Samuel Attard 27c38bdead
build: add import/order eslint rule ()
build: add import/order eslint rule ()

* build: add import/order eslint rule

* chore: run lint:js --fix
2024-10-02 21:36:15 -07:00

300 lines
8.7 KiB

import * as electron from 'electron/main';
import * as fs from 'node:fs';
import { Module } from 'node:module';
import * as path from 'node:path';
import * as url from 'node:url';
const { app, dialog } = electron;
type DefaultAppOptions = {
file: null | string;
noHelp: boolean;
version: boolean;
webdriver: boolean;
interactive: boolean;
abi: boolean;
modules: string[];
// Parse command line options.
const argv = process.argv.slice(1);
const option: DefaultAppOptions = {
file: null,
noHelp: Boolean(process.env.ELECTRON_NO_HELP),
version: false,
webdriver: false,
interactive: false,
abi: false,
modules: []
let nextArgIsRequire = false;
for (const arg of argv) {
if (nextArgIsRequire) {
nextArgIsRequire = false;
} else if (arg === '--version' || arg === '-v') {
option.version = true;
} else if (arg.match(/^--app=/)) {
option.file = arg.split('=')[1];
} else if (arg === '--interactive' || arg === '-i' || arg === '-repl') {
option.interactive = true;
} else if (arg === '--test-type=webdriver') {
option.webdriver = true;
} else if (arg === '--require' || arg === '-r') {
nextArgIsRequire = true;
} else if (arg === '--abi' || arg === '-a') {
option.abi = true;
} else if (arg === '--no-help') {
option.noHelp = true;
} else if (arg[0] === '-') {
} else {
option.file = arg;
if (nextArgIsRequire) {
console.error('Invalid Usage: --require [file]\n\n"file" is required');
// Set up preload modules
if (option.modules.length > 0) {
(Module as any)._preloadModules(option.modules);
async function loadApplicationPackage (packagePath: string) {
// Add a flag indicating app is started from default app.
Object.defineProperty(process, 'defaultApp', {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
value: true
try {
// Override app's package.json data.
packagePath = path.resolve(packagePath);
const packageJsonPath = path.join(packagePath, 'package.json');
let appPath;
if (fs.existsSync(packageJsonPath)) {
let packageJson;
const emitWarning = process.emitWarning;
try {
process.emitWarning = () => {};
packageJson = (await import(url.pathToFileURL(packageJsonPath).toString(), {
assert: {
type: 'json'
} catch (e) {
showErrorMessage(`Unable to parse ${packageJsonPath}\n\n${(e as Error).message}`);
} finally {
process.emitWarning = emitWarning;
if (packageJson.version) {
if (packageJson.productName) {
app.name = packageJson.productName;
} else if (packageJson.name) {
app.name = packageJson.name;
if (packageJson.desktopName) {
} else {
// Set v8 flags, deliberately lazy load so that apps that do not use this
// feature do not pay the price
if (packageJson.v8Flags) {
(await import('node:v8')).setFlagsFromString(packageJson.v8Flags);
appPath = packagePath;
let filePath: string;
try {
filePath = (Module as any)._resolveFilename(packagePath, null, true);
app.setAppPath(appPath || path.dirname(filePath));
} catch (e) {
showErrorMessage(`Unable to find Electron app at ${packagePath}\n\n${(e as Error).message}`);
// Run the app.
await import(url.pathToFileURL(filePath).toString());
} catch (e) {
console.error('App threw an error during load');
console.error((e as Error).stack || e);
throw e;
function showErrorMessage (message: string) {
dialog.showErrorBox('Error launching app', message);
async function loadApplicationByURL (appUrl: string) {
const { loadURL } = await import('./default_app.js');
async function loadApplicationByFile (appPath: string) {
const { loadFile } = await import('./default_app.js');
async function startRepl () {
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
console.error('Electron REPL not currently supported on Windows');
// Prevent quitting.
app.on('window-all-closed', () => {});
const GREEN = '32';
const colorize = (color: string, s: string) => `\x1b[${color}m${s}\x1b[0m`;
const electronVersion = colorize(GREEN, `v${process.versions.electron}`);
const nodeVersion = colorize(GREEN, `v${process.versions.node}`);
Welcome to the Electron.js REPL \\[._.]/
You can access all Electron.js modules here as well as Node.js modules.
Using: Node.js ${nodeVersion} and Electron.js ${electronVersion}
const { start } = await import('node:repl');
const repl = start({
prompt: '> '
}).on('exit', () => {
function defineBuiltin (context: any, name: string, getter: Function) {
const setReal = (val: any) => {
// Deleting the property before re-assigning it disables the
// getter/setter mechanism.
delete context[name];
context[name] = val;
Object.defineProperty(context, name, {
get: () => {
const lib = getter();
delete context[name];
Object.defineProperty(context, name, {
get: () => lib,
set: setReal,
configurable: true,
enumerable: false
return lib;
set: setReal,
configurable: true,
enumerable: false
defineBuiltin(repl.context, 'electron', () => electron);
for (const api of Object.keys(electron) as (keyof typeof electron)[]) {
defineBuiltin(repl.context, api, () => electron[api]);
// Copied from node/lib/repl.js. For better DX, we don't want to
// show e.g 'contentTracing' at a higher priority than 'const', so
// we only trigger custom tab-completion when no common words are
// potentially matches.
const commonWords = [
'async', 'await', 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'const', 'continue',
'debugger', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'else', 'export', 'false',
'finally', 'for', 'function', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'instanceof', 'let',
'new', 'null', 'return', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'true', 'try',
'typeof', 'var', 'void', 'while', 'with', 'yield'
const electronBuiltins = [...Object.keys(electron), 'original-fs', 'electron'];
const defaultComplete: Function = repl.completer;
(repl as any).completer = (line: string, callback: Function) => {
const lastSpace = line.lastIndexOf(' ');
const currentSymbol = line.substring(lastSpace + 1, repl.cursor);
const filterFn = (c: string) => c.startsWith(currentSymbol);
const ignores = commonWords.filter(filterFn);
const hits = electronBuiltins.filter(filterFn);
if (!ignores.length && hits.length) {
callback(null, [hits, currentSymbol]);
} else {
defaultComplete.apply(repl, [line, callback]);
// Start the specified app if there is one specified in command line, otherwise
// start the default app.
if (option.file && !option.webdriver) {
const file = option.file;
// eslint-disable-next-line n/no-deprecated-api
const protocol = url.parse(file).protocol;
const extension = path.extname(file);
if (protocol === 'http:' || protocol === 'https:' || protocol === 'file:' || protocol === 'chrome:') {
await loadApplicationByURL(file);
} else if (extension === '.html' || extension === '.htm') {
await loadApplicationByFile(path.resolve(file));
} else {
await loadApplicationPackage(file);
} else if (option.version) {
console.log('v' + process.versions.electron);
} else if (option.abi) {
} else if (option.interactive) {
await startRepl();
} else {
if (!option.noHelp) {
const welcomeMessage = `
Electron ${process.versions.electron} - Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
Usage: electron [options] [path]
A path to an Electron app may be specified. It must be one of the following:
- index.js file.
- Folder containing a package.json file.
- Folder containing an index.js file.
- .html/.htm file.
- http://, https://, or file:// URL.
-i, --interactive Open a REPL to the main process.
-r, --require Module to preload (option can be repeated).
-v, --version Print the version.
-a, --abi Print the Node ABI version.`;
await loadApplicationByFile('index.html');