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{- Sqlite database used to track the sizes of repositories.
- Copyright 2024 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, TypeFamilies, TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, GADTs, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_persistent_template(2,8,0)
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Database.RepoSize (
) where
import Annex.Common
import qualified Annex
import Database.RepoSize.Handle
import qualified Database.Handle as H
import Database.Init
import Database.Utility
import Database.Types
import Annex.LockFile
import Git.Types
import qualified Utility.RawFilePath as R
import Database.Persist.Sql hiding (Key)
import Database.Persist.TH
import qualified System.FilePath.ByteString as P
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateRepoSizes"] [persistLowerCase|
-- Corresponds to location log information from the git-annex branch.
repo UUID
size FileSize
UniqueRepo repo
-- The last git-annex branch commit that was used to update RepoSizes.
commit SSha
UniqueCommit commit
-- Changes that are currently being made that affect repo sizes.
-- (Only updated when preferred content expressions are in use that need
-- live size changes.)
repo UUID
key Key
changeid SizeChangeId
change SizeChange
UniqueLiveSizeChange repo key changeid
-- A rolling total of size changes that were removed from LiveSizeChanges
-- upon successful completion.
repo UUID
rollingtotal FileSize
UniqueRepoRollingTotal repo
-- The most recent size changes that were removed from LiveSizeChanges
-- upon successful completion.
repo UUID
key Key
change SizeChange
UniqueRecentChange repo key
{- Gets a handle to the database. It's cached in Annex state. -}
getRepoSizeHandle :: Annex RepoSizeHandle
getRepoSizeHandle = Annex.getState Annex.reposizehandle >>= \case
Just h -> return h
Nothing -> do
h <- openDb
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.reposizehandle = Just h }
return h
{- Opens the database, creating it if it doesn't exist yet.
- Multiple readers and writers can have the database open at the same
- time. Database.Handle deals with the concurrency issues.
- The lock is held while opening the database, so that when
- the database doesn't exist yet, one caller wins the lock and
- can create it undisturbed.
openDb :: Annex RepoSizeHandle
openDb = do
lck <- calcRepo' gitAnnexRepoSizeDbLock
catchPermissionDenied permerr $ withExclusiveLock lck $ do
dbdir <- calcRepo' gitAnnexRepoSizeDbDir
let db = dbdir P.</> "db"
unlessM (liftIO $ R.doesPathExist db) $ do
initDb db $ void $
runMigrationSilent migrateRepoSizes
h <- liftIO $ H.openDb db "repo_sizes"
return $ RepoSizeHandle (Just h)
-- If permissions don't allow opening the database,
-- just don't use it. Since this database is just a cache
-- of information available in the git-annex branch, the same
-- information can be queried from the branch, though much less
-- efficiently.
permerr _e = return (RepoSizeHandle Nothing)
closeDb :: RepoSizeHandle -> Annex ()
closeDb (RepoSizeHandle (Just h)) = liftIO $ H.closeDb h
closeDb (RepoSizeHandle Nothing) = noop
{- Gets the sizes of repositories as of a commit to the git-annex
- branch. -}
getRepoSizes :: RepoSizeHandle -> IO (M.Map UUID RepoSize, Maybe Sha)
getRepoSizes (RepoSizeHandle (Just h)) = H.queryDb h $ do
sizemap <- M.fromList <$> getRepoSizes'
annexbranchsha <- getAnnexBranchCommit
return (sizemap, annexbranchsha)
getRepoSizes (RepoSizeHandle Nothing) = return (mempty, Nothing)
getRepoSizes' :: SqlPersistM [(UUID, RepoSize)]
getRepoSizes' = map conv <$> selectList [] []
conv entity =
let RepoSizes u sz = entityVal entity
in (u, RepoSize sz)
getAnnexBranchCommit :: SqlPersistM (Maybe Sha)
getAnnexBranchCommit = do
l <- selectList ([] :: [Filter AnnexBranch]) []
case l of
(s:[]) -> return $ Just $ fromSSha $
annexBranchCommit $ entityVal s
_ -> return Nothing
{- Updates the recorded sizes of all repositories.
- This can be called without locking since the update runs in a single
- transaction.
