* refactor: prevent consistent early exception * Use _linkedBinding where possible * Remove dead electronBinding
360 lines
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360 lines
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'use strict';
const electron = require('electron');
const { BrowserWindow } = electron;
const { isSameOrigin } = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_v8_util');
const { ipcMainInternal } = require('@electron/internal/browser/ipc-main-internal');
const ipcMainUtils = require('@electron/internal/browser/ipc-main-internal-utils');
const { parseFeatures } = require('@electron/internal/common/parse-features-string');
const hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
const frameToGuest = new Map();
// Security options that child windows will always inherit from parent windows
const inheritedWebPreferences = new Map([
['contextIsolation', true],
['javascript', false],
['nativeWindowOpen', true],
['nodeIntegration', false],
['enableRemoteModule', false],
['sandbox', true],
['webviewTag', false],
['nodeIntegrationInSubFrames', false],
['enableWebSQL', false]
// Copy attribute of |parent| to |child| if it is not defined in |child|.
const mergeOptions = function (child, parent, visited) {
// Check for circular reference.
if (visited == null) visited = new Set();
if (visited.has(parent)) return;
for (const key in parent) {
if (key === 'type') continue;
if (!hasProp.call(parent, key)) continue;
if (key in child && key !== 'webPreferences') continue;
const value = parent[key];
if (typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) {
child[key] = mergeOptions(child[key] || {}, value, visited);
} else {
child[key] = value;
return child;
// Merge |options| with the |embedder|'s window's options.
const mergeBrowserWindowOptions = function (embedder, options) {
if (options.webPreferences == null) {
options.webPreferences = {};
if (embedder.browserWindowOptions != null) {
let parentOptions = embedder.browserWindowOptions;
// if parent's visibility is available, that overrides 'show' flag (#12125)
const win = BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(embedder.webContents);
if (win != null) {
parentOptions = {
show: win.isVisible()
// Inherit the original options if it is a BrowserWindow.
mergeOptions(options, parentOptions);
} else {
// Or only inherit webPreferences if it is a webview.
mergeOptions(options.webPreferences, embedder.getLastWebPreferences());
// Inherit certain option values from parent window
const webPreferences = embedder.getLastWebPreferences();
for (const [name, value] of inheritedWebPreferences) {
if (webPreferences[name] === value) {
options.webPreferences[name] = value;
if (!webPreferences.nativeWindowOpen) {
// Sets correct openerId here to give correct options to 'new-window' event handler
options.webPreferences.openerId = embedder.id;
return options;
const MULTIPART_CONTENT_TYPE = 'multipart/form-data';
const URL_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
function makeContentTypeHeader ({ contentType, boundary }) {
const header = `content-type: ${contentType};`;
if (contentType === MULTIPART_CONTENT_TYPE) {
return `${header} boundary=${boundary}`;
return header;
// Figure out appropriate headers for post data.
const parseContentTypeFormat = function (postData) {
if (postData.length) {
// For multipart forms, the first element will start with the boundary
// notice, which looks something like `------WebKitFormBoundary12345678`
// Note, this regex would fail when submitting a urlencoded form with an
// input attribute of name="--theKey", but, uhh, don't do that?
const postDataFront = postData[0].bytes.toString();
const boundary = /^--.*[^-\r\n]/.exec(postDataFront);
if (boundary) {
return {
boundary: boundary[0].substr(2),
// Either the form submission didn't contain any inputs (the postData array
// was empty), or we couldn't find the boundary and thus we can assume this is
// a key=value style form.
return {
// Setup a new guest with |embedder|
const setupGuest = function (embedder, frameName, guest, options) {
// When |embedder| is destroyed we should also destroy attached guest, and if
// guest is closed by user then we should prevent |embedder| from double
// closing guest.
const guestId = guest.webContents.id;
const closedByEmbedder = function () {
guest.removeListener('closed', closedByUser);
const closedByUser = function () {
embedder._sendInternal('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_CLOSED_' + guestId);
embedder.removeListener('current-render-view-deleted', closedByEmbedder);
embedder.once('current-render-view-deleted', closedByEmbedder);
guest.once('closed', closedByUser);
if (frameName) {
frameToGuest.set(frameName, guest);
guest.frameName = frameName;
guest.once('closed', function () {
return guestId;
// Create a new guest created by |embedder| with |options|.
const createGuest = function (embedder, url, referrer, frameName, options, postData) {
let guest = frameToGuest.get(frameName);
if (frameName && (guest != null)) {
return guest.webContents.id;
// Remember the embedder window's id.
if (options.webPreferences == null) {
options.webPreferences = {};
guest = new BrowserWindow(options);
if (!options.webContents) {
// We should not call `loadURL` if the window was constructed from an
// existing webContents (window.open in a sandboxed renderer).
