I have been using a portable USB disc for storing media. After several weeks of inactivity, when I used it with git-annex again I noticed it was running very slowly. I mean, it is an USB 2.0 connection, `git-annex sync` would take a few minutes, but now it takes *many hours*.
When adding files to it (`git-annex add`), I would see the list of files passing by at the speed I would expect, but then, at the end, I would have to wait; the next day I saw the operation had completed. `git-annex status` makes me wait a similar amount of time, and `git-annex sync` also makes me wait, even when it has nothing to do — I saw `top` reporting 100% CPU usage, `iotop` saying `git` and `fuse` were saturating the USB connection to its maximum.
File operations outside of `git-annex` seem to work fine, so I can't blame the hardware or the filesystem (NTFS mounted with `fuse`).
I would like to know your thought about this problem, that I was not noticing before. Here is the regular information to help you form an oppinion: