
54 lines
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BrowserWindow = require 'browser-window'
v8Util = process.atomBinding 'v8_util'
nextCommandId = 0
overrideProperty = (item, name, defaultValue) ->
item[name] ?= defaultValue
return unless process.platform is 'win32'
v8Util.setHiddenValue item, name, item[name]
Object.defineProperty item, name,
enumerable: true
get: -> v8Util.getHiddenValue item, name
set: (val) ->
v8Util.setHiddenValue item, name, val
overrideReadOnlyProperty = (item, name, defaultValue) ->
item[name] ?= defaultValue
Object.defineProperty item, name,
enumerable: true
writable: false
value: item[name]
class MenuItem
@types = ['normal', 'separator', 'submenu', 'checkbox', 'radio']
constructor: (options) ->
Menu = require 'menu'
{click, @selector, @type, @label, @sublabel, @accelerator, @enabled, @visible, @checked, @submenu} = options
@type = 'submenu' if not @type? and @submenu?
throw new Error('Invalid submenu') if @type is 'submenu' and @submenu?.constructor isnt Menu
overrideReadOnlyProperty this, 'type', 'normal'
overrideReadOnlyProperty this, 'accelerator', null
overrideReadOnlyProperty this, 'submenu', null
overrideProperty this, 'label', ''
overrideProperty this, 'sublabel', ''
overrideProperty this, 'enabled', true
overrideProperty this, 'visible', true
overrideProperty this, 'checked', false
throw new Error("Unknown menu type #{@type}") if MenuItem.types.indexOf(@type) is -1
@commandId = ++nextCommandId
@click = =>
if typeof click is 'function'
click this, BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow()
else if typeof @selector is 'string'
Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder @selector
module.exports = MenuItem