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{- BitTorrent remote.
- Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
module Remote.BitTorrent (remote) where
import Common.Annex
import Types.Remote
import qualified Annex
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Construct
import Config.Cost
import Logs.Web
import Types.UrlContents
import Types.CleanupActions
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import Types.Key
import Messages.Progress
import Utility.Metered
import Utility.Tmp
import Backend.URL
import Annex.Perms
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import Annex.UUID
import qualified Annex.Url as Url
import Network.URI
import Data.Torrent
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
remote :: RemoteType
remote = RemoteType {
typename = "bittorrent",
enumerate = list,
generate = gen,
setup = error "not supported"
-- There is only one bittorrent remote, and it always exists.
list :: Bool -> Annex [Git.Repo]
list _autoinit = do
2015-02-12 15:33:05 -04:00
r <- liftIO $ Git.Construct.remoteNamed "bittorrent" (pure Git.Construct.fromUnknown)
return [r]
gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
gen r _ c gc =
return $ Just Remote
{ uuid = bitTorrentUUID
, cost = expensiveRemoteCost
, name = Git.repoDescribe r
, storeKey = uploadKey
, retrieveKeyFile = downloadKey
, retrieveKeyFileCheap = downloadKeyCheap
, removeKey = dropKey
, checkPresent = checkKey
, checkPresentCheap = False
, whereisKey = Nothing
, remoteFsck = Nothing
, repairRepo = Nothing
, config = c
, gitconfig = gc
, localpath = Nothing
, repo = r
, readonly = True
, availability = GloballyAvailable
, remotetype = remote
, mkUnavailable = return Nothing
, getInfo = return []
, claimUrl = Just (pure . isSupportedUrl)
, checkUrl = Just checkTorrentUrl
downloadKey :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Bool, Verification)
downloadKey key _file dest p = unVerified $
get . map (torrentUrlNum . fst . getDownloader) =<< getBitTorrentUrls key
get [] = do
warning "could not download torrent"
return False
get urls = do
showOutput -- make way for download progress bar
untilTrue urls $ \(u, filenum) -> do
registerTorrentCleanup u
ifM (downloadTorrentFile u)
( downloadTorrentContent key u dest filenum p
, return False
downloadKeyCheap :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
downloadKeyCheap _ _ _ = return False
uploadKey :: Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
uploadKey _ _ _ = do
warning "upload to bittorrent not supported"
return False
dropKey :: Key -> Annex Bool
dropKey k = do
mapM_ (setUrlMissing bitTorrentUUID k) =<< getBitTorrentUrls k
return True
{- We punt and don't try to check if a torrent has enough seeders
- with all the pieces etc. That would be quite hard.. and even if
- implemented, it tells us nothing about the later state of the torrent.
checkKey :: Key -> Annex Bool
checkKey = error "cannot reliably check torrent status"
getBitTorrentUrls :: Key -> Annex [URLString]
getBitTorrentUrls key = filter supported <$> getUrls key
supported u =
let (u', dl) = (getDownloader u)
in dl == OtherDownloader && isSupportedUrl u'
isSupportedUrl :: URLString -> Bool
isSupportedUrl u = isTorrentMagnetUrl u || isTorrentUrl u
isTorrentUrl :: URLString -> Bool
isTorrentUrl = maybe False (\u -> ".torrent" `isSuffixOf` uriPath u) . parseURI
isTorrentMagnetUrl :: URLString -> Bool
isTorrentMagnetUrl u = "magnet:" `isPrefixOf` u && checkbt (parseURI u)
checkbt (Just uri) | "xt=urn:btih:" `isInfixOf` uriQuery uri = True
checkbt _ = False
checkTorrentUrl :: URLString -> Annex UrlContents
checkTorrentUrl u = do
registerTorrentCleanup u
ifM (downloadTorrentFile u)
( torrentContents u
, error "could not download torrent file"
{- To specify which file inside a multi-url torrent, the file number is
- appended to the url. -}
torrentUrlWithNum :: URLString -> Int -> URLString
torrentUrlWithNum u n = u ++ "#" ++ show n
torrentUrlNum :: URLString -> (URLString, Int)
2014-12-17 14:07:05 -04:00
torrentUrlNum u
| '#' `elem` u =
let (n, ru) = separate (== '#') (reverse u)
in (reverse ru, fromMaybe 1 $ readish $ reverse n)
| otherwise = (u, 1)
{- A Key corresponding to the URL of a torrent file. -}
torrentUrlKey :: URLString -> Annex Key
torrentUrlKey u = return $ fromUrl (fst $ torrentUrlNum u) Nothing
{- Temporary directory used to download a torrent. -}
tmpTorrentDir :: URLString -> Annex FilePath
tmpTorrentDir u = do
d <- fromRepo gitAnnexTmpMiscDir
f <- keyFile <$> torrentUrlKey u
return (d </> f)
{- Temporary filename to use to store the torrent file. -}
tmpTorrentFile :: URLString -> Annex FilePath
tmpTorrentFile u = fromRepo . gitAnnexTmpObjectLocation =<< torrentUrlKey u
{- A cleanup action is registered to delete the torrent file and its
- associated temp directory when git-annex exits.
