693 lines
21 KiB
693 lines
21 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env node
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
const { GitProcess } = require('dugite');
const octokit = require('@octokit/rest')({
auth: process.env.ELECTRON_GITHUB_TOKEN
const semver = require('semver');
const { ELECTRON_VERSION, SRC_DIR } = require('../../lib/utils');
const MAX_FAIL_COUNT = 3;
const CHECK_INTERVAL = 5000;
const CACHE_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '.cache');
const NO_NOTES = 'No notes';
const FOLLOW_REPOS = ['electron/electron', 'electron/node'];
const breakTypes = new Set(['breaking-change']);
const docTypes = new Set(['doc', 'docs']);
const featTypes = new Set(['feat', 'feature']);
const fixTypes = new Set(['fix']);
const otherTypes = new Set(['spec', 'build', 'test', 'chore', 'deps', 'refactor', 'tools', 'vendor', 'perf', 'style', 'ci']);
const knownTypes = new Set([...breakTypes.keys(), ...docTypes.keys(), ...featTypes.keys(), ...fixTypes.keys(), ...otherTypes.keys()]);
const runGit = async (dir, args) => {
const response = await GitProcess.exec(args, dir);
if (response.exitCode !== 0) {
throw new Error(response.stderr.trim());
return response.stdout.trim();
const getCommonAncestor = async (dir, point1, point2) => {
return runGit(dir, ['merge-base', point1, point2]);
const setPullRequest = (commit, owner, repo, number) => {
if (!owner || !repo || !number) {
throw new Error(JSON.stringify({ owner, repo, number }, null, 2));
if (!commit.originalPr) {
commit.originalPr = commit.pr;
commit.pr = { owner, repo, number };
if (!commit.originalPr) {
commit.originalPr = commit.pr;
const getNoteFromClerk = async (number, owner, repo) => {
const comments = await getComments(number, owner, repo);
if (!comments || !comments.data) return;
const CLERK_LOGIN = 'release-clerk[bot]';
const CLERK_NO_NOTES = '**No Release Notes**';
const PERSIST_LEAD = '**Release Notes Persisted**\n\n';
const QUOTE_LEAD = '> ';
for (const comment of comments.data.reverse()) {
if (comment.user.login !== CLERK_LOGIN) {
if (comment.body === CLERK_NO_NOTES) {
return NO_NOTES;
if (comment.body.startsWith(PERSIST_LEAD)) {
return comment.body
.slice(PERSIST_LEAD.length).trim() // remove PERSIST_LEAD
.split('\r?\n') // break into lines
.map(line => line.trim())
.filter(line => line.startsWith(QUOTE_LEAD)) // notes are quoted
.map(line => line.slice(QUOTE_LEAD.length)) // unquote the lines
.join(' ') // join the note lines
// copied from https://github.com/electron/clerk/blob/master/src/index.ts#L4-L13
'no notes',
const getNoteFromBody = body => {
if (!body) {
return null;
const NOTE_PREFIX = 'Notes: ';
const NOTE_HEADER = '#### Release Notes';
let note = body
.split(/\r?\n\r?\n/) // split into paragraphs
.map(paragraph => paragraph.trim())
.map(paragraph => paragraph.startsWith(NOTE_HEADER) ? paragraph.slice(NOTE_HEADER.length).trim() : paragraph)
.find(paragraph => paragraph.startsWith(NOTE_PREFIX));
if (note) {
note = note
.replace(/<!--.*-->/, '') // '<!-- change summary here-->'
.replace(/\r?\n/, ' ') // remove newlines
if (note && OMIT_FROM_RELEASE_NOTES_KEYS.includes(note.toLowerCase())) {
return NO_NOTES;
return note;
* Looks for our project's conventions in the commit message:
* 'semantic: some description' -- sets type, subject
* 'some description (#99999)' -- sets subject, pr
* 'Fixes #3333' -- sets issueNumber
* 'Merge pull request #99999 from ${branchname}' -- sets pr
* 'This reverts commit ${sha}' -- sets revertHash
* line starting with 'BREAKING CHANGE' in body -- sets breakingChange
* 'Backport of #99999' -- sets pr
const parseCommitMessage = (commitMessage, owner, repo, commit = {}) => {
// split commitMessage into subject & body
