2019-03-06 11:17:06 -04:00
Collection of non-ideal things about git-annex's use of sqlite databases.
Would be good to improve these sometime, but it would need a migration
* Database.Export.getExportedKey would be faster if there was an index
in the database, eg "ExportedIndex file key". This only affects
the speed of `git annex export`, which is probably swamped by the actual
upload of the data to the remote.
* There may be other selects elsewhere that are not indexed.
* Database.Types has some suboptimal encodings for Key and InodeCache.
They are both slow due to being implemented using String
(which may be fixable w/o changing the DB schema),
and the VARCHARs they generate are longer than necessary
since they look like eg `SKey "whatever"` and `I "whatever"`
* SFilePath is stored efficiently, and has to be a String anyway,
(until ByteStringFilePath is used)
but since it's stored as a VARCHAR, which sqlite interprets using the
current locale, there can be encoding problems. This is at least worked
around with a hack that escapes FilePaths that contain unusual
characters. It would be much better to use a BLOB.
2019-06-04 14:13:15 -04:00
Also, when LANG=C is sometimes used, the hack can result in duplicates with
different representations of the same filename, like this:
INSERT INTO associated VALUES(4,'SHA256E-s30--7d51d2454391a40e952bea478e45d64cf0d606e1e8c0652bb815a22e0e23419a,'foo.ü');
INSERT INTO associated VALUES(5,'SHA256E-s30--7d51d2454391a40e952bea478e45d64cf0d606e1e8c0652bb815a22e0e23419a','"foo.\56515\56508"');
2019-08-26 12:29:43 -04:00
See <http://git-annex.branchable.com/bugs/assistant_crashes_in_TransferScanner/>
for an example of how this can happen.
2019-06-04 14:38:55 -04:00
And it seems likely that a query by filename would fail if the filename
was in the database but with a different encoding.
2019-03-06 11:17:06 -04:00
* IKey could fail to round-trip as well, when a Key contains something
(eg, a filename extension) that is not valid in the current locale,
for similar reasons to SFilePath. Using BLOB would be better.
2019-06-04 14:13:15 -04:00
2019-06-04 14:38:55 -04:00
See [[!commit cf260d9a159050e2a7e70394fdd8db289c805ec3]] for details
about the encoding problem for SFilePath. I reproduced a similar problem
for IKey by making a file `foo.ü` and running `git add` on it in a unicode
2019-06-04 14:13:15 -04:00
locale. Then with LANG=C, `git annex drop --force foo.ü` thinks
it drops the content, but in fact the work tree file is left containing
the dropped content. The database then contained:
INSERT INTO associated VALUES(8,'SHA256E-s30--59594eea8d6f64156b3ce6530cc3a661739abf2a0b72443de8683c34b0b19344.ü','foo.ü');
INSERT INTO associated VALUES(9,'SHA256E-s30--59594eea8d6f64156b3ce6530cc3a661739abf2a0b72443de8683c34b0b19344.<2E><>','"foo.\56515\56508"');
> Investigated this in more detail, and I can't find a way to
> solve the encoding problem other than changing the encoding
> SKey, IKey, and SFilePath in a non-backwards-compatible way.
> (Unless the encoding problem is related to persistent's use of Text
> internally, and could then perhaps be avoided by avoiding that?)
> The simplest and best final result would be use a ByteString
> for all of them, and store a blob in sqlite. Attached patch
> shows how to do that, but old git-annex won't be able to read
> the updated databases, and won't know that it can't read them!
> This seems to call for a flag day, throwing out the old database
> contents and regenerating them from other data:
> * Fsck (SKey)
> can't rebuild? Just drop and let incremental fscks re-do work
> * ContentIdentifier (IKey)
> rebuild with updateFromLog, would need to diff from empty tree to
> current git-annex branch, may be expensive to do!
> * Export (IKey, SFilePath)
> difficult to rebuild, what if in the middle of an interrupted
> export?
> updateExportTreeFromLog only updates two tables, not others
> Conceptually, this is the same as the repo being lost and another
> clone being used to update the export. The clone can only learn
> export state from the log. It's supposed to recover from such
> situations, the next time an export is run, so should be ok.