- This allows multiple actions that use the same torrent file and temp
- directory to run in a single git-annex run.
registerTorrentCleanup :: URLString -> Annex ()
registerTorrentCleanup u = Annex.addCleanup (TorrentCleanup u) $ do
liftIO . nukeFile =<< tmpTorrentFile u
d <- tmpTorrentDir u
liftIO $ whenM (doesDirectoryExist d) $
removeDirectoryRecursive d
{- Downloads the torrent file. (Not its contents.) -}
downloadTorrentFile :: URLString -> Annex Bool
downloadTorrentFile u = do
torrent <- tmpTorrentFile u
ifM (liftIO $ doesFileExist torrent)
( return True
, do
showAction "downloading torrent file"
createAnnexDirectory (parentDir torrent)
if isTorrentMagnetUrl u
then do
tmpdir <- tmpTorrentDir u
let metadir = tmpdir </> "meta"
createAnnexDirectory metadir
ok <- downloadMagnetLink u metadir torrent
liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive metadir
return ok
else do
misctmp <- fromRepo gitAnnexTmpMiscDir
withTmpFileIn misctmp "torrent" $ \f h -> do
liftIO $ hClose h
ok <- Url.withUrlOptions $ u f
when ok $
liftIO $ renameFile f torrent
return ok
downloadMagnetLink :: URLString -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
downloadMagnetLink u metadir dest = ifM download
( liftIO $ do
ts <- filter (".torrent" `isSuffixOf`)
<$> dirContents metadir
case ts of
(t:[]) -> do
renameFile t dest
return True
_ -> return False
, return False
download = runAria
[ Param "--bt-metadata-only"
, Param "--bt-save-metadata"
, Param u
, Param "--seed-time=0"
2014-12-17 13:40:04 -04:00
, Param "--summary-interval=0"
, Param "-d"
, File metadir
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downloadTorrentContent :: Key -> URLString -> FilePath -> Int -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
downloadTorrentContent k u dest filenum p = do
torrent <- tmpTorrentFile u
tmpdir <- tmpTorrentDir u
createAnnexDirectory tmpdir
f <- wantedfile torrent
ifM (download torrent tmpdir <&&> liftIO (doesFileExist (tmpdir </> f)))
( do
liftIO $ renameFile (tmpdir </> f) dest
return True
, return False
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download torrent tmpdir = ariaProgress (keySize k) p
[ Param $ "--select-file=" ++ show filenum
, File torrent
, Param "-d"
, File tmpdir
, Param "--seed-time=0"
2014-12-17 13:40:04 -04:00
, Param "--summary-interval=0"
, Param "--file-allocation=none"
-- Needed so aria will resume partially downloaded files
-- in multi-file torrents.
, Param "--check-integrity=true"
{- aria2c will create part of the directory structure
- contained in the torrent. It may download parts of other files
- in addition to the one we asked for. So, we need to find
- out the filename we want based on the filenum.
wantedfile torrent = do
fs <- liftIO $ map fst <$> torrentFileSizes torrent
if length fs >= filenum
then return (fs !! (filenum - 1))
else error "Number of files in torrent seems to have changed."
checkDependencies :: Annex ()
checkDependencies = do
missing <- liftIO $ filterM (not <$$> inPath) deps
unless (null missing) $
error $ "need to install additional software in order to download from bittorrent: " ++ unwords missing
deps =
[ "aria2c"
#ifndef TORRENT
, "btshowmetainfo"
2014-12-17 13:40:04 -04:00
ariaParams :: [CommandParam] -> Annex [CommandParam]
ariaParams ps = do
opts <- map Param . annexAriaTorrentOptions <$> Annex.getGitConfig
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return (ps ++ opts)
runAria :: [CommandParam] -> Annex Bool
runAria ps = progressCommand "aria2c" =<< ariaParams ps
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-- Parse aria output to find "(n%)" and update the progress meter
-- with it.
