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{- Tahoe-LAFS special remotes.
- Tahoe capabilities for accessing objects stored in the remote
- are preserved in the remote state log.
- In order to allow multiple clones of a repository to access the same
- tahoe repository, git-annex needs to store the introducer furl,
- and the shared-convergence-secret. These are stored in the remote
- configuration, when embedcreds is enabled.
- Using those creds, git-annex sets up a tahoe configuration directory in
- ~/.tahoe/git-annex/UUID/
- Tahoe has its own encryption, so git-annex's encryption is not used.
2014-01-08 16:29:15 -04:00
- Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Remote.Tahoe (remote) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (fromString)
2014-01-08 19:17:18 -04:00
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Common.Annex
import Types.Remote
import qualified Git
import Config
import Config.Cost
import Remote.Helper.Special
import Annex.UUID
import Annex.Content
import Logs.RemoteState
import Utility.UserInfo
import Utility.Metered
import Utility.Env
import Utility.ThreadScheduler
2014-01-08 19:17:18 -04:00
{- The TMVar is left empty until tahoe has been verified to be running. -}
data TahoeHandle = TahoeHandle TahoeConfigDir (TMVar ())
type TahoeConfigDir = FilePath
type SharedConvergenceSecret = String
type IntroducerFurl = String
type Capability = String
remote :: RemoteType
remote = RemoteType {
typename = "tahoe",
enumerate = findSpecialRemotes "tahoe",
generate = gen,
setup = tahoeSetup
gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
gen r u c gc = do
cst <- remoteCost gc expensiveRemoteCost
2014-01-08 19:17:18 -04:00
hdl <- liftIO $ TahoeHandle
<$> maybe (defaultTahoeConfigDir u) return (remoteAnnexTahoe gc)
<*> newEmptyTMVarIO
return $ Just $ Remote {
uuid = u,
cost = cst,
name = Git.repoDescribe r,
2014-01-08 19:17:18 -04:00
storeKey = store u hdl,
retrieveKeyFile = retrieve u hdl,
retrieveKeyFileCheap = \_ _ -> return False,
removeKey = remove,
2014-01-08 19:17:18 -04:00
hasKey = checkPresent u hdl,
hasKeyCheap = False,
whereisKey = Nothing,
remoteFsck = Nothing,
repairRepo = Nothing,
config = c,
repo = r,
gitconfig = gc,
localpath = Nothing,
readonly = False,
globallyAvailable = True,
remotetype = remote
tahoeSetup :: Maybe UUID -> RemoteConfig -> Annex (RemoteConfig, UUID)
tahoeSetup mu c = do
furl <- fromMaybe (fromMaybe missingfurl $ M.lookup furlk c)
<$> liftIO (getEnv "TAHOE_FURL")
u <- maybe (liftIO genUUID) return mu
configdir <- liftIO $ defaultTahoeConfigDir u
scs <- liftIO $ tahoeConfigure configdir furl (M.lookup scsk c)
let c' = if M.lookup "embedcreds" c == Just "yes"
then flip M.union c $ M.fromList
[ (furlk, furl)
, (scsk, scs)
else c
gitConfigSpecialRemote u c' "tahoe" configdir
return (c', u)
scsk = "shared-convergence-secret"
furlk = "introducer-furl"
missingfurl = error "Set TAHOE_FURL to the introducer furl to use."
