Cheng Zhao bb69d99423 Use - as filename seperator for coffee script files. Fixes #15.
Also clean unused files and wrong file names.
2013-05-30 20:21:07 +08:00

152 lines
3.4 KiB

var app = require('app');
var delegate = require('atom-delegate');
var ipc = require('ipc');
var Menu = require('menu');
var MenuItem = require('menu-item');
var BrowserWindow = require('browser-window');
var mainWindow = null;
var menu = null;
// Quit when all windows are closed.
app.on('window-all-closed', function() {
delegate.browserMainParts.preMainMessageLoopRun = function() {
app.commandLine.appendSwitch('js-flags', '--harmony_collections');
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 });
mainWindow.loadUrl('file://' + __dirname + '/index.html');
mainWindow.on('page-title-updated', function(event, title) {
this.setTitle('Atom Shell - ' + title);
mainWindow.on('closed', function() {
mainWindow = null;
var template = [
label: 'Atom Shell',
submenu: [
label: 'About Atom Shell',
selector: 'orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:'
type: 'separator'
label: 'Hide Atom Shell',
accelerator: 'Command+H',
selector: 'hide:'
label: 'Hide Others',
accelerator: 'Command+Shift+H',
selector: 'hideOtherApplications:'
label: 'Show All',
selector: 'unhideAllApplications:'
type: 'separator'
label: 'Quit',
accelerator: 'Command+Q',
click: function() { app.quit(); }
label: 'Edit',
submenu: [
label: 'Undo',
accelerator: 'Command+Z',
selector: 'undo:'
label: 'Redo',
accelerator: 'Shift+Command+Z',
selector: 'redo:'
type: 'separator'
label: 'Cut',
accelerator: 'Command+X',
selector: 'cut:'
label: 'Copy',
accelerator: 'Command+C',
selector: 'copy:'
label: 'Paste',
accelerator: 'Command+V',
selector: 'paste:'
label: 'Select All',
accelerator: 'Command+A',
selector: 'selectAll:'
label: 'View',
submenu: [
label: 'Reload',
accelerator: 'Command+R',
click: function() { BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow().reloadIgnoringCache(); }
label: 'Toggle DevTools',
accelerator: 'Alt+Command+I',
click: function() { BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow().toggleDevTools(); }
label: 'Window',
submenu: [
label: 'Minimize',
accelerator: 'Command+M',
selector: 'performMiniaturize:'
label: 'Close',
accelerator: 'Command+W',
selector: 'performClose:'
type: 'separator'
label: 'Bring All to Front',
selector: 'arrangeInFront:'
menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template);
ipc.on('message', function(processId, routingId, type) {
if (type == 'menu')