* fix: use PR 'Notes' comment in release notes * fix: follow links in roller-bot PRs * refactor: better reference point version selection * if we're a stable release, use the current brnach's previous stable * if we're a beta release, use the current branch's previous beta * if no match found, use the newest stable that precedes this branch * refactor: dedup the caching functions' code * refactor: partially rewrite release note generator * parse release notes comments from PRs * do not display no-notes PRs * handle roller-bot commits by following cross-repo commits/PRs * minor tweaks to note rendering, e.g. capitalization * fix: fix lint:js script typo * fix: copy originalPr value to rollerbot PR chains * fix: handle more cases in release notes generator * handle force-pushes where no PR * better type guessing on pre-semantic commits * fix: handle more edge cases in the note generator * better removal of commits that landed before the reference point * ensure '<!-- One-line Change Summary Here-->' is removed from notes * handle more legacy commit body notes e.g. "Chore(docs)" * check for fix markdown in PR body e.g. a link to the issue page * chore: tweak code comments * refactor: easier note generator command-line args * refactor: group related notes together * feat: query commits locally for gyp and gn deps * chore: slightly better filtering of old commits * feat: omit submodule commits for .0.0 releases More specifically, only include them if generating release notes relative to another release on the same branch. Before that first release, there's just too much churn. * refactor: make release-notes usable as a module Calling it from the command line and from require()() now do pretty much the same thing. * refactor: passing command-line args means use HEAD * chore: plug in the release note generator * feat: support multiline 'Notes:' messages. xref: https://github.com/electron/trop/pull/56 xref: https://github.com/electron/clerk/pull/16 * remove accidental change in package.json * simplify an overcomplicated require() call * Don't use PascalCase on releaseNotesGenerator() * Remove code duplication in release notes warnings * remove commented-out code. * don't use single-character variable names. For example, use 'tag' instead of 't'. The latter was being used for map/filter arrow function args. * Look for 'backport' rather than 'ackport'. * Wrap all block statements in curly braces. * fix tyop * fix oops * Check semver validity before calling semver.sort()
599 lines
17 KiB
599 lines
17 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env node
const childProcess = require('child_process')
const fs = require('fs')
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
const { GitProcess } = require('dugite')
const GitHub = require('github')
const semver = require('semver')
const CACHE_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '.cache')
const NO_NOTES = 'No notes'
const FOLLOW_REPOS = [ 'electron/electron', 'electron/libchromiumcontent', 'electron/node' ]
const github = new GitHub()
const gitDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..')
github.authenticate({ type: 'token', token: process.env.ELECTRON_GITHUB_TOKEN })
const breakTypes = new Set(['breaking-change'])
const docTypes = new Set(['doc', 'docs'])
const featTypes = new Set(['feat', 'feature'])
const fixTypes = new Set(['fix'])
const otherTypes = new Set(['spec', 'build', 'test', 'chore', 'deps', 'refactor', 'tools', 'vendor', 'perf', 'style', 'ci'])
const knownTypes = new Set([...breakTypes.keys(), ...docTypes.keys(), ...featTypes.keys(), ...fixTypes.keys(), ...otherTypes.keys()])
const semanticMap = new Map()
for (const line of fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'legacy-pr-semantic-map.csv'), 'utf8').split('\n')) {
if (!line) {
const bits = line.split(',')
if (bits.length !== 2) {
semanticMap.set(bits[0], bits[1])
const runGit = async (dir, args) => {
const response = await GitProcess.exec(args, dir)
if (response.exitCode !== 0) {
throw new Error(response.stderr.trim())
return response.stdout.trim()
const getCommonAncestor = async (dir, point1, point2) => {
return runGit(dir, ['merge-base', point1, point2])
const setPullRequest = (commit, owner, repo, number) => {
if (!owner || !repo || !number) {
throw new Error(JSON.stringify({ owner, repo, number }, null, 2))
if (!commit.originalPr) {
commit.originalPr = commit.pr
commit.pr = { owner, repo, number }
if (!commit.originalPr) {
commit.originalPr = commit.pr
const getNoteFromBody = body => {
if (!body) {
return null
const NOTE_PREFIX = 'Notes: '
let note = body
.split(/\r?\n\r?\n/) // split into paragraphs
.map(paragraph => paragraph.trim())
.find(paragraph => paragraph.startsWith(NOTE_PREFIX))
if (note) {
const placeholder = '<!-- One-line Change Summary Here-->'
note = note
.replace(placeholder, '')
.replace(/\r?\n/, ' ') // remove newlines
if (note) {
if (note.match(/^[Nn]o[ _-][Nn]otes\.?$/)) {
return NO_NOTES
if (note.match(/^[Nn]one\.?$/)) {
return NO_NOTES
return note
* Looks for our project's conventions in the commit message:
* 'semantic: some description' -- sets type, subject
* 'some description (#99999)' -- sets subject, pr
* 'Fixes #3333' -- sets issueNumber
* 'Merge pull request #99999 from ${branchname}' -- sets pr
* 'This reverts commit ${sha}' -- sets revertHash
