00
-- * Internal
, stringToBs
- , bsToExp
) where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
@@ -57,85 +56,12 @@ import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafePackAddressLen)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
--- | Embed a single file in your source code.
--- > import qualified Data.ByteString
--- >
--- > myFile :: Data.ByteString.ByteString
--- > myFile = $(embedFile "dirName/fileName")
-embedFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-embedFile fp =
-#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
- qAddDependentFile fp >>
- (runIO $ B.readFile fp) >>= bsToExp
--- | Embed a single existing file in your source code
--- out of list a list of paths supplied.
--- > import qualified Data.ByteString
--- >
--- > myFile :: Data.ByteString.ByteString
--- > myFile = $(embedFile' [ "dirName/fileName", "src/dirName/fileName" ])
-embedOneFileOf :: [FilePath] -> Q Exp
-embedOneFileOf ps =
- (runIO $ readExistingFile ps) >>= \ ( path, content ) -> do
-#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
- qAddDependentFile path
- bsToExp content
- where
- readExistingFile :: [FilePath] -> IO ( FilePath, B.ByteString )
- readExistingFile xs = do
- ys <- filterM doesFileExist xs
- case ys of
- (p:_) -> B.readFile p >>= \ c -> return ( p, c )
- _ -> throw $ ErrorCall "Cannot find file to embed as resource"
--- | Embed a directory recursively in your source code.
--- > import qualified Data.ByteString
--- >
--- > myDir :: [(FilePath, Data.ByteString.ByteString)]
--- > myDir = $(embedDir "dirName")
-embedDir :: FilePath -> Q Exp
-embedDir fp = do
- typ <- [t| [(FilePath, B.ByteString)] |]
- e <- ListE <$> ((runIO $ fileList fp) >>= mapM (pairToExp fp))
- return $ SigE e typ
2014-06-11 03:35:19 +01:00
-- | Get a directory tree in the IO monad.
-- This is the workhorse of 'embedDir'
getDir :: FilePath -> IO [(FilePath, B.ByteString)]
getDir = fileList
-pairToExp :: FilePath -> (FilePath, B.ByteString) -> Q Exp
-pairToExp _root (path, bs) = do
-#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
- qAddDependentFile $ _root ++ '/' : path
- exp' <- bsToExp bs
- return $! TupE [LitE $ StringL path, exp']
-bsToExp :: B.ByteString -> Q Exp
2014-06-11 03:35:19 +01:00
-#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2, 5, 0)
-bsToExp bs =
- return $ VarE 'unsafePerformIO
- `AppE` (VarE 'unsafePackAddressLen
- `AppE` LitE (IntegerL $ fromIntegral $ B8.length bs)
-#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2, 8, 0)
- `AppE` LitE (StringPrimL $ B.unpack bs))
- `AppE` LitE (StringPrimL $ B8.unpack bs))
-bsToExp bs = do
- helper <- [| stringToBs |]
- let chars = B8.unpack bs
- return $! AppE helper $! LitE $! StringL chars
2014-06-11 03:35:19 +01:00
stringToBs :: String -> B.ByteString
stringToBs = B8.pack
2014-06-11 03:35:19 +01:00
@@ -177,22 +103,6 @@ padSize i =
let s = show i
in replicate (sizeLen - length s) '0' ++ s
-#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,5,0)
-dummySpace :: Int -> Q Exp
-dummySpace space = do
- let size = padSize space
- let start = magic ++ size
- let chars = LitE $ StringPrimL $
-#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,6,0)
- map (toEnum . fromEnum) $
- start ++ replicate space '0'
- let len = LitE $ IntegerL $ fromIntegral $ length start + space
- upi <- [|unsafePerformIO|]
- pack <- [|unsafePackAddressLen|]
- getInner' <- [|getInner|]
- return $ getInner' `AppE` (upi `AppE` (pack `AppE` len `AppE` chars))
inject :: B.ByteString -- ^ bs to inject
-> B.ByteString -- ^ original BS containing dummy
2014-06-11 03:35:19 +01:00