2012-10-26 14:44:36 -04:00
{- xmpp support
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Assistant.XMPP where
import Assistant.Common
import Utility.FileMode
import Utility.SRV
import Network.Protocol.XMPP
import Network
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.XML.Types
2012-10-27 00:42:14 -04:00
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
2012-10-26 14:44:36 -04:00
{- Everything we need to know to connect to an XMPP server. -}
data XMPPCreds = XMPPCreds
{ xmppUsername :: T.Text
, xmppPassword :: T.Text
, xmppHostname :: HostName
, xmppPort :: Int
, xmppJID :: T.Text
deriving (Read, Show)
connectXMPP :: XMPPCreds -> (JID -> XMPP a) -> IO (Either SomeException ())
connectXMPP c a = case parseJID (xmppJID c) of
Nothing -> error "bad JID"
2012-10-26 23:07:30 -04:00
Just jid -> connectXMPP' jid c a
2012-10-26 14:44:36 -04:00
{- Do a SRV lookup, but if it fails, fall back to the cached xmppHostname. -}
connectXMPP' :: JID -> XMPPCreds -> (JID -> XMPP a) -> IO (Either SomeException ())
connectXMPP' jid c a = go =<< lookupSRV srvrecord
srvrecord = mkSRVTcp "xmpp-client" $
T.unpack $ strDomain $ jidDomain jid
serverjid = JID Nothing (jidDomain jid) Nothing
go [] = run (xmppHostname c)
(PortNumber $ fromIntegral $ xmppPort c)
(a jid)
go ((h,p):rest) = do
{- Try each SRV record in turn, until one connects,
- at which point the MVar will be full. -}
mv <- newEmptyMVar
r <- run h p $ do
liftIO $ putMVar mv ()
a jid
ifM (isEmptyMVar mv) (go rest, return r)
2012-10-27 00:42:14 -04:00
{- Async exceptions are let through so the XMPP thread can
- be killed. -}
run h p a' = tryNonAsync $
runClientError (Server serverjid h p) jid
(xmppUsername c) (xmppPassword c) (void a')
2012-10-26 14:44:36 -04:00
{- XMPP runClient, that throws errors rather than returning an Either -}
runClientError :: Server -> JID -> T.Text -> T.Text -> XMPP a -> IO a
runClientError s j u p x = either (error . show) return =<< runClient s j u p x
getXMPPCreds :: Annex (Maybe XMPPCreds)
getXMPPCreds = do
f <- xmppCredsFile
s <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ readFile f
return $ readish =<< s
setXMPPCreds :: XMPPCreds -> Annex ()
setXMPPCreds creds = do
f <- xmppCredsFile
liftIO $ do
h <- openFile f WriteMode
modifyFileMode f $ removeModes
[groupReadMode, otherReadMode]
hPutStr h (show creds)
hClose h
xmppCredsFile :: Annex FilePath
xmppCredsFile = do
dir <- fromRepo gitAnnexCredsDir
return $ dir </> "notify-xmpp"
2012-10-28 17:07:29 -04:00
{- A presence with a git-annex tag in it. -}
gitAnnexPresence :: Element -> Presence
gitAnnexPresence tag = (emptyPresence PresenceAvailable)
{ presencePayloads = [extendedAway, tag] }
extendedAway = Element (Name (T.pack "show") Nothing Nothing) []
[NodeContent $ ContentText $ T.pack "xa"]
2012-10-26 14:44:36 -04:00
{- Name of a git-annex tag, in our own XML namespace.
- (Not using a namespace URL to avoid unnecessary bloat.) -}
gitAnnexTagName :: Name
gitAnnexTagName = Name (T.pack "git-annex") (Just $ T.pack "git-annex") Nothing
2012-10-28 17:07:29 -04:00
{- A git-annex tag, to let other clients know we're a git-annex client too. -}
gitAnnexSignature :: Element
gitAnnexSignature = Element gitAnnexTagName [] []
2012-10-26 14:44:36 -04:00
pushAttr :: Name
pushAttr = Name (T.pack "push") Nothing Nothing
uuidSep :: T.Text
uuidSep = T.pack ","
{- git-annex tag with one push attribute per UUID pushed to. -}
encodePushNotification :: [UUID] -> Element
encodePushNotification us = Element gitAnnexTagName
[(pushAttr, [ContentText pushvalue])] []
pushvalue = T.intercalate uuidSep $
map (T.pack . fromUUID) us
decodePushNotification :: Element -> Maybe [UUID]
decodePushNotification (Element name attrs _nodes)
| name == gitAnnexTagName && not (null us) = Just us
| otherwise = Nothing
us = map (toUUID . T.unpack) $
concatMap (T.splitOn uuidSep . T.concat . map fromContent . snd) $
filter ispush attrs
ispush (k, _) = k == pushAttr
fromContent (ContentText t) = t
fromContent (ContentEntity t) = t