* docs: add references to app.whenReady() in isReady * refactor: prefer app.whenReady() In the docs, specs, and lib, replace instances of `app.once('ready')` (seen occasionally) and `app.on('ready')` (extremely common) with `app.whenReady()`. It's better to encourage users to use whenReady(): 1. it handles the edge case of registering for 'ready' after it's fired 2. it avoids the minor wart of leaving an active listener alive for an event that wll never fire again
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542 lines
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'use strict'
if (process.electronBinding('features').isExtensionsEnabled()) {
throw new Error('Attempted to load JS chrome-extension polyfill with //extensions support enabled')
const { app, webContents, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const { getAllWebContents } = process.electronBinding('web_contents')
const { ipcMainInternal } = require('@electron/internal/browser/ipc-main-internal')
const ipcMainUtils = require('@electron/internal/browser/ipc-main-internal-utils')
const { Buffer } = require('buffer')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const url = require('url')
const util = require('util')
// Mapping between extensionId(hostname) and manifest.
const manifestMap = {} // extensionId => manifest
const manifestNameMap = {} // name => manifest
const devToolsExtensionNames = new Set()
const generateExtensionIdFromName = function (name) {
return name.replace(/[\W_]+/g, '-').toLowerCase()
const isWindowOrWebView = function (webContents) {
const type = webContents.getType()
return type === 'window' || type === 'webview'
const isBackgroundPage = function (webContents) {
return webContents.getType() === 'backgroundPage'
// Create or get manifest object from |srcDirectory|.
const getManifestFromPath = function (srcDirectory) {
let manifest
let manifestContent
try {
manifestContent = fs.readFileSync(path.join(srcDirectory, 'manifest.json'))
} catch (readError) {
console.warn(`Reading ${path.join(srcDirectory, 'manifest.json')} failed.`)
console.warn(readError.stack || readError)
throw readError
try {
manifest = JSON.parse(manifestContent)
} catch (parseError) {
console.warn(`Parsing ${path.join(srcDirectory, 'manifest.json')} failed.`)
console.warn(parseError.stack || parseError)
throw parseError
if (!manifestNameMap[manifest.name]) {
const extensionId = generateExtensionIdFromName(manifest.name)
manifestMap[extensionId] = manifestNameMap[manifest.name] = manifest
let extensionURL = url.format({
protocol: 'chrome-extension',
slashes: true,
hostname: extensionId,
pathname: manifest.devtools_page
// Chromium requires that startPage matches '([^:]+:\/\/[^/]*)\/'
// We also can't use the file:// protocol here since that would make Chromium
// treat all extension resources as being relative to root which we don't want.
if (!manifest.devtools_page) extensionURL += '/'
Object.assign(manifest, {
srcDirectory: srcDirectory,
extensionId: extensionId,
startPage: extensionURL
return manifest
} else if (manifest && manifest.name) {
console.warn(`Attempted to load extension "${manifest.name}" that has already been loaded.`)
return manifest
// Manage the background pages.
const backgroundPages = {}
const startBackgroundPages = function (manifest) {
if (backgroundPages[manifest.extensionId] || !manifest.background) return
let html
let name
if (manifest.background.page) {
name = manifest.background.page
html = fs.readFileSync(path.join(manifest.srcDirectory, manifest.background.page))
} else {
name = '_generated_background_page.html'
const scripts = manifest.background.scripts.map((name) => {
return `<script src="${name}"></script>`
html = Buffer.from(`<html><body>${scripts}</body></html>`)
const contents = webContents.create({
partition: 'persist:__chrome_extension',
type: 'backgroundPage',
sandbox: true,
enableRemoteModule: false
backgroundPages[manifest.extensionId] = { html: html, webContents: contents, name: name }
protocol: 'chrome-extension',
slashes: true,
hostname: manifest.extensionId,
pathname: name
const removeBackgroundPages = function (manifest) {
if (!backgroundPages[manifest.extensionId]) return
delete backgroundPages[manifest.extensionId]
const sendToBackgroundPages = function (...args) {
for (const page of Object.values(backgroundPages)) {
if (!page.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
// Dispatch web contents events to Chrome APIs
const hookWebContentsEvents = function (webContents) {
const tabId = webContents.id
webContents.on('will-navigate', (event, url) => {
frameId: 0,
parentFrameId: -1,
processId: webContents.getProcessId(),
tabId: tabId,
timeStamp: Date.now(),
url: url
webContents.on('did-navigate', (event, url) => {
frameId: 0,
parentFrameId: -1,
processId: webContents.getProcessId(),
tabId: tabId,
timeStamp: Date.now(),
url: url
webContents.once('destroyed', () => {
sendToBackgroundPages('CHROME_TABS_ONREMOVED', tabId)
// Handle the chrome.* API messages.