- Any repositories that are not in the provided map, but do have a size
- recorded in the database will have it cleared. This is unlikely to
- happen, but ensures that the database is consistent.
setRepoSizes :: RepoSizeHandle -> M.Map UUID RepoSize -> Sha -> IO ()
setRepoSizes (RepoSizeHandle (Just h)) sizemap branchcommitsha =
H.commitDb h $ do
l <- getRepoSizes'
forM_ (map fst l) $ \u ->
unless (M.member u sizemap) $
unsetRepoSize u
forM_ (M.toList sizemap) $
uncurry setRepoSize
recordAnnexBranchCommit branchcommitsha
setRepoSizes (RepoSizeHandle Nothing) _ _ = noop
setRepoSize :: UUID -> RepoSize -> SqlPersistM ()
setRepoSize u (RepoSize sz) =
void $ upsertBy
(UniqueRepo u)
(RepoSizes u sz)
[RepoSizesSize =. sz]
unsetRepoSize :: UUID -> SqlPersistM ()
unsetRepoSize u = deleteWhere [RepoSizesRepo ==. u]
recordAnnexBranchCommit :: Sha -> SqlPersistM ()
recordAnnexBranchCommit branchcommitsha = do
deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter AnnexBranch])
void $ insertUniqueFast $ AnnexBranch $ toSSha branchcommitsha
startingLiveSizeChange :: RepoSizeHandle -> UUID -> Key -> SizeChange -> SizeChangeId -> IO ()
startingLiveSizeChange (RepoSizeHandle (Just h)) u k sc sid =
H.commitDb h $ void $ upsertBy
(UniqueLiveSizeChange u k sid)
(LiveSizeChanges u k sid sc)
[ LiveSizeChangesChange =. sc
, LiveSizeChangesChangeid =. sid
startingLiveSizeChange (RepoSizeHandle Nothing) _ _ _ _ = noop
successfullyFinishedLiveSizeChange :: RepoSizeHandle -> UUID -> Key -> SizeChange -> SizeChangeId -> IO ()
successfullyFinishedLiveSizeChange (RepoSizeHandle (Just h)) u k sc sid =
H.commitDb h $ do
-- Update the rolling total, add as a recent change,
-- and remove the live change in the same transaction.
rollingtotal <- getSizeChangeFor u
setSizeChangeFor u (updateRollingTotal rollingtotal sc k)
addRecentChange u k sc
removeLiveSizeChange u k sc sid
updaterollingtotal t = case sc of
AddingKey -> t + ksz
RemovingKey -> t - ksz
ksz = fromMaybe 0 $ fromKey keySize k
successfullyFinishedLiveSizeChange (RepoSizeHandle Nothing) _ _ _ _ = noop
updateRollingTotal :: FileSize -> SizeChange -> Key -> FileSize
updateRollingTotal t sc k = case sc of
AddingKey -> t + ksz
RemovingKey -> t - ksz
ksz = fromMaybe 0 $ fromKey keySize k
removeStaleLiveSizeChange :: RepoSizeHandle -> UUID -> Key -> SizeChange -> SizeChangeId -> IO ()
removeStaleLiveSizeChange (RepoSizeHandle (Just h)) u k sc sid =
H.commitDb h $ removeLiveSizeChange u k sc sid
removeStaleLiveSizeChange (RepoSizeHandle Nothing) _ _ _ _ = noop
removeLiveSizeChange :: UUID -> Key -> SizeChange -> SizeChangeId -> SqlPersistM ()
removeLiveSizeChange u k sc sid =
[ LiveSizeChangesRepo ==. u
, LiveSizeChangesKey ==. k
, LiveSizeChangesChangeid ==. sid
, LiveSizeChangesChange ==. sc
getLiveSizeChanges :: SqlPersistM (M.Map UUID [(Key, (SizeChange, SizeChangeId))])
getLiveSizeChanges = M.fromListWith (++) . map conv <$> selectList [] []
conv entity =
let LiveSizeChanges u k sid sc = entityVal entity
in (u, [(k, (sc, sid))])
getSizeChanges :: SqlPersistM (M.Map UUID FileSize)
getSizeChanges = M.fromList . map conv <$> selectList [] []
conv entity =
let SizeChanges u n = entityVal entity
in (u, n)
getSizeChangeFor :: UUID -> SqlPersistM FileSize
getSizeChangeFor u = do
l <- selectList [SizeChangesRepo ==. u] []
