Cheng Zhao 4129d45d21 Merge pull request from deepak1556/protocol_interceptor_patch
protocol: wrapping HttpJobFactory with a default protocol handler to intercept
2015-05-20 11:52:52 +08:00

235 lines
9.3 KiB

assert = require 'assert'
ipc = require 'ipc'
path = require 'path'
remote = require 'remote'
protocol = remote.require 'protocol'
describe 'protocol module', ->
describe 'protocol.registerProtocol', ->
it 'throws error when scheme is already registered', (done) ->
register = -> protocol.registerProtocol('test1', ->)
protocol.once 'registered', (event, scheme) ->
assert.equal scheme, 'test1'
assert.throws register, /The scheme is already registered/
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'test1'
it 'calls the callback when scheme is visited', (done) ->
protocol.registerProtocol 'test2', (request) ->
assert.equal request.url, 'test2://test2'
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'test2'
$.get 'test2://test2', ->
describe 'protocol.unregisterProtocol', ->
it 'throws error when scheme does not exist', ->
unregister = -> protocol.unregisterProtocol 'test3'
assert.throws unregister, /The scheme has not been registered/
describe 'registered protocol callback', ->
it 'returns string should send the string as request content', (done) ->
handler = remote.createFunctionWithReturnValue 'valar morghulis'
protocol.registerProtocol 'atom-string', handler
url: 'atom-string://fake-host'
success: (data) ->
assert.equal data, handler()
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'atom-string'
error: (xhr, errorType, error) ->
assert false, 'Got error: ' + errorType + ' ' + error
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'atom-string'
it 'returns RequestStringJob should send string', (done) ->
data = 'valar morghulis'
job = new protocol.RequestStringJob(mimeType: 'text/html', data: data)
handler = remote.createFunctionWithReturnValue job
protocol.registerProtocol 'atom-string-job', handler
url: 'atom-string-job://fake-host'
success: (response) ->
assert.equal response, data
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'atom-string-job'
error: (xhr, errorType, error) ->
assert false, 'Got error: ' + errorType + ' ' + error
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'atom-string-job'
it 'returns RequestErrorJob should send error', (done) ->
data = 'valar morghulis'
job = new protocol.RequestErrorJob(-6)
handler = remote.createFunctionWithReturnValue job
protocol.registerProtocol 'atom-error-job', handler
url: 'atom-error-job://fake-host'
success: (response) ->
assert false, 'should not reach here'
error: (xhr, errorType, error) ->
assert errorType, 'error'
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'atom-error-job'
it 'returns RequestBufferJob should send buffer', (done) ->
data = new Buffer("hello")
job = new protocol.RequestBufferJob(data: data)
handler = remote.createFunctionWithReturnValue job
protocol.registerProtocol 'atom-buffer-job', handler
url: 'atom-buffer-job://fake-host'
success: (response) ->
assert.equal response.length, data.length
buf = new Buffer(response.length)
assert buf.equals(data)
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'atom-buffer-job'
error: (xhr, errorType, error) ->
assert false, 'Got error: ' + errorType + ' ' + error
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'atom-buffer-job'
it 'returns RequestFileJob should send file', (done) ->
job = new protocol.RequestFileJob(__filename)
handler = remote.createFunctionWithReturnValue job
protocol.registerProtocol 'atom-file-job', handler
url: 'atom-file-job://' + __filename
success: (data) ->
content = require('fs').readFileSync __filename
assert.equal data, String(content)
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'atom-file-job'
error: (xhr, errorType, error) ->
assert false, 'Got error: ' + errorType + ' ' + error
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'atom-file-job'
it 'returns RequestFileJob should send file from asar archive', (done) ->
p = path.join __dirname, 'fixtures', 'asar', 'a.asar', 'file1'
job = new protocol.RequestFileJob(p)
