Robo c438b93f18
fix: ensure guest-embedder map is updated when webview is removed (#23342)
There are use cases of webview where the container holding the webview is not
actually destroyed first, instead just webview gets removed from DOM, in such
situations the browser process map is not updated accordingly and holds reference
to stale guest contents, and any window operations like scroll, resize or keyboard
events that has to chain through browser embedder will lead to UAF crash.

Ref: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/92420
2020-04-30 21:33:14 -07:00

427 lines
14 KiB

'use strict';
const { webContents } = require('electron');
const { ipcMainInternal } = require('@electron/internal/browser/ipc-main-internal');
const ipcMainUtils = require('@electron/internal/browser/ipc-main-internal-utils');
const { parseWebViewWebPreferences } = require('@electron/internal/common/parse-features-string');
const { syncMethods, asyncMethods, properties } = require('@electron/internal/common/web-view-methods');
const { serialize } = require('@electron/internal/common/type-utils');
// Doesn't exist in early initialization.
let webViewManager = null;
const supportedWebViewEvents = [
const guestInstances = {};
const embedderElementsMap = {};
function sanitizeOptionsForGuest (options) {
const ret = { ...options };
// WebContents values can't be sent over IPC.
delete ret.webContents;
return ret;
// Create a new guest instance.
const createGuest = function (embedder, params) {
if (webViewManager == null) {
webViewManager = process.electronBinding('web_view_manager');
const guest = webContents.create({
type: 'webview',
partition: params.partition,
embedder: embedder
const guestInstanceId = guest.id;
guestInstances[guestInstanceId] = {
guest: guest,
embedder: embedder
// Clear the guest from map when it is destroyed.
guest.once('destroyed', () => {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(guestInstances, guestInstanceId)) {
detachGuest(embedder, guestInstanceId);
// Init guest web view after attached.
guest.once('did-attach', function (event) {
params = this.attachParams;
delete this.attachParams;
const previouslyAttached = this.viewInstanceId != null;
this.viewInstanceId = params.instanceId;
// Only load URL and set size on first attach
if (previouslyAttached) {
if (params.src) {
const opts = {};
if (params.httpreferrer) {
opts.httpReferrer = params.httpreferrer;
if (params.useragent) {
opts.userAgent = params.useragent;
this.loadURL(params.src, opts);
embedder.emit('did-attach-webview', event, guest);
const sendToEmbedder = (channel, ...args) => {
if (!embedder.isDestroyed()) {
embedder._sendInternal(`${channel}-${guest.viewInstanceId}`, ...args);
// Dispatch events to embedder.
const fn = function (event) {
guest.on(event, function (_, ...args) {
for (const event of supportedWebViewEvents) {
guest.on('new-window', function (event, url, frameName, disposition, options, additionalFeatures, referrer) {
sendToEmbedder('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_INTERNAL_DISPATCH_EVENT', 'new-window', url,
frameName, disposition, sanitizeOptionsForGuest(options),
additionalFeatures, referrer);
// Dispatch guest's IPC messages to embedder.
guest.on('ipc-message-host', function (_, channel, args) {
sendToEmbedder('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_INTERNAL_IPC_MESSAGE', channel, ...args);
// Notify guest of embedder window visibility when it is ready
// FIXME Remove once https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/6828 is fixed
guest.on('dom-ready', function () {
const guestInstance = guestInstances[guestInstanceId];
if (guestInstance != null && guestInstance.visibilityState != null) {
guest._sendInternal('ELECTRON_GUEST_INSTANCE_VISIBILITY_CHANGE', guestInstance.visibilityState);
return guestInstanceId;
// Attach the guest to an element of embedder.
const attachGuest = function (event, embedderFrameId, elementInstanceId, guestInstanceId, params) {
const embedder = event.sender;
// Destroy the old guest when attaching.
const key = `${embedder.id}-${elementInstanceId}`;
const oldGuestInstanceId = embedderElementsMap[key];
if (oldGuestInstanceId != null) {
// Reattachment to the same guest is just a no-op.
if (oldGuestInstanceId === guestInstanceId) {
const oldGuestInstance = guestInstances[oldGuestInstanceId];
if (oldGuestInstance) {
const guestInstance = guestInstances[guestInstanceId];
// If this isn't a valid guest instance then do nothing.