return $ case l of
(s:_) -> sizeChangesRollingtotal $ entityVal s
[] -> 0
setSizeChangeFor :: UUID -> FileSize -> SqlPersistM ()
setSizeChangeFor u sz =
void $ upsertBy
(UniqueRepoRollingTotal u)
(SizeChanges u sz)
[SizeChangesRollingtotal =. sz]
addRecentChange :: UUID -> Key -> SizeChange -> SqlPersistM ()
addRecentChange u k sc =
void $ upsertBy
(UniqueRecentChange u k)
(RecentChanges u k sc)
[RecentChangesChange =. sc]
getRecentChange :: UUID -> Key -> SqlPersistM (Maybe SizeChange)
getRecentChange u k = do
l <- selectList
[ RecentChangesRepo ==. u
, RecentChangesKey ==. k
] []
return $ case l of
(s:_) -> Just $ recentChangesChange $ entityVal s
[] -> Nothing
{- Gets the sizes of Repos as of a commit to the git-annex branch
- (which is not necessarily the current commit), adjusted with all
- live changes that have happened since then or are happening now.
- This does not necessarily include all changes that have been journalled,
- only ones that had startingLiveSizeChange called for them will be
- included. Also live changes or recent changes that were to a UUID not in
- the RepoSizes map are not included.
- In the unlikely case where two live changes are occurring, one
- adding a key and the other removing the same key, the one
- adding the key is used, in order to err on the side of a larger
- RepoSize.
- Omits live changes that are redundant due to a recent change already
- being recorded for the same change.
- This is only expensive when there are a lot of live changes happening at
- the same time.
getLiveRepoSizes :: RepoSizeHandle -> IO (M.Map UUID RepoSize, Maybe Sha)
getLiveRepoSizes (RepoSizeHandle (Just h)) = H.queryDb h $ do
sizechanges <- getSizeChanges
livechanges <- getLiveSizeChanges
reposizes <- getRepoSizes'
annexbranchsha <- getAnnexBranchCommit
m <- M.fromList <$> forM reposizes (go sizechanges livechanges)
return (m, annexbranchsha)
:: M.Map UUID FileSize
-> M.Map UUID [(Key, (SizeChange, SizeChangeId))]
-> (UUID, RepoSize)
-> SqlPersistM (UUID, RepoSize)
go sizechanges livechanges (u, RepoSize startsize) = do
let livechangesbykey =
M.fromListWith (++) $ maybe [] (\v -> [v]) $
M.lookup u livechanges
livechanges' <- combinelikelivechanges <$>
filterM (nonredundantlivechange livechangesbykey u)
(fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup u livechanges)
let sizechange = foldl'
(\t (k, sc) -> updateRollingTotal t sc k)
(fromMaybe 0 (M.lookup u sizechanges))
return (u, RepoSize (startsize + sizechange))
combinelikelivechanges =
. S.fromList
. map (\(k, (sc, _)) -> (k, sc))
:: M.Map Key [(SizeChange, SizeChangeId)]
-> (Key, (SizeChange, SizeChangeId))
-> SqlPersistM Bool
nonredundantlivechange livechangesbykey u (k, (sc, cid))
| null (competinglivechanges livechangesbykey k sc cid) =
getRecentChange u k >>= pure . \case
Nothing -> True
Just sc' -> sc /= sc'
| otherwise = pure False
:: M.Map Key [(SizeChange, SizeChangeId)]
-> Key
-> SizeChange
-> SizeChangeId
-> [(SizeChange, SizeChangeId)]
competinglivechanges livechangesbykey k RemovingKey cid =
filter (\(sc', cid') -> cid /= cid' && sc' == AddingKey)
(fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup k livechangesbykey)
competinglivechanges _ _ AddingKey _ = []
getLiveRepoSizes (RepoSizeHandle Nothing) = return mempty