When a patch targets a file using CRLF line endings, they need to be retained in the patch file. Otherwise the patch will fail to apply due to being unable to find surrounding lines with matching whitespace.
329 lines
12 KiB
Executable file
329 lines
12 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env node
const crypto = require('crypto');
const { GitProcess } = require('dugite');
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const { ESLint } = require('eslint');
const fs = require('fs');
const klaw = require('klaw');
const minimist = require('minimist');
const path = require('path');
const SOURCE_ROOT = path.normalize(path.dirname(__dirname));
const DEPOT_TOOLS = path.resolve(SOURCE_ROOT, '..', 'third_party', 'depot_tools');
const IGNORELIST = new Set([
['shell', 'browser', 'resources', 'win', 'resource.h'],
['shell', 'browser', 'notifications', 'mac', 'notification_center_delegate.h'],
['shell', 'browser', 'ui', 'cocoa', 'event_dispatching_window.h'],
['shell', 'browser', 'ui', 'cocoa', 'NSColor+Hex.h'],
['shell', 'browser', 'ui', 'cocoa', 'NSString+ANSI.h'],
['shell', 'common', 'node_includes.h'],
['spec', 'static', 'jquery-2.0.3.min.js'],
['spec', 'ts-smoke', 'electron', 'main.ts'],
['spec', 'ts-smoke', 'electron', 'renderer.ts'],
['spec', 'ts-smoke', 'runner.js']
].map(tokens => path.join(SOURCE_ROOT, ...tokens)));
const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32';
function spawnAndCheckExitCode (cmd, args, opts) {
opts = Object.assign({ stdio: 'inherit' }, opts);
const status = childProcess.spawnSync(cmd, args, opts).status;
if (status) process.exit(status);
function cpplint (args) {
const result = childProcess.spawnSync(IS_WINDOWS ? 'cpplint.bat' : 'cpplint.py', args, { encoding: 'utf8', shell: true });
// cpplint.py writes EVERYTHING to stderr, including status messages
if (result.stderr) {
for (const line of result.stderr.split(/[\r\n]+/)) {
if (line.length && !line.startsWith('Done processing ') && line !== 'Total errors found: 0') {
if (result.status !== 0) {
if (result.error) console.error(result.error);
process.exit(result.status || 1);
function isObjCHeader (filename) {
return /\/(mac|cocoa)\//.test(filename);
const LINTERS = [{
key: 'c++',
roots: ['shell'],
test: filename => filename.endsWith('.cc') || (filename.endsWith('.h') && !isObjCHeader(filename)),
run: (opts, filenames) => {
if (opts.fix) {
spawnAndCheckExitCode('python', ['script/run-clang-format.py', '--fix', ...filenames]);
} else {
spawnAndCheckExitCode('python', ['script/run-clang-format.py', ...filenames]);
}, {
key: 'objc',
roots: ['shell'],
test: filename => filename.endsWith('.mm'),
run: (opts, filenames) => {
if (opts.fix) {
spawnAndCheckExitCode('python', ['script/run-clang-format.py', '--fix', ...filenames]);
} else {
spawnAndCheckExitCode('python', ['script/run-clang-format.py', ...filenames]);
const filter = [
cpplint(['--extensions=mm', `--filter=${filter.join(',')}`, ...filenames]);
}, {
key: 'python',
roots: ['script'],
test: filename => filename.endsWith('.py'),
run: (opts, filenames) => {
const rcfile = path.join(DEPOT_TOOLS, 'pylintrc');
const args = ['--rcfile=' + rcfile, ...filenames];
const env = Object.assign({ PYTHONPATH: path.join(SOURCE_ROOT, 'script') }, process.env);
spawnAndCheckExitCode('pylint.py', args, { env });
}, {
key: 'javascript',
roots: ['build', 'default_app', 'lib', 'npm', 'script', 'spec', 'spec-main'],
ignoreRoots: ['spec/node_modules', 'spec-main/node_modules'],
test: filename => filename.endsWith('.js') || filename.endsWith('.ts'),
run: async (opts, filenames) => {
const eslint = new ESLint({
// Do not use the lint cache on CI builds
cache: !process.env.CI,
cacheLocation: `node_modules/.eslintcache.${crypto.createHash('md5').update(fs.readFileSync(__filename)).digest('hex')}`,
extensions: ['.js', '.ts'],
fix: opts.fix
const formatter = await eslint.loadFormatter();
let successCount = 0;
const results = await eslint.lintFiles(filenames);
for (const result of results) {
successCount += result.errorCount === 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (opts.verbose && result.errorCount === 0 && result.warningCount === 0) {
console.log(`${result.filePath}: no errors or warnings`);
if (opts.fix) {
await ESLint.outputFixes(results);
if (successCount !== filenames.length) {
console.error('Linting had errors');
}, {
key: 'gn',
roots: ['.'],
test: filename => filename.endsWith('.gn') || filename.endsWith('.gni'),
run: (opts, filenames) => {
const allOk = filenames.map(filename => {
const env = Object.assign({
CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH: path.resolve(SOURCE_ROOT, '..', 'buildtools'),
}, process.env);
// Users may not have depot_tools in PATH.