let subject = commitMessage;
let body = '';
const pos = subject.indexOf('\n');
if (pos !== -1) {
body = subject.slice(pos).trim();
subject = subject.slice(0, pos).trim();
if (!commit.originalSubject) {
commit.originalSubject = subject;
if (body) {
commit.body = body;
const note = getNoteFromBody(body);
if (note) { commit.note = note; }
// if the subject ends in ' (#dddd)', treat it as a pull request id
let match;
if ((match = subject.match(/^(.*)\s\(#(\d+)\)$/))) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, parseInt(match[2]));
subject = match[1];
// if the subject begins with 'word:', treat it as a semantic commit
if ((match = subject.match(/^(\w+):\s(.*)$/))) {
const type = match[1].toLocaleLowerCase();
if (knownTypes.has(type)) {
commit.type = type;
subject = match[2];
// Check for GitHub commit message that indicates a PR
if ((match = subject.match(/^Merge pull request #(\d+) from (.*)$/))) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, parseInt(match[1]));
commit.pr.branch = match[2].trim();
// Check for a trop comment that indicates a PR
if ((match = commitMessage.match(/\bBackport of #(\d+)\b/))) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, parseInt(match[1]));
// https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-using-keywords/
if ((match = subject.match(/\b(?:close|closes|closed|fix|fixes|fixed|resolve|resolves|resolved|for)\s#(\d+)\b/))) {
commit.issueNumber = parseInt(match[1]);
if (!commit.type) {
commit.type = 'fix';
// look for 'fixes' in markdown; e.g. 'Fixes [#8952](https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/8952)'
if (!commit.issueNumber && ((match = commitMessage.match(/Fixes \[#(\d+)\]\(https:\/\/github.com\/(\w+)\/(\w+)\/issues\/(\d+)\)/)))) {
commit.issueNumber = parseInt(match[1]);
if (commit.pr && commit.pr.number === commit.issueNumber) {
commit.pr = null;
if (commit.originalPr && commit.originalPr.number === commit.issueNumber) {
commit.originalPr = null;
if (!commit.type) {
commit.type = 'fix';
// https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en
if (commitMessage
.split(/\r?\n/) // split into lines
.map(line => line.trim())
.some(line => line.startsWith('BREAKING CHANGE'))) {
commit.type = 'breaking-change';
// Check for a reversion commit
if ((match = body.match(/This reverts commit ([a-f0-9]{40})\./))) {
commit.revertHash = match[1];
// Edge case: manual backport where commit has `owner/repo#pull` notation
if (commitMessage.toLowerCase().includes('backport') &&
((match = commitMessage.match(/\b(\w+)\/(\w+)#(\d+)\b/)))) {
const [, owner, repo, number] = match;
if (FOLLOW_REPOS.includes(`${owner}/${repo}`)) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, number);
// Edge case: manual backport where commit has a link to the backport PR
if (commitMessage.includes('ackport') &&
((match = commitMessage.match(/https:\/\/github\.com\/(\w+)\/(\w+)\/pull\/(\d+)/)))) {
const [, owner, repo, number] = match;
if (FOLLOW_REPOS.includes(`${owner}/${repo}`)) {
setPullRequest(commit, owner, repo, number);
// Legacy commits: pre-semantic commits
if (!commit.type || commit.type === 'chore') {
const commitMessageLC = commitMessage.toLocaleLowerCase();
if ((match = commitMessageLC.match(/\bchore\((\w+)\):/))) {
// example: 'Chore(docs): description'
commit.type = knownTypes.has(match[1]) ? match[1] : 'chore';
} else if (commitMessageLC.match(/\b(?:fix|fixes|fixed)/)) {
// example: 'fix a bug'
commit.type = 'fix';
} else if (commitMessageLC.match(/\[(?:docs|doc)\]/)) {
// example: '[docs]
commit.type = 'doc';
commit.subject = subject.trim();
return commit;
const getLocalCommitHashes = async (dir, ref) => {
const args = ['log', '-z', '--format=%H', ref];
return (await runGit(dir, args)).split('\0').map(hash => hash.trim());
