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{- git-annex recent views log
- The most recently accessed view comes first.
- This file is stored locally in .git/annex/, not in the git-annex branch.
- Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Logs.View (
) where
import Common.Annex
import Types.View
import Types.MetaData
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Branch
import qualified Git.Ref
import Utility.Tmp
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Char
showLog :: View -> String
showLog (View branch components) = show branch ++ " " ++ show components
parseLog :: String -> Maybe View
parseLog s =
let (branch, components) = separate (== ' ') s
in View
<$> pure (Git.Ref branch)
<*> readish components
setView :: View -> Annex ()
setView v = do
l <- take 99 . filter (/= v) <$> recentViews
f <- fromRepo gitAnnexViewLog
liftIO $ viaTmp writeFile f $ unlines $ map showLog (v : l)
recentViews :: Annex [View]
recentViews = do
f <- fromRepo gitAnnexViewLog
liftIO $ mapMaybe parseLog . lines <$> catchDefaultIO [] (readFile f)
{- Gets the currently checked out view, if there is one. -}
currentView :: Annex (Maybe View)
currentView = do
vs <- recentViews
maybe Nothing (go vs) <$> inRepo Git.Branch.current
go [] _ = Nothing
go (v:vs) b
| branchView v == b = Just v
| otherwise = go vs b
{- Generates a git branch name for a View.
- There is no guarantee that each view gets a unique branch name,
- but the branch name is used to express the view as well as possible.
branchView :: View -> Git.Branch
branchView view
| null name = Git.Ref "refs/heads/views"
| otherwise = Git.Ref $ "refs/heads/views/" ++ name
name = intercalate ";" $ map branchcomp (viewComponents view)
branchcomp c
| multiValue (viewFilter c) = branchcomp' c
| otherwise = "(" ++ branchcomp' c ++ ")"
branchcomp' (ViewComponent metafield viewfilter)
| metafield == tagMetaField = branchvals viewfilter
| otherwise = concat
[ forcelegal (fromMetaField metafield)
, "="
, branchvals viewfilter
branchvals (FilterValues set) = forcelegal $
intercalate "," $ map fromMetaValue $ S.toList set
branchvals (FilterGlob glob) = forcelegal glob
forcelegal s
| Git.Ref.legal True s = s
| otherwise = map (\c -> if isAlphaNum c then c else '_') s
prop_branchView_legal :: View -> Bool
prop_branchView_legal = Git.Ref.legal False . show . branchView