build: add import/order eslint rule (#44085) * build: add import/order eslint rule * chore: run lint:js --fix
224 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable file
224 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { Octokit } from '@octokit/rest';
import { GitProcess } from 'dugite';
import { valid, compare, gte, lte } from 'semver';
import { basename } from 'node:path';
import { parseArgs } from 'node:util';
import { get, render } from './notes';
import { ELECTRON_DIR } from '../../lib/utils';
import { createGitHubTokenStrategy } from '../github-token';
import { ELECTRON_ORG, ELECTRON_REPO } from '../types';
const octokit = new Octokit({
authStrategy: createGitHubTokenStrategy(ELECTRON_REPO)
const semverify = (version: string) => version.replace(/^origin\//, '').replace(/[xy]/g, '0').replace(/-/g, '.');
const runGit = async (args: string[]) => {
console.info(`Running: git ${args.join(' ')}`);
const response = await GitProcess.exec(args, ELECTRON_DIR);
if (response.exitCode !== 0) {
throw new Error(response.stderr.trim());
return response.stdout.trim();
const tagIsSupported = (tag: string) => !!tag && !tag.includes('nightly') && !tag.includes('unsupported');
const tagIsAlpha = (tag: string) => !!tag && tag.includes('alpha');
const tagIsBeta = (tag: string) => !!tag && tag.includes('beta');
const tagIsStable = (tag: string) => tagIsSupported(tag) && !tagIsBeta(tag) && !tagIsAlpha(tag);
const getTagsOf = async (point: string) => {
try {
const tags = await runGit(['tag', '--merged', point]);
return tags.split('\n')
.map(tag => tag.trim())
.filter(tag => valid(tag))
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Failed to fetch tags for point ${point}`);
throw err;
const getTagsOnBranch = async (point: string) => {
const { data: { default_branch: defaultBranch } } = await octokit.repos.get({
const mainTags = await getTagsOf(defaultBranch);
if (point === defaultBranch) {
return mainTags;
const mainTagsSet = new Set(mainTags);
return (await getTagsOf(point)).filter(tag => !mainTagsSet.has(tag));
const getBranchOf = async (point: string) => {
try {
const branches = (await runGit(['branch', '-a', '--contains', point]))
.map(branch => branch.trim())
.filter(branch => !!branch);
const current = branches.find(branch => branch.startsWith('* '));
return current ? current.slice(2) : branches.shift();
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Failed to fetch branch for ${point}: `, err);
throw err;
const getAllBranches = async () => {
try {
const branches = await runGit(['branch', '--remote']);
return branches.split('\n')
.map(branch => branch.trim())
.filter(branch => !!branch)
.filter(branch => branch !== 'origin/HEAD -> origin/main')
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed to fetch all branches');
throw err;
const getStabilizationBranches = async () => {
return (await getAllBranches()).filter(branch => /^origin\/\d+-x-y$/.test(branch));
const getPreviousStabilizationBranch = async (current: string) => {
const stabilizationBranches = (await getStabilizationBranches())
.filter(branch => branch !== current && branch !== `origin/${current}`);
if (!valid(current)) {
// since we don't seem to be on a stabilization branch right now,
// pick a placeholder name that will yield the newest branch
// as a comparison point.
current = 'v999.999.999';
let newestMatch = null;
for (const branch of stabilizationBranches) {
if (gte(semverify(branch), semverify(current))) {
if (newestMatch && lte(semverify(branch), semverify(newestMatch))) {
newestMatch = branch;
return newestMatch!;
const getPreviousPoint = async (point: string) => {
const currentBranch = await getBranchOf(point);
const currentTag = (await getTagsOf(point)).filter(tag => tagIsSupported(tag)).pop()!;
const currentIsStable = tagIsStable(currentTag);
try {
// First see if there's an earlier tag on the same branch
// that can serve as a reference point.
let tags = (await getTagsOnBranch(`${point}^`)).filter(tag => tagIsSupported(tag));
if (currentIsStable) {
tags = tags.filter(tag => tagIsStable(tag));
if (tags.length) {
return tags.pop();
} catch (error) {
console.log('error', error);
// Otherwise, use the newest stable release that precedes this branch.
// To reach that you may have to walk past >1 branch, e.g. to get past
// 2-1-x which never had a stable release.
let branch = currentBranch;
while (branch) {
const prevBranch = await getPreviousStabilizationBranch(branch);
const tags = (await getTagsOnBranch(prevBranch)).filter(tag => tagIsStable(tag));
if (tags.length) {
return tags.pop();
branch = prevBranch;
async function getReleaseNotes (range: string, newVersion?: string, unique?: boolean) {
const rangeList = range.split('..') || ['HEAD'];
const to = rangeList.pop()!;
const from = rangeList.pop() || (await getPreviousPoint(to))!;
if (!newVersion) {
newVersion = to;
const notes = await get(from, to, newVersion);
const ret: { text: string; warning?: string; } = {
text: render(notes, unique)
if (notes.unknown.length) {
ret.warning = `You have ${notes.unknown.length} unknown release notes. Please fix them before releasing.`;
return ret;
async function main () {
const { values: { help, unique, version }, positionals } = parseArgs({
options: {
help: {
type: 'boolean'
unique: {
type: 'boolean'
version: {
type: 'string'
allowPositionals: true
const range = positionals.shift();
if (help || !range) {
const name = basename(process.argv[1]);
easy usage: ${name} version
full usage: ${name} [begin..]end [--version version] [--unique]
* 'begin' and 'end' are two git references -- tags, branches, etc --
from which the release notes are generated.
* if omitted, 'begin' defaults to the previous tag in end's branch.
* if omitted, 'version' defaults to 'end'. Specifying a version is
useful if you're making notes on a new version that isn't tagged yet.
* '--unique' omits changes that also landed in other branches.
For example, these invocations are equivalent:
${process.argv[1]} v4.0.1
${process.argv[1]} v4.0.0..v4.0.1 --version v4.0.1
return 0;
const notes = await getReleaseNotes(range, version, unique);
if (notes.warning) {
throw new Error(notes.warning);
if (require.main === module) {
main().catch((err) => {
console.error('Error Occurred:', err);
export default getReleaseNotes;