Owais Lone dc43dc2a13 Add support for indicators in Ubuntu Gnome Session
Ubuntu is switching to Gnome in 17.10 but it's not going to be the stock Gnome session. It's going to support the existing Unity APIs. Support has already landed for application indicators and likely other APIs (Launcher,etc) will be supported soon. The Ubuntu Gnome session will have `XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=ubuntu:GNOME` environment variable.

Ref: https://didrocks.fr/2017/08/23/ubuntu-gnome-shell-in-artful-day-7/
2017-08-25 23:25:08 +05:30

171 lines
4.9 KiB

'use strict'
const {Buffer} = require('buffer')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const util = require('util')
const Module = require('module')
const v8 = require('v8')
// We modified the original process.argv to let node.js load the atom.js,
// we need to restore it here.
process.argv.splice(1, 1)
// Clear search paths.
// Import common settings.
var globalPaths = Module.globalPaths
// Expose public APIs.
globalPaths.push(path.join(__dirname, 'api', 'exports'))
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
// Redirect node's console to use our own implementations, since node can not
// handle console output when running as GUI program.
var consoleLog = function (...args) {
return process.log(util.format(...args) + '\n')
var streamWrite = function (chunk, encoding, callback) {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) {
chunk = chunk.toString(encoding)
if (callback) {
return true
console.log = console.error = console.warn = consoleLog
process.stdout.write = process.stderr.write = streamWrite
// Don't quit on fatal error.
process.on('uncaughtException', function (error) {
// Do nothing if the user has a custom uncaught exception handler.
var dialog, message, ref, stack
if (process.listeners('uncaughtException').length > 1) {
// Show error in GUI.
dialog = require('electron').dialog
stack = (ref = error.stack) != null ? ref : error.name + ': ' + error.message
message = 'Uncaught Exception:\n' + stack
dialog.showErrorBox('A JavaScript error occurred in the main process', message)
// Emit 'exit' event on quit.
const {app} = require('electron')
app.on('quit', function (event, exitCode) {
process.emit('exit', exitCode)
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
// If we are a Squirrel.Windows-installed app, set app user model ID
// so that users don't have to do this.
// Squirrel packages are always of the form:
// - Update.exe
// - app-VERSION
// - OUREXE.exe
// Squirrel itself will always set the shortcut's App User Model ID to the
// form `com.squirrel.PACKAGE-NAME.OUREXE`. We need to call
// app.setAppUserModelId with a matching identifier so that renderer processes
// will inherit this value.
const updateDotExe = path.join(path.dirname(process.execPath), '..', 'update.exe')
if (fs.existsSync(updateDotExe)) {
const packageDir = path.dirname(path.resolve(updateDotExe))
const packageName = path.basename(packageDir).replace(/\s/g, '')
const exeName = path.basename(process.execPath).replace(/\.exe$/i, '').replace(/\s/g, '')
// Map process.exit to app.exit, which quits gracefully.
process.exit = app.exit
// Load the RPC server.
// Load the guest view manager.
// Now we try to load app's package.json.
let packagePath = null
let packageJson = null
const searchPaths = ['app', 'app.asar', 'default_app.asar']
for (packagePath of searchPaths) {
try {
packagePath = path.join(process.resourcesPath, packagePath)
packageJson = require(path.join(packagePath, 'package.json'))
} catch (error) {
if (packageJson == null) {
process.nextTick(function () {
return process.exit(1)
throw new Error('Unable to find a valid app')
// Set application's version.
if (packageJson.version != null) {
// Set application's name.
if (packageJson.productName != null) {
} else if (packageJson.name != null) {
// Set application's desktop name.
if (packageJson.desktopName != null) {
} else {
app.setDesktopName((app.getName()) + '.desktop')
// Set v8 flags
if (packageJson.v8Flags != null) {
// Set the user path according to application's name.
app.setPath('userData', path.join(app.getPath('appData'), app.getName()))
app.setPath('userCache', path.join(app.getPath('cache'), app.getName()))
// Load the chrome extension support.
// Load internal desktop-capturer module.
// Load protocol module to ensure it is populated on app ready
// Set main startup script of the app.
const mainStartupScript = packageJson.main || 'index.js'
// Workaround for electron/electron#5050 and electron/electron#9046
if (process.platform === 'linux' && ['Pantheon', 'Unity:Unity7', 'ubuntu:GNOME'].includes(process.env.XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP)) {
process.env.XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP = 'Unity'
// Finally load app's main.js and transfer control to C++.
Module._load(path.join(packagePath, mainStartupScript), Module, true)