* feat: add error event for utility process (#43774)
* feat: add error event for utility process
* chore: use public report api
* chore: fix lint
* doc: mark error event as experimental
Co-authored-by: Shelley Vohr <shelley.vohr@gmail.com>
* fixup! feat: add error event for utility process (#43774)
remove #include "electron/mas.h"
this header did not exist before c1c8fbfd9
Co-authored-by: Robo <hop2deep@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Shelley Vohr <shelley.vohr@gmail.com>
119 lines
4 KiB
119 lines
4 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft, Inc.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/id_map.h"
#include "base/environment.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "content/public/browser/service_process_host.h"
#include "gin/wrappable.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/message.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "shell/browser/event_emitter_mixin.h"
#include "shell/browser/net/url_loader_network_observer.h"
#include "shell/common/gin_helper/pinnable.h"
#include "shell/services/node/public/mojom/node_service.mojom.h"
#include "v8/include/v8-forward.h"
namespace gin {
class Arguments;
template <typename T>
class Handle;
} // namespace gin
namespace base {
class Process;
} // namespace base
namespace mojo {
class Connector;
} // namespace mojo
namespace electron::api {
class UtilityProcessWrapper final
: public gin::Wrappable<UtilityProcessWrapper>,
public gin_helper::Pinnable<UtilityProcessWrapper>,
public gin_helper::EventEmitterMixin<UtilityProcessWrapper>,
public mojo::MessageReceiver,
public node::mojom::NodeServiceClient,
public content::ServiceProcessHost::Observer {
enum class IOHandle : size_t { STDIN = 0, STDOUT = 1, STDERR = 2 };
enum class IOType { IO_PIPE, IO_INHERIT, IO_IGNORE };
~UtilityProcessWrapper() override;
static gin::Handle<UtilityProcessWrapper> Create(gin::Arguments* args);
static raw_ptr<UtilityProcessWrapper> FromProcessId(base::ProcessId pid);
void Shutdown(uint64_t exit_code);
// gin::Wrappable
static gin::WrapperInfo kWrapperInfo;
gin::ObjectTemplateBuilder GetObjectTemplateBuilder(
v8::Isolate* isolate) override;
const char* GetTypeName() override;
UtilityProcessWrapper(node::mojom::NodeServiceParamsPtr params,
std::u16string display_name,
std::map<IOHandle, IOType> stdio,
base::EnvironmentMap env_map,
base::FilePath current_working_directory,
bool use_plugin_helper,
bool create_network_observer);
void OnServiceProcessLaunch(const base::Process& process);
void CloseConnectorPort();
void HandleTermination(uint64_t exit_code);
void PostMessage(gin::Arguments* args);
bool Kill() const;
v8::Local<v8::Value> GetOSProcessId(v8::Isolate* isolate) const;
// mojo::MessageReceiver
bool Accept(mojo::Message* mojo_message) override;
// node::mojom::NodeServiceClient
void OnV8FatalError(const std::string& location,
const std::string& report) override;
// content::ServiceProcessHost::Observer
void OnServiceProcessTerminatedNormally(
const content::ServiceProcessInfo& info) override;
void OnServiceProcessCrashed(
const content::ServiceProcessInfo& info) override;
void OnServiceProcessDisconnected(uint32_t exit_code,
const std::string& description);
base::ProcessId pid_ = base::kNullProcessId;
// Non-owning handles, these will be closed when the
// corresponding FD are closed via _close.
HANDLE stdout_read_handle_;
HANDLE stderr_read_handle_;
int stdout_read_fd_ = -1;
int stderr_read_fd_ = -1;
bool connector_closed_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<mojo::Connector> connector_;
blink::MessagePortDescriptor host_port_;
mojo::Receiver<node::mojom::NodeServiceClient> receiver_{this};
mojo::Remote<node::mojom::NodeService> node_service_remote_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<UtilityProcessWrapper> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace electron::api