* line starting with 'BREAKING CHANGE' in body -- sets breakingChange
* 'Backport of #99999' -- sets pr
const parseCommitMessage = (commitMessage, owner, repo, commit = {}) => {
// split commitMessage into subject & body
let subject = commitMessage
let body = ''
const pos = subject.indexOf('\n')
if (pos !== -1) {
body = subject.slice(pos).trim()
subject = subject.slice(0, pos).trim()
if (!commit.originalSubject) {
commit.originalSubject = subject
if (body) {
commit.body = body
const note = getNoteFromBody(body)
if (note) { commit.note = note }
// if the subject ends in ' (#dddd)', treat it as a pull request id
let match
if ((match = subject.match(/^(.*)\s\(#(\d+)\)$/))) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, parseInt(match[2]))
subject = match[1]
// if the subject begins with 'word:', treat it as a semantic commit
if ((match = subject.match(/^(\w+):\s(.*)$/))) {
commit.type = match[1].toLocaleLowerCase()
subject = match[2]
// Check for GitHub commit message that indicates a PR
if ((match = subject.match(/^Merge pull request #(\d+) from (.*)$/))) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, parseInt(match[1]))
commit.pr.branch = match[2].trim()
// Check for a trop comment that indicates a PR
if ((match = commitMessage.match(/\bBackport of #(\d+)\b/))) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, parseInt(match[1]))
// https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-using-keywords/
if ((match = subject.match(/\b(?:close|closes|closed|fix|fixes|fixed|resolve|resolves|resolved|for)\s#(\d+)\b/))) {
commit.issueNumber = parseInt(match[1])
if (!commit.type) {
commit.type = 'fix'
// look for 'fixes' in markdown; e.g. 'Fixes [#8952](https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/8952)'
if (!commit.issueNumber && ((match = commitMessage.match(/Fixes \[#(\d+)\]\(https:\/\/github.com\/(\w+)\/(\w+)\/issues\/(\d+)\)/)))) {
commit.issueNumber = parseInt(match[1])
if (commit.pr && commit.pr.number === commit.issueNumber) {
commit.pr = null
if (commit.originalPr && commit.originalPr.number === commit.issueNumber) {
commit.originalPr = null
if (!commit.type) {
commit.type = 'fix'
// https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en
if (commitMessage
.split(/\r?\n\r?\n/) // split into paragraphs
.map(paragraph => paragraph.trim())
.some(paragraph => paragraph.startsWith('BREAKING CHANGE'))) {
commit.type = 'breaking-change'
// Check for a reversion commit
if ((match = body.match(/This reverts commit ([a-f0-9]{40})\./))) {
commit.revertHash = match[1]
// Edge case: manual backport where commit has `owner/repo#pull` notation
if (commitMessage.toLowerCase().includes('backport') &&
((match = commitMessage.match(/\b(\w+)\/(\w+)#(\d+)\b/)))) {
const [ , owner, repo, number ] = match
if (FOLLOW_REPOS.includes(`${owner}/${repo}`)) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, number)
// Edge case: manual backport where commit has a link to the backport PR
if (commitMessage.includes('ackport') &&
((match = commitMessage.match(/https:\/\/github\.com\/(\w+)\/(\w+)\/pull\/(\d+)/)))) {
const [ , owner, repo, number ] = match
if (FOLLOW_REPOS.includes(`${owner}/${repo}`)) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, number)
// Legacy commits: pre-semantic commits
if (!commit.type || commit.type === 'chore') {
const commitMessageLC = commitMessage.toLocaleLowerCase()
if ((match = commitMessageLC.match(/\bchore\((\w+)\):/))) {
// example: 'Chore(docs): description'
commit.type = knownTypes.has(match[1]) ? match[1] : 'chore'
} else if (commitMessageLC.match(/\b(?:fix|fixes|fixed)/)) {
// example: 'fix a bug'
commit.type = 'fix'
} else if (commitMessageLC.match(/\[(?:docs|doc)\]/)) {
// example: '[docs]
commit.type = 'doc'
commit.subject = subject.trim()
return commit
const getLocalCommitHashes = async (dir, ref) => {
const args = ['log', '-z', `--format=%H`, ref]
return (await runGit(dir, args)).split(`\0`).map(hash => hash.trim())
* possible properties:
* breakingChange, email, hash, issueNumber, originalSubject, parentHashes,
* pr { owner, repo, number, branch }, revertHash, subject, type
const getLocalCommitDetails = async (module, point1, point2) => {
const { owner, repo, dir } = module
const fieldSep = '||'
const format = ['%H', '%P', '%aE', '%B'].join(fieldSep)
const args = ['log', '-z', '--cherry-pick', '--right-only', '--first-parent', `--format=${format}`, `${point1}..${point2}`]
const commits = (await runGit(dir, args)).split(`\0`).map(field => field.trim())
const details = []
for (const commit of commits) {
if (!commit) {
const [ hash, parentHashes, email, commitMessage ] = commit.split(fieldSep, 4).map(field => field.trim())
details.push(parseCommitMessage(commitMessage, owner, repo, {
parentHashes: parentHashes.split()
return details
const checkCache = async (name, operation) => {
const filename = path.resolve(CACHE_DIR, name)
if (fs.existsSync(filename)) {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'))
const response = await operation()
if (response) {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, JSON.stringify(response))
return response
const getPullRequest = async (number, owner, repo) => {
const name = `${owner}-${repo}-pull-${number}`
return checkCache(name, async () => {
try {
return await github.pullRequests.get({ number, owner, repo })
} catch (error) {
// Silently eat 404s.
