Cheng Zhao 863199348f Make process.exit() quit gracefully
Instead of abrupting the whole program immediately, we should close all
windows and release all native resources gracefully on exit. This avoids
possible crashes.

Fix .
2015-11-06 20:25:20 +08:00

112 lines
3.4 KiB

fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
util = require 'util'
Module = require 'module'
# We modified the original process.argv to let node.js load the atom.js,
# we need to restore it here.
process.argv.splice 1, 1
# Clear search paths.
require path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'common', 'lib', 'reset-search-paths')
# Import common settings.
require path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'common', 'lib', 'init')
# Add browser/api/lib to module search paths, which contains javascript part of
# Electron's built-in libraries.
globalPaths = Module.globalPaths
globalPaths.push path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'api', 'lib')
if process.platform is 'win32'
# Redirect node's console to use our own implementations, since node can not
# handle console output when running as GUI program.
consoleLog = (args...) ->
process.log util.format(args...) + "\n"
streamWrite = (chunk, encoding, callback) ->
chunk = chunk.toString(encoding) if Buffer.isBuffer chunk
process.log chunk
callback() if callback
console.log = console.error = console.warn = consoleLog
process.stdout.write = process.stderr.write = streamWrite
# Always returns EOF for stdin stream.
Readable = require('stream').Readable
stdin = new Readable
stdin.push null
process.__defineGetter__ 'stdin', -> stdin
# Don't quit on fatal error.
process.on 'uncaughtException', (error) ->
# Do nothing if the user has a custom uncaught exception handler.
if process.listeners('uncaughtException').length > 1
# Show error in GUI.
stack = error.stack ? "#{error.name}: #{error.message}"
message = "Uncaught Exception:\n#{stack}"
require('dialog').showErrorBox 'A JavaScript error occurred in the main process', message
# Emit 'exit' event on quit.
app = require 'app'
app.on 'quit', ->
process.emit 'exit'
# Map process.exit to app.exit, which quits gracefully.
process.exit = app.exit
# Load the RPC server.
require './rpc-server'
# Load the guest view manager.
require './guest-view-manager'
require './guest-window-manager'
# Now we try to load app's package.json.
packageJson = null
searchPaths = [ 'app', 'app.asar', 'default_app' ]
for packagePath in searchPaths
packagePath = path.join process.resourcesPath, packagePath
packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(packagePath, 'package.json')))
catch e
unless packageJson?
process.nextTick -> process.exit 1
throw new Error("Unable to find a valid app")
# Set application's version.
app.setVersion packageJson.version if packageJson.version?
# Set application's name.
if packageJson.productName?
app.setName packageJson.productName
else if packageJson.name?
app.setName packageJson.name
# Set application's desktop name.
if packageJson.desktopName?
app.setDesktopName packageJson.desktopName
app.setDesktopName "#{app.getName()}.desktop"
# Chrome 42 disables NPAPI plugins by default, reenable them here
app.commandLine.appendSwitch 'enable-npapi'
# Set the user path according to application's name.
app.setPath 'userData', path.join(app.getPath('appData'), app.getName())
app.setPath 'userCache', path.join(app.getPath('cache'), app.getName())
app.setAppPath packagePath
# Load the chrome extension support.
require './chrome-extension'
# Set main startup script of the app.
mainStartupScript = packageJson.main or 'index.js'
# Finally load app's main.js and transfer control to C++.
Module._load path.join(packagePath, mainStartupScript), Module, true