* possible properties:
* breakingChange, email, hash, issueNumber, originalSubject, parentHashes,
* pr { owner, repo, number, branch }, revertHash, subject, type
const getLocalCommitDetails = async (module, point1, point2) => {
const { owner, repo, dir } = module;
const fieldSep = '||';
const format = ['%H', '%P', '%aE', '%B'].join(fieldSep);
const args = ['log', '-z', '--cherry-pick', '--right-only', '--first-parent', `--format=${format}`, `${point1}..${point2}`];
const commits = (await runGit(dir, args)).split('\0').map(field => field.trim());
const details = [];
for (const commit of commits) {
if (!commit) {
const [hash, parentHashes, email, commitMessage] = commit.split(fieldSep, 4).map(field => field.trim());
details.push(parseCommitMessage(commitMessage, owner, repo, {
parentHashes: parentHashes.split()
return details;
const checkCache = async (name, operation) => {
const filename = path.resolve(CACHE_DIR, name);
if (fs.existsSync(filename)) {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'));
const response = await operation();
if (response) {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, JSON.stringify(response));
return response;
// helper function to add some resiliency to volatile GH api endpoints
async function runRetryable (fn, maxRetries) {
let lastError;
for (let i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++) {
try {
return await fn();
} catch (error) {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, CHECK_INTERVAL));
lastError = error;
// Silently eat 404s.
if (lastError.status !== 404) throw lastError;
const getPullRequest = async (number, owner, repo) => {
const name = `${owner}-${repo}-pull-${number}`;
const retryableFunc = () => octokit.pulls.get({ pull_number: number, owner, repo });
return checkCache(name, () => runRetryable(retryableFunc, MAX_FAIL_COUNT));
const getComments = async (number, owner, repo) => {
const name = `${owner}-${repo}-issue-${number}-comments`;
const retryableFunc = () => octokit.issues.listComments({ issue_number: number, owner, repo, per_page: 100 });
return checkCache(name, () => runRetryable(retryableFunc, MAX_FAIL_COUNT));
const addRepoToPool = async (pool, repo, from, to) => {
const commonAncestor = await getCommonAncestor(repo.dir, from, to);
const oldHashes = await getLocalCommitHashes(repo.dir, from);
oldHashes.forEach(hash => { pool.processedHashes.add(hash); });
const commits = await getLocalCommitDetails(repo, commonAncestor, to);
**** Other Repos
// other repos - gn
const getDepsVariable = async (ref, key) => {
// get a copy of that reference point's DEPS file
const deps = await runGit(ELECTRON_VERSION, ['show', `${ref}:DEPS`]);
const filename = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), 'DEPS');
fs.writeFileSync(filename, deps);
// query the DEPS file
const response = childProcess.spawnSync(
['getdep', '--deps-file', filename, '--var', key],
{ encoding: 'utf8' }
// cleanup
return response.stdout.trim();
const getDependencyCommitsGN = async (pool, fromRef, toRef) => {
const repos = [{ // just node
owner: 'electron',
repo: 'node',
dir: path.resolve(SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'electron_node'),
deps_variable_name: 'node_version'
for (const repo of repos) {
// the 'DEPS' file holds the dependency reference point
const key = repo.deps_variable_name;
const from = await getDepsVariable(fromRef, key);
const to = await getDepsVariable(toRef, key);
await addRepoToPool(pool, repo, from, to);
// Changes are interesting if they make a change relative to a previous
// release in the same series. For example if you fix a Y.0.0 bug, that
// should be included in the Y.0.1 notes even if it's also tropped back
// to X.0.1.