// We can get a bad pull number if someone manually lists
// an issue number in PR number notation, e.g. 'fix: foo (#123)'
if (error.code !== 404) {
throw error
const addRepoToPool = async (pool, repo, from, to) => {
const commonAncestor = await getCommonAncestor(repo.dir, from, to)
const oldHashes = await getLocalCommitHashes(repo.dir, from)
oldHashes.forEach(hash => { pool.processedHashes.add(hash) })
const commits = await getLocalCommitDetails(repo, commonAncestor, to)
**** Other Repos
// other repos - gyp
const getGypSubmoduleRef = async (dir, point) => {
// example: '160000 commit 028b0af83076cec898f4ebce208b7fadb715656e libchromiumcontent'
const response = await runGit(
['ls-tree', '-t', point, path.basename(dir)]
const line = response.split('\n').filter(line => line.startsWith('160000')).shift()
const tokens = line ? line.split(/\s/).map(token => token.trim()) : null
const ref = tokens && tokens.length >= 3 ? tokens[2] : null
return ref
const getDependencyCommitsGyp = async (pool, fromRef, toRef) => {
const commits = []
const repos = [{
owner: 'electron',
repo: 'libchromiumcontent',
dir: path.resolve(gitDir, 'vendor', 'libchromiumcontent')
}, {
owner: 'electron',
repo: 'node',
dir: path.resolve(gitDir, 'vendor', 'node')
for (const repo of repos) {
const from = await getGypSubmoduleRef(repo.dir, fromRef)
const to = await getGypSubmoduleRef(repo.dir, toRef)
await addRepoToPool(pool, repo, from, to)
return commits
// other repos - gn
const getDepsVariable = async (ref, key) => {
// get a copy of that reference point's DEPS file
const deps = await runGit(gitDir, ['show', `${ref}:DEPS`])
const filename = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), 'DEPS')
fs.writeFileSync(filename, deps)
// query the DEPS file
const response = childProcess.spawnSync(
['getdep', '--deps-file', filename, '--var', key],
{ encoding: 'utf8' }
// cleanup
return response.stdout.trim()
const getDependencyCommitsGN = async (pool, fromRef, toRef) => {
const repos = [{ // just node
owner: 'electron',
repo: 'node',
dir: path.resolve(gitDir, '..', 'third_party', 'electron_node'),
deps_variable_name: 'node_version'
for (const repo of repos) {
// the 'DEPS' file holds the dependency reference point
const key = repo.deps_variable_name
const from = await getDepsVariable(fromRef, key)
const to = await getDepsVariable(toRef, key)
await addRepoToPool(pool, repo, from, to)
// other repos - controller
const getDependencyCommits = async (pool, from, to) => {
const filename = path.resolve(gitDir, 'vendor', 'libchromiumcontent')
const useGyp = fs.existsSync(filename)
return useGyp
? getDependencyCommitsGyp(pool, from, to)
: getDependencyCommitsGN(pool, from, to)
**** Main
const getNotes = async (fromRef, toRef) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(CACHE_DIR)) {
const pool = {
processedHashes: new Set(),
commits: []
// get the electron/electron commits
const electron = { owner: 'electron', repo: 'electron', dir: gitDir }
await addRepoToPool(pool, electron, fromRef, toRef)
// Don't include submodules if comparing across major versions;
// there's just too much churn otherwise.