if (!guestInstance) {
throw new Error(`Invalid guestInstanceId: ${guestInstanceId}`);
const { guest } = guestInstance;
if (guest.hostWebContents !== event.sender) {
throw new Error(`Access denied to guestInstanceId: ${guestInstanceId}`);
// If this guest is already attached to an element then remove it
if (guestInstance.elementInstanceId) {
const oldKey = `${guestInstance.embedder.id}-${guestInstance.elementInstanceId}`;
delete embedderElementsMap[oldKey];
// Remove guest from embedder if moving across web views
if (guest.viewInstanceId !== params.instanceId) {
webViewManager.removeGuest(guestInstance.embedder, guestInstanceId);
// parse the 'webpreferences' attribute string, if set
// this uses the same parsing rules as window.open uses for its features
const parsedWebPreferences =
typeof params.webpreferences === 'string'
? parseWebViewWebPreferences(params.webpreferences)
: null;
const webPreferences = {
guestInstanceId: guestInstanceId,
nodeIntegration: params.nodeintegration != null ? params.nodeintegration : false,
nodeIntegrationInSubFrames: params.nodeintegrationinsubframes != null ? params.nodeintegrationinsubframes : false,
enableRemoteModule: params.enableremotemodule,
plugins: params.plugins,
zoomFactor: embedder.zoomFactor,
disablePopups: !params.allowpopups,
webSecurity: !params.disablewebsecurity,
enableBlinkFeatures: params.blinkfeatures,
disableBlinkFeatures: params.disableblinkfeatures,
if (params.preload) {
webPreferences.preloadURL = params.preload;
// Security options that guest will always inherit from embedder
const inheritedWebPreferences = new Map([
['contextIsolation', true],
['javascript', false],
['nativeWindowOpen', true],
['nodeIntegration', false],
['enableRemoteModule', false],
['sandbox', true],
['nodeIntegrationInSubFrames', false]
// Inherit certain option values from embedder
const lastWebPreferences = embedder.getLastWebPreferences();
for (const [name, value] of inheritedWebPreferences) {
if (lastWebPreferences[name] === value) {
webPreferences[name] = value;
embedder.emit('will-attach-webview', event, webPreferences, params);
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
if (guest.viewInstanceId == null) guest.viewInstanceId = params.instanceId;
guest.attachParams = params;
embedderElementsMap[key] = guestInstanceId;
guestInstance.embedder = embedder;
guestInstance.elementInstanceId = elementInstanceId;
webViewManager.addGuest(guestInstanceId, elementInstanceId, embedder, guest, webPreferences);
guest.attachToIframe(embedder, embedderFrameId);
// Remove an guest-embedder relationship.
const detachGuest = function (embedder, guestInstanceId) {
const guestInstance = guestInstances[guestInstanceId];
if (!guestInstance) return;
if (embedder !== guestInstance.embedder) {
webViewManager.removeGuest(embedder, guestInstanceId);
delete guestInstances[guestInstanceId];
const key = `${embedder.id}-${guestInstance.elementInstanceId}`;
delete embedderElementsMap[key];
// Once an embedder has had a guest attached we watch it for destruction to
// destroy any remaining guests.
const watchedEmbedders = new Set();
const watchEmbedder = function (embedder) {
if (watchedEmbedders.has(embedder)) {
// Forward embedder window visiblity change events to guest
const onVisibilityChange = function (visibilityState) {
for (const guestInstanceId of Object.keys(guestInstances)) {
const guestInstance = guestInstances[guestInstanceId];
guestInstance.visibilityState = visibilityState;
if (guestInstance.embedder === embedder) {
guestInstance.guest._sendInternal('ELECTRON_GUEST_INSTANCE_VISIBILITY_CHANGE', visibilityState);
embedder.on('-window-visibility-change', onVisibilityChange);
embedder.once('will-destroy', () => {
// Usually the guestInstances is cleared when guest is destroyed, but it
// may happen that the embedder gets manually destroyed earlier than guest,
// and the embedder will be invalid in the usual code path.
