In theory this should never happen, seems like some object is garbage collected after the JavaScript context has been destroyed.
67 lines
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67 lines
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EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
v8Util = process.atomBinding 'v8_util'
class ObjectsRegistry extends EventEmitter
constructor: ->
@setMaxListeners Number.MAX_VALUE
@nextId = 0
# Stores all objects by ref-counting.
# (id) => {object, count}
@storage = {}
# Stores the IDs of objects referenced by WebContents.
# (webContentsId) => {(id) => (count)}
@owners = {}
# Register a new object, the object would be kept referenced until you release
# it explicitly.
add: (webContentsId, obj) ->
id = @saveToStorage obj
# Remember the owner.
@owners[webContentsId] ?= {}
@owners[webContentsId][id] ?= 0
# Returns object's id
# Get an object according to its ID.
get: (id) ->
# Dereference an object according to its ID.
remove: (webContentsId, id) ->
@dereference id, 1
# Also reduce the count in owner.
pointer = @owners[webContentsId]
return unless pointer?
delete pointer[id] if pointer[id] is 0
# Clear all references to objects refrenced by the WebContents.
clear: (webContentsId) ->
@emit "clear-#{webContentsId}"
return unless @owners[webContentsId]?
@dereference id, count for id, count of @owners[webContentsId]
delete @owners[webContentsId]
# Private: Saves the object into storage and assigns an ID for it.
saveToStorage: (object) ->
id = v8Util.getHiddenValue object, 'atomId'
unless id
id = ++@nextId
@storage[id] = {count: 0, object}
v8Util.setHiddenValue object, 'atomId', id
# Private: Dereference the object from store.
dereference: (id, count) ->
pointer = @storage[id]
return unless pointer?
pointer.count -= count
if pointer.count is 0
v8Util.deleteHiddenValue pointer.object, 'atomId'
delete @storage[id]
module.exports = new ObjectsRegistry