* refactor: prevent consistent early exception * Use _linkedBinding where possible * Remove dead electronBinding
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119 lines
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import { webFrame } from 'electron';
import * as ipcRendererUtils from '@electron/internal/renderer/ipc-renderer-internal-utils';
const v8Util = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_v8_util');
const IsolatedWorldIDs = {
* Start of extension isolated world IDs, as defined in
* electron_render_frame_observer.h
let isolatedWorldIds = IsolatedWorldIDs.ISOLATED_WORLD_EXTENSIONS;
const extensionWorldId: {[key: string]: number | undefined} = {};
// https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/extensions/renderer/script_injection.cc?type=cs&sq=package:chromium&g=0&l=52
const getIsolatedWorldIdForInstance = () => {
// TODO(samuelmaddock): allocate and cleanup IDs
return isolatedWorldIds++;
const escapePattern = function (pattern: string) {
return pattern.replace(/[\\^$+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
// Check whether pattern matches.
// https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/match_patterns
const matchesPattern = function (pattern: string) {
if (pattern === '<all_urls>') return true;
const regexp = new RegExp(`^${pattern.split('*').map(escapePattern).join('.*')}$`);
const url = `${location.protocol}//${location.host}${location.pathname}`;
return url.match(regexp);
// Run the code with chrome API integrated.
const runContentScript = function (this: any, extensionId: string, url: string, code: string) {
// Assign unique world ID to each extension
const worldId = extensionWorldId[extensionId] ||
(extensionWorldId[extensionId] = getIsolatedWorldIdForInstance());
// store extension ID for content script to read in isolated world
v8Util.setHiddenValue(global, `extension-${worldId}`, extensionId);
webFrame.setIsolatedWorldInfo(worldId, {
name: `${extensionId} [${worldId}]`
// TODO(samuelmaddock): read `content_security_policy` from extension manifest
// csp: manifest.content_security_policy,
const sources = [{ code, url }];
return webFrame.executeJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld(worldId, sources);
const runAllContentScript = function (scripts: Array<Electron.InjectionBase>, extensionId: string) {
for (const { url, code } of scripts) {
runContentScript.call(window, extensionId, url, code);
const runStylesheet = function (this: any, url: string, code: string) {
const runAllStylesheet = function (css: Array<Electron.InjectionBase>) {
for (const { url, code } of css) {
runStylesheet.call(window, url, code);
// Run injected scripts.
// https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/content_scripts
const injectContentScript = function (extensionId: string, script: Electron.ContentScript) {
if (!process.isMainFrame && !script.allFrames) return;
if (!script.matches.some(matchesPattern)) return;
if (script.js) {
const fire = runAllContentScript.bind(window, script.js, extensionId);
if (script.runAt === 'document_start') {
process.once('document-start', fire);
} else if (script.runAt === 'document_end') {
process.once('document-end', fire);
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fire);
if (script.css) {
const fire = runAllStylesheet.bind(window, script.css);
if (script.runAt === 'document_start') {
process.once('document-start', fire);
} else if (script.runAt === 'document_end') {
process.once('document-end', fire);
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fire);
// Handle the request of chrome.tabs.executeJavaScript.
ipcRendererUtils.handle('CHROME_TABS_EXECUTE_SCRIPT', function (
event: Electron.Event,
extensionId: string,
url: string,
code: string
) {
return runContentScript.call(window, extensionId, url, code);
module.exports = (entries: Electron.ContentScriptEntry[]) => {
for (const entry of entries) {
if (entry.contentScripts) {
for (const script of entry.contentScripts) {
injectContentScript(entry.extensionId, script);