* chore: make raw requires type-safe * refactor: no need for separate webViewImplModule * refactor: no need for separate guestViewInternalModule
352 lines
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352 lines
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import { ipcRendererInternal } from '@electron/internal/renderer/ipc-renderer-internal';
import * as ipcRendererUtils from '@electron/internal/renderer/ipc-renderer-internal-utils';
import { internalContextBridge } from '@electron/internal/renderer/api/context-bridge';
import { IPC_MESSAGES } from '@electron/internal/common/ipc-messages';
const { contextIsolationEnabled } = internalContextBridge;
// This file implements the following APIs over the ctx bridge:
// - window.open()
// - window.opener.blur()
// - window.opener.close()
// - window.opener.eval()
// - window.opener.focus()
// - window.opener.location
// - window.opener.print()
// - window.opener.closed
// - window.opener.postMessage()
// - window.history.back()
// - window.history.forward()
// - window.history.go()
// - window.history.length
// - window.prompt()
// - document.hidden
// - document.visibilityState
// Helper function to resolve relative url.
const resolveURL = (url: string, base: string) => new URL(url, base).href;
// Use this method to ensure values expected as strings in the main process
// are convertible to strings in the renderer process. This ensures exceptions
// converting values to strings are thrown in this process.
const toString = (value: any) => {
return value != null ? `${value}` : value;
const windowProxies = new Map<number, BrowserWindowProxy>();
const getOrCreateProxy = (guestId: number): SafelyBoundBrowserWindowProxy => {
let proxy = windowProxies.get(guestId);
if (proxy == null) {
proxy = new BrowserWindowProxy(guestId);
windowProxies.set(guestId, proxy);
return proxy.getSafe();
const removeProxy = (guestId: number) => {
type LocationProperties = 'hash' | 'href' | 'host' | 'hostname' | 'origin' | 'pathname' | 'port' | 'protocol' | 'search'
class LocationProxy {
@LocationProxy.ProxyProperty public hash!: string;
@LocationProxy.ProxyProperty public href!: string;
@LocationProxy.ProxyProperty public host!: string;
@LocationProxy.ProxyProperty public hostname!: string;
@LocationProxy.ProxyProperty public origin!: string;
@LocationProxy.ProxyProperty public pathname!: string;
@LocationProxy.ProxyProperty public port!: string;
@LocationProxy.ProxyProperty public protocol!: string;
@LocationProxy.ProxyProperty public search!: URLSearchParams;
private guestId: number;
* Beware: This decorator will have the _prototype_ as the `target`. It defines properties
* commonly found in URL on the LocationProxy.
private static ProxyProperty<T> (target: LocationProxy, propertyKey: LocationProperties) {
Object.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get: function (this: LocationProxy): T | string {
const guestURL = this.getGuestURL();
const value = guestURL ? guestURL[propertyKey] : '';
return value === undefined ? '' : value;
set: function (this: LocationProxy, newVal: T) {
const guestURL = this.getGuestURL();
if (guestURL) {
// TypeScript doesn't want us to assign to read-only variables.
// It's right, that's bad, but we're doing it anyway.
(guestURL as any)[propertyKey] = newVal;
return this._invokeWebContentsMethod('loadURL', guestURL.toString());
public getSafe = () => {
const that = this;
return {
get href () { return that.href; },
set href (newValue) { that.href = newValue; },
get hash () { return that.hash; },
set hash (newValue) { that.hash = newValue; },
get host () { return that.host; },
set host (newValue) { that.host = newValue; },
get hostname () { return that.hostname; },
set hostname (newValue) { that.hostname = newValue; },
get origin () { return that.origin; },
set origin (newValue) { that.origin = newValue; },
get pathname () { return that.pathname; },
set pathname (newValue) { that.pathname = newValue; },
get port () { return that.port; },
set port (newValue) { that.port = newValue; },
get protocol () { return that.protocol; },
set protocol (newValue) { that.protocol = newValue; },
get search () { return that.search; },
set search (newValue) { that.search = newValue; }
constructor (guestId: number) {
// eslint will consider the constructor "useless"
// unless we assign them in the body. It's fine, that's what
// TS would do anyway.
this.guestId = guestId;
this.getGuestURL = this.getGuestURL.bind(this);
public toString (): string {
return this.href;
private getGuestURL (): URL | null {
const maybeURL = this._invokeWebContentsMethodSync('getURL') as string;
// When there's no previous frame the url will be blank, so account for that here
// to prevent url parsing errors on an empty string.
const urlString = maybeURL !== '' ? maybeURL : 'about:blank';
try {
return new URL(urlString);
} catch (e) {
console.error('LocationProxy: failed to parse string', urlString, e);
return null;
private _invokeWebContentsMethod (method: string, ...args: any[]) {
return ipcRendererInternal.invoke(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WEB_CONTENTS_METHOD, this.guestId, method, ...args);
private _invokeWebContentsMethodSync (method: string, ...args: any[]) {
return ipcRendererUtils.invokeSync(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WEB_CONTENTS_METHOD, this.guestId, method, ...args);
interface SafelyBoundBrowserWindowProxy {
location: WindowProxy['location'];
blur: WindowProxy['blur'];
close: WindowProxy['close'];
eval: typeof eval; // eslint-disable-line no-eval
focus: WindowProxy['focus'];
print: WindowProxy['print'];
postMessage: WindowProxy['postMessage'];
closed: boolean;
class BrowserWindowProxy {
public closed: boolean = false
private _location: LocationProxy
private guestId: number
// TypeScript doesn't allow getters/accessors with different types,
// so for now, we'll have to make do with an "any" in the mix.