for (const guestInstanceId of Object.keys(guestInstances)) {
const guestInstance = guestInstances[guestInstanceId];
if (guestInstance.embedder === embedder) {
detachGuest(embedder, parseInt(guestInstanceId));
// Clear the listeners.
embedder.removeListener('-window-visibility-change', onVisibilityChange);
const isWebViewTagEnabledCache = new WeakMap();
const isWebViewTagEnabled = function (contents) {
if (!isWebViewTagEnabledCache.has(contents)) {
const webPreferences = contents.getLastWebPreferences() || {};
isWebViewTagEnabledCache.set(contents, !!webPreferences.webviewTag);
return isWebViewTagEnabledCache.get(contents);
const makeSafeHandler = function (channel, handler) {
return (event, ...args) => {
if (isWebViewTagEnabled(event.sender)) {
return handler(event, ...args);
} else {
console.error(`<webview> IPC message ${channel} sent by WebContents with <webview> disabled (${event.sender.id})`);
throw new Error('<webview> disabled');
const handleMessage = function (channel, handler) {
ipcMainInternal.handle(channel, makeSafeHandler(channel, handler));
const handleMessageSync = function (channel, handler) {
ipcMainUtils.handleSync(channel, makeSafeHandler(channel, handler));
handleMessage('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_CREATE_GUEST', function (event, params) {
return createGuest(event.sender, params);
handleMessage('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_ATTACH_GUEST', function (event, embedderFrameId, elementInstanceId, guestInstanceId, params) {
try {
attachGuest(event, embedderFrameId, elementInstanceId, guestInstanceId, params);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Guest attach failed: ${error}`);
handleMessageSync('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_DETACH_GUEST', function (event, guestInstanceId) {
return detachGuest(event.sender, guestInstanceId);
// this message is sent by the actual <webview>
ipcMainInternal.on('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_FOCUS_CHANGE', function (event, focus, guestInstanceId) {
const guest = getGuest(guestInstanceId);
if (guest === event.sender) {
event.sender.emit('focus-change', {}, focus, guestInstanceId);
} else {
console.error(`focus-change for guestInstanceId: ${guestInstanceId}`);
handleMessage('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_CALL', function (event, guestInstanceId, method, args) {
const guest = getGuestForWebContents(guestInstanceId, event.sender);
if (!asyncMethods.has(method)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid method: ${method}`);
return guest[method](...args);
handleMessageSync('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_CALL', function (event, guestInstanceId, method, args) {
const guest = getGuestForWebContents(guestInstanceId, event.sender);
if (!syncMethods.has(method)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid method: ${method}`);
return guest[method](...args);
handleMessageSync('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_PROPERTY_GET', function (event, guestInstanceId, property) {
const guest = getGuestForWebContents(guestInstanceId, event.sender);
if (!properties.has(property)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid property: ${property}`);
return guest[property];
handleMessageSync('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_PROPERTY_SET', function (event, guestInstanceId, property, val) {
const guest = getGuestForWebContents(guestInstanceId, event.sender);
if (!properties.has(property)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid property: ${property}`);
guest[property] = val;
handleMessage('ELECTRON_GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_CAPTURE_PAGE', async function (event, guestInstanceId, args) {
const guest = getGuestForWebContents(guestInstanceId, event.sender);
return serialize(await guest.capturePage(...args));
// Returns WebContents from its guest id hosted in given webContents.
const getGuestForWebContents = function (guestInstanceId, contents) {
const guest = getGuest(guestInstanceId);
if (!guest) {
throw new Error(`Invalid guestInstanceId: ${guestInstanceId}`);
if (guest.hostWebContents !== contents) {
throw new Error(`Access denied to guestInstanceId: ${guestInstanceId}`);
return guest;
// Returns WebContents from its guest id.
const getGuest = function (guestInstanceId) {
const guestInstance = guestInstances[guestInstanceId];
if (guestInstance != null) return guestInstance.guest;
// Returns the embedder of the guest.
const getEmbedder = function (guestInstanceId) {
const guestInstance = guestInstances[guestInstanceId];
if (guestInstance != null) return guestInstance.embedder;
exports.isWebViewTagEnabled = isWebViewTagEnabled;