const includeDeps = semver.valid(fromRef) &&
semver.valid(toRef) &&
semver.major(fromRef) === semver.major(toRef)
if (includeDeps) {
await getDependencyCommits(pool, fromRef, toRef)
// remove any old commits
pool.commits = pool.commits.filter(commit => !pool.processedHashes.has(commit.hash))
// if a commmit _and_ revert occurred in the unprocessed set, skip them both
for (const commit of pool.commits) {
const revertHash = commit.revertHash
if (!revertHash) {
const revert = pool.commits.find(commit => commit.hash === revertHash)
if (!revert) {
commit.note = NO_NOTES
revert.note = NO_NOTES
// scrape PRs for release note 'Notes:' comments
for (const commit of pool.commits) {
let pr = commit.pr
while (pr && !commit.note) {
const prData = await getPullRequest(pr.number, pr.owner, pr.repo)
if (!prData || !prData.data) {
// try to pull a release note from the pull comment
commit.note = getNoteFromBody(prData.data.body)
if (commit.note) {
// if the PR references another PR, maybe follow it
parseCommitMessage(`${prData.data.title}\n\n${prData.data.body}`, pr.owner, pr.repo, commit)
pr = pr.number !== commit.pr.number ? commit.pr : null
// remove uninteresting commits
pool.commits = pool.commits
.filter(commit => commit.note !== NO_NOTES)
.filter(commit => !((commit.note || commit.subject).match(/^[Bb]ump v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)))
const notes = {
breaks: [],
docs: [],
feat: [],
fix: [],
other: [],
unknown: [],
ref: toRef
pool.commits.forEach(commit => {
const str = commit.type
if (!str) {
} else if (breakTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (docTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (featTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (fixTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (otherTypes.has(str)) {
} else {
return notes
**** Render
const renderCommit = commit => {
// clean up the note
let note = commit.note || commit.subject
note = note.trim()
if (note.length !== 0) {
note = note[0].toUpperCase() + note.substr(1)
if (!note.endsWith('.')) {
note = note + '.'
const commonVerbs = {
'Added': [ 'Add' ],
'Backported': [ 'Backport' ],
'Cleaned': [ 'Clean' ],
'Disabled': [ 'Disable' ],
'Ensured': [ 'Ensure' ],
'Exported': [ 'Export' ],
'Fixed': [ 'Fix', 'Fixes' ],
'Handled': [ 'Handle' ],
'Improved': [ 'Improve' ],
'Made': [ 'Make' ],
'Removed': [ 'Remove' ],
'Repaired': [ 'Repair' ],
'Reverted': [ 'Revert' ],
'Stopped': [ 'Stop' ],
'Updated': [ 'Update' ],
'Upgraded': [ 'Upgrade' ]
for (const [key, values] of Object.entries(commonVerbs)) {
for (const value of values) {
const start = `${value} `
if (note.startsWith(start)) {
note = `${key} ${note.slice(start.length)}`
// make a GH-markdown-friendly link
let link
const pr = commit.originalPr
if (!pr) {
link = `https://github.com/${commit.owner}/${commit.repo}/commit/${commit.hash}`
} else if (pr.owner === 'electron' && pr.repo === 'electron') {
link = `#${pr.number}`
} else {
link = `[${pr.owner}/${pr.repo}:${pr.number}](https://github.com/${pr.owner}/${pr.repo}/pull/${pr.number})`
return { note, link }
const renderNotes = notes => {
const rendered = [ `# Release Notes for ${notes.ref}\n\n` ]
const renderSection = (title, commits) => {
if (commits.length === 0) {
const notes = new Map()
for (const note of commits.map(commit => renderCommit(commit))) {
if (!notes.has(note.note)) {
notes.set(note.note, [note.link])
} else {
rendered.push(`## ${title}\n\n`)
const lines = []
notes.forEach((links, key) => lines.push(` * ${key} ${links.map(link => link.toString()).sort().join(', ')}\n`))
rendered.push(...lines.sort(), '\n')
renderSection('Breaking Changes', notes.breaks)
renderSection('Features', notes.feat)
renderSection('Fixes', notes.fix)
renderSection('Other Changes', notes.other)
if (notes.docs.length) {
const docs = notes.docs.map(commit => {
return commit.pr && commit.pr.number
? `#${commit.pr.number}`
: `https://github.com/electron/electron/commit/${commit.hash}`
rendered.push('## Documentation\n\n', ` * Documentation changes: ${docs.join(', ')}\n`, '\n')
renderSection('Unknown', notes.unknown)
return rendered.join('')
**** Module
module.exports = {
get: getNotes,
render: renderNotes