2016-05-06 10:12:53 -07:00

89 lines
2.6 KiB

'use strict'
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn
const electron = require('electron')
const binding = process.atomBinding('crash_reporter')
var CrashReporter = (function () {
function CrashReporter () {}
CrashReporter.prototype.start = function (options) {
var app, args, autoSubmit, companyName, env, extra, ignoreSystemCrashHandler, start, submitURL
if (options == null) {
options = {}
this.productName = options.productName
companyName = options.companyName
submitURL = options.submitURL
autoSubmit = options.autoSubmit
ignoreSystemCrashHandler = options.ignoreSystemCrashHandler
extra = options.extra
app = (process.type === 'browser' ? electron : electron.remote).app
if (this.productName == null) {
this.productName = app.getName()
if (autoSubmit == null) {
autoSubmit = true
if (ignoreSystemCrashHandler == null) {
ignoreSystemCrashHandler = false
if (extra == null) {
extra = {}
if (extra._productName == null) {
extra._productName = this.productName
if (extra._companyName == null) {
extra._companyName = companyName
if (extra._version == null) {
extra._version = app.getVersion()
if (companyName == null) {
throw new Error('companyName is a required option to crashReporter.start')
if (submitURL == null) {
throw new Error('submitURL is a required option to crashReporter.start')
start = () => {
binding.start(this.productName, companyName, submitURL, autoSubmit, ignoreSystemCrashHandler, extra)
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
args = ['--reporter-url=' + submitURL, '--application-name=' + this.productName, '--v=1']
env = {
spawn(process.execPath, args, {
env: env,
detached: true
return start()
CrashReporter.prototype.getLastCrashReport = function () {
var reports
reports = this.getUploadedReports()
if (reports.length > 0) {
return reports[0]
} else {
return null
CrashReporter.prototype.getUploadedReports = function () {
var log, tmpdir
tmpdir = process.platform === 'win32' ? os.tmpdir() : '/tmp'
log = process.platform === 'darwin' ? path.join(tmpdir, this.productName + ' Crashes') : path.join(tmpdir, this.productName + ' Crashes', 'uploads.log')
return binding._getUploadedReports(log)
return CrashReporter
module.exports = new CrashReporter()