let nextId = 0
ipcMainUtils.handleSync('CHROME_RUNTIME_CONNECT', function (event, extensionId, connectInfo) {
if (isBackgroundPage(event.sender)) {
throw new Error('chrome.runtime.connect is not supported in background page')
const page = backgroundPages[extensionId]
if (!page || page.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
throw new Error(`Connect to unknown extension ${extensionId}`)
const tabId = page.webContents.id
const portId = ++nextId
event.sender.once('render-view-deleted', () => {
if (page.webContents.isDestroyed()) return
page.webContents._sendInternalToAll(`CHROME_RUNTIME_ONCONNECT_${extensionId}`, event.sender.id, portId, connectInfo)
return { tabId, portId }
ipcMainUtils.handleSync('CHROME_EXTENSION_MANIFEST', function (event, extensionId) {
const manifest = manifestMap[extensionId]
if (!manifest) {
throw new Error(`Invalid extensionId: ${extensionId}`)
return manifest
ipcMainInternal.handle('CHROME_RUNTIME_SEND_MESSAGE', async function (event, extensionId, message) {
if (isBackgroundPage(event.sender)) {
throw new Error('chrome.runtime.sendMessage is not supported in background page')
const page = backgroundPages[extensionId]
if (!page || page.webContents.isDestroyed()) {
throw new Error(`Connect to unknown extension ${extensionId}`)
return ipcMainUtils.invokeInWebContents(page.webContents, true, `CHROME_RUNTIME_ONMESSAGE_${extensionId}`, event.sender.id, message)
ipcMainInternal.handle('CHROME_TABS_SEND_MESSAGE', async function (event, tabId, extensionId, message) {
const contents = webContents.fromId(tabId)
if (!contents) {
throw new Error(`Sending message to unknown tab ${tabId}`)
const senderTabId = isBackgroundPage(event.sender) ? null : event.sender.id
return ipcMainUtils.invokeInWebContents(contents, true, `CHROME_RUNTIME_ONMESSAGE_${extensionId}`, senderTabId, message)
const getLanguage = () => {
return app.getLocale().replace(/-.*$/, '').toLowerCase()
const getMessagesPath = (extensionId) => {
const metadata = manifestMap[extensionId]
if (!metadata) {
throw new Error(`Invalid extensionId: ${extensionId}`)
const localesDirectory = path.join(metadata.srcDirectory, '_locales')
const language = getLanguage()
try {
const filename = path.join(localesDirectory, language, 'messages.json')
fs.accessSync(filename, fs.constants.R_OK)
return filename
} catch {
const defaultLocale = metadata.default_locale || 'en'
return path.join(localesDirectory, defaultLocale, 'messages.json')
ipcMainUtils.handleSync('CHROME_GET_MESSAGES', async function (event, extensionId) {
const messagesPath = getMessagesPath(extensionId)
return fs.promises.readFile(messagesPath, 'utf8')
const validStorageTypes = new Set(['sync', 'local'])
const getChromeStoragePath = (storageType, extensionId) => {
if (!validStorageTypes.has(storageType)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid storageType: ${storageType}`)
if (!manifestMap[extensionId]) {
throw new Error(`Invalid extensionId: ${extensionId}`)
return path.join(app.getPath('userData'), `/Chrome Storage/${extensionId}-${storageType}.json`)
ipcMainInternal.handle('CHROME_STORAGE_READ', async function (event, storageType, extensionId) {
const filePath = getChromeStoragePath(storageType, extensionId)
try {
return await fs.promises.readFile(filePath, 'utf8')
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
return null
} else {
throw error
ipcMainInternal.handle('CHROME_STORAGE_WRITE', async function (event, storageType, extensionId, data) {
const filePath = getChromeStoragePath(storageType, extensionId)
try {
await fs.promises.mkdir(path.dirname(filePath), { recursive: true })
} catch {
// we just ignore the errors of mkdir
return fs.promises.writeFile(filePath, data, 'utf8')
const isChromeExtension = function (pageURL) {
const { protocol } = url.parse(pageURL)
return protocol === 'chrome-extension:'
const assertChromeExtension = function (contents, api) {
const pageURL = contents._getURL()
if (!isChromeExtension(pageURL)) {
console.error(`Blocked ${pageURL} from calling ${api}`)
throw new Error(`Blocked ${api}`)
ipcMainInternal.handle('CHROME_TABS_EXECUTE_SCRIPT', async function (event, tabId, extensionId, details) {
assertChromeExtension(event.sender, 'chrome.tabs.executeScript()')
const contents = webContents.fromId(tabId)
if (!contents) {
throw new Error(`Sending message to unknown tab ${tabId}`)
let code, url
if (details.file) {
const manifest = manifestMap[extensionId]
code = String(fs.readFileSync(path.join(manifest.srcDirectory, details.file)))
url = `chrome-extension://${extensionId}${details.file}`
} else {
code = details.code
url = `chrome-extension://${extensionId}/${String(Math.random()).substr(2, 8)}.js`
return ipcMainUtils.invokeInWebContents(contents, false, 'CHROME_TABS_EXECUTE_SCRIPT', extensionId, url, code)
exports.getContentScripts = () => {
return Object.values(contentScripts)
// Transfer the content scripts to renderer.
