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{- git-annex command
- Copyright 2010 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Command.Unannex where
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
2011-02-01 21:58:47 -04:00
import Control.Monad (unless)
import System.Directory
import Command
import qualified Annex
import Utility
import qualified Backend
import LocationLog
import Types
import Content
import qualified GitRepo as Git
2010-11-08 15:15:21 -04:00
import Messages
command :: [Command]
command = [Command "unannex" paramPath seek "undo accidential add command"]
seek :: [CommandSeek]
2010-11-11 18:54:52 -04:00
seek = [withFilesInGit start]
{- The unannex subcommand undoes an add. -}
start :: CommandStartString
start file = isAnnexed file $ \(key, backend) -> do
ishere <- inAnnex key
if ishere
then do
force <- Annex.getState Annex.force
unless force $ do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
staged <- liftIO $ Git.stagedFiles g [Git.workTree g]
unless (null staged) $
error "This command cannot be run when there are already files staged for commit."
Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.force = True }
2011-02-01 21:58:47 -04:00
showStart "unannex" file
return $ Just $ perform file key backend
else return Nothing
perform :: FilePath -> Key -> Backend Annex -> CommandPerform
perform file key backend = do
-- force backend to always remove
ok <- Backend.removeKey backend key (Just 0)
2010-11-22 17:51:55 -04:00
if ok
then return $ Just $ cleanup file key
else return Nothing
cleanup :: FilePath -> Key -> CommandCleanup
cleanup file key = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
liftIO $ removeFile file
liftIO $ g ["rm", "--quiet", "--", file]
-- git rm deletes empty directories; put them back
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
fromAnnex key file
logStatus key ValueMissing
-- Commit staged changes at end to avoid confusing the
-- pre-commit hook if this file is later added back to
-- git as a normal, non-annexed file.
Annex.queue "commit" ["-m", "content removed from git annex"] "-a"
return True