// https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/2521
public get location (): LocationProxy | any {
return this._location.getSafe();
public set location (url: string | any) {
url = resolveURL(url, this.location.href);
this._invokeWebContentsMethod('loadURL', url);
constructor (guestId: number) {
this.guestId = guestId;
this._location = new LocationProxy(guestId);
ipcRendererInternal.once(`${IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_CLOSED}_${guestId}`, () => {
this.closed = true;
public getSafe = (): SafelyBoundBrowserWindowProxy => {
const that = this;
return {
postMessage: this.postMessage,
blur: this.blur,
close: this.close,
focus: this.focus,
print: this.print,
eval: this.eval,
get location () {
return that.location;
set location (url: string | any) {
that.location = url;
get closed () {
return that.closed;
public close = () => {
public focus = () => {
public blur = () => {
public print = () => {
public postMessage = (message: any, targetOrigin: string) => {
ipcRendererInternal.invoke(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_POSTMESSAGE, this.guestId, message, toString(targetOrigin), window.location.origin);
public eval = (code: string) => {
this._invokeWebContentsMethod('executeJavaScript', code);
private _invokeWindowMethod (method: string, ...args: any[]) {
return ipcRendererInternal.invoke(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_METHOD, this.guestId, method, ...args);
private _invokeWebContentsMethod (method: string, ...args: any[]) {
return ipcRendererInternal.invoke(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WEB_CONTENTS_METHOD, this.guestId, method, ...args);
export const windowSetup = (
guestInstanceId: number, openerId: number, isHiddenPage: boolean, usesNativeWindowOpen: boolean) => {
if (!process.sandboxed && !guestInstanceId) {
// Override default window.close.
window.close = function () {
if (contextIsolationEnabled) internalContextBridge.overrideGlobalValueFromIsolatedWorld(['close'], window.close);
if (!usesNativeWindowOpen) {
// TODO(MarshallOfSound): Make compatible with ctx isolation without hole-punch
// Make the browser window or guest view emit "new-window" event.
window.open = function (url?: string, frameName?: string, features?: string) {
if (url != null && url !== '') {
url = resolveURL(url, location.href);
const guestId = ipcRendererInternal.sendSync(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_OPEN, url, toString(frameName), toString(features));
if (guestId != null) {
return getOrCreateProxy(guestId) as any as WindowProxy;
} else {
return null;
if (contextIsolationEnabled) internalContextBridge.overrideGlobalValueWithDynamicPropsFromIsolatedWorld(['open'], window.open);
// If this window uses nativeWindowOpen, but its opener window does not, we
// need to proxy window.opener in order to let the page communicate with its
// opener.
// Additionally, windows opened from a nativeWindowOpen child of a
// non-nativeWindowOpen parent will initially have their WebPreferences
// copied from their opener before having them updated, meaning openerId is
// initially incorrect. We detect this situation by checking for
// window.opener, which will be non-null for a natively-opened child, so we
// can ignore the openerId in that case, since it's incorrectly copied from
// the parent. This is, uh, confusing, so here's a diagram that will maybe
// help?
// [ grandparent window ] --> [ parent window ] --> [ child window ]
// n.W.O = false n.W.O = true n.W.O = true
// id = 1 id = 2 id = 3
// openerId = 0 openerId = 1 openerId = 1 <- !!wrong!!
// opener = null opener = null opener = [parent window]
if (openerId && !window.opener) {
window.opener = getOrCreateProxy(openerId);
if (contextIsolationEnabled) internalContextBridge.overrideGlobalValueWithDynamicPropsFromIsolatedWorld(['opener'], window.opener);
// But we do not support prompt().
window.prompt = function () {
throw new Error('prompt() is and will not be supported.');
if (contextIsolationEnabled) internalContextBridge.overrideGlobalValueFromIsolatedWorld(['prompt'], window.prompt);
if (!usesNativeWindowOpen || openerId) {
ipcRendererInternal.on(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_WINDOW_POSTMESSAGE, function (
_event, sourceId: number, message: any, sourceOrigin: string
) {
// Manually dispatch event instead of using postMessage because we also need to
// set event.source.
// Why any? We can't construct a MessageEvent and we can't
// use `as MessageEvent` because you're not supposed to override
// data, origin, and source
const event: any = document.createEvent('Event');
event.initEvent('message', false, false);
event.data = message;
event.origin = sourceOrigin;
event.source = getOrCreateProxy(sourceId);
window.dispatchEvent(event as MessageEvent);
if (guestInstanceId) {
// Webview `document.visibilityState` tracks window visibility (and ignores
// the actual <webview> element visibility) for backwards compatibility.
// See discussion in #9178.
// Note that this results in duplicate visibilitychange events (since
// Chromium also fires them) and potentially incorrect visibility change.
// We should reconsider this decision for Electron 2.0.
let cachedVisibilityState = isHiddenPage ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
// Subscribe to visibilityState changes.
ipcRendererInternal.on(IPC_MESSAGES.GUEST_INSTANCE_VISIBILITY_CHANGE, function (_event, visibilityState: VisibilityState) {
if (cachedVisibilityState !== visibilityState) {
cachedVisibilityState = visibilityState;
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('visibilitychange'));
// Make document.hidden and document.visibilityState return the correct value.
const getDocumentHidden = () => cachedVisibilityState !== 'visible';
Object.defineProperty(document, 'hidden', {
get: getDocumentHidden
if (contextIsolationEnabled) internalContextBridge.overrideGlobalPropertyFromIsolatedWorld(['document', 'hidden'], getDocumentHidden);
const getDocumentVisibilityState = () => cachedVisibilityState;
Object.defineProperty(document, 'visibilityState', {
get: getDocumentVisibilityState
if (contextIsolationEnabled) internalContextBridge.overrideGlobalPropertyFromIsolatedWorld(['document', 'visibilityState'], getDocumentVisibilityState);