When a render view is closed, it's not guarrenteed that all objects' weak callback would be called. So we must clean up all objects manually after the render view gets closed.
69 lines
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69 lines
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ipc = require 'ipc'
path = require 'path'
objectsRegistry = require './objects_registry.js'
class PlainObject
constructor: (process_id, routing_id, value) ->
@type = typeof value
@type = 'value' if value is null
@type = 'array' if Array.isArray value
if @type is 'array'
@members = []
@members.push new PlainObject(process_id, routing_id, el) for el in value
else if @type is 'object' or @type is 'function'
@name = value.constructor.name
@id = objectsRegistry.add process_id, routing_id, value
value.id = @id
@members = []
@members.push { name: prop, type: typeof field } for prop, field of value
@type = 'value'
@value = value
ipc.on 'ATOM_INTERNAL_REQUIRE', (event, process_id, routing_id, module) ->
event.result = new PlainObject(process_id, routing_id, require(module))
ipc.on 'ATOM_INTERNAL_CONSTRUCTOR', (event, process_id, routing_id, id, args) ->
constructor = objectsRegistry.get process_id, routing_id, id
# Call new with array of arguments.
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1606797/use-of-apply-with-new-operator-is-this-possible
obj = new (Function::bind.apply(constructor, [null].concat(args)))
event.result = new PlainObject(process_id, routing_id, obj)
catch e
event.result = type: 'error', value: e.message
ipc.on 'ATOM_INTERNAL_FUNCTION_CALL', (event, process_id, routing_id, id, args) ->
func = objectsRegistry.get process_id, routing_id, id
ret = func.apply global, args
event.result = new PlainObject(process_id, routing_id, ret)
catch e
event.result = type: 'error', value: e.message
ipc.on 'ATOM_INTERNAL_MEMBER_CALL', (event, process_id, routing_id, id, method, args) ->
obj = objectsRegistry.get process_id, routing_id, id
ret = obj[method].apply(obj, args)
event.result = new PlainObject(process_id, routing_id, ret)
catch e
event.result = type: 'error', value: e.message
ipc.on 'ATOM_INTERNAL_MEMBER_SET', (event, process_id, routing_id, id, name, value) ->
obj = objectsRegistry.get process_id, routing_id, id
obj[name] = value
catch e
event.result = type: 'error', value: e.message
ipc.on 'ATOM_INTERNAL_MEMBER_GET', (event, process_id, routing_id, id, name) ->
obj = objectsRegistry.get process_id, routing_id, id
event.result = new PlainObject(process_id, routing_id, obj[name])
catch e
event.result = type: 'error', value: e.message
ipc.on 'ATOM_INTERNAL_DESTROY', (process_id, routing_id, id) ->
objectsRegistry.remove process_id, routing_id, id