// Navigating to the url when creating the window from an existing
// webContents is not necessary (it will navigate there anyway).
const loadOptions = {
httpReferrer: referrer
if (postData != null) {
loadOptions.postData = postData;
loadOptions.extraHeaders = makeContentTypeHeader(parseContentTypeFormat(postData));
guest.loadURL(url, loadOptions);
return setupGuest(embedder, frameName, guest, options);
const getGuestWindow = function (guestContents) {
let guestWindow = BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(guestContents);
if (guestWindow == null) {
const hostContents = guestContents.hostWebContents;
if (hostContents != null) {
guestWindow = BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(hostContents);
if (!guestWindow) {
throw new Error('getGuestWindow failed');
return guestWindow;
const isChildWindow = function (sender, target) {
return target.getLastWebPreferences().openerId === sender.id;
const isRelatedWindow = function (sender, target) {
return isChildWindow(sender, target) || isChildWindow(target, sender);
const isScriptableWindow = function (sender, target) {
return isRelatedWindow(sender, target) && isSameOrigin(sender.getURL(), target.getURL());
const isNodeIntegrationEnabled = function (sender) {
return sender.getLastWebPreferences().nodeIntegration === true;
// Checks whether |sender| can access the |target|:
const canAccessWindow = function (sender, target) {
return isChildWindow(sender, target) ||
isScriptableWindow(sender, target) ||
// Routed window.open messages with raw options
ipcMainInternal.on('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_OPEN', (event, url, frameName, features) => {
// This should only be allowed for senders that have nativeWindowOpen: false
const lastWebPreferences = event.sender.getLastWebPreferences();
if (lastWebPreferences.nativeWindowOpen || lastWebPreferences.sandbox) {
event.returnValue = null;
throw new Error('GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_OPEN denied: expected native window.open');
if (url == null || url === '') url = 'about:blank';
if (frameName == null) frameName = '';
if (features == null) features = '';
const disposition = 'new-window';
const { options, webPreferences, additionalFeatures } = parseFeatures(features);
if (!options.title) options.title = frameName;
options.webPreferences = webPreferences;
const referrer = { url: '', policy: 'default' };
internalWindowOpen(event, url, referrer, frameName, disposition, options, additionalFeatures, null);
// Routed window.open messages with fully parsed options
function internalWindowOpen (event, url, referrer, frameName, disposition, options, additionalFeatures, postData) {
options = mergeBrowserWindowOptions(event.sender, options);
const postBody = postData ? {
data: postData,
} : null;
event.sender.emit('new-window', event, url, frameName, disposition, options, additionalFeatures, referrer, postBody);
const { newGuest } = event;
if ((event.sender.getType() === 'webview' && event.sender.getLastWebPreferences().disablePopups) || event.defaultPrevented) {
if (newGuest != null) {
if (options.webContents === newGuest.webContents) {
// the webContents is not changed, so set defaultPrevented to false to
// stop the callers of this event from destroying the webContents.
event.defaultPrevented = false;
event.returnValue = setupGuest(event.sender, frameName, newGuest, options);
} else {
event.returnValue = null;
} else {
event.returnValue = createGuest(event.sender, url, referrer, frameName, options, postData);
const makeSafeHandler = function (handler) {
return (event, guestId, ...args) => {
// Access webContents via electron to prevent circular require.
const guestContents = electron.webContents.fromId(guestId);
if (!guestContents) {
throw new Error(`Invalid guestId: ${guestId}`);
return handler(event, guestContents, ...args);
const handleMessage = function (channel, handler) {
ipcMainInternal.handle(channel, makeSafeHandler(handler));
const handleMessageSync = function (channel, handler) {
ipcMainUtils.handleSync(channel, makeSafeHandler(handler));
const securityCheck = function (contents, guestContents, check) {
if (!check(contents, guestContents)) {
console.error(`Blocked ${contents.getURL()} from accessing guestId: ${guestContents.id}`);
throw new Error(`Access denied to guestId: ${guestContents.id}`);
const windowMethods = new Set([
handleMessage('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_METHOD', (event, guestContents, method, ...args) => {
securityCheck(event.sender, guestContents, canAccessWindow);
if (!windowMethods.has(method)) {
console.error(`Blocked ${event.sender.getURL()} from calling method: ${method}`);
throw new Error(`Invalid method: ${method}`);
return getGuestWindow(guestContents)[method](...args);
handleMessage('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_POSTMESSAGE', (event, guestContents, message, targetOrigin, sourceOrigin) => {
if (targetOrigin == null) {
targetOrigin = '*';
// The W3C does not seem to have word on how postMessage should work when the
// origins do not match, so we do not do |canAccessWindow| check here since
// postMessage across origins is useful and not harmful.
securityCheck(event.sender, guestContents, isRelatedWindow);
if (targetOrigin === '*' || isSameOrigin(guestContents.getURL(), targetOrigin)) {
const sourceId = event.sender.id;
guestContents._sendInternal('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_POSTMESSAGE', sourceId, message, sourceOrigin);
const webContentsMethodsAsync = new Set([
handleMessage('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WEB_CONTENTS_METHOD', (event, guestContents, method, ...args) => {
securityCheck(event.sender, guestContents, canAccessWindow);
if (!webContentsMethodsAsync.has(method)) {
console.error(`Blocked ${event.sender.getURL()} from calling method: ${method}`);
throw new Error(`Invalid method: ${method}`);
return guestContents[method](...args);
const webContentsMethodsSync = new Set([
handleMessageSync('ELECTRON_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WEB_CONTENTS_METHOD', (event, guestContents, method, ...args) => {
securityCheck(event.sender, guestContents, canAccessWindow);
if (!webContentsMethodsSync.has(method)) {
console.error(`Blocked ${event.sender.getURL()} from calling method: ${method}`);
throw new Error(`Invalid method: ${method}`);
return guestContents[method](...args);
exports.internalWindowOpen = internalWindowOpen;