34 lines
903 B
34 lines
903 B
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
bindings = process.atomBinding 'app'
app = bindings.app
app.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype
app.getHomeDir = ->
process.env[if process.platform is 'win32' then 'USERPROFILE' else 'HOME']
app.setApplicationMenu = (menu) ->
require('menu').setApplicationMenu menu
app.getApplicationMenu = ->
app.commandLine =
appendSwitch: bindings.appendSwitch,
appendArgument: bindings.appendArgument
if process.platform is 'darwin'
app.dock =
bounce: (type='informational') -> bindings.dockBounce type
cancelBounce: bindings.dockCancelBounce
setBadge: bindings.dockSetBadgeText
getBadge: bindings.dockGetBadgeText
# Be compatible with old API.
app.once 'ready', -> app.emit 'finish-launching'
app.terminate = app.quit
app.exit = process.exit
# Only one App object pemitted.
module.exports = app