> But it might result in already exported files being re-uploaded,
> or other unncessary work.
> Keys (IKey, SFilePath)
> rebuild with scanUnlockedFiles
> does that update the Content table with the InodeCache?
> But after such a transition, how to communicate to the old git-annex
> that it can't use the databases any longer? Moving the databases
> out of the way won't do; old git-annex will just recreate them and
> start with missing data!
> And, what about users who really need to continue using an old git-annex
> and get bitten by the flag day?
> Should this instead be a annex.version bump from v7 to v8?
> But v5 is also affected for ContentIdentifier and Export and Fsck.
> Don't want v5.1.
2019-08-26 12:29:43 -04:00
> > Waiting until v5 is no longer supported and including this in v8
> > seems the only sure way to avoid backwards compatability issues.
2019-06-04 14:13:15 -04:00
[[!format patch """
diff --git a/Database/Types.hs b/Database/Types.hs
index f08cf4e9d..3e9c9e267 100644
--- a/Database/Types.hs
+++ b/Database/Types.hs
@@ -14,11 +14,12 @@ import Database.Persist.TH
import Database.Persist.Class hiding (Key)
import Database.Persist.Sql hiding (Key)
import Data.Maybe
-import Data.Char
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Utility.PartialPrelude
+import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
import Key
import Utility.InodeCache
import Git.Types (Ref(..))
@@ -37,23 +38,18 @@ fromSKey (SKey s) = fromMaybe (error $ "bad serialized Key " ++ s) (deserializeK
derivePersistField "SKey"
--- A Key index. More efficient than SKey, but its Read instance does not
--- work when it's used in any kind of complex data structure.
-newtype IKey = IKey String
-instance Read IKey where
- readsPrec _ s = [(IKey s, "")]
-instance Show IKey where
- show (IKey s) = s
+-- A Key index. More efficient than SKey.
+newtype IKey = IKey S.ByteString
+ deriving (Eq, Show, PersistField, PersistFieldSql)
+-- FIXME: toStrict copies, not efficient
toIKey :: Key -> IKey
-toIKey = IKey . serializeKey
+toIKey = IKey . L.toStrict . serializeKey'
fromIKey :: IKey -> Key
-fromIKey (IKey s) = fromMaybe (error $ "bad serialized Key " ++ s) (deserializeKey s)
-derivePersistField "IKey"
+fromIKey (IKey b) = fromMaybe
+ (error $ "bad serialized Key " ++ show b)
+ (deserializeKey' b)
-- A serialized InodeCache
newtype SInodeCache = I String
@@ -67,39 +63,15 @@ fromSInodeCache (I s) = fromMaybe (error $ "bad serialized InodeCache " ++ s) (r
derivePersistField "SInodeCache"
--- A serialized FilePath.
--- Not all unicode characters round-trip through sqlite. In particular,
--- surrigate code points do not. So, escape the FilePath. But, only when
--- it contains such characters.
-newtype SFilePath = SFilePath String
--- Note that Read instance does not work when used in any kind of complex
--- data structure.
-instance Read SFilePath where
- readsPrec _ s = [(SFilePath s, "")]
-instance Show SFilePath where
- show (SFilePath s) = s
+-- A serialized FilePath. Stored as a ByteString to avoid encoding problems.
+newtype SFilePath = SFilePath S.ByteString
+ deriving (Eq, Show, PersistField, PersistFieldSql)
toSFilePath :: FilePath -> SFilePath
-toSFilePath s@('"':_) = SFilePath (show s)
-toSFilePath s
- | any needsescape s = SFilePath (show s)
- | otherwise = SFilePath s
- where
- needsescape c = case generalCategory c of
- Surrogate -> True
- PrivateUse -> True
- NotAssigned -> True
- _ -> False
+toSFilePath = SFilePath . encodeBS
fromSFilePath :: SFilePath -> FilePath
-fromSFilePath (SFilePath s@('"':_)) =
- fromMaybe (error "bad serialized SFilePath " ++ s) (readish s)
-fromSFilePath (SFilePath s) = s
-derivePersistField "SFilePath"
+fromSFilePath (SFilePath b) = decodeBS b
-- A serialized Ref
newtype SRef = SRef Ref