* refactor: in FramelessView, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::api::WebContents, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::api::NativeWindow, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::OffScreenWebContentsView, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::OffScreenRenderWidgetHostView, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in auto_updater::AutoUpdater, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electorn::api::FrameSubscriber, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electorn::api::SimpleURLLoaderWrapper, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electorn::InspectableWebContents, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electorn::OffScreenVideoConsumer, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::OffScreenWebContentsView, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::TrayIcon, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::ViewsDelegate, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::MediaCaptureDevicesDispatcher, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::UsbChooserContext::DeviceObserver, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::ProxyingWebSocket, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::Notification, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::PlatformNotificationService, move empty function decls to header * Revert "refactor: in electron::PlatformNotificationService, move empty function decls to header" This reverts commit 9103750d03b9ba1ceccba43d11dfdc2404ff6191. * refactor: in electron::ElectronPDFDocumentHelperClient, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::api::SpellCheckClient, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::ElectronExtensionHostDelegate, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::PlatformNotificationService, move empty function decls to header * refactor: in electron::NativeWindowViews, move empty function decls to header * chore: move SetTouchBar() back to cc * Revert "refactor: in auto_updater::AutoUpdater, move empty function decls to header" This reverts commit c43d6862d32c74f63f82700a7546a732ac05ecb8.
182 lines
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// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
#include "extensions/browser/api/web_request/web_request_info.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/resource_request.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/network_context.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/websocket.mojom.h"
#include "shell/browser/net/web_request_api_interface.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace electron {
// A ProxyingWebSocket proxies a WebSocket connection and dispatches
// WebRequest API events.
// The code is referenced from the
// extensions::WebRequestProxyingWebSocket class.
class ProxyingWebSocket : public network::mojom::WebSocketHandshakeClient,
public network::mojom::WebSocketAuthenticationHandler,
public network::mojom::TrustedHeaderClient {
using WebSocketFactory = content::ContentBrowserClient::WebSocketFactory;
// AuthRequiredResponse indicates how an OnAuthRequired call is handled.
enum class AuthRequiredResponse {
// No credentials were provided.
// AuthCredentials is filled in with a username and password, which should
// be used in a response to the provided auth challenge.
// The request should be canceled.
// The action will be decided asynchronously. |callback| will be invoked
// when the decision is made, and one of the other AuthRequiredResponse
// values will be passed in with the same semantics as described above.
WebRequestAPI* web_request_api,
WebSocketFactory factory,
const network::ResourceRequest& request,
bool has_extra_headers,
int process_id,
int render_frame_id,
content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
uint64_t* request_id_generator);
~ProxyingWebSocket() override;
// disable copy
ProxyingWebSocket(const ProxyingWebSocket&) = delete;
ProxyingWebSocket& operator=(const ProxyingWebSocket&) = delete;
void Start();
// network::mojom::WebSocketHandshakeClient methods:
void OnOpeningHandshakeStarted(
network::mojom::WebSocketHandshakeRequestPtr request) override;
void OnFailure(const std::string& message,
int32_t net_error,
int32_t response_code) override {}
void OnConnectionEstablished(
mojo::PendingRemote<network::mojom::WebSocket> websocket,
mojo::PendingReceiver<network::mojom::WebSocketClient> client_receiver,
network::mojom::WebSocketHandshakeResponsePtr response,
mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle readable,
mojo::ScopedDataPipeProducerHandle writable) override;
// network::mojom::WebSocketAuthenticationHandler method:
void OnAuthRequired(const net::AuthChallengeInfo& auth_info,
const scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders>& headers,
const net::IPEndPoint& remote_endpoint,
OnAuthRequiredCallback callback) override;
// network::mojom::TrustedHeaderClient methods:
void OnBeforeSendHeaders(const net::HttpRequestHeaders& headers,
OnBeforeSendHeadersCallback callback) override;
void OnHeadersReceived(const std::string& headers,
const net::IPEndPoint& endpoint,
OnHeadersReceivedCallback callback) override;
static void StartProxying(
WebRequestAPI* web_request_api,
WebSocketFactory factory,
const GURL& url,
const net::SiteForCookies& site_for_cookies,
const std::optional<std::string>& user_agent,
bool has_extra_headers,
int process_id,
int render_frame_id,
const url::Origin& origin,
content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
uint64_t* request_id_generator);
WebRequestAPI* web_request_api() { return web_request_api_; }
void OnBeforeRequestComplete(int error_code);
void OnBeforeSendHeadersComplete(const std::set<std::string>& removed_headers,
const std::set<std::string>& set_headers,
int error_code);
void ContinueToStartRequest(int error_code);
void OnHeadersReceivedComplete(int error_code);
void ContinueToHeadersReceived();
void OnAuthRequiredComplete(AuthRequiredResponse rv);
void OnHeadersReceivedCompleteForAuth(const net::AuthChallengeInfo& auth_info,
int rv);
void ContinueToCompleted();
void PauseIncomingMethodCallProcessing();
void ResumeIncomingMethodCallProcessing();
void OnError(int error_code);
// This is used for detecting errors on mojo connection with the network
// service.
void OnMojoConnectionErrorWithCustomReason(uint32_t custom_reason,
const std::string& description);
// This is used for detecting errors on mojo connection with original client
// (i.e., renderer).
void OnMojoConnectionError();
// Passed from api::WebRequest.
raw_ptr<WebRequestAPI> web_request_api_;
// Saved to feed the api::WebRequest.
network::ResourceRequest request_;
WebSocketFactory factory_;
net::HttpRequestHeaders request_headers_;
network::mojom::URLResponseHeadPtr response_;
net::AuthCredentials auth_credentials_;
OnAuthRequiredCallback auth_required_callback_;
scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders> override_headers_;
std::vector<network::mojom::HttpHeaderPtr> additional_headers_;
OnBeforeSendHeadersCallback on_before_send_headers_callback_;
OnHeadersReceivedCallback on_headers_received_callback_;
GURL redirect_url_;
bool is_done_ = false;
bool has_extra_headers_;
mojo::PendingRemote<network::mojom::WebSocket> websocket_;
mojo::PendingReceiver<network::mojom::WebSocketClient> client_receiver_;
network::mojom::WebSocketHandshakeResponsePtr handshake_response_ = nullptr;
mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle readable_;
mojo::ScopedDataPipeProducerHandle writable_;
extensions::WebRequestInfo info_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProxyingWebSocket> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace electron