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2011-03-28 02:00:44 +00:00
{- Amazon S3 remotes.
- Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Remote.S3 (generate) where
import Network.AWS.AWSConnection
import Network.AWS.S3Object
import Network.AWS.S3Bucket
import Network.AWS.AWSResult
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
2011-03-28 02:00:44 +00:00
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.String.Utils
import Control.Monad (filterM, liftM, when)
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import System.Environment
import Data.Char
import Messages
2011-03-28 02:00:44 +00:00
import RemoteClass
import Types
import qualified GitRepo as Git
import qualified Annex
import UUID
import Config
generate :: Annex (RemoteGenerator Annex)
generate = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
remotes <- filterM remoteNotIgnored $ findS3Remotes g
todo <- filterM cachedUUID remotes
let ok = filter (`notElem` todo) remotes
let actions = map (\r -> genRemote r =<< getUUID r) ok ++
map (\r -> genRemote r =<< getS3UUID r) todo
2011-03-28 02:00:44 +00:00
return (actions, map Git.repoDescribe todo)
cachedUUID r = liftM null $ getUUID r
2011-03-28 02:52:13 +00:00
{- S3 remotes have a remote.<name>.annex-s3-bucket config setting.
2011-03-28 02:00:44 +00:00
- Git.Repo does not normally generate remotes for things that
- have no configured url, so the Git.Repo objects have to be
- constructed as coming from an unknown location. -}
findS3Remotes :: Git.Repo -> [Git.Repo]
findS3Remotes r = map construct remotepairs
remotepairs = Map.toList $ filterremotes $ Git.configMap r
filterremotes = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> s3remote k)
construct (k,_) = Git.repoRemoteNameSet Git.repoFromUnknown k
2011-03-28 02:52:13 +00:00
s3remote k = startswith "remote." k && endswith ".annex-s3-bucket" k
2011-03-28 02:00:44 +00:00
genRemote :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> Annex (Remote Annex)
genRemote r u = do
c <- remoteCost r
return Remote {
uuid = u,
cost = c,
name = Git.repoDescribe r,
storeKey = error "TODO",
retrieveKeyFile = error "TODO",
removeKey = error "TODO",
hasKey = error "TODO",
hasKeyCheap = False
s3Connection :: Git.Repo -> Annex (Maybe AWSConnection)
s3Connection r = do
host <- getS3Config r "s3-host" (Just defaultAmazonS3Host)
port <- getS3Config r "s3-port" (Just $ show defaultAmazonS3Port)
accesskey <- getS3Config r "s3-access-key-id" Nothing
secretkey <- getS3Config r "s3-secret-access-key" Nothing
case reads port of
[(p, _)] -> return $ Just $ AWSConnection host p accesskey secretkey
_ -> error $ "bad S3 port value: " ++ port
withS3Connection :: Git.Repo -> Annex a -> ((AWSConnection, String) -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withS3Connection r def a = do
c <- s3Connection r
case c of
Nothing -> def
Just c' -> do
b <- getConfig r "s3-bucket" ""
a (c', b)
getS3Config :: Git.Repo -> String -> Maybe String-> Annex String
getS3Config r s def = do
e <- liftIO $ catch (liftM Just $ getEnv envvar) (const $ return def)
v <- case e of
Nothing -> getConfig r s ""
Just d -> getConfig r s d
when (null v) $ error $ "set " ++ envvar ++ " or " ++ remoteConfig r s
return v
envvar = "ANNEX_" ++ map (\c -> if c == '-' then '_' else toUpper c) s
{- The UUID of a S3 bucket is stored in a file "git-annex-uuid" in the
- bucket. Gets the UUID, or if there is none, sets a new UUID, possibly
- also creating the bucket. -}
getS3UUID :: Git.Repo -> Annex UUID
getS3UUID r = withS3Connection r disable $ \(c, b) -> do
res <- liftIO $
getObject c $ S3Object b uuidfile "" [] L.empty
case res of
Right o -> return $ L.unpack $ obj_data o
Left _ -> do
location <- getS3Config r "s3-datacenter" (Just "EU")
-- bucket may already exist, or not
_ <- liftIO $ createBucketIn c b location
u <- getUUID r
res' <- liftIO $ sendObject c $
S3Object b uuidfile "" [] $
L.pack u
case res' of
Right _ -> return u
Left e -> do
warning $ prettyReqError e
uuidfile = "git-annex-uuid"
disable = return "" -- empty uuid will disable this remote