env.PATH = `${env.PATH}${path.delimiter}${DEPOT_TOOLS}`;
const args = ['format', filename];
if (!opts.fix) args.push('--dry-run');
const result = childProcess.spawnSync('gn', args, { env, stdio: 'inherit', shell: true });
if (result.status === 0) {
return true;
} else if (result.status === 2) {
console.log(`GN format errors in "${filename}". Run 'gn format "${filename}"' or rerun with --fix to fix them.`);
return false;
} else {
console.log(`Error running 'gn format --dry-run "${filename}"': exit code ${result.status}`);
return false;
}).every(x => x);
if (!allOk) {
}, {
key: 'patches',
roots: ['patches'],
test: filename => filename.endsWith('.patch'),
run: (opts, filenames) => {
const patchesDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../patches');
const patchesConfig = path.resolve(patchesDir, 'config.json');
// If the config does not exist, that's a proiblem
if (!fs.existsSync(patchesConfig)) {
const config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(patchesConfig, 'utf8'));
for (const key of Object.keys(config)) {
// The directory the config points to should exist
const targetPatchesDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../..', key);
if (!fs.existsSync(targetPatchesDir)) throw new Error(`target patch directory: "${targetPatchesDir}" does not exist`);
// We need a .patches file
const dotPatchesPath = path.resolve(targetPatchesDir, '.patches');
if (!fs.existsSync(dotPatchesPath)) throw new Error(`.patches file: "${dotPatchesPath}" does not exist`);
// Read the patch list
const patchFileList = fs.readFileSync(dotPatchesPath, 'utf8').trim().split('\n');
const patchFileSet = new Set(patchFileList);
patchFileList.reduce((seen, file) => {
if (seen.has(file)) {
throw new Error(`'${file}' is listed in ${dotPatchesPath} more than once`);
return seen.add(file);
}, new Set());
if (patchFileList.length !== patchFileSet.size) throw new Error('each patch file should only be in the .patches file once');
for (const file of fs.readdirSync(targetPatchesDir)) {
// Ignore the .patches file and READMEs
if (file === '.patches' || file === 'README.md') continue;
if (!patchFileSet.has(file)) {
throw new Error(`Expected the .patches file at "${dotPatchesPath}" to contain a patch file ("${file}") present in the directory but it did not`);
// If anything is left in this set, it means it did not exist on disk
if (patchFileSet.size > 0) {
throw new Error(`Expected all the patch files listed in the .patches file at "${dotPatchesPath}" to exist but some did not:\n${JSON.stringify([...patchFileSet.values()], null, 2)}`);
const allOk = filenames.length > 0 && filenames.map(f => {
const patchText = fs.readFileSync(f, 'utf8');
const subjectAndDescription = /Subject: (.*?)\n\n([\s\S]*?)\s*(?=diff)/ms.exec(patchText);
if (!subjectAndDescription[2]) {
console.warn(`Patch file '${f}' has no description. Every patch must contain a justification for why the patch exists and the plan for its removal.`);
return false;
const trailingWhitespace = patchText.split(/\r?\n/).some(line => line.startsWith('+') && /\s+$/.test(line));
if (trailingWhitespace) {
console.warn(`Patch file '${f}' has trailing whitespace on some lines.`);
return false;
return true;
}).every(x => x);
if (!allOk) {
function parseCommandLine () {
let help;
const opts = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
boolean: ['c++', 'objc', 'javascript', 'python', 'gn', 'patches', 'help', 'changed', 'fix', 'verbose', 'only'],
alias: { 'c++': ['cc', 'cpp', 'cxx'], javascript: ['js', 'es'], python: 'py', changed: 'c', help: 'h', verbose: 'v' },
unknown: arg => { help = true; }
if (help || opts.help) {
console.log('Usage: script/lint.js [--cc] [--js] [--py] [-c|--changed] [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [--fix] [--only -- file1 file2]');
return opts;
async function findChangedFiles (top) {
const result = await GitProcess.exec(['diff', '--name-only', '--cached'], top);
if (result.exitCode !== 0) {
console.log('Failed to find changed files', GitProcess.parseError(result.stderr));
const relativePaths = result.stdout.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g);
const absolutePaths = relativePaths.map(x => path.join(top, x));
return new Set(absolutePaths);
async function findMatchingFiles (top, test) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const matches = [];
klaw(top, {
filter: f => path.basename(f) !== '.bin'
.on('end', () => resolve(matches))
.on('data', item => {
if (test(item.path)) {
async function findFiles (args, linter) {
let filenames = [];
let includelist = null;
// build the includelist
if (args.changed) {
includelist = await findChangedFiles(SOURCE_ROOT);
if (!includelist.size) {
return [];
} else if (args.only) {
includelist = new Set(args._.map(p => path.resolve(p)));
// accumulate the raw list of files
for (const root of linter.roots) {
const files = await findMatchingFiles(path.join(SOURCE_ROOT, root), linter.test);
for (const ignoreRoot of (linter.ignoreRoots) || []) {
const ignorePath = path.join(SOURCE_ROOT, ignoreRoot);
if (!fs.existsSync(ignorePath)) continue;
const ignoreFiles = new Set(await findMatchingFiles(ignorePath, linter.test));
filenames = filenames.filter(fileName => !ignoreFiles.has(fileName));
// remove ignored files
filenames = filenames.filter(x => !IGNORELIST.has(x));
// if a includelist exists, remove anything not in it
if (includelist) {
filenames = filenames.filter(x => includelist.has(x));
// it's important that filenames be relative otherwise clang-format will
// produce patches with absolute paths in them, which `git apply` will refuse
// to apply.
return filenames.map(x => path.relative(SOURCE_ROOT, x));
async function main () {
const opts = parseCommandLine();
// no mode specified? run 'em all
if (!opts['c++'] && !opts.javascript && !opts.objc && !opts.python && !opts.gn && !opts.patches) {
opts['c++'] = opts.javascript = opts.objc = opts.python = opts.gn = opts.patches = true;
const linters = LINTERS.filter(x => opts[x.key]);
for (const linter of linters) {
const filenames = await findFiles(opts, linter);
if (filenames.length) {
if (opts.verbose) { console.log(`linting ${filenames.length} ${linter.key} ${filenames.length === 1 ? 'file' : 'files'}`); }
await linter.run(opts, filenames);
if (process.mainModule === module) {
main().catch((error) => {