The app may still do something when quitting, we need to make sure the wrapper function is still there at that time.
117 lines
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117 lines
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EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
Menu = require './menu'
NavigationController = require './navigation-controller'
binding = process.atomBinding 'web_contents'
ipc = require 'ipc'
nextId = 0
getNextId = -> ++nextId
PDFPageSize =
custom_display_name: "A4"
height_microns: 297000
name: "ISO_A4"
is_default: "true"
width_microns: 210000
custom_display_name: "A3"
height_microns: 420000
name: "ISO_A3"
width_microns: 297000
custom_display_name: "Legal"
height_microns: 355600
name: "NA_LEGAL"
width_microns: 215900
custom_display_name: "Letter"
height_microns: 279400
name: "NA_LETTER"
width_microns: 215900
height_microns: 431800
name: "NA_LEDGER"
width_microns: 279400
custom_display_name: "Tabloid"
wrapWebContents = (webContents) ->
# webContents is an EventEmitter.
webContents.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype
# WebContents::send(channel, args..)
webContents.send = (channel, args...) ->
@_send channel, [args...]
# Make sure webContents.executeJavaScript would run the code only when the
# web contents has been loaded.
webContents.executeJavaScript = (code, hasUserGesture=false) ->
if @getUrl() and not @isLoading()
@_executeJavaScript code, hasUserGesture
webContents.once 'did-finish-load', @_executeJavaScript.bind(this, code, hasUserGesture)
# The navigation controller.
controller = new NavigationController(webContents)
for name, method of NavigationController.prototype when method instanceof Function
do (name, method) ->
webContents[name] = -> method.apply controller, arguments
# Dispatch IPC messages to the ipc module.
webContents.on 'ipc-message', (event, packed) ->
[channel, args...] = packed
ipc.emit channel, event, args...
webContents.on 'ipc-message-sync', (event, packed) ->
[channel, args...] = packed
Object.defineProperty event, 'returnValue', set: (value) -> event.sendReply JSON.stringify(value)
ipc.emit channel, event, args...
# Handle context menu action request from pepper plugin.
webContents.on 'pepper-context-menu', (event, params) ->
menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate params.menu
menu.popup params.x, params.y
webContents.printToPDF = (options, callback) ->
printingSetting =
pageRage: []
mediaSize: {}
landscape: false
color: 2
headerFooterEnabled: false
marginsType: 0
isFirstRequest: false
requestID: getNextId()
previewModifiable: true
printToPDF: true
printWithCloudPrint: false
printWithPrivet: false
printWithExtension: false
deviceName: "Save as PDF"
generateDraftData: true
fitToPageEnabled: false
duplex: 0
copies: 1
collate: true
shouldPrintBackgrounds: false
shouldPrintSelectionOnly: false
if options.landscape
printingSetting.landscape = options.landscape
if options.marginsType
printingSetting.marginsType = options.marginsType
if options.printSelectionOnly
printingSetting.shouldPrintSelectionOnly = options.printSelectionOnly
if options.printBackground
printingSetting.shouldPrintBackgrounds = options.printBackground
if options.pageSize and PDFPageSize[options.pageSize]
printingSetting.mediaSize = PDFPageSize[options.pageSize]
printingSetting.mediaSize = PDFPageSize['A4']
@_printToPDF printingSetting, callback
binding._setWrapWebContents wrapWebContents
module.exports.create = (options={}) ->