-rw-r----- 1 florian florian 2863795 24. Aug 21:32 bin1.variant-1696
-rw-r----- 1 florian florian 2841749 24. Aug 21:30 bin1.variant-c4b6
-rw-r----- 1 florian florian 125612 24. Aug 21:32 bin2.variant-0efa
-rw-r----- 1 florian florian 126067 24. Aug 21:31 bin2.variant-f16a
How can I resolve this conflict now? Is there a way to tell which bin1 / bin2 is from AA, which from BB? Is there a way to tell git annex to completely take the data from AA or BB?
This case might appear somehow artifical but I was caught in that various times when syncing my music database. Actually I didn't care which version of the database it took, but I was unable to produce a coherent data set, so that the database files only come from one sync partner.
2015-08-24 19:41:34 +00:00
I did the git annex get after syncing, becaue usually I sync using --content.