When "sandboxed" is passed as a web preference for `BrowserWindow`, the newly created renderer won't run any node.js code/integration, only communicating with the system via the IPC API of the content module. This is a requirement for running the renderer under chrome OS-level sandbox. Beyond that, certain behaviors of AtomBrowserClient are modified when dealing with sandboxed renderers: - `OverrideSiteInstanceNavigation` no longer create a new `SiteInstance` for every navigation. Instead, it reuses the source `SiteInstance` when not navigating to a different site. - `CanCreateWindow` will return true and allow javascript access.
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// Copyright (c) 2013 GitHub, Inc.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "atom/common/options_switches.h"
namespace atom {
namespace options {
const char kTitle[] = "title";
const char kIcon[] = "icon";
const char kFrame[] = "frame";
const char kShow[] = "show";
const char kCenter[] = "center";
const char kX[] = "x";
const char kY[] = "y";
const char kWidth[] = "width";
const char kHeight[] = "height";
const char kMinWidth[] = "minWidth";
const char kMinHeight[] = "minHeight";
const char kMaxWidth[] = "maxWidth";
const char kMaxHeight[] = "maxHeight";
const char kResizable[] = "resizable";
const char kMovable[] = "movable";
const char kMinimizable[] = "minimizable";
const char kMaximizable[] = "maximizable";
const char kFullScreenable[] = "fullscreenable";
const char kClosable[] = "closable";
const char kFullscreen[] = "fullscreen";
// Whether the window should show in taskbar.
const char kSkipTaskbar[] = "skipTaskbar";
// Start with the kiosk mode, see Opera's page for description:
// http://www.opera.com/support/mastering/kiosk/
const char kKiosk[] = "kiosk";
// Make windows stays on the top of all other windows.
const char kAlwaysOnTop[] = "alwaysOnTop";
// Enable the NSView to accept first mouse event.
const char kAcceptFirstMouse[] = "acceptFirstMouse";
// Whether window size should include window frame.
const char kUseContentSize[] = "useContentSize";
// The requested title bar style for the window
const char kTitleBarStyle[] = "titleBarStyle";
// The menu bar is hidden unless "Alt" is pressed.
const char kAutoHideMenuBar[] = "autoHideMenuBar";
// Enable window to be resized larger than screen.
const char kEnableLargerThanScreen[] = "enableLargerThanScreen";
// Forces to use dark theme on Linux.
const char kDarkTheme[] = "darkTheme";
// Whether the window should be transparent.
const char kTransparent[] = "transparent";
// Window type hint.
const char kType[] = "type";
// Disable auto-hiding cursor.
const char kDisableAutoHideCursor[] = "disableAutoHideCursor";
// Use the macOS' standard window instead of the textured window.
const char kStandardWindow[] = "standardWindow";
// Default browser window background color.
const char kBackgroundColor[] = "backgroundColor";
// Whether the window should have a shadow.
const char kHasShadow[] = "hasShadow";
// Whether the window can be activated.
const char kFocusable[] = "focusable";
// The WebPreferences.
const char kWebPreferences[] = "webPreferences";
// The factor of which page should be zoomed.
const char kZoomFactor[] = "zoomFactor";
// Script that will be loaded by guest WebContents before other scripts.
const char kPreloadScript[] = "preload";
// Like --preload, but the passed argument is an URL.
const char kPreloadURL[] = "preloadURL";
// Enable the node integration.
const char kNodeIntegration[] = "nodeIntegration";
// Instancd ID of guest WebContents.
const char kGuestInstanceID[] = "guestInstanceId";
// Web runtime features.
const char kExperimentalFeatures[] = "experimentalFeatures";
const char kExperimentalCanvasFeatures[] = "experimentalCanvasFeatures";
// Opener window's ID.
const char kOpenerID[] = "openerId";
// Enable the rubber banding effect.
const char kScrollBounce[] = "scrollBounce";
// Enable blink features.
// TODO(kevinsawicki) Rename to enableBlinkFeatures in 2.0
const char kBlinkFeatures[] = "blinkFeatures";
// Disable blink features.
const char kDisableBlinkFeatures[] = "disableBlinkFeatures";
} // namespace options
namespace switches {
// Enable chromium sandbox.
const char kEnableSandbox[] = "enable-sandbox";
// Enable plugins.
const char kEnablePlugins[] = "enable-plugins";
// Ppapi Flash path.
const char kPpapiFlashPath[] = "ppapi-flash-path";
// Ppapi Flash version.
const char kPpapiFlashVersion[] = "ppapi-flash-version";
// Disable HTTP cache.
const char kDisableHttpCache[] = "disable-http-cache";
// The list of standard schemes.
const char kStandardSchemes[] = "standard-schemes";
// Register schemes to handle service worker.
const char kRegisterServiceWorkerSchemes[] = "register-service-worker-schemes";
// The minimum SSL/TLS version ("tls1", "tls1.1", or "tls1.2") that
// TLS fallback will accept.
const char kSSLVersionFallbackMin[] = "ssl-version-fallback-min";
// Comma-separated list of SSL cipher suites to disable.
const char kCipherSuiteBlacklist[] = "cipher-suite-blacklist";
// The browser process app model ID
const char kAppUserModelId[] = "app-user-model-id";
// The command line switch versions of the options.
const char kBackgroundColor[] = "background-color";
const char kZoomFactor[] = "zoom-factor";
const char kPreloadScript[] = "preload";
const char kPreloadURL[] = "preload-url";
const char kNodeIntegration[] = "node-integration";
const char kGuestInstanceID[] = "guest-instance-id";
const char kOpenerID[] = "opener-id";
const char kScrollBounce[] = "scroll-bounce";
// Widevine options
// Path to Widevine CDM binaries.
const char kWidevineCdmPath[] = "widevine-cdm-path";
// Widevine CDM version.
const char kWidevineCdmVersion[] = "widevine-cdm-version";
} // namespace switches
} // namespace atom