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ariaProgress :: Maybe Integer -> MeterUpdate -> [CommandParam] -> Annex Bool
ariaProgress Nothing _ ps = runAria ps
ariaProgress (Just sz) meter ps = do
oh <- mkOutputHandler
liftIO . commandMeter (parseAriaProgress sz) oh meter "aria2c"
2014-12-17 13:40:04 -04:00
=<< ariaParams ps
parseAriaProgress :: Integer -> ProgressParser
parseAriaProgress totalsize = go [] . reverse . split ['\r']
go remainder [] = (Nothing, remainder)
go remainder (x:xs) = case readish (findpercent x) of
Nothing -> go (x++remainder) xs
Just p -> (Just (frompercent p), remainder)
-- "(N%)"
findpercent = takeWhile (/= '%') . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= '(')
frompercent p = toBytesProcessed $ totalsize * p `div` 100
{- Used only if the haskell torrent library is not available. -}
btshowmetainfo :: FilePath -> String -> IO [String]
btshowmetainfo torrent field =
findfield [] . lines <$> readProcess "btshowmetainfo" [torrent]
findfield c [] = reverse c
findfield c (l:ls)
| l == fieldkey = multiline c ls
| fieldkey `isPrefixOf` l =
findfield ((drop (length fieldkey) l):c) ls
| otherwise = findfield c ls
multiline c (l:ls)
| " " `isPrefixOf` l = multiline (drop 3 l:c) ls
| otherwise = findfield c ls
multiline c [] = findfield c []
fieldkey = field ++ take (14 - length field) (repeat '.') ++ ": "
{- Examines the torrent file and gets the list of files in it,
- and their sizes.
torrentFileSizes :: FilePath -> IO [(FilePath, Integer)]
torrentFileSizes torrent = do
let mkfile = joinPath . map (scrub . decodeBS)
b <- B.readFile torrent
return $ case readTorrent b of
Left e -> error $ "failed to parse torrent: " ++ e
Right t -> case tInfo t of
SingleFile { tLength = l, tName = f } ->
[ (mkfile [f], l) ]
MultiFile { tFiles = fs, tName = dir } ->
map (\tf -> (mkfile $ dir:filePath tf, fileLength tf)) fs
files <- getfield "files"
if null files
then do
fnl <- getfield "file name"
szl <- map readish <$> getfield "file size"
case (fnl, szl) of
((fn:[]), (Just sz:[])) -> return [(scrub fn, sz)]
_ -> parsefailed (show (fnl, szl))
else do
v <- getfield "directory name"
case v of
(d:[]) -> return $ map (splitsize d) files
_ -> parsefailed (show v)
getfield = btshowmetainfo torrent
parsefailed s = error $ "failed to parse btshowmetainfo output for torrent file: " ++ show s
-- btshowmetainfo outputs a list of "filename (size)"
splitsize d l = (scrub (d </> fn), sz)
sz = fromMaybe (parsefailed l) $ readish $
reverse $ takeWhile (/= '(') $ dropWhile (== ')') $
reverse l
fn = reverse $ drop 2 $
dropWhile (/= '(') $ dropWhile (== ')') $ reverse l
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-- a malicious torrent file might try to do directory traversal
scrub f = if isAbsolute f || any (== "..") (splitPath f)
then error "found unsafe filename in torrent!"
else f
torrentContents :: URLString -> Annex UrlContents
torrentContents u = convert
<$> (liftIO . torrentFileSizes =<< tmpTorrentFile u)
convert [(fn, sz)] = UrlContents (Just sz) (Just (mkSafeFilePath fn))
convert l = UrlMulti $ map mkmulti (zip l [1..])
mkmulti ((fn, sz), n) =
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(torrentUrlWithNum u n, Just sz, mkSafeFilePath $ joinPath $ drop 1 $ splitPath fn)