2014-01-08 19:17:18 -04:00
store :: UUID -> TahoeHandle -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
store u hdl k _f _p = sendAnnex k noop $ \src ->
parsePut <$> liftIO (readTahoe hdl "put" [File src]) >>= maybe
(return False)
(\cap -> storeCapability u k cap >> return True)
2014-01-08 19:17:18 -04:00
retrieve :: UUID -> TahoeHandle -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
retrieve u hdl k _f d _p = go =<< getCapability u k
go Nothing = return False
2014-01-08 19:17:18 -04:00
go (Just cap) = liftIO $ requestTahoe hdl "get" [Param cap, File d]
remove :: Key -> Annex Bool
remove _k = do
warning "content cannot be removed from tahoe remote"
return False
2014-01-08 19:17:18 -04:00
checkPresent :: UUID -> TahoeHandle -> Key -> Annex (Either String Bool)
checkPresent u hdl k = go =<< getCapability u k
go Nothing = return (Right False)
2014-01-08 19:17:18 -04:00
go (Just cap) = liftIO $ parseCheck <$> readTahoe hdl "check"
[ Param "--raw"
, Param cap
defaultTahoeConfigDir :: UUID -> IO TahoeConfigDir
defaultTahoeConfigDir u = do
h <- myHomeDir
return $ h </> ".tahoe" </> "git-annex" </> fromUUID u
tahoeConfigure :: TahoeConfigDir -> IntroducerFurl -> Maybe SharedConvergenceSecret -> IO SharedConvergenceSecret
tahoeConfigure configdir furl mscs = do
unlessM (createClient configdir furl) $
error "tahoe create-client failed"
maybe noop (writeSharedConvergenceSecret configdir) mscs
startTahoeDaemon configdir
getSharedConvergenceSecret configdir
createClient :: TahoeConfigDir -> IntroducerFurl -> IO Bool
createClient configdir furl = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir configdir)
boolTahoe configdir "create-client"
[ Param "--nickname", Param "git-annex"
, Param "--introducer", Param furl
writeSharedConvergenceSecret :: TahoeConfigDir -> SharedConvergenceSecret -> IO ()
writeSharedConvergenceSecret configdir scs =
writeFile (convergenceFile configdir) (unlines [scs])
{- The tahoe daemon writes the convergenceFile shortly after it starts
- (it does not need to connect to the network). So, try repeatedly to read
- the file, for up to 1 minute. To avoid reading a partially written
- file, look for the newline after the value. -}
getSharedConvergenceSecret :: TahoeConfigDir -> IO SharedConvergenceSecret
getSharedConvergenceSecret configdir = go (60 :: Int)
f = convergenceFile configdir
go n
| n == 0 = error $ "tahoe did not write " ++ f ++ " after 1 minute. Perhaps the daemon failed to start?"
| otherwise = do
v <- catchMaybeIO (readFile f)
case v of
Just s | "\n" `isSuffixOf` s || "\r" `isSuffixOf` s ->
return $ takeWhile (`notElem` "\n\r") s
_ -> do
threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 1)
go (n - 1)
convergenceFile :: TahoeConfigDir -> FilePath
convergenceFile configdir = configdir </> "private" </> "convergence"
startTahoeDaemon :: TahoeConfigDir -> IO ()
startTahoeDaemon configdir = void $ boolTahoe configdir "start" []
2014-01-08 19:17:18 -04:00
{- Ensures that tahoe has been started, before running an action
- that uses it. -}
withTahoeConfigDir :: TahoeHandle -> (TahoeConfigDir -> IO a) -> IO a
withTahoeConfigDir (TahoeHandle configdir v) a = go =<< atomically needsstart
go True = do
startTahoeDaemon configdir
a configdir
go False = a configdir
needsstart = ifM (isEmptyTMVar v)
( do
putTMVar v ()
return True
, return False
boolTahoe :: TahoeConfigDir -> String -> [CommandParam] -> IO Bool
boolTahoe configdir command params = boolSystem "tahoe" $
tahoeParams configdir command params
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{- Runs a tahoe command that requests the daemon do something. -}
requestTahoe :: TahoeHandle -> String -> [CommandParam] -> IO Bool
requestTahoe hdl command params = withTahoeConfigDir hdl $ \configdir ->
boolTahoe configdir command params
{- Runs a tahoe command that requests the daemon output something. -}
readTahoe :: TahoeHandle -> String -> [CommandParam] -> IO String
readTahoe hdl command params = withTahoeConfigDir hdl $ \configdir ->
catchDefaultIO "" $
readProcess "tahoe" $ toCommand $
tahoeParams configdir command params
tahoeParams :: TahoeConfigDir -> String -> [CommandParam] -> [CommandParam]
tahoeParams configdir command params =
Param command : Param "-d" : File configdir : params
storeCapability :: UUID -> Key -> Capability -> Annex ()
storeCapability u k cap = setRemoteState u k cap
getCapability :: UUID -> Key -> Annex (Maybe Capability)
getCapability u k = getRemoteState u k
{- tahoe put outputs a single line, containing the capability. -}
parsePut :: String -> Maybe Capability
parsePut s = case lines s of
[cap] | "URI" `isPrefixOf` cap -> Just cap
_ -> Nothing
{- tahoe check --raw outputs a json document.
- Its contents will vary (for LIT capabilities, it lacks most info),
- but should always contain a results object with a healthy value
- that's true or false.
parseCheck :: String -> Either String Bool
parseCheck s = maybe parseerror (Right . healthy . results) (decode $ fromString s)
| null s = Left "tahoe check failed to run"
| otherwise = Left "unable to parse tahoe check output"
data CheckRet = CheckRet { results :: Results }
data Results = Results { healthy :: Bool }
instance FromJSON CheckRet where
parseJSON (Object v) = CheckRet
<$> v .: "results"
parseJSON _ = mzero
instance FromJSON Results where
parseJSON (Object v) = Results
<$> v .: "healthy"
parseJSON _ = mzero