* refactor: make kRelauncherArgSeparator private to relauncher.cc * refactor: make kRelauncherTypeArg private to relauncher.cc * refactor: remove unused type relauncher::CharType * refactor: move private constants into standalone private namespace * refactor: move kWaitEventName into the only function that uses it
207 lines
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207 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2016 GitHub, Inc.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shell/browser/relauncher.h"
#include <utility>
#include <windows.h>
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/process/launch.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_paths.h"
#include "content/public/common/main_function_params.h"
#include "shell/common/electron_command_line.h"
#include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h"
namespace {
// The argument separating arguments intended for the relauncher process from
// those intended for the relaunched process. "---" is chosen instead of "--"
// because CommandLine interprets "--" as meaning "end of switches", but
// for many purposes, the relauncher process' CommandLine ought to interpret
// arguments intended for the relaunched process, to get the correct settings
// for such things as logging and the user-data-dir in case it affects crash
// reporting.
constexpr base::CommandLine::CharType kRelauncherArgSeparator[] =
// The "type" argument identifying a relauncher process ("--type=relauncher").
constexpr base::CommandLine::CharType kRelauncherTypeArg[] =
} // namespace
namespace relauncher {
namespace internal {
const int kRelauncherSyncFD = STDERR_FILENO + 1;
} // namespace internal
bool RelaunchApp(const StringVector& argv) {
// Use the currently-running application's helper process. The automatic
// update feature is careful to leave the currently-running version alone,
// so this is safe even if the relaunch is the result of an update having
// been applied. In fact, it's safer than using the updated version of the
// helper process, because there's no guarantee that the updated version's
// relauncher implementation will be compatible with the running version's.
base::FilePath child_path;
if (!base::PathService::Get(content::CHILD_PROCESS_EXE, &child_path)) {
return false;
StringVector relauncher_args;
return RelaunchAppWithHelper(child_path, relauncher_args, argv);
bool RelaunchAppWithHelper(const base::FilePath& helper,
const StringVector& relauncher_args,
const StringVector& argv) {
StringVector relaunch_argv;
// Relauncher process has its own --type=relauncher which
// is not recognized by the service_manager, explicitly set
// the sandbox type to avoid CHECK failure in
// service_manager::SandboxTypeFromCommandLine
relaunch_argv.insert(relaunch_argv.end(), relauncher_args.begin(),
relaunch_argv.insert(relaunch_argv.end(), argv.begin(), argv.end());
int pipe_fds[2];
if (HANDLE_EINTR(pipe(pipe_fds)) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "pipe";
return false;
// The parent process will only use pipe_read_fd as the read side of the
// pipe. It can close the write side as soon as the relauncher process has
// forked off. The relauncher process will only use pipe_write_fd as the
// write side of the pipe. In that process, the read side will be closed by
// base::LaunchApp because it won't be present in fd_map, and the write side
// will be remapped to kRelauncherSyncFD by fd_map.
base::ScopedFD pipe_read_fd(pipe_fds[0]);
base::ScopedFD pipe_write_fd(pipe_fds[1]);
// Make sure kRelauncherSyncFD is a safe value. base::LaunchProcess will
// preserve these three FDs in forked processes, so kRelauncherSyncFD should
// not conflict with them.
static_assert(internal::kRelauncherSyncFD != STDIN_FILENO &&
internal::kRelauncherSyncFD != STDOUT_FILENO &&
internal::kRelauncherSyncFD != STDERR_FILENO,
"kRelauncherSyncFD must not conflict with stdio fds");
base::LaunchOptions options;
base::Process process = base::LaunchProcess(relaunch_argv, options);
base::Process process = base::LaunchProcess(
internal::ArgvToCommandLineString(relaunch_argv), options);
if (!process.IsValid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "base::LaunchProcess failed";
return false;
// The relauncher process is now starting up, or has started up. The
// original parent process continues.
// Synchronize with the relauncher process.
StringType name = internal::GetWaitEventName(process.Pid());
HANDLE wait_event = ::CreateEventW(nullptr, TRUE, FALSE, name.c_str());
if (wait_event != nullptr) {
WaitForSingleObject(wait_event, 1000);
pipe_write_fd.reset(); // close(pipe_fds[1]);
// Synchronize with the relauncher process.
char read_char;
int read_result = HANDLE_EINTR(read(pipe_read_fd.get(), &read_char, 1));
if (read_result != 1) {
if (read_result < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "read";
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "read: unexpected result " << read_result;
return false;
// Since a byte has been successfully read from the relauncher process, it's
// guaranteed to have set up its kqueue monitoring this process for exit.
// It's safe to exit now.
return true;
int RelauncherMain(const content::MainFunctionParams& main_parameters) {
const StringVector& argv = electron::ElectronCommandLine::argv();
if (argv.size() < 4 || argv[1] != kRelauncherTypeArg) {
LOG(ERROR) << "relauncher process invoked with unexpected arguments";
return 1;
// Figure out what to execute, what arguments to pass it, and whether to
// start it in the background.
bool in_relauncher_args = false;
StringVector relauncher_args;
StringVector launch_argv;
for (size_t argv_index = 2; argv_index < argv.size(); ++argv_index) {
const StringType& arg(argv[argv_index]);
if (!in_relauncher_args) {
if (arg == kRelauncherArgSeparator) {
in_relauncher_args = true;
} else {
} else {
if (launch_argv.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "nothing to relaunch";
return 1;
if (internal::LaunchProgram(relauncher_args, launch_argv) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to launch program";
return 1;
// The application should have relaunched (or is in the process of
// relaunching). From this point on, only clean-up tasks should occur, and
// failures are tolerable.
return 0;
} // namespace relauncher