* This is to enable more browser-like behavior so that users who run third-party code will not be DOS'ed with alerts and confirms. This is already handled like this in most major browsers so this will greatly help these developers
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// This file should have no requires since it is used by the isolated context
// preload bundle. Instead arguments should be passed in for everything it
// needs.
// This file implements the following APIs:
// - window.alert()
// - window.confirm()
// - window.history.back()
// - window.history.forward()
// - window.history.go()
// - window.history.length
// - window.open()
// - window.opener.blur()
// - window.opener.close()
// - window.opener.eval()
// - window.opener.focus()
// - window.opener.location
// - window.opener.print()
// - window.opener.postMessage()
// - window.prompt()
// - document.hidden
// - document.visibilityState
'use strict'
const {defineProperty} = Object
// Helper function to resolve relative url.
const a = window.top.document.createElement('a')
const resolveURL = function (url) {
a.href = url
return a.href
// Use this method to ensure values expected as strings in the main process
// are convertible to strings in the renderer process. This ensures exceptions
// converting values to strings are thrown in this process.
const toString = (value) => {
return value != null ? `${value}` : value
const windowProxies = {}
const getOrCreateProxy = (ipcRenderer, guestId) => {
let proxy = windowProxies[guestId]
if (proxy == null) {
proxy = new BrowserWindowProxy(ipcRenderer, guestId)
windowProxies[guestId] = proxy
return proxy
const removeProxy = (guestId) => {
delete windowProxies[guestId]
function BrowserWindowProxy (ipcRenderer, guestId) {
this.closed = false
defineProperty(this, 'location', {
get: function () {
set: function (url) {
url = resolveURL(url)
return ipcRenderer.sendSync('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WEB_CONTENTS_METHOD_SYNC', guestId, 'loadURL', url)
ipcRenderer.once(`ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_CLOSED_${guestId}`, () => {
this.closed = true
this.close = () => {
this.focus = () => {
ipcRenderer.send('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_METHOD', guestId, 'focus')
this.blur = () => {
ipcRenderer.send('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_METHOD', guestId, 'blur')
this.print = () => {
this.postMessage = (message, targetOrigin) => {
ipcRenderer.send('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_POSTMESSAGE', guestId, message, toString(targetOrigin), window.location.origin)
this.eval = (...args) => {
ipcRenderer.send('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WEB_CONTENTS_METHOD', guestId, 'executeJavaScript', ...args)
// Forward history operations to browser.
const sendHistoryOperation = function (ipcRenderer, ...args) {
ipcRenderer.send('ELECTRON_NAVIGATION_CONTROLLER', ...args)
const getHistoryOperation = function (ipcRenderer, ...args) {
return ipcRenderer.sendSync('ELECTRON_SYNC_NAVIGATION_CONTROLLER', ...args)
module.exports = (ipcRenderer, guestInstanceId, openerId, hiddenPage, usesNativeWindowOpen) => {
if (guestInstanceId == null) {
// Override default window.close.
window.close = function () {
if (!usesNativeWindowOpen) {
// Make the browser window or guest view emit "new-window" event.
window.open = function (url, frameName, features) {
if (url != null && url !== '') {
url = resolveURL(url)
const guestId = ipcRenderer.sendSync('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_OPEN', url, toString(frameName), toString(features))
if (guestId != null) {
return getOrCreateProxy(ipcRenderer, guestId)
} else {
return null
if (openerId != null) {
window.opener = getOrCreateProxy(ipcRenderer, openerId)
// But we do not support prompt().
window.prompt = function () {
throw new Error('prompt() is and will not be supported.')
ipcRenderer.on('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_POSTMESSAGE', function (event, sourceId, message, sourceOrigin) {
// Manually dispatch event instead of using postMessage because we also need to
// set event.source.
event = document.createEvent('Event')
event.initEvent('message', false, false)
event.data = message
event.origin = sourceOrigin
event.source = getOrCreateProxy(ipcRenderer, sourceId)
window.history.back = function () {
sendHistoryOperation(ipcRenderer, 'goBack')
window.history.forward = function () {
sendHistoryOperation(ipcRenderer, 'goForward')
window.history.go = function (offset) {
sendHistoryOperation(ipcRenderer, 'goToOffset', +offset)
defineProperty(window.history, 'length', {
get: function () {
return getHistoryOperation(ipcRenderer, 'length')
if (guestInstanceId != null) {
// Webview `document.visibilityState` tracks window visibility (and ignores
// the actual <webview> element visibility) for backwards compatibility.
// See discussion in #9178.
// Note that this results in duplicate visibilitychange events (since
// Chromium also fires them) and potentially incorrect visibility change.
// We should reconsider this decision for Electron 2.0.
let cachedVisibilityState = hiddenPage ? 'hidden' : 'visible'
// Subscribe to visibilityState changes.
ipcRenderer.on('ELECTRON_GUEST_INSTANCE_VISIBILITY_CHANGE', function (event, visibilityState) {
if (cachedVisibilityState !== visibilityState) {
cachedVisibilityState = visibilityState
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('visibilitychange'))
// Make document.hidden and document.visibilityState return the correct value.
defineProperty(document, 'hidden', {
get: function () {
return cachedVisibilityState !== 'visible'
defineProperty(document, 'visibilityState', {
get: function () {
return cachedVisibilityState