// The phrase 'previous release' is important: if this is the first
// prerelease or first stable release in a series, we omit previous
// branches' changes. Otherwise we will have an overwhelmingly long
// list of mostly-irrelevant changes.
const shouldIncludeMultibranchChanges = (version) => {
let show = true;
if (semver.valid(version)) {
const prerelease = semver.prerelease(version);
show = prerelease
? parseInt(prerelease.pop()) > 1
: semver.patch(version) > 0;
return show;
**** Main
const getNotes = async (fromRef, toRef, newVersion) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(CACHE_DIR)) {
const pool = {
processedHashes: new Set(),
commits: []
// get the electron/electron commits
const electron = { owner: 'electron', repo: 'electron', dir: ELECTRON_VERSION };
await addRepoToPool(pool, electron, fromRef, toRef);
// Don't include submodules if comparing across major versions;
// there's just too much churn otherwise.
const includeDeps = semver.valid(fromRef) &&
semver.valid(toRef) &&
semver.major(fromRef) === semver.major(toRef);
if (includeDeps) {
await getDependencyCommitsGN(pool, fromRef, toRef);
// remove any old commits
pool.commits = pool.commits.filter(commit => !pool.processedHashes.has(commit.hash));
// if a commmit _and_ revert occurred in the unprocessed set, skip them both
for (const commit of pool.commits) {
const revertHash = commit.revertHash;
if (!revertHash) {
const revert = pool.commits.find(commit => commit.hash === revertHash);
if (!revert) {
commit.note = NO_NOTES;
revert.note = NO_NOTES;
// scrape PRs for release note 'Notes:' comments
for (const commit of pool.commits) {
let pr = commit.pr;
let prSubject;
while (pr && !commit.note) {
const note = await getNoteFromClerk(pr.number, pr.owner, pr.repo);
if (note) {
commit.note = note;
// if we already have all the data we need, stop scraping the PRs
if (commit.note && commit.type && prSubject) {
const prData = await getPullRequest(pr.number, pr.owner, pr.repo);
if (!prData || !prData.data) {
// try to pull a release note from the pull comment
const prParsed = parseCommitMessage(`${prData.data.title}\n\n${prData.data.body}`, pr.owner, pr.repo);
if (!commit.note) {
commit.note = prParsed.note;
if (!commit.type || prParsed.type === 'breaking-change') {
commit.type = prParsed.type;
prSubject = prSubject || prParsed.subject;
pr = prParsed.pr && (prParsed.pr.number !== pr.number) ? prParsed.pr : null;
// if we still don't have a note, it's because someone missed a 'Notes:
// comment in a PR somewhere... use the PR subject as a fallback.
commit.note = commit.note || prSubject;
// remove non-user-facing commits
pool.commits = pool.commits
.filter(commit => commit.note !== NO_NOTES)
.filter(commit => !((commit.note || commit.subject).match(/^[Bb]ump v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)));
if (!shouldIncludeMultibranchChanges(newVersion)) {
// load all the prDatas
await Promise.all(
pool.commits.map(commit => (async () => {
const { pr } = commit;
if (typeof pr === 'object') {
const prData = await getPullRequest(pr.number, pr.owner, pr.repo);
if (prData) {
commit.prData = prData;
// remove items that already landed in a previous major/minor series
pool.commits = pool.commits
.filter(commit => {
if (!commit.prData) {
return true;
const reducer = (accumulator, current) => {
if (!semver.valid(accumulator)) { return current; }
if (!semver.valid(current)) { return accumulator; }
return semver.lt(accumulator, current) ? accumulator : current;
const earliestRelease = commit.prData.data.labels
.map(label => label.name.match(/merged\/(\d+)-(\d+)-x/))
.filter(label => !!label)
.map(label => `${label[1]}.${label[2]}.0`)
.reduce(reducer, null);
if (!semver.valid(earliestRelease)) {
return true;
return semver.diff(earliestRelease, newVersion).includes('patch');
pool.commits = removeSupercededChromiumUpdates(pool.commits);
const notes = {
breaking: [],
docs: [],
feat: [],
fix: [],
other: [],
unknown: [],
name: newVersion
pool.commits.forEach(commit => {
const str = commit.type;
if (!str) {
} else if (breakTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (docTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (featTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (fixTypes.has(str)) {
} else if (otherTypes.has(str)) {
} else {
return notes;
const removeSupercededChromiumUpdates = (commits) => {
const chromiumRegex = /^Updated Chromium to \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/;
const updates = commits.filter(commit => (commit.note || commit.subject).match(chromiumRegex));
const keepers = commits.filter(commit => !updates.includes(commit));
// keep the newest update.