handler = remote.createFunctionWithReturnValue job
protocol.registerProtocol 'atom-file-job', handler
url: 'atom-file-job://' + p
success: (data) ->
content = require('fs').readFileSync(p)
assert.equal data, String(content)
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'atom-file-job'
error: (xhr, errorType, error) ->
assert false, 'Got error: ' + errorType + ' ' + error
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'atom-file-job'
it 'returns RequestFileJob should send file from asar archive with unpacked file', (done) ->
p = path.join __dirname, 'fixtures', 'asar', 'unpack.asar', 'a.txt'
job = new protocol.RequestFileJob(p)
handler = remote.createFunctionWithReturnValue job
protocol.registerProtocol 'atom-file-job', handler
url: 'atom-file-job://' + p
success: (response) ->
data = require('fs').readFileSync(p)
assert.equal response.length, data.length
buf = new Buffer(response.length)
assert buf.equals(data)
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'atom-file-job'
error: (xhr, errorType, error) ->
assert false, 'Got error: ' + errorType + ' ' + error
protocol.unregisterProtocol 'atom-file-job'
describe 'protocol.isHandledProtocol', ->
it 'returns true if the scheme can be handled', ->
assert.equal protocol.isHandledProtocol('file'), true
assert.equal protocol.isHandledProtocol('http'), true
assert.equal protocol.isHandledProtocol('https'), true
assert.equal protocol.isHandledProtocol('atom'), false
describe 'protocol.interceptProtocol', ->
it 'throws error when scheme is not a registered one', ->
register = -> protocol.interceptProtocol('test-intercept', ->)
assert.throws register, /Scheme does not exist/
it 'throws error when scheme is a custom protocol', (done) ->
protocol.once 'unregistered', (event, scheme) ->
assert.equal scheme, 'atom'
protocol.once 'registered', (event, scheme) ->
assert.equal scheme, 'atom'
register = -> protocol.interceptProtocol('test-intercept', ->)
assert.throws register, /Scheme does not exist/
protocol.unregisterProtocol scheme
protocol.registerProtocol('atom', ->)
it 'returns original job when callback returns nothing', (done) ->
targetScheme = 'file'
protocol.once 'intercepted', (event, scheme) ->
assert.equal scheme, targetScheme
free = -> protocol.uninterceptProtocol targetScheme
url: "#{targetScheme}://#{__filename}",
success: ->
protocol.once 'unintercepted', (event, scheme) ->
assert.equal scheme, targetScheme
error: (xhr, errorType, error) ->
assert false, 'Got error: ' + errorType + ' ' + error
protocol.interceptProtocol targetScheme, (request) ->
if process.platform is 'win32'
pathInUrl = path.normalize request.url.substr(8)
assert.equal pathInUrl.toLowerCase(), __filename.toLowerCase()
assert.equal request.url, "#{targetScheme}://#{__filename}"
it 'can override original protocol handler', (done) ->
handler = remote.createFunctionWithReturnValue 'valar morghulis'
protocol.once 'intercepted', ->
free = -> protocol.uninterceptProtocol 'file'
url: 'file://fake-host'
success: (data) ->
protocol.once 'unintercepted', ->
assert.equal data, handler()
error: (xhr, errorType, error) ->
assert false, 'Got error: ' + errorType + ' ' + error
protocol.interceptProtocol 'file', handler
it 'can override http protocol handler', (done) ->
handler = remote.createFunctionWithReturnValue 'valar morghulis'
protocol.once 'intercepted', ->
protocol.uninterceptProtocol 'http'
protocol.interceptProtocol 'http', handler
it 'can override https protocol handler', (done) ->
handler = remote.createFunctionWithReturnValue 'valar morghulis'
protocol.once 'intercepted', ->
protocol.uninterceptProtocol 'https'
protocol.interceptProtocol 'https', handler
it 'can override ws protocol handler', (done) ->
handler = remote.createFunctionWithReturnValue 'valar morghulis'
protocol.once 'intercepted', ->
protocol.uninterceptProtocol 'ws'
protocol.interceptProtocol 'ws', handler
it 'can override wss protocol handler', (done) ->
handler = remote.createFunctionWithReturnValue 'valar morghulis'
protocol.once 'intercepted', ->
protocol.uninterceptProtocol 'wss'
protocol.interceptProtocol 'wss', handler