Historically, we've been passing in all MessageBox parameters individually, which makes augmenting or improving MessageBox functionality challenging because to change or add even one argument requires a huge cascade of argument changes that leaves room for errors. For other file dialog related APIs, we use a struct (DialogSettings), and so this PR takes a similar approach and refactors MessageBox parameters into a struct (MessageBoxSettings) which we then use to simplify argument passing and which will enable us to more quickly iterate and improve upon functionality in the future.
241 lines
6.9 KiB
241 lines
6.9 KiB
'use strict'
const { app, BrowserWindow, deprecate } = require('electron')
const binding = process.electronBinding('dialog')
const v8Util = process.electronBinding('v8_util')
const fileDialogProperties = {
openFile: 1 << 0,
openDirectory: 1 << 1,
multiSelections: 1 << 2,
createDirectory: 1 << 3,
showHiddenFiles: 1 << 4,
promptToCreate: 1 << 5,
noResolveAliases: 1 << 6,
treatPackageAsDirectory: 1 << 7
const normalizeAccessKey = (text) => {
if (typeof text !== 'string') return text
// macOS does not have access keys so remove single ampersands
// and replace double ampersands with a single ampersand
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
return text.replace(/&(&?)/g, '$1')
// Linux uses a single underscore as an access key prefix so escape
// existing single underscores with a second underscore, replace double
// ampersands with a single ampersand, and replace a single ampersand with
// a single underscore
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
return text.replace(/_/g, '__').replace(/&(.?)/g, (match, after) => {
if (after === '&') return after
return `_${after}`
return text
const checkAppInitialized = function () {
if (!app.isReady()) {
throw new Error('dialog module can only be used after app is ready')
const saveDialog = (sync, window, options) => {
if (window && window.constructor !== BrowserWindow) {
options = window
window = null
if (options == null) options = { title: 'Save' }
const {
buttonLabel = '',
defaultPath = '',
filters = [],
title = '',
message = '',
securityScopedBookmarks = false,
nameFieldLabel = '',
showsTagField = true
} = options
if (typeof title !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Title must be a string')
if (typeof buttonLabel !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Button label must be a string')
if (typeof defaultPath !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Default path must be a string')
if (typeof message !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Message must be a string')
if (typeof nameFieldLabel !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Name field label must be a string')
const settings = { buttonLabel, defaultPath, filters, title, message, securityScopedBookmarks, nameFieldLabel, showsTagField, window }
return (sync) ? binding.showSaveDialogSync(settings) : binding.showSaveDialog(settings)
const openDialog = (sync, window, options) => {
if (window && window.constructor !== BrowserWindow) {
options = window
window = null
if (options == null) {
options = {
title: 'Open',
properties: ['openFile']
const {
buttonLabel = '',
defaultPath = '',
filters = [],
properties = ['openFile'],
title = '',
message = '',
securityScopedBookmarks = false
} = options
if (!Array.isArray(properties)) throw new TypeError('Properties must be an array')
let dialogProperties = 0
for (const prop in fileDialogProperties) {
if (properties.includes(prop)) {
dialogProperties |= fileDialogProperties[prop]
if (typeof title !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Title must be a string')
if (typeof buttonLabel !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Button label must be a string')
if (typeof defaultPath !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Default path must be a string')
if (typeof message !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Message must be a string')
const settings = { title, buttonLabel, defaultPath, filters, message, securityScopedBookmarks, window }
settings.properties = dialogProperties
return (sync) ? binding.showOpenDialogSync(settings) : binding.showOpenDialog(settings)
const messageBox = (sync, window, options) => {
if (window && window.constructor !== BrowserWindow) {
options = window
window = null
if (options == null) options = { type: 'none' }
const messageBoxTypes = ['none', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'question']
const messageBoxOptions = { noLink: 1 << 0 }
let {
buttons = [],
checkboxLabel = '',
defaultId = -1,
detail = '',
icon = null,
message = '',
title = '',
type = 'none'
} = options
const messageBoxType = messageBoxTypes.indexOf(type)
if (messageBoxType === -1) throw new TypeError('Invalid message box type')
if (!Array.isArray(buttons)) throw new TypeError('Buttons must be an array')
if (options.normalizeAccessKeys) buttons = buttons.map(normalizeAccessKey)
if (typeof title !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Title must be a string')
if (typeof message !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Message must be a string')
if (typeof detail !== 'string') throw new TypeError('Detail must be a string')
if (typeof checkboxLabel !== 'string') throw new TypeError('checkboxLabel must be a string')
checkboxChecked = !!checkboxChecked
// Choose a default button to get selected when dialog is cancelled.
if (cancelId == null) {
// If the defaultId is set to 0, ensure the cancel button is a different index (1)
cancelId = (defaultId === 0 && buttons.length > 1) ? 1 : 0
for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
const text = buttons[i].toLowerCase()
if (text === 'cancel' || text === 'no') {
cancelId = i
const flags = options.noLink ? messageBoxOptions.noLink : 0
const settings = {
if (sync) {
return binding.showMessageBoxSync(settings)
} else {
return binding.showMessageBox(settings)
module.exports = {
showOpenDialog: function (window, options) {
return openDialog(false, window, options)
showOpenDialogSync: function (window, options) {
return openDialog(true, window, options)
showSaveDialog: function (window, options) {
return saveDialog(false, window, options)
showSaveDialogSync: function (window, options) {
return saveDialog(true, window, options)
showMessageBox: function (window, options) {
return messageBox(false, window, options)
showMessageBoxSync: function (window, options) {
return messageBox(true, window, options)
showErrorBox: function (...args) {
return binding.showErrorBox(...args)
showCertificateTrustDialog: function (window, options) {
if (window && window.constructor !== BrowserWindow) options = window
if (options == null || typeof options !== 'object') {
throw new TypeError('options must be an object')
const { certificate, message = '' } = options
if (certificate == null || typeof certificate !== 'object') {
throw new TypeError('certificate must be an object')
if (typeof message !== 'string') throw new TypeError('message must be a string')
return binding.showCertificateTrustDialog(window, certificate, message)