if (updates.length) {
updates.sort((a, b) => a.originalPr.number - b.originalPr.number);
return keepers;
**** Render
const renderLink = (commit, explicitLinks) => {
let link;
const pr = commit.originalPr;
if (pr) {
const { owner, repo, number } = pr;
const url = `https://github.com/${owner}/${repo}/pull/${number}`;
const text = owner === 'electron' && repo === 'electron'
? `#${number}`
: `${owner}/${repo}#${number}`;
link = explicitLinks ? `[${text}](${url})` : text;
} else {
const { owner, repo, hash } = commit;
const url = `https://github.com/${owner}/${repo}/commit/${hash}`;
const text = owner === 'electron' && repo === 'electron'
? `${hash.slice(0, 8)}`
: `${owner}/${repo}@${hash.slice(0, 8)}`;
link = explicitLinks ? `[${text}](${url})` : text;
return link;
const renderCommit = (commit, explicitLinks) => {
// clean up the note
let note = commit.note || commit.subject;
note = note.trim();
if (note.length !== 0) {
note = note[0].toUpperCase() + note.substr(1);
if (!note.endsWith('.')) {
note = note + '.';
const commonVerbs = {
Added: ['Add'],
Backported: ['Backport'],
Cleaned: ['Clean'],
Disabled: ['Disable'],
Ensured: ['Ensure'],
Exported: ['Export'],
Fixed: ['Fix', 'Fixes'],
Handled: ['Handle'],
Improved: ['Improve'],
Made: ['Make'],
Removed: ['Remove'],
Repaired: ['Repair'],
Reverted: ['Revert'],
Stopped: ['Stop'],
Updated: ['Update'],
Upgraded: ['Upgrade']
for (const [key, values] of Object.entries(commonVerbs)) {
for (const value of values) {
const start = `${value} `;
if (note.startsWith(start)) {
note = `${key} ${note.slice(start.length)}`;
const link = renderLink(commit, explicitLinks);
return { note, link };
const renderNotes = (notes, explicitLinks) => {
const rendered = [`# Release Notes for ${notes.name}\n\n`];
const renderSection = (title, commits) => {
if (commits.length === 0) {
const notes = new Map();
for (const note of commits.map(commit => renderCommit(commit, explicitLinks))) {
if (!notes.has(note.note)) {
notes.set(note.note, [note.link]);
} else {
rendered.push(`## ${title}\n\n`);
const lines = [];
notes.forEach((links, key) => lines.push(` * ${key} ${links.map(link => link.toString()).sort().join(', ')}\n`));
rendered.push(...lines.sort(), '\n');
renderSection('Breaking Changes', notes.breaking);
renderSection('Features', notes.feat);
renderSection('Fixes', notes.fix);
renderSection('Other Changes', notes.other);
if (notes.docs.length) {
const docs = notes.docs.map(commit => renderLink(commit, explicitLinks)).sort();
rendered.push('## Documentation\n\n', ` * Documentation changes: ${docs.join(', ')}\n`, '\n');
renderSection('Unknown', notes.unknown);
return rendered.join('');
**** Module
module.exports = {
get: getNotes,
render: renderNotes