Currently, when calling `copyFileOut`, the original extension from the file is lost, and a generic `*.tmp` is added instead. This becomes problematic in the scenario where we use `child_process.execFile` on a Windows Batch script that lives inside the `asar` package. Windows relies on the extension being present in order to interpret the script accordingly, which results in the following bug because the operating system doesn't know what do to with this `*.tmp` file: ``` Error: spawn UNKNOWN ``` Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a dummy batch script (test.bat): ``` @echo off echo "Hello world" ``` 2. Create an electron app that attemps to call this script with `child_process.execFile`: ```js var child_process = require('child_process'); var path = require('path'); child_process.execFile(path.join(__dirname, 'test.bat'), function(error, stdout) { if (error) throw error; console.log(stdout); }); ``` 3. Package this small application as an asar archive: ```sh > asar pack mytestapp app.asar ``` 4. Execute the application: ```sh > electron.exe app.asar ```
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// Copyright (c) 2014 GitHub, Inc.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "atom/common/asar/archive.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <io.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "atom/common/asar/scoped_temporary_file.h"
#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/pickle.h"
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/values.h"
namespace asar {
namespace {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
const char kSeparators[] = "\\/";
const char kSeparators[] = "/";
bool GetNodeFromPath(std::string path,
const base::DictionaryValue* root,
const base::DictionaryValue** out);
// Gets the "files" from "dir".
bool GetFilesNode(const base::DictionaryValue* root,
const base::DictionaryValue* dir,
const base::DictionaryValue** out) {
// Test for symbol linked directory.
std::string link;
if (dir->GetStringWithoutPathExpansion("link", &link)) {
const base::DictionaryValue* linked_node = NULL;
if (!GetNodeFromPath(link, root, &linked_node))
return false;
dir = linked_node;
return dir->GetDictionaryWithoutPathExpansion("files", out);
// Gets sub-file "name" from "dir".
bool GetChildNode(const base::DictionaryValue* root,
const std::string& name,
const base::DictionaryValue* dir,
const base::DictionaryValue** out) {
if (name == "") {
*out = root;
return true;
const base::DictionaryValue* files = NULL;
return GetFilesNode(root, dir, &files) &&
files->GetDictionaryWithoutPathExpansion(name, out);
// Gets the node of "path" from "root".
bool GetNodeFromPath(std::string path,
const base::DictionaryValue* root,
const base::DictionaryValue** out) {
if (path == "") {
*out = root;
return true;
const base::DictionaryValue* dir = root;
for (size_t delimiter_position = path.find_first_of(kSeparators);
delimiter_position != std::string::npos;
delimiter_position = path.find_first_of(kSeparators)) {
const base::DictionaryValue* child = NULL;
if (!GetChildNode(root, path.substr(0, delimiter_position), dir, &child))
return false;
dir = child;
path.erase(0, delimiter_position + 1);
return GetChildNode(root, path, dir, out);
bool FillFileInfoWithNode(Archive::FileInfo* info,
uint32 header_size,
const base::DictionaryValue* node) {
int size;
if (!node->GetInteger("size", &size))
return false;
info->size = static_cast<uint32>(size);
if (node->GetBoolean("unpacked", &info->unpacked) && info->unpacked)
return true;
std::string offset;
if (!node->GetString("offset", &offset))
return false;
if (!base::StringToUint64(offset, &info->offset))
return false;
info->offset += header_size;
node->GetBoolean("executable", &info->executable);
return true;
} // namespace
Archive::Archive(const base::FilePath& path)
: path_(path),
file_(path_, base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_READ),
#if defined(OS_WIN)
reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(file_.GetPlatformFile()), 0)),
#elif defined(OS_POSIX)
header_size_(0) {
Archive::~Archive() {
bool Archive::Init() {
if (!file_.IsValid())
return false;
std::vector<char> buf;
int len;
len = file_.ReadAtCurrentPos(buf.data(), buf.size());
if (len != static_cast<int>(buf.size())) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read header size from " << path_.value();
return false;
uint32 size;
if (!base::PickleIterator(base::Pickle(buf.data(), buf.size())).ReadUInt32(
&size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse header size from " << path_.value();
return false;
len = file_.ReadAtCurrentPos(buf.data(), buf.size());
if (len != static_cast<int>(buf.size())) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read header from " << path_.value();
return false;
std::string header;
if (!base::PickleIterator(base::Pickle(buf.data(), buf.size())).ReadString(
&header)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse header from " << path_.value();
return false;
std::string error;
base::JSONReader reader;
scoped_ptr<base::Value> value(reader.ReadToValue(header));
if (!value || !value->IsType(base::Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse header: " << error;
return false;
header_size_ = 8 + size;
return true;
bool Archive::GetFileInfo(const base::FilePath& path, FileInfo* info) {
if (!header_)
return false;
const base::DictionaryValue* node;
if (!GetNodeFromPath(path.AsUTF8Unsafe(), header_.get(), &node))
return false;
std::string link;
if (node->GetString("link", &link))
return GetFileInfo(base::FilePath::FromUTF8Unsafe(link), info);
return FillFileInfoWithNode(info, header_size_, node);
bool Archive::Stat(const base::FilePath& path, Stats* stats) {
if (!header_)
return false;
const base::DictionaryValue* node;
if (!GetNodeFromPath(path.AsUTF8Unsafe(), header_.get(), &node))
return false;
if (node->HasKey("link")) {
stats->is_file = false;
stats->is_link = true;
return true;
if (node->HasKey("files")) {
stats->is_file = false;
stats->is_directory = true;
return true;
return FillFileInfoWithNode(stats, header_size_, node);
bool Archive::Readdir(const base::FilePath& path,
std::vector<base::FilePath>* list) {
if (!header_)
return false;
const base::DictionaryValue* node;
if (!GetNodeFromPath(path.AsUTF8Unsafe(), header_.get(), &node))
return false;
const base::DictionaryValue* files;
if (!GetFilesNode(header_.get(), node, &files))
return false;
base::DictionaryValue::Iterator iter(*files);
while (!iter.IsAtEnd()) {
return true;
bool Archive::Realpath(const base::FilePath& path, base::FilePath* realpath) {
if (!header_)
return false;
const base::DictionaryValue* node;
if (!GetNodeFromPath(path.AsUTF8Unsafe(), header_.get(), &node))
return false;
std::string link;
if (node->GetString("link", &link)) {
*realpath = base::FilePath::FromUTF8Unsafe(link);
return true;
*realpath = path;
return true;
bool Archive::CopyFileOut(const base::FilePath& path, base::FilePath* out) {
if (external_files_.contains(path)) {
*out = external_files_.get(path)->path();
return true;
FileInfo info;
if (!GetFileInfo(path, &info))
return false;
if (info.unpacked) {
*out = path_.AddExtension(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("unpacked")).Append(path);
return true;
scoped_ptr<ScopedTemporaryFile> temp_file(new ScopedTemporaryFile);
base::FilePath::StringType ext = path.Extension();
if (!temp_file->InitFromFile(&file_, ext, info.offset, info.size))
return false;
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
if (info.executable) {
// chmod a+x temp_file;
base::SetPosixFilePermissions(temp_file->path(), 0755);
*out = temp_file->path();
external_files_.set(path, temp_file.Pass());
return true;
int Archive::GetFD() const {
return fd_;
} // namespace asar