Cheng Zhao 75f49477ca Cleanup wrapper function when app has done quitting
The app may still do something when quitting, we need to make sure the
wrapper function is still there at that time.
2015-11-04 16:54:36 +08:00

65 lines
2 KiB

EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
bindings = process.atomBinding 'app'
sessionBindings = process.atomBinding 'session'
downloadItemBindings = process.atomBinding 'download_item'
app = bindings.app
app.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype
wrapSession = (session) ->
# session is an Event Emitter.
session.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype
wrapDownloadItem = (downloadItem) ->
# downloadItem is an Event Emitter.
downloadItem.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype
# Be compatible with old APIs.
downloadItem.url = downloadItem.getUrl()
downloadItem.filename = downloadItem.getFilename()
downloadItem.mimeType = downloadItem.getMimeType()
downloadItem.hasUserGesture = downloadItem.hasUserGesture()
app.setApplicationMenu = (menu) ->
require('menu').setApplicationMenu menu
app.getApplicationMenu = ->
app.commandLine =
appendSwitch: bindings.appendSwitch,
appendArgument: bindings.appendArgument
if process.platform is 'darwin'
app.dock =
bounce: (type='informational') -> bindings.dockBounce type
cancelBounce: bindings.dockCancelBounce
setBadge: bindings.dockSetBadgeText
getBadge: bindings.dockGetBadgeText
hide: bindings.dockHide
show: bindings.dockShow
setMenu: bindings.dockSetMenu
appPath = null
app.setAppPath = (path) ->
appPath = path
app.getAppPath = ->
# Be compatible with old API.
app.once 'ready', -> @emit 'finish-launching'
app.terminate = app.quit
app.exit = process.exit
app.getHomeDir = -> @getPath 'home'
app.getDataPath = -> @getPath 'userData'
app.setDataPath = (path) -> @setPath 'userData', path
app.resolveProxy = -> @defaultSession.resolveProxy.apply @defaultSession, arguments
app.on 'activate', (event, hasVisibleWindows) -> @emit 'activate-with-no-open-windows' if not hasVisibleWindows
# Wrappers for native classes.
sessionBindings._setWrapSession wrapSession
downloadItemBindings._setWrapDownloadItem wrapDownloadItem
# Only one App object pemitted.
module.exports = app