const contentScripts = {}
const injectContentScripts = function (manifest) {
if (contentScripts[manifest.name] || !manifest.content_scripts) return
const readArrayOfFiles = function (relativePath) {
return {
url: `chrome-extension://${manifest.extensionId}/${relativePath}`,
code: String(fs.readFileSync(path.join(manifest.srcDirectory, relativePath)))
const contentScriptToEntry = function (script) {
return {
matches: script.matches,
js: script.js ? script.js.map(readArrayOfFiles) : [],
css: script.css ? script.css.map(readArrayOfFiles) : [],
runAt: script.run_at || 'document_idle',
allFrames: script.all_frames || false
try {
const entry = {
extensionId: manifest.extensionId,
contentScripts: manifest.content_scripts.map(contentScriptToEntry)
contentScripts[manifest.name] = entry
} catch (e) {
console.error('Failed to read content scripts', e)
const removeContentScripts = function (manifest) {
if (!contentScripts[manifest.name]) return
delete contentScripts[manifest.name]
// Transfer the |manifest| to a format that can be recognized by the
// |DevToolsAPI.addExtensions|.
const manifestToExtensionInfo = function (manifest) {
return {
startPage: manifest.startPage,
srcDirectory: manifest.srcDirectory,
name: manifest.name,
exposeExperimentalAPIs: true
// Load the extensions for the window.
const loadExtension = function (manifest) {
const loadDevToolsExtensions = function (win, manifests) {
if (!win.devToolsWebContents) return
const extensionInfoArray = manifests.map(manifestToExtensionInfo)
extensionInfoArray.forEach((extension) => {
extensionInfoArray.forEach((extensionInfo) => {
const info = JSON.stringify(extensionInfo)
app.on('web-contents-created', function (event, webContents) {
if (!isWindowOrWebView(webContents)) return
webContents.on('devtools-opened', function () {
loadDevToolsExtensions(webContents, Object.values(manifestMap))
// The chrome-extension: can map a extension URL request to real file path.
const chromeExtensionHandler = function (request, callback) {
const parsed = url.parse(request.url)
if (!parsed.hostname || !parsed.path) return callback()
const manifest = manifestMap[parsed.hostname]
if (!manifest) return callback()
const page = backgroundPages[parsed.hostname]
if (page && parsed.path === `/${page.name}`) {
// Disabled due to false positive in StandardJS
// eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal
return callback({
mimeType: 'text/html',
data: page.html
fs.readFile(path.join(manifest.srcDirectory, parsed.path), function (err, content) {
if (err) {
// Disabled due to false positive in StandardJS
// eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal
return callback(-6) // FILE_NOT_FOUND
} else {
return callback(content)
app.on('session-created', function (ses) {
ses.protocol.registerBufferProtocol('chrome-extension', chromeExtensionHandler)
// The persistent path of "DevTools Extensions" preference file.
let loadedDevToolsExtensionsPath = null
app.on('will-quit', function () {
try {
const loadedDevToolsExtensions = Array.from(devToolsExtensionNames)
.map(name => manifestNameMap[name].srcDirectory)
if (loadedDevToolsExtensions.length > 0) {
try {
} catch {
// Ignore error
fs.writeFileSync(loadedDevToolsExtensionsPath, JSON.stringify(loadedDevToolsExtensions))
} else {
} catch {
// Ignore error
// We can not use protocol or BrowserWindow until app is ready.
app.whenReady().then(function () {
// The public API to add/remove extensions.
BrowserWindow.addExtension = function (srcDirectory) {
const manifest = getManifestFromPath(srcDirectory)
if (manifest) {
for (const webContents of getAllWebContents()) {
if (isWindowOrWebView(webContents)) {
loadDevToolsExtensions(webContents, [manifest])
return manifest.name
BrowserWindow.removeExtension = function (name) {
const manifest = manifestNameMap[name]
if (!manifest) return
delete manifestMap[manifest.extensionId]
delete manifestNameMap[name]
BrowserWindow.getExtensions = function () {
const extensions = {}
Object.keys(manifestNameMap).forEach(function (name) {
const manifest = manifestNameMap[name]
extensions[name] = { name: manifest.name, version: manifest.version }
return extensions
BrowserWindow.addDevToolsExtension = function (srcDirectory) {
const manifestName = BrowserWindow.addExtension(srcDirectory)
if (manifestName) {
return manifestName
BrowserWindow.removeDevToolsExtension = function (name) {
BrowserWindow.getDevToolsExtensions = function () {
const extensions = BrowserWindow.getExtensions()
const devExtensions = {}
Array.from(devToolsExtensionNames).forEach(function (name) {
if (!extensions[name]) return
devExtensions[name] = extensions[name]
return devExtensions
// Load persisted extensions.
loadedDevToolsExtensionsPath = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'DevTools Extensions')
try {
const loadedDevToolsExtensions = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(loadedDevToolsExtensionsPath))
if (Array.isArray(loadedDevToolsExtensions)) {
for (const srcDirectory of loadedDevToolsExtensions) {
// Start background pages and set content scripts.
} catch (error) {
if (process.env.ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING && error.code !== 'ENOENT') {
console.error('Failed to load browser extensions from directory:', loadedDevToolsExtensionsPath)